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crippling 发音

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crippling 中文意思翻译




crippling 短语词组

1、crippling alcoholism reddit ─── 严重的酒精中毒

2、crippling depression ─── 严重损害身心的抑郁症

3、crippling depression definition ─── 致残性抑郁症的定义

4、crippling definition ─── 残废定义

5、crippling strength ─── 破损强度

6、crippling stress ─── 折损应力

7、crippling meaning ─── 残废的意义

8、crippling def ─── 致残def

9、crippling load ─── [化] 断裂载荷; 破坏载荷

10、crippling health care bills ─── 严重的医疗费用

11、crippling test ─── 跛行试验

12、crippling strain ─── 破坏性应变

13、crippling raid ─── 残废的袭击

14、crippling resilience ─── 折曲应力

crippling 词性/词形变化,crippling变形

原型:cripple 现在分词:crippling

crippling 相似词语短语

1、trippling ─── 绊倒

2、crimping ─── v.将(金属片等)卷边(crimp的ing形式);n.卷边

3、cripplingly ─── 残废地

4、crimpling ─── v.(使)皱缩,卷曲(crimple的现在分词)

5、rippling ─── n.涟漪;adj.声如潺潺流水的;起涟漪的;v.使起涟漪;使呈波状起伏;传开,扩散(ripple的现在分词)

6、cribbling ─── 垛

7、crisping ─── v.使发脆;使卷曲(crisp的现在分词)

8、-ripping ─── v.(突然或猛烈地)撕破;击穿;裂开;猛地扯开;猛冲;抓取(音轨);将(文本或图像)光栅化(rip的现在分词);adj.极好的,令人愉快的

9、crinkling ─── v.起皱;(使)有皱纹(crinkle的现在分词)

crippling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、resistance to crippling ─── 压屈阻力

2、crippling resilience ─── 折曲应力

3、crippling resistance ─── (低于弹性限度的)折曲应力折曲回能

4、Crippling A crippling weapon is infused with binding power so that when a target is critically hit their movement is slowed by half. ─── 拌足:拌足武器拥有束缚之力,当它成功对目标造成重击的同时会将目标的移动速度降低一半。

5、He was stricken at twenty-one with a crippling malady. ─── 二十一岁时腿瘸疾病让他受到重击。

6、Finite Element Analysis and Design of Cold-Formed Thin-Waled Steel Channels Subjected to Web Crippling and Combined Bending ─── 冷弯薄壁槽钢腹板压屈及弯压有限元分析和设计

7、Arthritis and rheumatism are prominent crippling diseases. ─── 关节炎和风湿病是常见致残的疾病。

8、A group of kidney patients had pooled their meagre resources to buy their own second-hand dialysis equipment in order to avoid crippling hospital charges. ─── 一群肾病患者共同出资购买了二手的透析设备以避免支付医院的治疗费用。

9、"Puritanism is the source of our greatest hypocrisies and most crippling illusions" (Molly Haskell) ─── “道学先生的行为是我们最大的伪君子和最残缺的不完美假象的源泉”(莫利·哈斯克尔)

10、As a result Heath rarely exhibited Nixon's crippling diffidence ─── 因此,希思很少表现出尼克松那种郁郁寡欢。

11、Crippling Blight III Cripples your opponent lowering damage by 75. The weakness mostly fades after 30 seconds, but lingers for 2 minutes. ─── 使目标的伤害力降低75,该效果在30秒内会逐渐失去其主要效力,但是会保持微弱的效力2分钟。

12、A crippling ice storm has coated much of the Midwest, leaving road to mess and power lines down. ─── 一场破坏力强的暴风雪给美国中西部披上了一层厚厚的银装,致使公路污秽,输电线路出故障。

13、Not accomplishing these tasks may lead to a psychologically crippling ego-complex or create conflict within you. You could suffer from the same impersonal treatment you sometimes indulge in. ─── 不能完成这些任务将导致你精神上严重的尊严混乱或内心出现分歧。你会遭遇那些跟你一样没有人情味的待遇。

14、For some people, decision-making comes pretty easily. But for others, indecision is a serious and crippling problem that can stop them dead. ─── 对于一些人来讲,下决心是件轻而易举的事情。但,对另一些人来说,优柔寡断是造成严重损害的后果,因此他们就裹足不前,生死由命。

15、Because it's not just Negroes but really it's all of us who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice ─── 因为事实上不仅是黑人,而且还有我们大家都必须克服偏狭和不公正这种不健全的旧观念。

16、Security experts said theyseemed intent staging on a lengthy, crippling siege that inflictedmaximum casualties and occupied attention around the world for days. ─── 安全专家表示,袭击者似乎有意制造一起漫长复杂的攻坚战以造成最大的伤亡,吸引全球数天的注意力。

17、Bari says Afghanistan is the closest of the four endemic countries in stopping the spread of the crippling polio virus. ─── 巴里说,在这4个国家之中,阿富汗距离实现遏止小儿麻痹症病毒传播的目标最近。

18、The experimental drug uses a virus to try and block a substance that fuels the joint inflammation behind crippling forms of arthritis. ─── 实验药物是一种病毒,可阻滞引发关节炎的物质,从而防止本病的致畸作用。

19、He was burdened with crippling debts. ─── 他负债累累,深受其害。

20、Police nationwide will be mobilized to deal a telling blow to smuggling activities, which are said to be crippling efforts by the localities to raise themselves above the poverty line. ─── 全国警察都将动员起来严厉打击走私活动。据说,那些地方为了尽快脱贫,不惜搞危害极大的走私活动。

21、Venezuela has exported oil since the 16th century, when the mother of the Hapsburg emperor, Charles V, had some shipped to Spain to treat his crippling gout. ─── 委内瑞拉从16世纪就开始出口石油,当时哈布斯堡王朝的国王查尔斯五世从委内瑞拉运了一些石油来治疗他的关节痛。

22、Thus we should take even crippling action to avert trivial hardships that may befall our long, long line of descendants. ─── 因此,我们应该施尽浑身解数,避免哪怕一点点的苦难,可能降临到我们将会绵延许久的子孙后代身上。

23、The cynic understands that if Bryant isn't traded the Lakers will be delaying the inevitable . . . crippling the team for years to come. ─── 反对者则认为如果科比不被交易,他将延迟湖人的长远计划......

24、Crippling price discounts can be accompanied by dirty tactics: some stores send fake “customers” to rivals' new stores to snap up all the promotions before genuine customers can get them. ─── 不计后果的折扣价可能隐藏着肮脏的伎俩:一些店铺在对手的新店开张之时,派出假“消费者”抢购促销品,而真正的消费者却往往一无所获。

25、A tiny tadpole can change into a frog, but a 747 Jumbo Jet can't add six inches to its length without crippling itself. ─── 一只小蝌蚪可以变成青蛙,而一架747喷气式飞机即使只增加六英寸的长度,也会把它变成残废。

26、Crippling debts forced the company to close down. ─── 严重的债务让不得不公司结束营运。

27、And then the embarrassment is going to be crippling, to me, to the luckless company and to the Financial Times. ─── 而后,这种困窘必然给我本人、那家不幸的公司、以及英国《金融时报》造成极大的伤害。

28、Crippling Blow - Another skill that enhances the attack of the Warriors' weapon of choice. ─── 削弱攻击-另一个通过选择增加战士武器攻击力的技能。

29、Eular crippling stress ─── (纵向弯曲) 欧拉临界应力

30、Today, we have put al-Qaida on the defensive in Iraq, and now we are working to deliver a crippling blow. ─── 今天我们在伊拉克使得基地组织处于防备状态,而且如今我们正努力给其摧毁性的打击。

31、In Damascus, exiled Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal said his side would not consider a cease-fire until Israel halts the offensive and agrees to lift its crippling blockade on Gaza. ─── 在大马士革,流亡的哈马斯领导人哈立德.梅沙尔说,在以色列停止军事攻势,同意取消对加沙造成严重后果的封锁之前,他领导的哈马斯不会考虑停火。

32、Egyptian authorities opened the border with Gaza for the first time in months, partially easing a crippling blockade. ─── 埃及有关当局几个月来第一次开放了通往加沙的过境点,一定程度上放松给加沙造成严重损害的边界封锁。

33、She said a crippling asthma attack forced her to retreat. ─── 她说,一个严重的哮喘发作,她被迫撤退。

34、Analysis Method on First Crippling Strength for Multiple-bolted Composite Joints ─── 多钉连接初始破坏强度的工程方法研究

35、crippling stress ─── 折损应力


37、But Hamas says it will not stop the rocket fire and other attacks unless Israel opens border crossings into Gaza and lifts its crippling blockade. ─── 但是哈马斯说,如果以色列不开放进入加沙的边界过境点,不解除严重损害加沙的封锁,他们就不会停止火箭和其它袭击。

38、Researching what little he could find of orcish history, Antonidas learned that the orcs had been under the crippling influence of demonic power for generations. ─── 在谨慎地考察了兽人目前的神秘状况之后,安东尼达斯认为治愈兽人的唯一途径是通过精神的力量。

39、Despite the crippling cost that his support of Bush inflicted on his popularity at home, Blair insists that he did the right thing. ─── 尽管布莱尔首相因支持布什严重影响了他在国内的支持率,但他坚持自己的做法是对的。

40、The Causes of the Pin Crippling of the Second High Pressure Stage Rotor Blade of Czech-made 200 MW Units ─── 捷制200MW汽轮机高压第二压力级动叶片销钉断裂原因分析

41、It was her own immune system, attacking the joint in her body and crippling her so badly that she often had to use a wheelchair. ─── 就是她自己的免疫系统,攻击她体内的关节,严重削弱她的行为能力,使她必须经常借助轮椅。

42、crippling strain ─── 弯曲应变

43、'''The WMF Board and Staff leadership are crippling projects by failing to take due care and responsibility for them. ─── '''基金会理事及领导团队,因为缺乏责任管理的关系,实情在破坏媒体计划的运作。'''

44、If, thereafter, their subcontracts are for some reason reduced, such firms can face potentially crippling fixed expenses. ─── 如果其后由于某种原因其合同量减少,它们将会遇到潜在的财政危机。

45、In order to balance the books, our governments are hitting us with ever more crippling taxes. ─── 为了平衡账面,我们的政府向我们征收更高的税。

46、The strong yen is crippling exports. ─── 强势日元仍在出口边缘。

47、It isn't fun for the people making the games who work long hours, and the turnover in the industry is crippling. ─── 对于连续几小时编写游戏的程序员这简直就是噩梦。同时也带来了项目周期流程的断裂。

48、7. the emergence of roles for men and women in church leadership that do not conform to Biblical teaching but backfire in the crippling of Biblically faithful witness; ─── 7.在带领教会方面,不符合圣经教导的男女角色出现,带来适得其反的恶果,导致合乎圣经的忠心见证遭到破坏;

49、crippling debts ─── 导致经济瘫痪的债务

50、After suffering a crippling leg injury, she was dumped at a dog-and-cat shelter, which was ill-equipped to care for an elephant, let alone an ailing one. ─── 在经受可以致残的腿伤后,她被丢弃在猫狗收容所,这里条件极差根本无法照顾象,更不用说一头生病的象了。

51、Crippling debts forces the company to close down. ─── 严重的债务不得不让公司结束营运。

52、Anglo-American forces under General H.Alexander deliver crippling blows to German General-Field Marshal Kesselring's troops. ─── 亚历山大将军指挥的英美联军对德军凯瑟林元帅的部队发动了致命一击。

53、Part boxing, part judo, they are taught to use speed and power to topple their opponent and then deliver a crippling blow to his throat. ─── 一半靠拳击、一半靠柔道,他们学习利用速度和力度把对手击倒,再对喉咙进行致命的一击。

54、a crippling disease which sentenced him to a lifetime in a wheelchair ─── 把他终生束缚在轮椅上的残疾.

55、a nation beggaredby crippling taxes ─── 困於苛捐杂税的国民.

56、crippling force ─── 临界力

57、Although the procedure has no impact on the overall disease course, it fully palliates the crippling effects of the metastasis and the patient is always very grateful. ─── 以上是我在阅读医学文献时读到的两句话。停下来想一想真的是很有道理。但是,有多少病人和医生能看得那么透彻呢?

58、Treating these deep and sometimes crippling emotional needs is a crucial component of relief and recovery efforts. ─── 处理这种深刻的有时候是扭曲的感情是救灾恢复过程中的一项关键的工作。

59、A computer virus spread by e-mail messages titled "ILOVEYOU" has caused havoc in the United States after crippling government and business computers in Asia and Europe. ─── 主题为“我爱你”通过电子邮件传播的电脑病毒在美国引起大破坏。亚洲与欧洲的政府和商业已经先期遭到袭击。

60、It was her own immune system, attacking the joint in her body and crippling her so badly that she often had to use a wheelchair. ─── 就是她自己的免疫系统,攻击她体内的关节,严重削弱她的行为能力,使她必须经常借助轮椅。

61、It calls for an end to Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli border communities, while Israel would halt all military action in Gaza and lift its crippling blockade of the territory. ─── 提议要求巴勒斯坦结束对以色列边界城镇发动的火箭袭击,也要求以色列停止在加沙的军事行动,并且解除对加沙具有破坏性的封锁。

62、She's tried putting it off until late at night, but the lack of sleep often leads to crippling migraines. ─── 她曾经把作业拖到夜里很晚,但是由于睡眠缺乏导致她偏头痛发作。

63、This "report of 1944 was a crippling blow to any future that dispensational premillennialism might have within Southern Presbyterianism. " ─── 这个‘1944年的报告阻止了时代论的千禧年论在南方长老会内部有任何的前途’。

64、Armenia is occupying a region of Azerbaijani territory, which has resulted in Turkey enforcing a trade embargo against Armenia since 1993, crippling the Armenian economy. ─── 亚美尼亚目前占领着阿塞拜疆的一个地区,土耳其因此从1993年开始对亚美尼亚实施贸易禁运,给亚美尼亚经济造成重大损失。

65、They stocked up on food and supplies in defiance of a crippling Israeli blockade. ─── 他们冲破脆弱的以色列封锁,储备食品和物资。

66、the crippling effect of sanctions on the economy ─── 制裁对经济产生的毀灭性后果

67、The storm on Nov. 11 sank the tanker and at least four freighters while crippling other vessels in the narrow Kerch Strait between the Black Sea and Azov Sea. ─── 十一月十一日的暴风雨在黑海与亚速海间狭窄的克赤海峡,造成该油轮与至少四艘货轮沈没,以及其他船只受损。

68、If that happens, the burden of repaying the foreign debt then becomes crippling. ─── 如果出现这种情况,偿还外债的负担则会变得极其严重。

69、a crippling disease ─── 严重损害健康的疾病

70、Spiking involves hiding metal bars in tree trunks, thereby potentially crippling chain saws and hurting people. ─── “钉钉子”包括在树干中藏金属棒,从而破坏链锯并有可能伤到人。

71、The deadly particle disruptors mounted on the stalker's carapace are adept at crippling both ground and air targets. ─── 安装在潜行者外壳上的致命的粒子裂解器能有效的对付空中和地面的目标。

72、Lymphedema is a medical condition that causes abnormal swelling of the bottom limbs, eventually leading to crippling deformity. ─── 慢性下肢淋巴水肿也称之为象腿症,这种疾病会让下肢肿胀、终至畸形。

73、But most crippling were the communication failures. ─── 不过,最关键的问题还是通讯故障。

74、This might leave you feeling secure for an evening, but have a crippling effect on you in later life. ─── 也许这双鞋会带给你一夜的自得其乐,但也有可能让你下辈子都瘸着脚。

75、The debt markets have had an even rougher time than the stock markets this year, crippling all kinds of bonds. ─── 今年债券市场的情况比股市更加困难,各种债券都受到了冲击。

76、One or two Mace Stuns in a row (+ Kidney Shot or Vanish Cheap Shot) and you can potentially get away with Crippling dropping off without using your PvP trinket. ─── 控制链(肾击或者消失偷袭)中的一个或者两个锤精昏迷将可能使你逃离被致残毒减速而不需要使用PvP徽章。

77、In the eyes of nature, we are her children, despite procession of adolescence or crippling and stumbling for old age. ─── 在大自然的眼中,我们是她的孩子,尽管我们经历了青春期,叛逆期及年老时的步履蹒跚。

78、In the areas affected by the 1986 Chernobyl accident, a crippling sense of hopelessness set in and was passed down through generations. ─── 但1986年切尔诺贝利事故所影响的一些地区,一股极其严重的绝望风气盘旋在那里,并且影响几代的人。

79、It's certainly a crippling handicap taken on too early. ─── 它当然是一场夭折的障碍赛,进展得太快了。

80、Some adults experience a webbing between fingers or toes, or a crippling form of arthritis in which fingers and toes twist around one another. ─── 一些成年人在手指或脚趾间有蹼,或关节炎的隆起状态围绕在手指和脚趾间。

81、high cost of capital has a crippling effect on many small firms. ─── 高资本成本对许多小公司有着极坏的影响。

82、The group said if Israel wants a cease-fire it should end military action and its crippling blockade of Gaza. ─── 它说,要是以色列要停战,它就应该停止军事行动以及停止封锁加沙地带。

83、It opened fire, crippling the Marauder, but not before the Falcon could escape. ─── 它随即开火打残了“掠夺者”,“千年隼”及时冲出。

84、s swiftly rooted out,it takes hold and grows,crippling and eventually even killing those who insist on clinging determinedly to it. ─── 如果不尽快铲除仇恨,它就会生根发芽,使那些执意仇恨无法释怀的人致残甚至死亡。

85、so long as the three great problems of the century -- the degradation of man through pauperism, the corruption of woman through hunger, the crippling of children through lack of light -- are unsolved; ─── 只要男子还因贫困而潦倒,女人还因饥肠而随落,儿童还因不见天日而成为残疾,只要本世纪的这三大问题还没有得到解决;

86、the first crippling loads ─── 初始破坏载荷

87、The former Old Trafford and England star lifted the lid on three years of pain as he struggled to overcome crippling knee tendon problems. ─── 前曼联、英格兰球星自己打开了话匣子,谈及关于三年来他努力克服受伤的膝盖肌腱问题时所经历的痛苦。

88、Today, we have put al-Qaida on the defensive in Iraq, and now we are working to deliver a crippling blow. 15 months ago, Americans were worried about the prospect of failure in Iraq. ─── 今天,我们已经使伊拉克的基地组织转为防御,现在我们正打算给他们致命的打击。15个月以前,美国人担心在伊拉克的失败前景。

89、Protists, often reproducing asexually in the wild, would gradually accumulate small mutations and genome rearrangements that would be crippling without a mechanism to mitigate the effect. ─── 原生动物在野生条件下通常为无性繁殖,这一过程会逐渐积累小的突变并发生基因组重排,如果没有一种缓和机制的话,该过程最终会破坏基因组的稳定。

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