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08-19 投稿


anyhow 发音

英:['en?ha?]  美:['?n?'ha?]

英:  美:

anyhow 中文意思翻译



anyhow 网络释义

anyhow 相似词语短语

1、nohow ─── adv.决不,丝毫没有;不舒服地,混乱地

2、as how ─── 是否

3、airshow ─── n.空中飞行表演

4、anyon ─── n.任意子

5、Lanchow ─── n.兰州

6、Hangchow ─── n.杭州(中国浙江省省会)

7、Salchow ─── n.后内结环一周跳(花样滑冰中的)

8、anyhoo ─── 安呼

9、Wenchow ─── 溫州

anyhow 习惯用语

1、all anyhow ─── [美口]草率, 马虎, 潦草 (The work was done all anyhow. 这项工作做得太草率。)

anyhow 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Well, anyhow, I rang the bell. ─── ”“好吧, 不管好歹, 反正我按铃了。”

2、His nerves were all anyhow by then. ─── 不管怎么说,到这时候他的神经倒健全了。

3、And who cared about a bunch of headless revolutionaries anyhow! ─── 不管怎么说,谁会对一群没有脑袋的革命分子感兴趣呢?

4、We can't our our country anyhow. ─── 不管怎样,我们不能背叛祖国。

5、He couldn' t convince her anyhow. ─── 他怎么想办法也不能使她信服。

6、He' s left her ? What' s the odds ? He was never at home anyhow. ─── 他离开她了? 那算得了什麽? 他反正从来都不在家里.

7、"She ought to keep it for a time, anyhow," said Hanson. ─── “无论如何,她应该干一段时间再说,"汉生说道。

8、Anyhow, it's a long way to China, is not it? ─── 不管怎样,远道来中国,不是吗?

9、"Cheer up, old man," whispered his companion. "We'll go around, anyhow. ─── “振作一点,老家伙,"他的朋友对着他的耳朵低声说,"不管怎么样,我们都要去一趟那里。

10、He said he didn't like that job anyhow, but that was just sour grapes. ─── 他说他不喜欢那份工作,但这只是他吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。

11、Anyhow, don't worry yourself now about it. ─── 不管怎样,现在不要为这事烦恼了。

12、Anyhow, I would like to ask you all to take me back. I really feel I belong with you guys, Especially at this time of year. ─── 总之,我希望你们能让我归队,我想,我是属于你们大伙的,尤其是今年的这个时候。

13、His father told him not to buy it, but he bought it anyhow. ─── 他父亲叫他别买,但他还是买了。

14、Anyhow, the roc is on the way. Nothing can fettle his wings. ─── 九万里风鹏正举。

15、Anyhow there's nothing really old here. ─── 不管怎么说这儿没有真正古老的东西。

16、Karen always handles things anyhow. ─── 凯伦做事老是漫不经心。

17、Even in that case, he might make a cal of explanation anyhow. ─── 即使那样,他也该来个电话解释一下。

18、Anyhow, let's meet each other half way, how about 15%? ─── 不管怎样,我们相互让步,15%的折扣怎么样?

19、Kane: Well we had a nice swim last night anyhow. ─── 凯恩:不过昨天晚上游泳感觉还是很不错的。

20、Anyhow, one thing's clear. ─── 无论如何,有一件事是清楚的。

21、"Carrie's good-natured, anyhow," he thought. ─── "不管怎么说,嘉莉还是好心肠的。 "他想。

22、"Well, anyhow, here you are. ─── “好啦,不管怎么样,我找到了你。

23、Stop complaining, it's wrong anyhow. ─── 别再抱怨了,怎么说也是错了。

24、"Not before Saturday, anyhow," said Hurstwood. ─── “不管怎么样,星期六之前是不行的,"赫斯渥说。

25、Your homework was done all anyhow. ─── 你的家庭作业做得很马虎。

26、We shall scrape through anyhow. ─── 不管怎样,我们将渡过困难。

27、He told me not to buy it, but I bought it anyhow. ─── 他叫我别买它,但我还是买了。

28、Thanks very much anyhow."—"It's a pleasure." ─── 无论如何,非常感谢你。”—“不客气。”

29、His clothes were thrown down just anyhow. ─── 他的衣服到处乱扔。

30、His clothes were just thrown down anyhow. ─── 他的衣服扔得到处都是。

31、Anyhow I was penniless when I came here six months ago. ─── 六个月之前,我来的时候身无分文。

32、Others may come to my party, but you mustn't refuse my invitation, anyhow. ─── 别人也会来参加我的聚会,但是无论如何你一定不能拒绝我的邀请。

33、Anyhow, old friend, I owe it to you that I'm here. ─── 不管怎么说,老朋友,我现在还能在这儿,全靠你。(提前)

34、"It's my turn to sit by the window, anyhow," said Flossie. ─── “无论如何,现在该轮到我坐在窗边了,”弗洛西说。

35、I wonder who dreamed up that idea; it's pretty absurd anyhow. ─── 不知是谁想出的这个主意。不管怎么说,实在是荒唐。

36、and anyhow , if the man had been a lieutenant in the army in india for four or five years , he must be more or less presentable. ─── 虽然,那男子已经在军队里当过了四五年军官,他定然有多少相当的仪表。

37、No matter how far it is, I'll go there anyhow. ─── 什么远不远的, 我去定了。

38、He's left her? What's the odds? He was never at home anyhow. ─── 他离开她了?那算得了什么?他反正从来都不在家里。

39、Anyhow, our ideals and actions in pursuit of freedom won't change. ─── 不论如何,我们追寻自由的理念和行动不会改变。”

40、Anyhow I must insist that you cannot steal. ─── 不管怎么说, 你都不能偷东西。

41、He made notes anyhow across the page. ─── 他在那页上胡乱作了些笔记。

42、Anyhow I must insist that you do not steal . ─── 不管怎么说,你都不能再偷东西。

43、"You know mighty well you're going to end up giving them your darlings anyhow. ─── "你明明知道最后你还是会把你的那些宝贝交给他们的。

44、Anyhow I must insist that you don't steal. ─── 不管怎么说,你都不能再偷东西。

45、But anyhow, he drew nearer and nearer to his friend. ─── 不管怎么样。总是离朋友越来越近。

46、Anyhow, the moral of the story is: be tolerant. ─── 但不管怎样,我们都必须要能宽恕他人。

47、Anyhow," she added briskly, "it's none of my business." ─── 无论如何”,她干脆利索地加了一句:“这不关我的事。”

48、What kind of row are you trying to cause in my house anyhow? ─── 你到底想在我家里制造什么样的纠纷?

49、We must just shove everything in anyhow, we can repack later. ─── 不管怎样,我们得把所有的东西胡乱塞进去。以后我可以重新整理。

50、Anyhow, they didn't show themselves at the recception. ─── 不管怎样,他们没出席招待会。

51、Anyhow, it's a long way to China, isn't it? I think you must be very tired. ─── 不管怎样,远道来到中国,不是吗?我想您一定很累了。

52、"Well, " he said, "I saw you across the street there. I thought it was you. I was just coming out to your place. How are you, anyhow? " ─── “你瞧,”他说,“我看到你在马路对面,我就猜是你。我出来正想上你那儿去。不管怎么说,你好吗?”

53、Anyhow I am going anyway, no matter what you say. ─── 不管你怎么说,无论如何我都要去。

54、Anyhow, " and he tried to drop his voice six octaves to match Joe's, " I'm going to take you to Christmas Past! ─── 无论如何,“而且他试著降低他的声音六个八个一组的物品与乔相配”,我将要拿你到圣诞节过去!

55、What's he signaling, anyhow? ─── 他究竟在打什么信号?

56、He says sturdily: "Anyhow, I am met this year do what one says. ─── 他坚定地说:“无论如何,今年我会说到做到。

57、Your twenty havens would back out at the last minute anyhow. ─── 你那二十个避难所到了最后一分钟也要不认帐。

58、His father told him not to buy it,but he bought it anyhow. ─── 他父亲叫他别买,但他还是买了。

59、Anyhow that's the way it should be. ─── 不管怎么说,事情应该是这样。

60、That's a tempting way to look at it, anyhow. ─── 不管怎么说,那是个很有吸引力的治疗方法。

61、Anyhow, it 's a long way to China, not it ? ─── 不管怎样,远道来中国,不是吗?

62、He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him anyhow. ─── 他可能不喜欢我去看望他,但不管怎样,我还是会去看他的。

63、Anyhow, old chap, I owe it to youthat I'm here. ─── 不管怎样,老朋友,我现在还能在这,全靠你。

64、Anyhow he gives large parties. ─── 不管怎样,他举行大型宴会。

65、Why couldn't his mother and father give up the mission idea, anyhow? ─── 到底他父母为什么不能把布道这个想法甩掉呢?

66、But anyhow, the possibility of huff already not quite. ─── 但无论如何,提高价格的可能性已经不大。

67、We'd better keep on the right side of him, anyhow. ─── 不管怎样,咱们最好还是防着他一点。

68、He made notes anyhow in the margin. ─── 他胡乱注了些眉批。

69、A. somehow B. anyhow C. anyway D.somewhat 2. ─── (本网慎重提示您,如果诬告受到的处罚会很重。

70、I wish it would have been straight sets anyhow (smiling). ─── 不不,我还是希望能三盘赢下比赛(笑).

71、Anyhow documentary can not be completely in a popular style. ─── 但纪录片终究不是完全大众化的东西,它有它本身的观众群。

72、He does his work anyhow, without taking any care or trouble over it. ─── 他干起活来马马虎虎,既不当心,又不认真。

73、Anyhow,remember,be fashionably late. ─── 不管怎么样,记住,迟到是时髦。

74、But anyhow they are engaged to be married. ─── 但是不管怎样他们订婚了。

75、This matter of his relationship to Jennie was in the air, anyhow. ─── 不过他和珍妮的关系反正是已经纷纷扬扬了的。

76、"Several weeks, anyhow," he said, looking steadily into her eyes. ─── “不管怎样,总要住几周吧。”他这么说时,目光久久地凝视着她的眼睛。

77、Anyhow you must finish this work today. ─── 你今天总要完成这项工作吧。

78、Anyhow, I know she dances better than I. ─── 不管怎样,我知道她的舞跳得比我好。

79、The books were lying on the shelves just/all anyhow. ─── 书都乱放在书架上.

80、I knew I was no threat, and just politely contradicted him and said I'd give the Wall a shot, anyhow. ─── 我知道自己不会对他有什么威胁,于是便礼貌地与他理论。我说,无论如何也要给长城照张相。

81、We didn't need to be encouraged to play football anyhow! ─── 不管怎样,我们可并不需要接受鼓励才去踢球!

82、Anyhow, purple or no purple, there the stone is-stony. ─── 不管有无华美的辞藻,石头毕竟是石头。

83、Anyhow,you may rest assured that we'll not go back on our words. ─── 不过请您放心,我们不会失信的。

84、Where are you going in such a hurry anyhow? ─── 你这么急急忙忙是要去哪儿啊?

85、If I was losing my job anyhow, at least I had the pleasure of telling my boss what I really thought of him. ─── 既然我怎么着都丢饭碗了,那么我至少还要把自己对老板的真实看法痛痛快快地当面直说了。

86、Now they will make an end of him! Anyhow, He will die hard. ─── 他们现在就要搞掉他!不管怎样,他是不会那么容易就死的。

87、So, anyhow suppose you have passed the Third World and what next? ─── 假设你已经超过第三界,下一步怎么办?

88、Why you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow? ─── 为什么你如此想见?

89、Thank you all the same./Thank you anyhow. ─── 仍然(还是)要谢谢你。类似的还有:

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