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08-19 投稿


hollowing 发音

英:[?h?l????]  美:[?hɑ?lo???]

英:  美:

hollowing 中文意思翻译



hollowing 短语词组

1、hollowing out vt. ─── 挖空( ─── 挖洞;开凿)

hollowing 词性/词形变化,hollowing变形

名词复数形式:hollowings 原型:hollow 现在分词:hollowing

hollowing 相似词语短语

1、billowing ─── v.(衣物)鼓起;(烟雾)涌出,翻腾(billow的现在分词);adj.巨浪的,汹涌的;翻滚的

2、hallowing ─── v.把……奉为神圣;(使)成为神圣;作为神圣以和……区分;n.圣徒,圣人

3、followings ─── adj.其次的,接着的;下面的;(风)顺的;n.拥护者,追随者;下列;如下;prep.在(某事)以后;v.跟随;沿行;(时间、顺序)排在……之后;按照……执行;密切注意;从事(职业)(follow的现在分词)

4、shallowing ─── 变浅

5、bellowing ─── 吼叫;吼叫声;低嚎;风箱

6、holloing ─── n.(Hollo)人名;(法)奥洛;(芬)霍洛

7、following ─── adj.其次的,接着的;下面的;(风)顺的;n.拥护者,追随者;下列;如下;prep.在(某事)以后;v.跟随;沿行;(时间、顺序)排在……之后;按照……执行;密切注意;从事(职业)(follow的现在分词)

8、allowing ─── v.允许(allow的现在分词)

9、holloaing ─── 跟随

hollowing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A loud hollow groan sounded behind them in the tomb. ─── 在他们身后的陵墓里,响起了一阵洪亮空洞的呻吟。

2、A thin, hollow needle was carefully into the patient's abdomen. ─── 一根空心细针小心地插入了病人的腹部。

3、About twenty-five yards away there was a tiny hollow. ─── 在约莫二十五码以外,有一个小山沟。

4、SaaS promotes the "hollowing out" of IT: a firm that needs to migrate to another system will no longer have the required expertise. ─── SaaS在推广IT的“空心化”:公司有迁移系统的需求却不需要相应的专家。

5、Look, it has three hollow feet. ─── 你看,它有三只空心的足。

6、Then he found himself in a hollow vally. ─── 后来,他不知不觉来到了一个空荡的山谷。

7、His promises always ring hollow. ─── 他的种种许诺听上去都是空话。

8、His protests on human rights sound hollow. ─── 他就人权问题提出的抗议听来很空洞。

9、He threw out the bridge of a charming hollow civility. ─── 他架起了一座虚情假意的迷人的桥梁。

10、Switch on Lou Dobbs' news programme on CNN and you hear about the hollowing-out of the American middle class. ─── 打开CNN的Lou Dobbs新闻节目,你会听到有关美国中产阶级正在被掏空的危言耸听。

11、Her eyes were a little hollow, and reddish about the rims. ─── 她的眼睛微微凹陷,眼眶有些发红。

12、She held the small bird in the hollow of her hand. ─── 她把那小鸟握在掌心里。

13、Much of this hollowing out of the American workforce is down to technology, but some of it stems from globalisation. ─── 美国劳动力空洞化大部分归根于技术,但是其中一些由于全球化。

14、His words rang hollow [true]. ─── 他的话听起来似乎不诚恳[是真的]。

15、They were defeated all hollow. ─── 他们被彻底打垮了。

16、And the hollow ocean-ridges roaring into cataracts. ─── 中空的海脊咆哮成一片大瀑布,

17、He cut the log to a hollow and hid his money in it. ─── 他把木头挖空,把钱藏在里面。

18、A hollow utensil, such as a cup, vase, or pitcher, used as a container, especially for liquids. ─── 容器一种空的容器,比如杯子、瓶子或罐子,用来装液体的一种器皿

19、Her stomach felt hollow with fear. ─── 她吓得魂不附体。

20、In this story, the representation of life is hollow. ─── 在这个故事中,对生活的描述是虚伪的。

21、To the developers, not the house wall to save money and effort, and thus able to "destroy" hollowing and cracks. ─── 对开发商而言,房子不做墙省钱省力,且还能由此“消灭”空鼓和裂缝。

22、An indentation or small hollow. ─── 凹处凹陷处或小洞小坑

23、Rasmussen's visit to Ukraine has not changed between the two sides "hollowing out" of the status quo, visit a few substantive results. ─── 拉斯穆森此次访乌并未改变双方关系“空心化”的现状,访问取得的实质性成果寥寥无几。

24、Representation of life is hollow, stupid, banal, childish. ─── 如果影片的故事内容,对生活的描述是虚伪的,愚昧的,陈腐的和幼稚的。

25、What he said is all hollow promise. ─── 他所说的都是空洞的诺言。

26、It looks like quartz crystals sticking up out of the dark hollow. ─── 它象石英晶体,在黑色的空间耸立着。

27、Once in a while they're naughty: I did get word of a fellow who'd made a key safe by hollowing out one of my books. ─── 有的时候他们很调皮:我听说有个家伙把我的书挖空做了一个安全钥匙。

28、When broken, love is found hollow. ─── 关系破碎,爱情就空。

29、Kitchen, bathroom tiles, masonry walls eligibility, no cracks were found, not hollowing must assemble it. ─── 厨房、卫生间墙面瓷砖砌筑是否合格,砖块不能有裂痕,不能空鼓,必须砌实。

30、An encompassing, protective hollow or space. ─── 容器一个环绕的、防护的洞或空间

31、Filled with cavities or hollow areas; porous. ─── 多孔的充满孔穴或空洞区的;多孔的

32、Gnawing away hollow promises of life. ─── 侵蚀生命所许下的那些空洞的诺言。

33、To emit a hollow, twanging sound. ─── 发出嘭的一声发出一种中空的咚咚的声音

34、He had soon passed the hollow and mounted the next rise. ─── 一会儿的工夫,他就跑过了山坳,上了前面的山坡。

35、There's nothing like real life. It beats the theatre hollow. ─── 什么都比不上现实生活,戏剧与它比也黯然失色。

36、The mockery rings hollow, though. ─── 但这种嘲笑是虚伪的。

37、An instrument for examining visually the interior of a bodily canal or a hollow organ such as the colon, bladder, or stomach. ─── 内窥镜,内视镜一种目测检查身体通道或中空器官,如结肠、膀胱或胃的内部的仪器

38、The children scrambled out of the hollow tree. ─── 孩子都从树洞里爬出来了.

39、Her hollow laugh betrayed her contempt for the idea. ─── 她的大笑显示了她对此观点的蔑视

40、Let' s have a picnic down in the hollow. ─── 咱们到下面的山谷去野餐吧。

41、A steep hollow, often containing a small lake, occurring at the upper end of a mountain valley. ─── 圆形山谷一种出现在山脉谷地上端的陡峭山谷,常有小湖泊

42、If the jerry-building workers, most likely to occur hollowing tiles, uneven joints. ─── 如果工人们偷工减料的话,最容易出现瓷砖空鼓、对缝不齐等问题。

43、He can beat me hollow at mathematics. ─── 在数学上他造诣很高, 我是望尘莫及。

44、His bearded face already has a set hollow look. ─── 他长满胡须的脸上有一种空虚呆滞的神情。

45、She scraped a hollow place in the ground. ─── 她在地上挖了一个窟窿。

46、The little boy hid inside a hollow tree. ─── 小男孩藏在一棵空心的树里。

47、He disappeared in the next hollow. ─── 他消失在另一个山谷里了。

48、It made a hollow sound, like a cork popping from a bottle. ─── 发出砰的一声,好象从瓶子里拨出了一个软木塞一样。

49、Hollow piece of pastry (filled with cream,jam,etc. ─── (有奶油、果酱等馅的)酥皮点心

50、Will their good intentions become realities or hollow promises? ─── 他们的好意会变成现实还是成为空话?

51、Hollow out the cake and fill it with cream. ─── 在蛋糕上挖个洞,填入奶油。

52、For example, why is grass skinny and hollow? ─── 举例来说为什么木草要呈薄膜状而且中心中空?

53、Basically a precipitator is a large hollow box. ─── 一台除尘器基本上是一个大空箱。

54、The words he spoke sounded hollow and false. ─── 他所说的话显得既空洞又虚伪。

55、Her words rang hollow, ie What she said sounded insincere. ─── 她的话听起来很虚(言不由衷).

56、Be less hollow words, do more work. ─── 一定要少说空话,多做工作。

57、An old pilgrim's hoard, dead treasure, hollow shells. ─── 一个老朝圣者的收藏品,死去了的珍宝,空洞的贝壳。

58、The walls are made of hollow concrete blocks. ─── 墙群由空心混凝土砖块砌成。

59、Important faults : Hollow or humped back. ─── 严重缺点:凹形或者有肉隆起的背部。

60、They are hollow, which makes them very light. ─── 它们是空心的,所以很轻。

61、A short, hollow, twanging sound. ─── 呼呼声

62、Resting atop it is a hollow steel pole. ─── 休息看去,它是一个空心钢管杆。

63、One bamboo is more hollow than another. ─── 一条竹子比另一条更加空虚。

64、Any fewer, he said, would trigger a 'hollowing out' of the company's industrial base. ─── 他说,一旦少于300万辆,就会引发公司产业基础的“空洞化”。

65、Hollowing said the board cut flowers, carved on the ground by carving a different name and are quite different. ─── 镂空的称镂空花板,实地雕花的按雕刻工艺不同而叫法也各有不同。

66、The promise to sell gold became increasingly hollow. ─── 出售黄金的承诺就越来越变得虚有其名了。

67、He was thin and his cheeks were hollow. ─── 他很瘦,连面颊都凹陷了下去。

68、Her words rang hollow,ie What she said sounded insincere. ─── 她的话听起来很虚(言不由衷)。

69、prepare a surface on a work table for hollowing out the bulb. ─── 在桌面上准备掏空灯泡。

70、"Down by the creek," said Mr. Helton, in his hollow voice. ─── “在小溪边上,”希尔顿先生瓮声瓮气的说。

71、hollowing of that pitiless nail could be felt there. ─── 可以感到那无情指甲的掐印。

72、Some observers think that this country's offer to reduce spending on armaments is just a hollow promise. ─── 一些观察家认为,这个国家减少军备开支的提议仅仅是一个空口许诺。

73、John can beat us all hollow at computer in our class. ─── 在计算机方面,约翰在我们班胜过我们所有人。

74、Liverpool beats Manchester hollow, they say. ─── 他们说,曼彻斯特比起利物浦来,简直天差地远。

75、The Indians used to hollow out a log to make a canoe. ─── 印第安人过去常挖空圆木制成独木舟。

76、Hollow Fibre Ultrafilter and Drinker No. ─── 中空纤维超滤膜及饮水器。

77、Repair the crack existed and hollow integrally. ─── 原有大裂缝处及凹坑处要修补完整。

78、It will be massive or hollow. ─── 它可以是实心的,也可以是空心的。

79、The precipitous exodus is hollowing out Yahoo's senior management ranks. ─── 大量人员离职,显得有些突然,而这也掏空了雅虎的高级管理层。

80、Woodpeckers inhabit hollow trees. ─── 啄木鸟栖息在中空的树中。

81、He has a hollow leg. He can drink all of us here under the table. ─── 他是海量。他能把我们都灌醉。

82、Some birds can hollow out a nest in the tree trunk. ─── 一些鸟可以在树。

83、The two boats were lying at hollow distance. ─── 两船相隔甚远。

84、An open enemy is better than a hollow friend. ─── 宁有公开的敌人,不要虚伪的朋友。

85、He declared that he was telling the truth, but his words rang hollow. ─── 他宣称他说的是真话,可是他的话听起来不诚恳。

86、Her performance beat the others all hollow. ─── 她的演出远远胜过其余的节目(她的演出使其余的节目大见逊色)。

87、It lines hollow organs capable of considerable distention. ─── 它所衬的中空器官具有一定的扩张能力。

88、The belief in a hollow Earth had some adherents in Nazi Germany. ─── 信仰空心地球有一些纳粹德国的信徒。

89、He discovered that all grassland squirrels made straight for the trees when pursued, and only chose holes in the ground, or hollow logs, as a last resort. ─── 他发现,所有的草地松鼠当被追捕时,首选都是直爬上树,实在没有办法时才选择地洞或中空的木钻。

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