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08-19 投稿


embranchment 发音

英:[?m?br?nt?m?nt]  美:[?m?brɑ?nt?m?nt]

英:  美:

embranchment 中文意思翻译



embranchment 短语词组

1、embranchment synonyms ─── 分支同义词

embranchment 相似词语短语

1、debauchment ─── 放荡

2、embankment ─── n.路堤;堤防

3、entrenchment ─── n.堑壕;防卫工事

4、embranglement ─── 脆化

5、entrenchments ─── n.堑壕;防卫工事

6、branchlet ─── n.小树枝

7、entrancement ─── n.狂喜;出神,恍惚

8、embranchments ─── n.分支;支流

9、embracement ─── n.拥抱;环绕;领会

embranchment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This aspect has been an embranchment of behavioral finance to be studied. ─── 关于这方面的研究,已经形成了行为金融理论的一个分支。

2、Coastal Ecology-An important embranchment of researching the interaction of coastal biology and environment ─── 海岸生态学-探究海岸生物与环境相互作用的生态学分支

3、With the development of the exploitation and utilization of wind energy,wind energy technology also have marked progress,and become an embranchment of energy technology. ─── 随着风能的开发和利用,风力发电相关技术也取得了显著的进步,并逐渐成为能源技术中的一个重要分支。

4、The Yellow Sea Warm Current is divided into two branches.One is consist of westward bohai center embranchment and northward Liaodong Bay embranchment after intruding Bohai Sea. ─── 黄海暖流进入渤海后的余脉分成两个分支:向西的渤海中心支和向北的辽东湾支。

5、Forensic accounting is a new embranchment of accounting which stems from the development market and lax, it is also a cross subject with accounting and law. ─── 法务会计是在市场经济和法制化发展过程中产生的会计学分支,它是会计学与法学相结合的边缘学科,也是当前会计学界研究的一个热点。

6、Measurement of great size long rail is an important embranchment of geometry parameter measurement. ─── 大尺寸长导轨检测是几何量测量的一个重要分支。

7、Priority allotment of CAN bus based on underground node embranchment ─── 基于矿井下含分支节点的CAN总线优先权分配

8、Objective To explore the path and embranchment of maxillary artery and to provide the morphological notes for clinical application and teaching. ─── 摘要目的探测上颌动脉的行程及分支的有关数量为临床应用及教学提供形态学资料。

9、We study of the influence on substrate self-bias by the impact of substrate embranchment resistance in series shows the phenomenon of self-oscillation. ─── 研究了基片分支串联电阻对基片自偏压的影响,发现了在电阻值区自偏压自振荡现象;

10、speediness embranchment ─── 快速分支

11、The New Embranchment of the Economic: Summarization to the Study of ─── 经济学的新分支:行为经济学研究综述

12、With the procedure of the air net calculating,a passage of the mining area is simulated to one or some embranchment. ─── 利用风网解算程序,将采空区及漏风通道模拟为风网中的一个或几个漏风分支。

13、The morphological observation of embranchment of the hepatic portal vein within liver ─── 肝门静脉肝内分支的形态观测及临床意义

14、With its continuous grandness, he said that he had a plan to lead a troop back to Guangzhou and to establish an embranchment here. ─── 随着工程院的不断壮大,林斌先生笑言自己大有率领一支队伍“杀回广州”,建立广州分院的打算。


16、Wenshui dialect is an embranchment of the Jin dialects as a whole, which consists of 19 vowels, 42 consonants and 5 kinds of pitches. ─── 文水方言是晋语并州片的一个方言点,共有19个声母,42个韵母,5种调类。

17、Object recognition based on shape is an embranchment of X-ray detection techniques. ─── 基于形状的物体识别是X射线检测技术的一个分支。

18、Gas membrane separation technology is an important embranchment of membrane separation technology. ─── 气体膜分离技术在膜分离中占有相当的比重。

19、Embranchment criterion is very important and pivotal to construct decision tree. ─── 分支准则对最终的决策树有很重要的影响,所以它是生成决策树的关键。

20、Put forward elementary concept and principle on nodes >embranchment impedance > ventilation network nodes chart. ─── 提出了节点、分支划分和网络图绘制的原则和方法;

21、This studied area is one of three marine facies sedimentary areas of Jurassic in China and belongs to one embranchment of Tethys. ─── 摘要研究区为中国3个海相侏罗系沉积区之一,属特提斯海的一个分支。

22、the combination of the further development of the traditional embranchment within Chemistry; ─── 即化学学科的自身继续发展和相关学科融合发展相结合;

23、The ballproof truck is one of the important embranchment for special type truck, whose representative products are the ballproof cash truck. ─── 作为特种汽车的一个极具发展前景重要分支的防弹车,其代表作之一是防弹运钞车。

24、This aspect has been an embranchment of behavioral finance to be studied. ─── 这方面的研究,已经形成了行为金融理论的一个分支。

25、Many MNCs transfer part of R &D resource to their subsidiaries abroad by building R &D embranchment abroad, setting up R &D strategic alliances or merging the corporations of amphitryon in the same industry. ─── 许多跨国公司以直接建立海外R &D分支机构、建立R &D战略联盟、并购东道国当地同行业竞争者等方式将部分R &D活动从母国转移到海外子公司或分公司。

26、Viewing the Introjecting from the Controversy between Self-Determination Theory and Embranchment Theory in the Philosophy of Biology ─── 从生物哲学中自主论与分支论的争论看两者的融合

27、Path Choices for ABC Embranchment to Implement Economic Capital Management ─── 农业银行基层行实施经济资本管理的路径选择

28、Keywords speediness embranchment;floatation speed;time of floatation;misproportion dissemination; ─── 快速分支;上浮速度;浮选时间;不均匀嵌布;

29、This aspect has been an embranchment of behavioral finance to be studied. ─── 关于这方面的研究,已经形成了行为金融理论的一个分支。

30、ABSTRACT As the important embranchment of management control system, internal control of commercial bank is the fundamental link that can’t be missed in management processes. ─── 作为管理控制理论体系中的一个重要的应用分支,商业银行内部控制是管理过程中不可或缺的基本环节之一。

31、Nowadays proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC) has been a most widely studied and fastest developed embranchment in fuel cell research. ─── 质子交换膜燃料电池已经成为当今燃料电池领域中研究最广泛、发展最快的一个分支。

32、Then some scientists, like Thunen and Wicksteed, made this embranchment theory more perfect. ─── 但是这个分支理论要想综合两条不同的道路,则其道路的方向的选择范围就小很多了。

33、The incretion secretion metrical technique is the important embranchment in clinical diagnosis presently, in which the magnetic separate enzyme immunoassay is the main technique. ─── 摘要内分泌激素测量技术是医疗诊断技术发展的重要分支,磁分离酶联免疫技术是其中的主要测量方法。

34、3D reconstruction is an important embranchment of CG, and is widely used today. ─── 三维重构是计算机图形学的重要分支,有着广泛的应用。

35、Face recognition is an important embranchment of pattern recognition problem.It has been widely applied and highly valued by academic field,enterprise field,government and the military day by day. ─── 摘要 人脸识别是模式识别领域的一个重要研究课题,它具有广泛的应用背景并日益受到学术界、企业界、政府和军事部分的高度重视。

36、The way of node embranchment is adopted for extended CAN field-bus area, and a detailed explanation is provided of the node embranchment of the system address and the address in node embranchment. ─── 为了扩大CAN的网络覆盖面,采用了节点分支的方法,并对节点分支的系统地址和节点分支内地址作了详细的说明。

37、The airflow embranchment is neatened and controlled by confluence valve and electromagnetism valve in order to weave two-double velveteen fabric. ─── 通过三通阀和电磁阀对各气路分支的气流进行整合和通断控制使其适应双层织造的需要。

38、Artificial immune system has become a new embranchment in computing intelligence for its good self-learning, self-adaptability, and robusticity. ─── 人工免疫系统具备强大的自学习、自适应,鲁棒性等能力,已发展成为计算智能研究的一个崭新的分支。

39、The incretion secretion metrical technique is the important embranchment in clinical diagnosis presently,in which the magnetic separate enzyme immunoassay is the main technique. ─── 内分泌激素测量技术是医疗诊断技术发展的重要分支,磁分离酶联免疫技术是其中的主要测量方法。

40、The modem image includes several embranchment such that: static photography,dynamic movie, TV and computer vision. It is the embodiment of the conformity of scienceand art. ─── 现代影像包括静态的摄影、动态的电影、电视图像及介于两者之间的电脑图像等几个分支,它是科学和艺术相整合的体现。

41、The finite element methods have been the important element of the fields of project andscience and influenced every embranchment of them deeply. ─── 有限元法是早期发展的一种数值方法,已经成为工程、科学领域的重要组成部分,并深深的影响了工程、物理学科的各个分支,目前应用最为广泛。

42、Industrial robot is an important embranchment of all the robot family and main developing direction in the robot researching field. ─── 工业机器人是机器人家族中的一个重要分支,是机器人领域的重要研究发展方向。

43、Abstract:It is difficult to measure the flux of every embranchment of the environmental controlling system truly during testing flight. ─── 摘要:准确测量各分支流量是环控系统飞行测试的难点之一。

44、Expert system is a most active embranchment of artificial intelligence and knowledge engineering . ─── 专家系统是人工智能和知识工程最为活跃的一个分支领域。

45、The temporal GIS(TGIS),which is inducted to a very important factor in geographical information-time,is a important embranchment of GIS and has a comprehensive applicablility。 ─── 时态GIS是GIS的一个重要的分支,它引入了地理信息中一个重要的因素--时间,具有很广泛的适用性。

46、10. With its continuous grandness, he smiled that he had a plan to lead a troop back to Guangzhou and to establish the embranchment here. ─── 随着工程院的不断壮大,林斌先生笑言自己大有率领一支队伍“杀回广州”,建立广州分院的打算。收藏指正

47、Fuzzy control and expert control are the two embranchment of brainpower control. ─── 模糊控制技术和专家控制是智能控制的两大分支。

48、The study of prediction of deformation about expressway soil roadbed is an important embranchment of soft soil problem. ─── 对于高速公路软基变形预测的研究是软土问题中的一个重要子课题。

49、And artificial immune system has become a new embranchment incomputering intelligence for its good self-learning, self-adaptability and robusticity. ─── 人工免疫系统具备强大的自学习、自适应、健壮性等能力,已发展成为计算智能研究的一个崭新的分支。

50、Methods: the fresh weight of the root was determined by weighing.The length, diameter, embranchment and width of the root were determined by measuring. ─── 方法:观察植株根部形态变化,称定根部鲜重,高效液相色谱法测定黄芩苷含量。

51、As an embranchment of incentives theory, collusion theory has entered foreland of the mainstream economy's research. ─── 合谋理论作为激励的一个分支,近年来已经进入主流经济学的研究前沿。

52、The ballproof truck is one of the important embranchment for special type truck, whose representative products are the ballproof cash truck. ─── 作为特种汽车的一个极具发展前景重要分支的防弹车,其代表作之一是防弹运钞车。

53、The airflow embranchment is added by plugging shortcut plug and setting up accessorial gas storage. ─── 通过在该气路系统上加设辅助气包、加接快接插头等增引气路分支;

54、The design of trachea-main bronchial covered embranchment stent and the primary clinical application ─── 气管-主支气管覆膜分支状内支架的设计及初步应用

55、Outlier data mining is an important embranchment in data mining research. ─── 离群数据挖掘是数据挖掘研究的一个重要分支。

56、As an embranchment of Southland phylum, distribution of Indonesian modifiers is different from that of Chinese. ─── 摘要汉语、印尼语分属汉藏语系和南岛语系,修饰语在句中的位置分布差异较大。

57、Whisker is a kind of reinforced material, the application in reinforcing composite has become an important embranchment in the field of composite because of its excellent properties. ─── 晶须作为一种增强材料,由于其优良的性能,使得晶须增强复合材料已成为复合材料领域中的一个重要分支。

58、Behavioural accounting practices is the embranchment subject of emerging accounting, which at present is the most promising development of new areas of accounting. ─── 行为会计是众多新兴会计的分支与科,是当今世界会计中最具希望的会计发展新领域。

59、3D reconstruction is an important embranchment of CG, and is widely used today. ─── 三维重构是计算机图形学的重要分支,有着广泛的应用。

60、The study of prediction of deformation about expressway soil roadbed is an important embranchment of soft soil problem. ─── 对于高速公路软基变形预测的研究是软土问题中的一个重要子课题。

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