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08-19 投稿


neighborly 发音

英:[?ne?b?rli]  美:[?ne?b?li]

英:  美:

neighborly 中文意思翻译



neighborly 同义词

friendliness | care | kindness | sociability | consideration | good-neighborliness | cooperation | neighbourliness | helpfulness | good-neighbourliness | hospitality

neighborly 反义词


neighborly 词性/词形变化,neighborly变形

名词: neighborliness |

neighborly 短语词组

1、neighborly company ─── 邻里公司

2、neighborly music ─── 邻里音乐

3、neighborly software ─── 邻里软件

4、neighborly jobs ─── 邻里工作

5、neighborly home care ─── 社区居家护理

6、neighborly chicago ─── 邻近的芝加哥

7、neighborly software portal ─── 邻里软件门户

neighborly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sino-Japanese relations are complex and good-neighborly relationship between them has a long way to go. ─── 中日关系非常复杂,中日友好关系仍然有很长的路要走。

2、good neighborly relationship ─── 睦邻友好关系

3、Lu Tzu-hsiao of the History Department had paid him a very cordial, neighborly visit, so one afternoon Hung-chien returned the call ─── 历史系的陆子潇曾作敦交睦邻的拜访,所以一天下午鸿渐去回看他。

4、It was very neighborly of you to help my son with his English. ─── 你帮我儿子辅导英语,真是太好心了。

5、First, strengthening political mutual trust to consolidate the cornerstone for the good-neighborly relations between the two countries. ─── 第一,增进政治互信,巩固中俄睦邻友好的基石。

6、Are not you neighborly! ─── 你就不能亲切些!

7、kindness begins with simply having a neighborly feeling toward everyone you meet . treat everyone as though they re your next door neighbor. ─── 我认为先要把所有你遇到的人看作你的邻舍,对待他们就如对待你的邻舍。

8、Residential Group and Neighborly Space ─── 住宅组团与邻里空间

9、We require long-term peaceful international environment and a good neighborly environment of long-term especially. ─── 我们需要长期的和平国际环境,尤其是长期的睦邻友好环境。

10、The two countries have built up good neighbourly (neighborly) relations. ─── 两国建立了睦邻友好关系。

11、The visit is aimed to further strengthen the traditional good-neighborly relations. ─── 访问的目的是进一步加强两国传统的睦邻友好关系。

12、I am just trying to be neighborly. ─── 我只是想表示友好。

13、China is committed to good neighborly relations, friendship and cooperation with ASEAN countries and China-ASEAN strategic partnership. ─── 中国致力于与东亚国家的睦邻友好政策和战略合作伙伴关系。

14、The Chinese government will continue to enhance cooperation with Afghanistan and its neighboring countries in the spirit of the Kabul Declaration on Good Neighborly Relations. ─── 第五,不断完善和加强地区合作机制。阿各邻国应积极参与阿重建进程,同时吸收阿加入区域合作机制。

15、For several years, Beijing's leaders and diplomats have labored hard to portray their homeland as benign, well mannered and neighborly. ─── 几年来,北京的领导和外交官努力把他们的祖国描绘成一个和蔼的、有礼的、友好的国家。

16、I had joined the night patrols team which form by my area neighborly society. ─── 我加入了社区睦邻计划守夜队,也参与了他们很多次的夜间巡逻行动。

17、The young lady gave me a neighborly wave. ─── 年轻姑娘向我友好地挥了挥手。

18、In 1988, he organized the "Casio Good Neighborly Cities Family Singing Contests” in Shanghai, Wuxi, Nanjing, Ningbo and Hangzhou, which was China’s first cross-regional television event. ─── 1988年,首创“卡西欧睦邻城市家庭演唱大赛”,分别在上海、无锡、南京、宁波、杭州市举办,是全国最早的跨地区电视选秀活动。

19、“This call for a worldwide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond one's tribe race class and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love for all mankind. ─── “我呼吁全世界的人们团结一心,抛弃种族、肤色、阶级、国籍的隔阂;我呼吁包罗一切、无条件的对全人类的爱。

20、China is ready to join hands with the Kyrgyz Republic to renew efforts in promoting the long-term good-neighborly and friendly cooperation. ─── 中方愿与吉方一道继续致力于中吉长期睦邻友好合作。

21、Is the idea of being neighborly old-fashioned?In 1965, a power failure hit New York City, and many thousands of people were left stranded. ─── 与邻居友好相处的想法是否过时了?1965年,纽约城停电,使得成千上万的人手足无措。

22、"Your visit to the region shows the unity, friendship and good neighborly relations. ─── “您的来访表明了这一地区的团结、友谊及良好的睦邻关系。”

23、Jason: Now Ben, this is a neighborly little game of ten pins. Let's not turn it into bowling for blood. ─── 杰森:本,用不着说的这么杀气腾腾的,这只不过是场保龄球的友谊赛。

24、a very neighborly person ─── 一个非常友好的人

25、We will adhere to the policies of "pursuing good neighborly relations and partnership with neighbors" and "fostering a harmonious, secure and prosperous neighborly environment". ─── 我们将会一直坚持“睦邻友好”政策和“培养一个和谐的、安全的、繁荣的邻边关系”。

26、First, we need to respect diversity of civilizations and promote good-neighborly relations. ─── 第一,尊重多样文明,促进睦邻友好。

27、When people meet, they pass the time of the day with each other, just to show their good neighborly feelings. ─── 我银行里为你挂个名,你白天去走走,晚上教教我儿子,一面找机会,好不好?

28、Students will use the Think. Com "Brainstorm" tool on your page to publish their ideas of "neighborly" web behavior. ─── 学生将使用您页面上的Think.com“头脑风暴”工具发表他们对于“睦邻”Web行为的观点。

29、Betty: If there was ever a time to be neighborly, this is it. ─── 发动汽车引擎准备出发的时候。

30、A friendly blend of bentonite and kaolin clays, oat flour, and provitamin B5 cleanses, clarifies and calms your skin and rinses clean to reveal a soft, "neighborly" fresh complexion. ─── 含有高岭土能够吸附脸部多于油脂,深层清洁毛孔,最适合夏天容易出油的肌肤使用,油妹妹一族的妳,绝对不能错过,这一款超诙谐好用的粉红控油面膜。

31、Aren't you neighborly! ─── 你就不能亲切些!

32、That's a neighborly gesture. ─── 这倒是一种睦邻的表示。

33、But another conflict on the borders|| clearly would put strains on neighborly relations between the two countries. ─── 但是,如果在边界再次发生冲突,||显然会使这两个国家的和睦关系处于紧张状态。

34、We have made every effort to pursue good neighborly mutual trust, we resolve differences and disputes through diplomatic means, including dialogue, in pursued of common security and lasting peace. ─── 寻求睦邻互信,通过对话等外交手段解决争端,谋求共同安全,持久和平;

35、" An antique shop, "been around a long time" and "neighborly. ─── 古董店可能需要强调历史悠久以及意义重大;

36、Kindness begins with simply having a neighborly feeling toward everyone you meet. Treat everyone as though they re your next door neighbor. ─── 我认为先要把所有你遇到的人看作你的邻舍,对待他们就如对待你的邻舍。

37、Neighborly relations ─── 街里街坊

38、Hu said China is ready to work with Kyrgyzstan to advance the good-neighborly, friendly and cooperative relationship. ─── 中方愿与吉方共同努力,推动中吉睦邻友好合作关系更好更快地发展。

39、We signed a treaty, that is, China-Russia good neighborly friendship and cooperation treaty. ─── 我们制定了四项措施:首先是增进政治上的相互理解和信任;

40、Carol: I can't believe you accepted cash for doing a neighborly gesture. ─── 卡罗尔:做了这么点事就收钱?真是难以相信。

41、"that long [Canadian] frontier from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, guarded only by neighborly respect and honorable obligations" (Winston S. Churchill). ─── “那条自大西洋至太平洋的长边界线,仅出于邻国的尊敬和高尚义务守护着” (温斯顿·S·丘吉尔)。

42、Forge ahead into the Future and Promote the Good-neighborly Friendship and cooperation. ─── 继往开来,促进睦邻友好合作。

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