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08-19 投稿


anarchism 发音

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anarchism 中文意思翻译



anarchism 词性/词形变化,anarchism变形

形容词: anarchistic |

anarchism 短语词组

1、Christian anarchism ─── 基督教无政府主义

2、anarchism is a term ─── 无政府主义是一个术语

3、anarchism syndicalism ─── 无政府主义工团主义

4、Anarchism and Friedrich Nietzsche ─── 无政府主义与弗里德里希尼采

5、anarchism is a term describing ─── 无政府主义是一个描述

6、Individualist anarchism in the United States ─── 美国的个人主义无政府主义

7、Anarchism in China ─── 中国的无政府主义

anarchism 相似词语短语

1、anarchial ─── 无政府主义的

2、monarchism ─── n.君主主义;君主政体

3、anarchic ─── adj.无政府的;无政府主义的;无法无天的

4、anarchised ─── 无政府状态

5、anarchist ─── n.无政府主义者;无政府主义的

6、anarchises ─── 无政府主义者

7、Sinarchism ─── 僧侣主义

8、anarchise ─── 无政府主义者

9、anarchists ─── n.无政府主义者(anarchist的复数形式)

anarchism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What was the relationship between the anarchism in Ba Jin's thoughts and the revolutionary democratism? ─── 巴金思想中的无政府主义与革命民主主义是什么关系?

2、Anarchism and violations of law and discipline must be resolutely opposed and checked. ─── 对一切无纪律、无政府、违反法制的现象,都必须坚决反对和纠正。

3、The anarchism is one kind of political ideological trend of the petty bourgeoisie which came into being in Europe. ─── 无政府主义是一种产生于欧洲的小资产阶级政治思潮。

4、In the decades since, the allure of anarchism as a viable political system has faded. ─── 在几十年以来,无政府主义的政治制度是可行的魅力已经褪色。

5、At this point the second stage of anarchism begins, that which arises from the thought of Bakunin, the contemporary of Marx. ─── 在这一点上,第二阶段的无政府主义开始,这是源于思想的巴枯宁,当代的马克思主义。

6、If we don't have free will, a perverse kind of anarchism emerges, one which seems to encourage us to act any way we choose. ─── 如果我们没有自由意志,那乖张的无政府主义就会出现了,支持人们随意行动。

7、"He was inclined to anarchism; he hated system and organization and uniformity" (Bertrand Russell) ─── “他倾向于反强权;他憎恨制度、组织和统一”(伯特兰·罗素)

8、He was inclined to anarchism;he hated system and organization and uniformity(Bertrand Russell) ─── 他倾向于反强权;他憎恨制度、组织和统一(伯特兰 罗素)

9、My mother used to flirt with Anarchism. ─── 我的母亲过去有过无政府主义的想法。

10、He advocated anarchism as the answer to social problems. ─── 他鼓吹无政府主义作为解决社会问题的答案。

11、Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the belief that ** is both harmful and unnecessary. ─── 无**主义这个词描述的是一堆理论和态度,它们的主要共同点在于相信**是有害的,没有必要的。

12、anarch roof ─── 拱形屋顶

13、He advocated anarchism and spurned all laws, trying to figure for powers overriding the government and laws so that he could do what ever he liked wildly to realize his own evil ambitions. ─── 他宣扬“政府无用论”,“法律无用论”,妄图谋取超政府、超法律的权力,任他为所欲为,胡作非为,以实现他个人的野心。

14、All this, he admitted, came close to anarchism. Yet at its base was something different. ─── 他承认,这一切都近乎无政府主义,然立足点却不同。

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