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08-19 投稿


castigating 发音

英:[?k?st?ɡe?t??]  美:[?k?st?ɡe?t??]

英:  美:

castigating 中文意思翻译



castigating 词性/词形变化,castigating变形

动词现在分词: castigating |名词: castigation |动词第三人称单数: castigates |动词过去分词: castigated |动词过去式: castigated |

castigating 短语词组

1、castigating meaning ─── 斥责的意思

2、castigating sentence ─── 严刑

3、castigating strike ─── 严惩罢工

4、castigating define ─── 严惩定义

5、castigating synonym ─── 斥责同义词

castigating 相似词语短语

1、elasticating ─── vt.将松紧带插入;使有灵活性(等于elasticize)(elasticate的变形)

2、castrating ─── vt.阉割;删除;去掉最重要的部分;使丧失力量

3、castigation ─── n.惩罚;苛评;修订

4、fatigating ─── 加脂

5、alligating ─── vt.带蛹(alligate的变形)

6、fustigating ─── vt.用棍棒打;抨击

7、masticating ─── v.咀嚼(食物);粉碎,将……磨碎(masticate的现在分词)

8、instigating ─── v.使开始,使发生;教唆,怂恿,煽动(instigate的现在分词)

9、castigative ─── 严厉的

castigating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mr. Pope notes that his group has stopped short of castigating people for driving S. U. V. 's or building overly large homes, too. ─── 波普提到其团体也已停止了责备人们驾驶SUV或建超大的住宅。

2、But this only works where teachers are able to offer constructive criticism rather than castigating them for being wrong offering them the ability to do things better where they were less successful. ─── 这就要求教师能够提出建设性的批评,而不是因学习者犯了错误申斥他们。教师的评价包括表扬学生的优良表现;

3、He is capable of castigating his own country. ─── 他也会痛诋他的祖国。

4、Elizabeth's uncle Tom was even quoted in the paper on the very morning of her rescue, castigating police for slowing down the search. ─── 伊丽莎白的舅舅汤姆甚至引用的文件对她的抢救的当天上午,为减缓大骂警察寻找。

5、They go on, often for years, castigating themseles and missing out on their natural capacity for intimacy. ─── 长此以往,许多年以后,她们自己受到惩罚,错过了她们本来的幸福。

6、Do not overdo your privilege of reproving or castigating me. ─── 不要过分使用责备我的特权;不要对我倚老卖老。

7、Evaluating and castigating in time is the premise to guarantee deep development of continue ... ─── 建立训练考核-综合评价-管理使用体系是保持继续护理学教育生命力的根本措施。

8、"Tales of the Silk Road" had a positive theme: extolling friendship and an open society while castigating the evil forces ─── 这部舞剧主题积极--歌颂友谊,赞颂开放,鞭斥邪恶

9、I have done so myself, castigating Chinese policymakers for the narrowness of their perspective. ─── 我自己就这样做过:严厉斥责中国政策制定者视野狭窄。

10、Chopin also never indulged in explicit "scene painting" in his music, or used programmatic titles, castigating publishers who renamed his pieces in this way. ─── 肖邦也从不在他的音乐里清楚地“描绘景色”,或给乐曲加标题,他会严惩那些这样对待他的作品的出版商。

11、However, as a newly rising royal force, it manifested the tradition of common people, which was shown by castigating the nobility and major conflicts within the family. ─── 不过,作为新起的皇族势力,其门风依然表现出寒门的传统,在宗室政策上表现为苛禁诸王及家族内部的严重冲突等。

12、He was not a religious man, but he maintained a stark sense of good and evil, castigating others, as well as himself, for transgressions. ─── 他不信教,但善恶分明,既严于律人,也严于律己。

13、much time was spent castigating supermarkets for selling booze below cost, and one MP dubbed Sir Terry Leahy, the boss of Tesco, the “godfather of British binge drinking”. ─── 许多死者是中产阶级的中年人,他们从没想过自己会变成一个彻头彻尾的酒鬼,通常只是匆忙在家宴上喝光一瓶啤酒和两杯白酒。

14、He is capable of castigating his own country. ─── 他也会痛诋他的祖国。

15、When you understand that discipline is self-caring, not self-castigating, you won't cringe at its mention, but will cultivate it. ─── 当你明白自律是对自己的关心而不是自我惩罚,提到它你就不会再害怕而会注意培养它。

16、Castigating the denial of the Nazi Holocaust as “baseless, ignorant and hateful”, he took an indirect swipe at Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. ─── 通过谴责否认纳粹大屠杀是“毫无根据的,无知的和充满仇恨的”的言论,他间接地回应了伊朗总统艾哈迈迪.内贾德。

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