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08-19 投稿


rationed 发音

英:[?r??nd]  美:[?r??nd]

英:  美:

rationed 中文意思翻译




rationed 同义词

sound | realistic | mental | cogent | lucid | intelligent | intellectual | sane | judicious | thinking | noetic | coherent | logical | rational number | advisable | reasonable | normal | enlightened |sensible | dialectic | balanced | level-headed | wise

rationed 反义词

absurd |irrational

rationed 常用词组

grain ration ─── 口粮

rationed 词性/词形变化,rationed变形

动词第三人称单数: rations |动词过去式: rationed |动词过去分词: rationed |动词现在分词: rationing |

rationed 短语词组

1、rationed among ─── 配给

2、rationed out crossword clue ─── 定量分配纵横字谜线索

3、rationed healthcare ─── 定量医疗

4、rationed demand ─── 定量需求

5、rationed to ─── 配给

6、rationed exchange ─── 限额交易

7、rationed out clue ─── 配给线索

8、rationed definition ─── 定量 ─── 定义

9、rationed syn ─── 配给syn

10、rationed out crossword ─── 定量分配纵横填字游戏

11、rationed goods ─── 配给品

12、rationed among buyers ─── 在购买者中配给

rationed 相似词语短语

1、fractioned ─── n.分数;部分;小部分;稍微

2、actioned ─── 已采取行动

3、derationed ─── v.取消商品的配给(或定量供应)

4、ratooned ─── n.截根苗(农作物,尤指甘蔗的);vi.长出截根苗;vt.使…长根蘖;截根培植

5、cautioned ─── n.小心,谨慎;警告,警示;vt.警告

6、captioned ─── adj.标题下的;标题所说的

7、rattooned ─── 被困住的

8、stationed ─── n.车站;驻地;地位;身份;vt.配置;安置;驻扎

9、bastioned ─── adj.具备棱堡的

rationed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Serum ALB,A/G ration and liver NOS activity had not significantly changes among all groups. ─── 各组血清ALB、A/G比值无明显差别。

2、To dispense in fixed quantities; ration. ─── 定量,配给供应以固定量分配;配给

3、Vuyk J,Mertens MJ,Olofsen E,et al.Propofol anesthesia and ration opioid selection.Anesthesiology,1997,87L:1549:62. ─── 吴新民,叶铁虎,岳云,等.国产注射用盐酸瑞芬太尼有效性和安全性的评价.中华麻醉学杂志,2003,23:248.

4、For RHC sampling design,the equation that the optimum matching ration satisfies is given. ─── 对于无放回的RHC抽样 ,给出了最优匹配比满足的方程

5、He is too closely identified with thr previous a dminist ration to be given a position in the new one. ─── 他与前政府的关系过于密切,难以在新政府中得到一官半职。

6、When, in the 1970s, supply was cut due to political events, the increased price was the mechanism by which a smaller quantity was rationed among consuming nations. ─── 在20世纪70年代,由于政治事件的发生,供给锐减,油价的上涨就成为石油消费国定量配给的应急机制。

7、The bureau will have rationed water for about one month before the rains come. ─── 在雨季来临之前有关当局就已经限用大约一个月的水了。

8、Ration books insured that all the citizens could receive at least enough food for living. ─── 定量配给制保证所有市民都能得到维持生存的食品。

9、Prices determine how resource are be used .they are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers . ─── 价格决定资源怎样使用,意思也就是说供应有限的产品和服务如何在购买者中定量分配.

10、The product ration of sodium-copper chlorophyllin was 0. ─── 叶绿素铜钠盐的收率达到0。

11、At the convalescent home, Aeron's daily ration of custard, requiring an egg, was regarded as royal fare. ─── 在疗养院里,埃伦每天能吃到一份配给的牛奶旦冻。这种只消一只鸡蛋就能制成的旦冻已被认为是上等点心。

12、This was the apex of the number of baby boomers in high school, and the counselors rationed the time spent on each student's paperwork. ─── 这种规定针对婴儿潮时期出生的高中生适用,它可以帮助招生办对每名学生的书面申请合理分配时间。

13、Have you used your ration of petrol for this week? ─── 你用了这星期给你定量的汽油了吗?

14、A refrigerator ship brought into Masan a planned double ration of Christmas turkey. ─── 一艘冷藏船给马山带来了计划中的圣诞节火鸡大餐。

15、She just came up and helped.There actually were soldiers at the gas stations to ration it out. ─── 事实上,在她上来帮助我们的时候,士兵们正在加油站给其他的车辆按配给分配汽油。

16、The following ration will contain approximately 18%crude protein and 80% TDN on a DM basis. ─── 下面的日粮大约含有18%的粗蛋白和80%的可消化总养分(干物质基础)。

17、Young people today can hardly imagine why food had to be rationed in those days. ─── 今天的年轻人难以想像那时粮食为什么要定量供应。

18、The remaining store of tinned milk was carefully rationed out among the children. ─── 余存的罐装牛奶已仔细地分配给孩子们了。

19、No significant difference in BSi extracted has been found for solid-solution ration between 1.25 and 5g/L. ─── 低含量样品测得结果:生物硅百分含量为0.238±0.004%(n=5),相对标准偏差为18.8‰。

20、Olson was eating “one of those damn chocolate bars out of the K ration” and never noticed. ─── 奥尔森正在啃吃“K口粮天杀的巧克力棒”,什么也没注意到。

21、The way of using TH-EDPS to calculate material ration is discussed in this article. ─── 利用TH-EDPS开发材料定额进行了探讨。

22、She rationed them to two eggs a week. ─── 她每周分配给他们两个鸡蛋。

23、Last night we had no electricity, we rationed the fuel from the generator to provide us with a little light. ─── 昨晚停电,我们从发电机那里配给到一些燃油,用来点一个小灯。

24、Some of the world's great rivers no longer reach the sea.In many cities water is rationed. ─── 一些世界上伟大的河流已经不能流向大海,因此在很多城市已经采取定量用水的措施。

25、Series DCS electrical ration balance is controlled by microcomputer weight by electricat balance. ─── DCS系列电子定量秤由微电脑控制,采用电子秤计量。

26、The remaining water was rationed (out) carefully among the survivors. ─── 剩下的水小心地被分配给生存者。

27、The experiment shows that the ration increase systematically with age. ─── 实验表明,比例随着年龄的增长而有规律的增加。

28、He does also accept that his ration coupons should be tradeable. ─── 他的确也承认,他的“配给券”应该是可交易的。

29、Love should not be rationed on the basis of caste, creed, economic status or intellectual attainment. ─── 8爱不该根据种姓、族群、财富或学识来分配。

30、Expert advice on the appropriate food ration is essential and should take full account of local availability. ─── 关于适当的食品配给方案,专家的意见至关重要。这些意见也应充分考虑该食品在当地的可获取程度。

31、The cross-reactivity ration with similar toxin AFB_2 and AFG_2 was 7.14% and 6.25% respectively. ─── 与类似毒素AFB2、AFG2的交叉反应率分别是7.14%、6.25%;

32、The precondition of the investigation of ration is introducing into mathematical method. ─── 定量研究的前提是引进数学方法。

33、He is considering switching to rice porridge as he waits for his ration of subsidized rice. ─── 他正在盘算是不是要在拿到政府定额补贴粮之前改成喝粥度日。

34、The standard ration pack had to be portioned out among fourteen men . ─── 一箱标准的配给食物必须分给14个人。

35、They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supple are rationed among buyers. ─── 价格也是有限的产品与服务在买方中的配给手段。

36、In my opinion, we must try to ration gas and electricity. ─── 依我看,我们必须实行煤气、电力的限量配给。

37、Prices determine how resources are to be used .they are the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. ─── 价格决定了货物将如何被分配.通过定价,让有限额的货物和服务分配供应给买方.

38、The effect of the structure parameter error on overlap ration of oscillator drives is also given. ─── 对丰富摆动活齿传动理论的实际应用具有积极意义。

39、Unfortunately, he did not stop there: "It offers a necessity of life that must be rationed among those who have power over it. " ─── 遗憾的是,他没有:“它提供了生活的必需品,因此,必须在那些对它拥有支配权力的人之间配给。”

40、Operational Sex Ration (OSR) - The Operational *** ratio is the ratio of ***ually available females to ready males. ─── 业务性比(就绪) -业务性别比的比例性,随时准备提供女性男性。

41、Staples such as bread, rice, and tea are already being rationed. ─── 面包、米、茶等主要食品已经是定量配给。

42、Ration is widely used in manufacturing industry. ─── 定额是制造业中广泛使用的一个概念。

43、Thus the problem that ration vary diversely can be solved. ─── 从而解决了在手工核算模式下所不能应付的定额变化频繁的普遍问题。

44、If problem still occurs consider delaying the change to lactator ration until after farrowing is complete. ─── 如果还有问题发生就要考虑把食物转换成乳汁配给食物,直到分娩全部完成。

45、Ces entretiens ont t men s dans le cadre de la coop ration conomique et technique entre nos deux pays . ─── 会谈是本着在我们两国间进行经济技术合作的精神进行的。

46、One, dweller grain ration: Allowance part implements national price, bargain mouth.. ─── 一、居民口粮:定量供给部分执行国家定价,议价口...

47、The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol( DHCP) was designed to help ration IP addresses. ─── 动态主机配置协议(HCP)被设计帮助分配IP位址。

48、By comparing the BOQ model and ration cost model, the article stands out themerit of the BOQ model. ─── 在此基础上,文章把清单计价与定额计价进行比较总结出工程量清单计价的优越性。

49、Eggs were rationed during the war. ─── 战争期间,鸡蛋限量供应。

50、Gasoline will be rationed from next month. ─── 下个月起汽油实行配售。

51、There actually were soldiers at the gas stations to ration it out. ─── 实际上当时各加油站都有士兵在负责加油的份额配给。

52、He rationed out the water to the sailors. ─── 他按定量发水给水手们。

53、Screen printing is a main process of surface deco- ration for plastic parts in electronic industry. ─── 丝网印刷是电子产品中塑料零件表面装饰的主要工艺之一。

54、Power gain (18) The ration of output power to input power. ─── 功率增益(18)輸出功率對輸入功率之比值。

55、How to let the child of the grandma that drink a mother, also Where is can time ration? ─── 如何让喝母奶的孩子,也能定时定量呢?

56、Yuanpei Translation is a benchmark, a fresh ration and a leading concept! ─── 元培是一根标杆!元培是一缕风尚!元培更是一种理念!

57、The experimental result shows that our method can not only achieve high compress ration,but also remove noise well. ─── 实验结果表明,所提出的方法不仅能获取较高的图像压缩率,而且能较好地去除噪声。

58、You go ahead and eat that, Mister Frodo. I've rationed it. There should be enough. ─── 你走在前面,吃了它,弗拉多先生。我已经分配好了,应该够的。

59、The Par Bond, however, is designed to appeal to retail investors and will be rationed. ─── 同水准债券,然而,被设计喜欢零售投资者,并且被定量供应。

60、This paper introduces the principle of non-destructive ration examining device for TCK wire rope. ─── 介绍了TCK型钢丝绳无损定量检测装置的检测原理。

61、One living in the language is just as experiencing Tao and Being in the work without any concept and ration. ─── 人们能够在语言中,如同在出神入化的工作中去体悟道,经验存在。

62、Ration tells me there is no way to think about it. ─── 其实我也想,但是我没有兴致

63、The bcr/ablmRNA positive ration were 60.0% in the blood of 10 patients in CR during after therapy . ─── 10例药物治疗缓解后的CML患者bcr/abl融合基因的检测阳性率为60.0%,与治疗前比较有显著性差异(P

64、While the company decontaminated its bioreactors, thousands of patients around the world rationed their drug supplies. ─── 公司不得已对所有反应器进行彻底消毒,全世界数以千计的病人只能接受定量药物供给。

65、The allotment of ration coupons. ─── 定额配给券的分配

66、At some point in the course of its growth the pig is usually rationed. ─── 在幼猪生长的不同阶段,通常为其安排一定口粮。

67、Bread was rationed during the siege of the city. ─── 在围城期间面包被定量配给。

68、People were rationed to a pound of meat a week. ─── 人们的定量供应被限制为一星期一磅肉。

69、Low peak milk production might lack of protein in the ration. ─── 产奶高峰期奶量降低可能是日粮中蛋白质不足。

70、Even if capital is not rationed, other resources may be. ─── 即使资本没有被合理分配,其他的资源可能会需要。

71、When you got your IRD number, remeber to change your tax ration from 33% to 19.5% in your banks. ─── 哪里办税号啊,给个地址啊,我要赶紧办税号打工了,被警察开了罚单要罚钱,各位帮帮忙。

72、The villagers are rationed to two litres of water a day. ─── 村民每天的用水量限定为两升。

73、As part of the diet, allow yourself a small daily ration of sugar. ─── 作为饮食的一部份,每天要摄入少量的糖。

74、He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rationed. ─── 即使是在香烟限量供应时他也能设法弄到额外的香烟。

75、The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) was designed to help ration IP addresses. ─── 动态主机配置协议(DHCP)被设计帮助分配IP位址。

76、Unfortunately, this procedure fails when capital is rationed in more than one period or when there are other constraints on project choice. ─── 不幸的是,当资本在超过一个期间被合理分配或者当项目选择还有其他约束的时候,这个流程就会失效。

77、Tea and sugar were scarce and were rationed during the war. ─── 在战争年代,茶和糖匮乏,均为定量供应。

78、The services available under traditional Medicare and Medicaid (for the elderly and the poor respectively) would also have to be rationed. ─── 在传统医疗保险和医疗补助下(针对老年人和穷人),有用的服务必须定量配给。

79、The new ration did not start till tomorrow and he had only four cigarettes left. ─── 下一份供应量要到明天才能买,他的烟卷儿可只剩四支啦。

80、But, it deuces grain ration cropland, not from go up at all solve farming ground finely.. ─── 但是,它平分口粮田,没有从根本上解决农地细碎...

81、At the bagel shop I go to, a homeless man calls for his daily free ration every morning. ─── 在我去的那家百吉饼店,一个无家可归的男子正在要他每天一份的免费配餐。

82、After marriage or divorce, women's responsibility farmland, grain ration farmland and housing sites shall be secured. ─── 妇女结婚、离婚后,其责任田、口粮田和宅基地等,应当受到保障。

83、Failure to ration carefully becomes correspondingly less important. ─── 不去细致地安排日粮,也不太要紧。

84、All sorts of blueprint declare a gender, sex of product ingredient ration. ─── 各种图纸申报性,产品成分定量性。

85、Ration: survey material contain the quantity of various compositions. ─── 定量:测定物质所含各种成分的数量。

86、The remaining store of tinned milk was carefully rationed out among the children. ─── 余存的罐装牛奶已仔细地分配给孩子们了。

87、In nearby Indore the ration is half an hour's supply every seven days. ─── 在邻近的印多尔则每7天才有一次半小时的供水。

88、It is shown that the average recognition success rate is over 98% at the signal to noise ration beyond 5dB. ─── 在信噪比达到5dB 以上时,识别正确率达到 98%。

89、There are certain intervals between the ration precalculation,ration compilation,retion publication and ration use. ─── 定额从测算、编制到颁布、使用,总是要相隔一段时间,

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