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08-19 投稿


arista 发音

英:[??r?st?]  美:[??r?st?]

英:  美:

arista 中文意思翻译




arista 词性/词形变化,arista变形


arista 短语词组

1、arista networks arista ─── 网络

2、dorsal arista ─── 阿里斯特背侧

3、terminal arista ─── 端芒

arista 相似词语短语

1、Marists ─── 航海者

2、Larissa ─── n.拉里萨(希腊地名);拉瑞莎(女子名)

3、aristo ─── n.贵族;n.(Aristo)人名;(法、西)阿里斯托

4、aristae ─── n.芒;触角芒(arista的变形)

5、barista ─── n.咖啡师;咖啡吧员

6、Batista ─── n.巴蒂斯塔(姓氏)

7、aristate ─── adj.有刺的;有芒的

8、crista ─── n.[生物]脊,冠;n.(Crista)人名;(英)克里斯塔,克丽丝塔(女名);(罗、葡)克里斯塔

9、baristas ─── 咖啡调配师;咖啡师

arista 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The charge-mass ratio experiment showed that the corona effect of arista electrode was better than that of grid electrode. ─── 荷质比试验证明芒刺电极比栅网电极电晕效果好。

2、When I was in high school, one of the first honors I got was to be a member of the Arista, which is a group of kids who got good grades - eh? ─── 在高中时,我的第一个荣誉就是成为了阿里斯塔的成员,阿里斯塔就是哪个小孩成绩好才能加入的,每个人都希望成为一个阿里斯塔成员。

3、Babyface and Reid established their own label, LaFace Records, in 1989, and signed a distribution deal with Arista. ─── **Label:标签。这儿有点类似于“商标、品牌”。1989年babyface和他的老伙伴里德(Reid)创建了自己的唱片公司(LaFace Records)。

4、Just two years ago, he was putting in marathon days at Arista. ─── 就在两年前,他还在Arista度日如年。

5、In 2005, my parents received a letter from Sony BMG, Warner, Atlantic Records, Arista Records, and UMG Records claiming "copyright infringement". ─── 2005年,我的父母收到了一封由索尼BMG、华纳、亚特兰大唱片公司、芒刺唱片和UMG唱片公司联合署名的来信,信中声称我们“侵犯版权”。

6、terminal arista ─── 端芒

7、" Arista records heard these demos at the beginning of 1997, and Dido was invited to the Dorchester Hotel in London to meet Clive Davis. ─── 接下来的两年中,蒂朵和无信念一起前 往数十个国家巡回演出,经历了与以往 身为古典乐团一员截然不同的日子。

8、Her first solo contract was with Arista Nashville, with the album Words being released in 1997. ─── 她的首张个人合同是与阿里斯塔纳什维尔,在1997年发行了专辑话。

9、Luckily for her, Arista Records'main man heard her. He offered her a deal, and at 16, Lavigne's musical dreams became a reality. ─── 非常幸运,Arista公司的老总听到她的歌声,跟她签了一份合约,于是她在16岁时就实现了音乐梦想。

10、In America he bought record labels like Arista and RCA Victor, and publishers like Bantam, Doubleday and, eventually, Random House; ─── 莫恩收购了美国的唱片公司阿瑞斯塔和RCAVictor;收购了Bantam出版社、双日出版社、最终还收购了兰登书屋;

11、In order to strengthen corona effect, arista electrode used as substitute for grid electrode was presented. ─── 为了加强电极电晕效果,提出了用芒刺电极代替栅网电极。

12、lateral petals brown-yellow, ca. 2 cm, apex with small, purple spots and an arista ca. 4 mm. ─── 侧花瓣棕色黄,约2厘米先端具小,紫色斑点和芒约4毫米。

13、Westlife was released in the U.S. by Arista Records in early 2000. ─── 西城男孩被释放在美国阿里斯塔记录在2000年初。

14、Luckily for her, Arista Records'main man heard her. He offered her a deal, and at 16, Lavigne's musical dreams became a reality. ─── 非常幸运,Arista公司的老总听到她的歌声,跟她签了一份合约,于是她在16岁时就实现了音乐梦想。

15、Clinical application of a novel hemostatic material Arista AH in spine surgery ─── 在脊柱手术中的临床应用

16、[Arista Records, Inc. ─── ]歌曲评论...

17、Smith and Arista parted ways in 2002, with the label issuing Land (1975-2002), a double-disc compilation of hits and rarities, as a wrap-up. ─── 这次成功改变了他们的命运,1975年,乐队成了曼哈顿第一支签约主流唱片公司的的地下摇滚乐队。

18、They were later dropped from Arista Records due to poor album sales, before they could release their second album. ─── 后来他们退出Arista记录由于不良的唱片销售,他们还没发布他们的第二张专辑。

19、Arista, G.M.Giammanco, S.De Grazia, C. ─── 来源:微生物临床杂志 作者:S.

20、Reporter Just two years ago, he was putting in marathon days at Arista. ─── 记者就在两年前,他还在Arista度日如年。

21、Effectiveness of Track Layer Arista Working on Desert Soil ─── 履刺在干沙区作业时的效能分析

22、They became the first hard rock band ever to sign to Arista Records and their debut album entitled "Babylon A. D. " reached the top 100 billboard charts. ─── 他们成为第一个硬摇滚乐队以往的迹象阿里斯塔唱片公司和他们的首张专辑名为“巴比伦公元”达成的广告牌100强排行榜。

23、In order to strengthen corona effect,arista electrode used as substitute for grid electrode was presented. ─── 为了加强电极电晕效果,提出了用芒刺电极代替栅网电极。

24、Most like the guitar to create music, Arista Records was to explore, from the singer set foot on the road. ─── 最喜欢以吉他来创作音乐,后被Arista唱片公司发掘,从此踏上歌手之路。

25、Arista focuses on being easy to use by making the complex task of encoding for various devices simple. ─── 电子书标题或软件简介: Arista Transcoder -- An easy to use multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop.

26、dorsal arista ─── 背芒

27、I spent 25 years founding Arista and now with J. ─── 我用25年时间创建了Arista和现在的J唱片公司。

28、lateral petals brown-yellow, ca. 2 cm, apex with small, purple spots and an arista ca. 4 mm. ─── 侧花瓣棕色黄,约2厘米先端具小,紫色斑点和芒约4毫米。

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