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08-19 投稿


attorneyship 中文意思翻译



attorneyship 词性/词形变化,attorneyship变形

名词复数: attorneys general |

attorneyship 相似词语短语

1、attorneyism ─── 阿泰伊主义。

2、attorney ─── n.律师;代理人;检察官

3、attorneys ─── n.辩护师,律师(attorney的复数形式)

4、storeship ─── n.军需船

5、attorns ─── v.承让;转让,让与;承认新地主

6、attorneys-in-fact ─── 代理人

7、attorneydom ─── 律师身份

8、attones ─── 律师

9、attorned ─── v.承让;转让,让与;承认新地主

attorneyship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This involves real estate and obtains the system,family matters attorneyship and inhabits the conflict question with safe right and trade with good intention. ─── 这涉及到不动产善意取得制度、家事代理权以及居住权和交易安全的冲突问题。

2、family matters attorneyship ─── 家事代理权

3、To Explore the Nature of Expression Attorneyship ─── 表见代理性质探析

4、Agree the following product _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The exclusive attorneyship that (abbreviate as the products ) is awarded to the agency (abbreviate as the agent). ─── 同意将下列产品________(简称产品)的独家代理权授予代理方(简称代理人)。

5、The chaoming company is making great efforts to expand the service content of the products constantly, have international famous attorneyship of accumulating the body circuit spare part and special power of sale now. ─── 超明公司不断努力扩充产品的服务内容,现在拥有国际性知名积体电路零组件之代理权和特约销售权。

6、According to the author of this paper, the expression attorneyship is in form a special kind of attorneyship without authority. ─── 通过对表见代理性质的探讨,本文认为表见代理属于一种特殊的无权代理形态。

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