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08-19 投稿


arthrodynia 中文意思翻译



arthrodynia 短语词组

1、arthrodynia medical terminology ─── 关节痛医学术语

2、arthrodynia meaning ─── 关节痛

3、arthrodynia pronunciation ─── 关节痛发音

4、arthrodynia definition medical ─── 关节痛医学定义

arthrodynia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Clinical effect of Zhuifengtougu Pills for arthrodynia on 36 cases ─── 追风透骨丸治疗关节痛36例临床疗效观察

2、arthrodynia of extremities ─── 肢节痛

3、Treatment of arthrodynia of patellofemoral joint by artero-transposition of sartorius muscle ─── 缝匠肌前移治疗髌股关节痛

4、systematicness lupus erythematosus is except for arthrodynia , and the whole body systematicness expresss obviouslyer . ─── 系统性红斑狼疮除关节痛外,周身系统性表现更为明显。

5、It has the auxiliary treatment function to strain of limbs, injury of soft tissue and arthrodynia etc, and can also be used as splints, varicosevein under supplement treatment and limbs fracture etc; ─── 对四肢扭伤、软组织损伤、关节肿痛等有辅疗作用,还可用于固定夹板和辅助治疗下的静脉曲张、四肢骨折等病状;

6、Treatment of 44 cases of arthrodynia with drug injection by acupoint ─── 穴位药物注射治疗关节疼痛44例观察

7、The Effect of Early Integrated Rehabilitation Therapy on Arthrodynia Post Acute Stroke ─── 早期综合康复治疗急性脑卒中后关节疼痛疗效观察

8、Nursing evaluation of arthrodynia in patients with osteoarthritis and self health care education ─── 骨关节病患者关节痛的护理评估及自我保健教育

9、of skin purpura regression, the arthrodynia regression and the abdominalgia egression compared with the control group treated by prednisone has no significant difference(P>0.05); ─── 过敏性紫癜患者的皮肤紫癜、关节疼痛和腹痛方面能够取得与对照组相近的效果,与对照组相比无显著性差异(P>0.05);

10、The systematicness lupus erythematosus will lead to arthrodynia. ─── 系统性红斑狼疮会导致关节痛。

11、Arthrodynia in patients with acute stroke and its early rehabilitation ─── 急性脑卒中患者关节疼痛与早期康复

12、Keywords Zhuifengtougu Pills;arthrodynia;clinical effect; ─── 关键词追风透骨丸;关节痛;临床疗效;

13、Motor functions ,upper extremity Rom(range of motion) and arthrodynia were measured by the Fugl-Meyer assessment. ─── 分别于发病一个月内、一个月后按医疗体操编排的动作进行训练 ,采用Fugl Meger评价法评定肢体运动功能、上肢关节疼痛、关节活动度。

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