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08-19 投稿


cragginess 中文意思翻译



cragginess 短语词组

1、cragginess definition ─── 粗糙度定义

2、cragginess of landscape crossword clue ─── 景观纵横字谜线索的粗糙性

3、cragginess meaning ─── 峭壁意义

cragginess 相似词语短语

1、craggedness ─── n.崎岖;陡峭

2、clogginess ─── 堵塞

3、cadginess ─── 发动机

4、caginess ─── n.小心;狡诈

5、scragginess ─── 骨瘦如柴

6、craftiness ─── n.狡猾;熟练;巧妙

7、scraggliness ─── 杂乱无章

8、crabbiness ─── 脾气暴躁

9、bagginess ─── n.膨胀状

cragginess 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Composition No. 79 manifests a cragginess and complexity that engulf the overall image but the aesthetic conclusion is astoundingly sublime and pleasing to the eye. ─── 构图第79号》所呈现的陡峭和复杂吞噬了整个画面,可是美术效果是意外地壮观且赏心悦目。

2、Aedes craggi ─── n. 尖斑伊蚊

3、Is one of the largest mountain cragginess township, is also a good place for leisure entertainment for an outing. ─── 是嵯峨乡最大的山,也是休闲娱乐踏青的好地方。

4、Ming day, it's sunny. My parents and I have a few xianyang to uncle aunt to cragginess mountain climbing. ─── 清明节前一天,天气晴朗。我和爸爸妈妈还有几个咸阳来的叔叔阿姨去嵯峨山爬山。

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