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08-19 投稿


slush 发音

英:[sl??]  美:[sl??]

英:  美:

slush 中文意思翻译




slush 网络释义

n. 烂泥;污水;水泥砂浆;胡说八道vt. 溅湿;给…灌砂浆;给…上润滑油vi. 溅泼;在融雪中走

slush 词性/词形变化,slush变形

动词过去分词: slushed |动词第三人称单数: slushes |动词现在分词: slushing |动词过去式: slushed |

slush 短语词组

1、slush bucket ─── 毛绒桶

2、slush bath ─── [医] 雪水浴

3、slush invaders duel ─── 泥浆入侵者决斗

4、slush invaders tile rush ─── 泥泞侵略者瓦楞

5、slush casting ─── [机] 沥铸法

6、slush invaders tribute ─── 泥浆入侵者贡品

7、slush pump ─── [化] 泥浆泵

8、slush china slush ─── 瓷器

9、slush pit ─── 泥浆坑

10、slush ice ─── 部分融化的碎冰

11、slush drag coefficient ─── 泥浆阻力系数

12、slush invaders game ─── 泥浆入侵者游戏

13、slush pulp ─── 粥浆

14、slush molding ─── [机] 沥铸成形法

15、slush conduit ─── 泥浆管道

16、slush funds ( ─── 伙房为改善 ─── 伙食等的)废油基金(slushfund的复数形式)行贿基金(slushfund的名词复数)

17、slush fund n. ─── 贿赂基金

18、slush treatment ─── [医] 雪泥疗法(治痤疮)

19、slush around ─── [网络] 溜冰

slush 相似词语短语

1、lush ─── adj.丰富的,豪华的;苍翠繁茂的;vi.喝酒;n.酒;酒鬼;vt.饮;n.(Lush)人名;(英)勒什

2、slash ─── vt.猛砍;鞭打;严厉批评;大幅度裁减或削减;vi.猛砍;严厉批评;n.削减;斜线;猛砍;砍痕;沼泽低地

3、slosh ─── vi.溅,泼;在泥中荡;vt.搅动,晃动;把……泼溅出;n.泥泞;溅泼声

4、shush ─── int.嘘(示意安静下来);v.(要某人安静)嘘;告诉(或示意)保持安静;使安静,使肃静;沙沙地移动,发出沙沙声;n.嘘声;(非正式)安静;沙沙声,瑟瑟声

5、flush ─── v.发红;使发光;因……兴奋;冲洗,冲掉;把……赶出隐藏地;使暴露;绽出新芽;嵌平;n.脸红,潮红;有暖色之处;一阵强烈情感;冲(抽水马桶),抽水装置;急流;大批;旺盛期;繁茂生长;驱赶猎鸟;同花的一手牌;沼泽;adj.齐平的;齐头排的;(门)平的;(非正式)大量的,充裕的;(非正式)富有的;adv.齐平地;不偏不倚地

6、plush ─── adj.豪华的;长毛绒做的;舒服的;n.长毛绒

7、slish ─── 滑溜的

8、blush ─── vi.脸红;感到惭愧;n.脸红;红色;羞愧;vt.红著脸表示;使成红色;n.(Blush)人名;(英)布拉什

9、slushy ─── adj.泥泞的;融雪的;n.船上的厨子;(澳)厨子的助手

slush 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Landed here, he turned to walk back along Seventh Avenue, but the slush was too much. ─── 他在这里下了车,转身沿着第七大道往回走,但是路上泥泞不堪。

2、"He stopped stock still, his frayed trousers soaking in the slush, and peered foolishly in. " ─── 他一动不动地站住了,磨破的裤脚浸在雪水里,呆头呆脑地望着里面。

3、The car wallowed back through the slush, with ribbons of bright water trickling down the windshield from the roof(Anne Tyler) ─── 汽车艰难地在雪泥里倒车,一条条白亮的水带从车顶沿挡风窗滴淌下来(安妮 泰勒)

4、Nix- aused a slush fund to finance spy on the democrats ─── 尼克森用行贿基金支付监视民主党活动的款项

5、He has rapidly sized up the situation and is using his slush funds for an all - out financing of the leftist groups inside the party. ─── 他很快审时度势,拿出自己的资金,全力扶持党内的左派力量。

6、Yes,autumn is here with the drizzle and slush. ─── 对呀,这里的秋天下毛毛雨,到处是泥泞污水。

7、Our signboard products: pearl milk tea, green been slush, and ice orange tea. ─── 本店招牌:珍珠奶茶、绿豆沙、招牌冰桔茶。

8、frazil slush ─── 冰屑浆

9、ice slush ─── 冰凌

10、Mmm. -And then beside the two flavors of slush, there was one of those big, giant ketchup bottles, you know? ─── 嗯。-除了这两种口味的冰沙外,还有一个巨大的番茄酱瓶子,你知道?

11、he said. "Damned old cur," wiping the slush from his worthless coat. ─── "他说,"这该死的老狗,"一边拂去他那不值钱的上衣上的雪水。

12、So the red bean taste soft but not like slush. ─── 所以尝起来,虽然软软的,却不会有烂烂的口感。

13、City workers attacked the piles of slush and snow with brooms and scrapers, keeping most roads clear. ─── 人们正试图用扫帚和铲土机清除积雪以保持路面畅通。

14、Worst of all for Germany's reputation as export champion of the world is the suspicion that it may owe some of its prowess to secret bank accounts and slush funds. ─── 德国曾以出口第一享誉全球,然而,最糟糕的是,这一声望将因为秘密账户以及灰色基金的“贡献”而大打折扣。

15、] ice slush;glacier mud;ice slush;slob;slush; ─── 中文词语(词条/短语) 冰泥 英文翻译(单词/拼写) [$n.

16、It's at the north and south poles-- where ice cover is crumbling to slush-- that the crisis is being felt the most acutely. ─── 南极和北极大片冰块正在不断融化、小,这是目前最能明显感受到的危机。

17、The lake shining rather glassy away below, the mountains rather sulky, the greenness very green, all a little silent and lurid, and two mowers mowing with scythes, downhill just near: slush! ─── 下边湖面泛着如镜的明洁光泽,群山略有些阴沉,绿色却显得更浓了,一切都悄然而可怕,只有两个割草人手持长柄镰刀,在附近的山脚发出“沙!

18、The IMF is cross about two off-budget slush funds that the government had concealed. ─── IMF对拉政府掩盖两笔预算外的贿赂基金的行为表示愤怒。

19、dual guided slush service valve ─── 双导板泥浆泵阀

20、"God damned dog! " he said. "Damned old cur, " wiping the slush from his worthless coat. "I -- I hired such people as you once. " ─── “该死的狗!”他说,“这该死的老狗,”一边拂去他那不值钱的上衣上的雪水。“我--我曾经使唤过像你这样的人。”

21、a mud slush pit ─── 泥浆池

22、Aimed at the current situation and existing problems before reform of slush water treatment system of Qianjiaying Coal Mine,the reform necessity and specific plan are brought forward. ─── 就钱家营矿煤泥水处理系统改造前的现状及症结所在,提出了改造的必要性及具体改造方案,对改造前后的各项经济指标进行了比较。

23、slush funds ─── (向官员)行贿的款项

24、Spending money on prevention was no more than a "slush fund. " ─── 指责在卫生预防上花钱无异于成立一个“行贿基金”。

25、Jousts, slush and uproar of battles, the frozen deathspew of the slain, a shout of spear spikes baited with men's bloodied guts. ─── 战场上的拼搏、泥泞和喊声,阵亡者弥留之际的呕吐物结成了冰,长矛挑起鲜血淋漓的内脏时那尖叫声。

26、slush stock ─── 加厚浆

27、slush bucket ─── 捞泥桶

28、Industrialization of cylinder liner of composite-material-integrated slush pumps ─── 复合材料一体化钻井泵缸套产业化技术研究

29、Two showgirls, whose faces had not yet thawed the frost of their make-up, treading indignantly through the slush. ─── 两个歌女脸上冻成霜的化妆品尚未融化,愤愤然踏在淤泥上。

30、I didn't realize till much later (when I was Fiction Editor myself) that generally, the assistant reads all the slush, but not the professional submissions. ─── 很久之后(我成为文学编辑的时候),我才大致了解到,助理编辑阅读所有的自投稿件,但不阅读签约稿件。

31、In 1952, when he was the vice-presidential candidate on the Republican ticket, it was reported that there were some wealthy businessmen who contributed to a slush fund for Nixon's private use. ─── 一九五二年,他获共和党推举为副总统候选人;有报道说,一些富商向一行贿基金输将,供尼克森私人使用。

32、Spring is the time when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. ─── 春天是哪怕你鞋里满是烂泥却仍想吹口哨的时节。

33、These paleoflood probably belonging to ice slush floods are associated with abrupt and extreme climatic oscillation and instability of this stage. ─── 发生于末次冰盛期的大洪水可能属冰凌洪水 ,与末次冰盛期强烈的气候波动和不稳定有关 .

34、slush zone ─── 半融雪带

35、New type environmental protection and waste water treatment equipment, slush pump ─── 新型环保污水处理设备、泥浆砂泵、水泵

36、Making available a slush fund formed from the country's foreign exchange reserves might at least ease the pain when they overpay. ─── 若有一个以国家外汇储备组成的小金库,可能至少会减轻其出价过高时的痛苦。

37、7.Oasis always appears at the places where water is ample, the Hexi Corridor oasis is also formed by the slush from Chilian Mountain, and has become the largest agricultural irrigation district. ─── 有水的地方才能形成绿洲,祁连山的雪水孕育了河西走廊绿洲,也使其成为全省最大的灌溉农业区。

38、The sun has set, and the slush on the track is refreezing. ─── 太阳下山了,路上的融雪又开始结冻。

39、slush freezing ─── 半冻结

40、At the summit of the pass, there was about 2" of slush in places on the road, so it was slow going for me as I stayed in the tracks of the trucks that had passed before me. ─── 在首脑会议上的通过,有大约2“的秘密场所的道路上,所以很慢,我去,我留在轨道上的卡车在我面前已经过去了。

41、When the leather shoes that makes when dress cowhide, pigskin or leatheroid goes out, meet heavy rain or slush to dissolve, can make leather shoes drenched, especially pigskin shoe is most apparent. ─── 当穿着牛皮、猪皮或人造革制做的皮鞋外出时,遇上大雨或雪水溶化,会使皮鞋湿透,非凡是猪皮鞋最为明显。

42、slush up ─── vi. 喝酒

43、slush mo(u)lding ─── 冷凝模塑(法)

44、He's accused of misusing $17.5 million from a secret government slush fund. ─── 他被指控从一个秘密政府贿赂基金中滥用1750万美元。

45、With a rogue policeman, you can understand the money aspect, they rub up against criminals who are seriously wealthy and who have slush funds in place. ─── 一位犯错的警察,你可能可以理解钱方面的原因,与他们较量的罪犯可能非常富足或有秘密资金。

46、The car shot swiftly over the slush ─── 汽车在泥泞的融雪中疾驰。

47、Nixon used a slush fund to finance spy on the democrats. ─── 尼克森用行贿基金支付监视民主党活动的款项。

48、"Damned old cur, "wiping the slush from his worthless coat. ─── 他说,“这该死的老狗,”一边拂去他那不值钱的上衣上的雪水。

49、Yes, autumn is here with the drizzle and slush. ─── 彼:对呀,下毛毛雨,到处是泥泞污水,这表明秋天来到了。

50、Two show girls, whose faces had not yet thawed the frost of their make-up, treading indignantly through the slush. ─── 两个歌女脸上冻成霜的化妆品尚未融化,愤愤然踏在淤泥上。

51、At the end of the article the author says that the service life of slush pump gear set can be elongated by a correct usage and timely replacement of lubricating oil and lubricating methods. ─── 正确地使用和及时更换润滑油,完善润滑方式,可以显著提高钻井泵齿轮副的寿命。

52、slush grouting ─── 刮浆填缝灌泥浆

53、slush pit ─── 泥浆坑

54、Front-drive cars work better in the snow and slush. ─── 前轮驱动的汽车在雪中和雪泥中开得更好。

55、rainbow on the slush pit ─── 泥浆池液面上的彩色晕膜

56、Frozen espresso, ground into a slush, served in layers with whipped cream. ─── 冰镇意式咖啡,混合在雪泥里,上面盖一层泡沫奶油。

57、slush bath ─── [医] 雪水浴

58、a romantic novel full of slush ─── 庸俗伤感的爱情小说.

59、The snow turned to slush once it started raining. ─── 刚一下雨,积雪就变成了泥浆。

60、'In that system, it had to rely on under-the-table techniques, such as slush funds and making connections with regulators.But that time is over. ─── 分析师指出,三星之所以命运多舛是因为该公司总是太倾向于将李健熙的利益置于其他股东以及韩国民众之上了;

61、Even though the temperatures are warmer during this condition, the terrain is usually very sloppy due to slush and mud. ─── 虽然这种气候条件下的温度比较高,但冰雪融化所造成的泥浆会使地面十分潮湿泥泞。

62、Slush molds require routine spot cleaning in order to remove the tiny grains and TPU burn marks that result in unusable product production. ─── 凝塑模具需要日常污渍清洁来去除细小微粒和TPU烧痕,以防生产出无法使用的次品。

63、The annual Slush Huck pond skimming contest, at the base of Crested Butte Mountain, involves making a pond and then skimming in it for as long as possible. ─── 哈克的年度滑翔池飞滑比赛正在克雷斯特德比特山区的基地进行。他们制作了一个冰封池塘,然后要尽可能长的在冰面飞速掠过。

64、carbon dioxide slush ─── 二氧化碳半融雪

65、slush pump ─── 污水泵

66、slush treatment ─── [医] 雪泥疗法(治痤疮)

67、"They have to be able to give concise, qualitative answers," she says."Anything else will be perceived as slush. ─── “他们必须能够给出简明、本质的答案,”她说,“任何除此之外的回答都将被视作无用的废话。”

68、Mmm. -And then beside the two flavors of slush, there was one of those big, giant ketchup bottles, you know? ─── 嗯。-除了这两种口味的冰沙外,还有一个巨大的番茄酱瓶子,你知道?

69、double-acting duplex slush pump ─── 双动双工泥浆泵

70、When we landed in Munich the weather was as bad as I had ever seen it on my football travels; beneath the low clouds the sky was filled with snowflakes, and when we touched down we saw there were six or seven inches of slush on the runway. ─── 当我们在慕尼黑登陆时,天气之糟在我的足球之旅中前所未见;在低沉的云端下,天空满是雪花,而当我们落地时,我们看到跑道上有着六七寸(15到18公分)的积雪。

71、Analysis of ice slush in construction period of Dadingzishan navigation power complex ─── 大顶子山航电枢纽工程施工期冰凌问题分析

72、Fusion Behavior of Mass PVC and Suspension PVC Slush Powder ─── 本体和悬浮聚氯乙烯搪塑粉的熔融性能

73、In the city the clean white snow had turned to grey slush. ─── 在城市里,洁白的雪已化为灰色的雪泥。

74、slurry (or mud, slush) pump ─── 泥浆泵

75、He stopped stock still, his frayed trousers soaking in the slush, and peered foolishly in. ─── 他一动不动地站住了,磨破的裤脚浸在雪水里,呆头呆脑地望着里面。

76、We still have quite a little money in the slush fund.It will be ample enough for us to buy some members on the jury. ─── 我们的小金库里还有一大笔钱,足以用来收买陪审团的一些成员。

77、The car wallowed back through the slush,with ribbons of bright water trickling down the windshield from the roof(Anne Tyler) ─── 汽车艰难地在雪泥里倒车,一条条白亮的水带从车顶沿挡风窗滴淌下来(安妮·泰勒)

78、The probe was launched in January after Samsung's former chief attorney said the company had created a special slush fund to bribe government officials. ─── 在检方今年元月开始调查之前,三星集团前首席律师说,公司方面曾设有一个特别基金专门用来贿赂政府官员。

79、bleeding slush casting ─── 凝壳铸造

80、With accompany of the breeze, she kisses your cheek airily, and slush flows into your mouth, which moisten your heart. ─── 伴随着微风,她轻盈地亲吻着你的脸颊,雪水流进你的嘴角,滋润着你的心田。

81、slush casing ─── 中空铸型法

82、"The car wallowed back through the slush, with ribbons of bright water trickling down the windshield from the roof" (Anne Tyler) ─── “汽车艰难地在雪泥里倒车,一条条白亮的水带从车顶沿挡风窗滴淌下来”(安妮·泰勒)

83、They have a milkshake-like consistency which is thicker than slush drinks, but unlike milkshakes, they do not usually contain ice cream, but can contain milk. ─── 思慕雪的浓度跟奶昔差不多,比雪泥饮品要浓,但与奶昔不同的是,它不含冰淇淋,而可以含奶。

84、Effect of topical ice slush in pediatric cardiac surgery ─── 心表置冰与不置冰在儿童心肌保护的作用

85、The retardation force of slush drag is proportional to fluid depth, its density, and the square of the forward ground speed velocity. ─── 废液累赘的迟延力量与流动的深度,它的密度和向前土地的速度的正方形速度成比例。

86、If there is any slush on the bottom of the truck, it should be washed off in the wash bay.There should be no slush or drippings allowed to go into the receiving pit. ─── 如果卡车的底部粘有泥巴,则应该进入清洗区进行清洗,接受地点不应该由泥巴或是其它的污染物掉落。

87、Some Explorations About the Volume Formula for Surge Chambers on Slush Pumps ─── 对钻井泵空气包体积公式的新考查

88、Snowball Earth turns to slush ─── 地球为什么未能完全变成一个雪球

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