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08-19 投稿


cowberry 发音

英:[['ka?b?r?]]  美:[['ka?ber?]]

英:  美:

cowberry 中文意思翻译



cowberry 短语词组

1、cowberry lingonberry ─── 杨梅

2、cowberry kissel ─── 野蔷薇

3、cowberry tea ─── 越橘茶

4、cowberry bush ─── 越橘灌木

5、cowberry facts ─── 杨梅事实

6、cowberry plant ─── 越橘属植物

7、cowberry adaptations ─── 越橘适应

8、cowberry sims ─── 考伯里·西姆斯

cowberry 相似词语短语

1、dewberry ─── n.悬钩子属植物;悬钩子属植物之果实;露莓

2、to berry ─── 去贝里

3、boxberry ─── n.蔓虎刺浆果

4、Dogberry ─── n.山茱萸;山茱萸果实

5、chokeberry ─── n.北美沙果;唐棣属灌木

6、foxberry ─── 杨梅

7、crowberry ─── n.岩高兰,红莓苔子

8、snowberry ─── n.雪果,毛核木

9、cloudberry ─── n.野生的黄莓;云莓

cowberry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords cowberry extract;mode of sulfur dioxide chronic bronchitis;experimental study; ─── 越桔提取物;二氧化硫性慢性支气管炎模型;实验研究;

2、Keyword: cowberry extract; ─── 关 键 词: 越桔提取物;

3、It is called as “ red cowberry ” by scientists . 2 . ─── 被科学家们称为“红色越桔“。

4、cowberry fruit ─── 越橘果

5、Cowberry Extract: Its Influences on Mice with Sulfur Dioxide Chronic Bronchitis ─── 越桔提取物对二氧化硫性慢性支气管炎模型小鼠的影响

6、Effects of food-additives on enhancing stability of natural cowberry pigment ─── 食品添加剂对提高越桔色素稳定性的研究

7、Keywords cowberry juice;cowberry distilled Spirit;eomplex drink.; ─── 越桔果汁;越桔蒸馏酒;复合型饮料酒;

8、Effects of food-additives on enhancing stability of natural cowberry pigment ─── 食品添加剂对提高越桔色素稳定性的研究

9、IQF WILD LINGONBERRY 1.DESCRIPTION : Lingonberry , its scientific name is cowberry , belonging to azalea section .Cowberry is a kind of plant which is herbaceous . ─── 品牌:鑫野 速冻野生北国红豆 1.产品描述:“北国红豆”,学名越桔,杜鹃花科、越桔属多年生草本植物。

10、Preliminary Report on the Introduction of Cowberry in Chongqing ─── 越桔在重庆地区引种试验初报

11、Observation of the growth and blossom characters of different breeds of cowberry ─── 不同品种越橘容器苗生长、成花习性观察

12、Cowberry Extract: Its Influences on Mice with Sulfur Dioxide Chronic Bronchitis ─── 越桔提取物对二氧化硫性慢性支气管炎模型小鼠的影响

13、cowberry pine forest ─── 牙疙疸松林

14、Keywords cowberry;natural pigment;stability; ─── 越桔;天然色素;稳定性;

15、Preliminary Report on the Introduction of Cowberry in Chongqing ─── 越桔在重庆地区引种试验初报

16、red pigment of cowberry ─── 越桔红

17、cowberry spruce forest ─── 越桔云杉林

18、cowberry extract ─── 越桔提取物

19、cowberry leaf ─── 越橘叶

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