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08-20 投稿


prodigies 发音

英:[?pr?d?d?iz]  美:[?prɑd?d?iz]

英:  美:

prodigies 中文意思翻译



prodigies 词性/词形变化,prodigies变形

名词复数: prodigies |

prodigies 短语词组

1、prodigies bells app ─── 神童钟应用程序

2、prodigies informally crossword ─── 神童非正式的填字游戏

3、child prodigies n. ─── 神童,天才儿童( child prodigy的名词复数 )

4、prodigies music ─── 神童音乐

5、prodigies celebrated ─── 神童庆祝

6、prodigies llc ─── 神童有限责任公司

7、prodigies bells ─── 神童钟

8、prodigies app ─── 神童应用程序

9、prodigies music lessons ─── 神童音乐课

10、prodigies informally ─── 非正式的神童

prodigies 相似词语短语

1、pogies ─── 玫瑰海鲫;鲱

2、prodigalises ─── 浪子

3、bodgies ─── n.无赖青年;小流氓

4、Froggies ─── 青蛙

5、pirogies ─── 管道

6、prodigalizes ─── v.挥霍

7、prodigals ─── adj.挥霍的;十分慷慨的;n.浪子;挥霍者

8、croggies ─── 克罗奇

9、prodigious ─── adj.惊人的,异常的,奇妙的;巨大的

prodigies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Are prodigies born, or can they be made? ─── 问:神童是与生具来或是后天培养?

2、Indeed,we should give the prodigies their props. Bond's music is not warmed-over Bach. ─── 的确,我们该给这些天才说句公道话。邦迪的音乐可不是简单重复巴赫的音乐。

3、Former Child Musical Prodigies Tell of Strained Family Relationships ─── 前音乐天才少年讲述家庭关系敌对和冲突

4、According to art critics around the world, my guest is one of a few prodigies in decades to capture the art of realism. ─── 根据全世界艺术鉴赏人士,她是数十年来少数写实主义的奇才之一。

5、Now spread the prenatal influence, but did not see have how many child prodigies bear? ─── 现在时兴胎教了,也未见有多少天才儿童诞生啊。

6、The number of musical prodigies underwent a similar increase after Mozart's father did the equivalent two centuries earlier. ─── 两个世纪前,莫札特的父亲就做过类似的事情,之后音乐天才的数目也一样增加了许多。

7、This can be a very difficult time in the lives of prodigies. ─── 对于神童来说,这一段日子会是非常难过的。

8、Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be remembered as one of history’s most famous child prodigies. ─── (莫扎特)将作为历史上最有名的神童之一永远留在人们的记忆里。

9、Most prodigies have not only brilliance but also a drive to succeed in their field. ─── 多数天才不只是聪颖,还有要在其领域出人头地的强烈动机。

10、26. Violin prodigies, I learned, have come in distinct waves from distinct regions. ─── 据我所知,小提琴神童明显地来自于个别地区,且人数众多。

11、If a senseof duty tortures a man ,it also enables him to achieve prodigies. ─── [如果责任感令人痛苦,那它也使人创造奇迹.

12、Mount Everest is one of nature's prodigies. ─── 珠穆郎玛峰是大自然的奇观之一。

13、The warriors of the Red Army at Stalingrad have performed prodigies of heroism which will affect the destiny of mankind. ─── 斯大林格勒的红军战士做出了有关全人类命运的英雄事业。

14、Many prodigies also come from families where one or both parents specialize in the child?s field. ─── 很多小天才出生于父或母单方或双方家长专门研究或从事某项的科研或艺术成果。

15、Child prodigies often have parents who seem to be trying to realize their own ambitions through their amazing children. ─── 神童的父母往往想通过他们神奇的孩子实现他们自己的愿望。

16、And many prodigies do not go on to greatness in their early field, while great performers include many who showed no special early aptitude. ─── 许多这些天才以后都未能有很大成就,然而那些取得伟大成就者却没有较早就现实出特殊的迹象。

17、we appreciate, enjoy or marvel at in the works of genius or the achievements of prodigies are the manifestations of skills or abilities which are similar to, but so much superior to, our own. ─── 我们欣赏、享受或惊叹的是天才在他们的作品或取得的成就中所展现出的种种技能。尽管天才掌握与我们相近的技能,水平却比我们高得多。

18、She is by no means inferior to other child prodigies. ─── 她绝不是不如其他神童。

19、There ensued one of those silences which occur only in the presence of prodigies. ─── 所有的人都屏住了呼吸,只在奇迹出现时才会有那种沉寂。

20、” Only one-third of the students they select are academic or extracurricular prodigies. ─── 他们所录取的学生中仅有三分之一在学业或课外活动上有优异禀赋。

21、Certo, i segni dell’apostolo sono stati manifestati in atto fra voi nella perseveranza a tutta prova, nei miracoli, nei prodigi ed opere potenti. ─── 我在你们中间,以各种忍耐,用神迹、奇事和大能,作为使徒的凭据。

22、He takes the reader deeply behind the common knowledge of how Tiger Woods, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Bobby Fischer and other "child prodigies" really became great. ─── 作者把读者带到对伍兹、莫扎特、(前国际象棋冠军)鲍比菲舍尔等“少年天才”如何变得伟大的平常看法的背后。

23、Child prodigies should be found and trained at an early age ─── 天才儿童应早日被发现并得到培养

24、nineteenth century saw considerable interest in the nature of genius, and produced not a few studies of famous prodigies. ─── 十九世纪,人们对天才的本质产生了浓厚的兴趣,对著名的天才进行了不少研究。

25、If a sense of duty tortures a man, it also enables him to achieve prodigies. ─── 如果说责任感让一个人备受压力,它同样让他到达惊人的成就。

26、One of the normal prodigies of the world, the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia is the world's largest coral reef. ─── 世界上自然奇迹之一,大堡礁位于澳大利亚的东海岸,是世界上最大的珊瑚礁。

27、many experts believe prodigies are half-born and half-made.Children can be born brilliant. ─── 答:很多专家相信,神童有一半是与生具来而另一半是后天培养。

28、It is amusing enough when two of those domestic prodigies of learning mount the stage of ceremony, and give and take praise from each other. ─── 如果有两个这样的人相互客套、相互吹捧的时候,是非常有趣的。

29、The child prodigies who premature loses the stamina with these are different, young Cull - content life teaches in Germany's famous university, his reputation wins universal praise. ─── 与那些过早失去后劲的神童们不同,小卡尔-维特一生都在德国的著名大学里授课,他的名声有口皆碑。

30、Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be remembered as one of history's most famous child prodigies. ─── 将作为历史上最有名的神童之一永远留在人们的记忆里。

31、(A number of history's most famous prodigies have something else in common: they didn't live very long lives. ─── 历史上的一些著名的神童还有一个共同点,那就是他们的寿命都不长。

32、We read about child prodigies in newspapers and magazines.But what is exactly is a child prodigy? ─── 当我们从报纸和一些杂志上看到有关的神童报道,但究竟什么是真正的神童?

33、Are prodigies bron, or can they be made? ─── 问:天才是天生的,或者是可以后天养成的?

34、Essi compiron fra loro i miracoli da lui ordinati, fecero dei prodigi nella terra di Cham. ─── 他们在敌人中间施行他的神迹,在含地显明他的奇事。

35、We could all be prodigies (or nearly so) if we just put in the time and focused. ─── 如果我们投入足够的时间并足够专注,我们都可以一跃(至少接近)成为天才。

36、Newspapers love to print stories about five-year-old musical prodigies giving solo recitals, but you rarely read about one going on to become a Mozart. ─── 报纸喜欢登载五岁音乐神童的故事,然而您很少看到这些音乐神童成为莫扎特的报道。

37、And in China, the place where Calvinism is spreading fastest is the elite universities, fuelled by prodigies of learning and translation. ─── 在中国,加尔文教传播最快的地方是精英大学,尤其一些高素质人士学习、翻译教义,更助长了它的发展。

38、Needless to say, parents all hope that their children can be innate prodigies or be cultivated to become geniuses. ─── 不用说,家长们都希望自己的孩子是天生的神童或者被栽培成天才。

39、According to art critics around the world, my guest is one of a few prodigies in decades to capture the art of realism. ─── 根据全世界艺术鉴赏人士,她是数十年来少数写实主义的奇才之一。

40、Q: Can you find prodigies in every field? ─── 问:在其他一些的领域里,你能发现神童吗?

41、Nature's gambit : child prodigies and the development of human potential. ─── 前瞻教育丛书.幼儿教育系列.

42、It seldom happened that a third party ever witnessed any of these prodigies. ─── 这类壮举发生的时候,难得有第三者在场目睹过。

43、Can you find prodigies in every field? ─── 问:在其他一些的领域里,你能发现神童吗?

44、This is true even of people we think of as prodigies, such as Mozart. ─── 这个是事实,即使那些我们认为是神童的人也同样如此,比如莫扎特。

45、A: Yes, but more often, prodigies excel in fields with formal rules, like math, music, art or chess.The children master the rules and become early experts in the field. ─── 答:是,相当经常,小天才在数学,音乐,艺术或是象棋等领域里有过人之处,孩子们在他们的学习领域里掌握了规律并能在早期成为该领域的专家或能手。

46、The children are expected to become 29)prodigies in whatever 30)extracurricular activity it is that they choose. ─── 不论选择进行任何一种课外活动,孩子们都被期待成为佼佼者。

47、A number of history's most famous prodigies had something else in common:They did not live very long lives. ─── 偶只认真听过其一首歌“七里香”是也,哦,还有困兽之斗,其余的完全没听觉得就这两首歌唱的是中文

48、The idea that prodigies can only be seen in hundreds of years is mistaken. ─── 那种认为神童只能几百年才遇到一个的观点是错误的。

49、the prodigies of nature ─── 自然界的奇观

50、Continued success in a field requires creativity, originally and years of patience.By the time prodigies become adults, other ?ordinary? people have caught up with them. ─── 能在成功的领域里继续潜心数十年与原来的兴趣发展与独创,而此时他们已是步入成熟之年,而其他的“普通”之人则已迎头赶上他们了。

51、I'm not a prodigy, but people close to me that I prodigies, I puzzled, until they know the abbreviation of comrade is a mental derangement! ─── 我不是神童,但我身边的人都叫我神童,我百思不得其解,直到后来才知道是神经病同志的简称!

52、Among all the prodigies who have brought us joy with their music, John Strauss is the favourite of them all. ─── 在所有给人带来欢乐的天才中,约翰.施特劳斯是最令人喜爱的。

53、Even though there has been a fascination with child prodigies for centuries, there has been little serious study of them until recently. ─── 不过,由于需要将食物由碗里送到嘴里,这样筷子就应运而来了。

54、We have got quite used to the large number of versatile prodigies who excel their parents. ─── 大量多才多艺的神童已经胜过了他们的父母,我们对此司空见惯了。

55、And although many prodigies enjoy the satisfaction of extraordinary achievement, public praise, and material wealth, even the most successful sometimes question the value of their lives and accomplishments. ─── 虽然许多神童都因取得非凡成就而感到满足,并获得了公众赞誉以及物质财富,但是即使是其中最成功的神童也对自己的生活和取得的成绩所体现的价值表示疑问。

56、Those who have studied today's prodigies closely have observed that they often live under the great weight of their loneliness. ─── 以现在的神童进行过仔细研究的人们认为,神童往往生活在孤独的压力之中。

57、heroic exploits; prodigies of heroism ─── 英雄业绩

58、From the top, everything looks surprising: the 25)prodigies of medieval architecture, the strength of nature, the light and much more. ─── 从山顶眺望,一切都是那么惊人:中世纪建筑奇观、自然的力量、光线,还有许多许多。

59、Or Stefano, pieno di grazia e di potenza, faceva gran prodigi e segni fra il popolo. ─── 司提反被捕司提反满有恩惠能力,在民间施行大奇事和神迹。

60、Then I sent Moses and Aaron, and smote Egypt with the prodigies which I wrought in her midst. ─── 以后,我派了梅瑟和亚郎,在埃及行奇迹,打击了埃及,然后将你们领了出来。

61、Unlike many prodigies, Wang first encountered much of the cello repertoire as a teenager rather than as a young child. ─── 不像很多别的神童,王健在十几岁时才练成了大多数的大提琴曲目,而不是在更小的时候。

62、I'm not talking about beautiful models or actors or musical prodigies or mathematical geniuses. ─── 我所言既非那些靓模或男佑,也不是什么音乐神童或数学天才。

63、Some of these child prodigies have graduated from universities before even reaching their teen years. ─── 这类神童中的有些人在到达青少年年纪前就已大学毕业。

64、Child prodigies often have parents who seem to be trying to realize their own ambitions through their amazing children. ─── 神童的父母往往想通过他们神奇的孩子实现他们自己的愿望。

65、Some primary and middle schools have also been engaged in the experiments on the education of child prodigies. ─── 一些中小学也已经开始了针对天才儿童教育的试验。

66、A common misconception among youngsters attending school is that their teachers were child prodigies. ─── 上学的孩子们中间有一种普遍的错误想法,就是认为他们的老师当年都是些神童。

67、During the age of Christ, of his apostles, and of their first disciples, the doctrine which they preached was confirmed by innumerable prodigies. ─── 耶稣、他的十二使徒、以及使徒们的第一代弟子,都一再用数不胜数的奇迹证明了他们宣传的教义。

68、We read about child prodigies in newspapers and magazines. ─── 我们从报刊杂志上讲到有关神童的报道。

69、Violin prodigies, I learned, have come in distinct waves from distinct regions. ─── 据我所知,小提琴神童明显地来自于个别地区,且人数众多。

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