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08-19 投稿


authenticated 发音

英:[???θent?ke?t?d]  美:[???θent?ke?t?d]

英:  美:

authenticated 中文意思翻译



authenticated 反义词

fictitious | spurious |false

authenticated 短语词组

1、authenticated users ─── 通过身份验证的用户经验证的用户

2、authenticated orcid ─── 已验证的orcid

3、authenticated message ─── 已验证消息

4、authenticated protest ─── 经证明的拒付

5、authenticated dns ─── 已验证的dns

6、authenticated bc ─── 已验证bc

7、authenticated document ─── [经] 经公正处公证的文件

8、authenticated copy ─── 经正式鉴定的副本

9、authenticated arp ─── 认证的arp

10、authenticated swift message ─── 经过身份验证的swift消息

11、authenticated user ─── 经过身份验证的用户

12、authenticated swift ─── 认证swift

13、not authenticated ─── 未验证

14、authenticated users group “ ─── 已验证用户”组

15、authenticated swift quoting ─── 经验证的swift报价

16、authenticated encryption ─── 认证加密,鉴别加密

17、authenticated cdn ─── 认证的cdn

18、authenticated documents ─── 经过身份验证的文档

authenticated 词性/词形变化,authenticated变形

名词: authentication |动词过去分词: authenticated |动词现在分词: authenticating |动词过去式: authenticated |动词第三人称单数: authenticates |

authenticated 同义词

actual | confirmed | veritable |genuine | factual | true | literal | substantial | unquestionable | sincere | bona fide | faithful | dependable | official | legitimate | hearty | good | proof | pure | original | natural | accepted | real | reliable | valid | accurate | trustworthy

authenticated 相似词语短语

1、authentication ─── n.证明;鉴定;证实

2、authenticates ─── vt.鉴定;证明…是真实的

3、authenticators ─── n.认证者;认证器

4、unauthenticated ─── adj.不可靠的;未经鉴定的;未经证实的

5、authenticator ─── n.认证者;认证器

6、reauthenticate ─── 重新验证

7、authenticate ─── vt.鉴定;证明…是真实的

8、authentical ─── 真确的

9、authenticating ─── v.验证(authenticate的ing形式)

authenticated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Experts have authenticated the writing as that of Byron himself. ─── 专家鉴定这字迹是拜伦的亲笔。

2、Specify the maximum incoming LDAP PDU size for authenticated sessions. The default is 4194303. ─── 一个是对匿名,另一个是对认证用户。


4、Only the CA's public key can decrypt the signature, verifying that the CA has authenticated the network entity that owns the Certificate. ─── 只有证书机构(CA)的公共密钥才能解密此签名,以证实持有此证书的网络实体已经通过了CA的鉴定。

5、If it has not been authenticated, the request is redirected to another page where users can enter their credentials into the Web application. ─── 如果请求未经过身份验证,它将被重定向到另一页,在此处,用户可以向Web应用程序输入凭据。

6、Then a secure firewall system HTTP-oriented based on certificate authority and secure channel is designed, the system which was authenticated by CA can certify the valid user-identity and set up secure communication channel. ─── 基于证书中心和安全通道设计与实现了一个面向HTTP协议的安全的防火墙系统,其中身份识别依赖于证书中心发放的数字证书,并具有安全通讯的安全通道。

7、Includes all users and Computers whose identities have been authenticated. Authenticated Users does not include Guest even if the Guest account has a password. ─── 包括了所有用户和计算机的身份已被认证。认证的用户,并不包括客户,即使客户的帐户密码。

8、As there is no agency relationship between us the relative credit directed to us have to be authenticated through a third bank. ─── 由于我们之间没有代理关系,发给我们的相关信用证须经过第三家银行确认。

9、Where an overseas applicant applies for building registration through a proxy, the power of attorney shall be notarized or authenticated according to the relevant state provisions. ─── 境外申请人委托代理人申请房屋登记的,其授权委托书应当按照国家有关规定办理公证或者认证。

10、In this article, we will explain how to configure WebSphere MQ and WebSphere Application Server so that the communication path between the two environments is properly authenticated, authorized, and encrypted. ─── 在本文中,我们将介绍如何配置WebSphere MQ和WebSphere Application Server,以对两种环境之间的通信路径进行正确的身份验证、授权和加密。

11、If the session is authenticated successfully, the set of SIDS in the session access token is updated. ─── 如果会话成功通过身份验证,则会更新会话访问令牌中的SIDS集。

12、What happens when you are authorized and also authenticated? ─── 如果同时被授权和认证会发生什么呢?

13、A specialist who authenticated the antique samovar. ─── 一位验证了这个俄国式茶炊文物的专家

14、If you have Authentication, then the user accessing a resource needs to be authenticated with rights and permissions to have access. ─── 如果您具有认证,则需要对访问资源的用户进行认证以验证他们是否有访问的权利和权限。

15、The list of authenticated users in the per-seat configuration does not consume too much memory on servers with fewer than 50,000 users. ─── 如果服务器上少于50,000个用户,则配置为每客户的身份验证用户列表不会消耗太多内存。

16、In.NET Framework security, the process of limiting access rights by granting or denying specific permissions to an authenticated identity or principal. ─── .NET Framework安全中限制访问权限的过程,这一过程是通过向经过身份验证的标识或主体授予或拒绝特定的权限来实现的。

17、Email Messages Deleted is the number of e-mail messages that were deleted by authenticated subscribers. ─── Email Messages Deleted是由已验证的订阅者删除的电子邮件数。

18、For authenticated and encrypted client access, ISA Server 2006 provides end-to-end security and application layer filtering by using SSL-to-SSL bridging. ─── 为了进行经过身份验证和加密的客户端访问,ISA Server 2006通过使用SSL到SSL的桥接提供了端到端的安全和应用层筛选。

19、Installed with safety protection system & CE authenticated electrical appliances meeting the European safety standard. ─── 内设安全保护系统,可选配CE认证电器,完全符合欧洲安全标准。

20、Only tenders which are due are opened and authenticated by the tender opening team. ─── 只有到期的投标书才会由开标小组开封及认证。

21、Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the local side of the connection was authenticated as the server. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

22、If a user has not been authenticated, the control prompts the user for a login name. ─── 如果用户未通过身份验证,该控件将提示用户输入登录名。

23、The concept of nonrepudiation is most familiar in the context of paper contracts: a signed contract is a legally binding document, and it is impossible to disown an authenticated signature. ─── 人们最熟悉的是书面合同上下文中认可的概念:已签名的合同是具有法律约束力的文档,要否认已通过身份验证的签名是不可能的。

24、Wang Binghua authenticated with C14 the wall vestige which Stein believed to be built in Han Dynasty, and discovered it's merely 300 years. ─── 中国考古学者王炳华用碳14鉴定了当年斯坦因认为应建于汉朝的城墙遗迹,最后惊奇地发现,这个城墙的历史只有300年。

25、Original Disc could not be found or authenticated. ─── 不是原盘或没有授权,反正是不能用!

26、Bills of lading on board notation other than a preprinted wording must be duly authenticated by the issuing party. ─── 好像是要开征行开个证明,不知道有没有问题? 谢谢!

27、The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you. ─── 系统检测到危害安全的尝试。请确认您能与对您进行身份验证的服务器联系。

28、Find large number of the acarid,and was authenticated to have 17 blank,filling up the blank of acarid species category of the XiAn-Xianyang international airport. ─── 从体外分检出大量的螨类 ,经鉴定有 17种 ,以革螨为主 ,填补了绵阳咸阳国际机场口岸螨类种类名录的空白。

29、The AS sends back the TGT to the client once the user is authenticated successfully. ─── 一旦客户机认证成功,AS便将TGT返回给客户机。

30、After finding another node in the cluster, the joining server must be authenticated for membership in the cluster and must receive a replicated copy of the cluster configuration database. ─── 在找到群集中的另一个节点之后,要加入群集的服务器必须进行身份验证,以验证其在群集中的成员身份,并且必须接收群集配置数据库的复制副本。

31、The letter has been authenticated by handwriting experts. ─── 这封信已由笔迹专家证明是真的。

32、The code you submitted could not be authenticated. ─── 不能鉴别你输入的认证码。

33、You could not be authenticated on this server. ─── 在该服务器上无法验证您。

34、Almighty Allah has intensely cursed the people who took the graves of their prophets as places of worship" (Authenticated by Al-Albani). ─── 全能的安拉强烈地诅咒把先知们的陵墓当做敬拜地的人。

35、Formerly, once a user was authenticated, access to external files was based on the security profile of the SQL Server process. ─── 以前,一旦用户经过身份验证,对外部文件的访问权限就是基于SQL Server进程的安全配置文件的。

36、The evidence it receives from the witnesses who testify, together with the documents and other things which are identified, authenticated and introduced in evidence. ─── 作证的证人以及与其联系在一起的被证实、确认并以证据的形式出示的文件和其它东西是获取证据的源泉。

37、In Germany, this test mission is carried out by "The Federal Road Bureau", which possesses a test laboratory authenticated by the NCAP. ─── 亮起警示灯,响起警告信号,然后听见液压引擎驱动器和汽车轮胎在测试车道的混凝土地上发出的摩擦声响。

38、Thousands of dollars. I have absolutely no doubt that this is absolutely true, because this is authenticated, okay? ─── 几千块钱。我毫不怀疑这是真的因为它是被证实的是真的,不是吗?。

39、This tool provides authenticated developer access to view and update service request at any time during the day, from an easy to use web portal. ─── 利用此新工具,认证开发者可以随时通过易用的门户网站查看和更新服务请求。

40、Second, revels the common issues in the efficiency of quality manageentsystem of authenticated organization. ─── 二是揭示了获证组织质量管理体系有效性方面普遍存在的问题;

41、An insurgent group has posted this video online and says it shows a US helicopter being shot down in central Iraq, while the clip has not yet been authenticated. ─── 一伙武装分子将这则录像在网上播放,展示一架美国直升机在伊拉克中部被击落的情形,但还未鉴别出其真实性。

42、Estimators put the number of participant in more than8900 well off the record if authenticated. ─── 北达科他州打算在星期六让人们回忆起雪天使记录。

43、The user is now successfully authenticated. ─── 用户现在成功进行了身份验证。

44、Kerberos is used because the consumer must be authenticated by using the computer account Local System and a two-way authenticated trust must exist. ─── 使用Kerberos的原因是,必须使用计算机帐户“本地系统”对使用者进行身份验证,并且必须存在已通过双向身份验证的信任。

45、Access denied creating the conference. It is possible that the specified security permissions could not be authenticated! ─── 创建会话时访问被拒绝。可能指定的安全许可不能被身份验证!

46、Use this page to allow or deny anonymous users and authenticated users access to your Web site. ─── 使用此网页允许或拒绝匿名用户,并验证访问您网站的用户。

47、Both routers authenticate and are authenticated, so the PAP authentication commands mirror each other. ─── 两台路由器都验证与被验证,所以密码验证协定的验证指令反映在每台路由器上。

48、Includes all users and Computers whose identities have been authenticated. ─── 包括了所有用户和计算机的身份已被认证。

49、Messages appear for both the authenticating process and the process of being authenticated. ─── 两者为了验证程序与被验证程序产生了一些讯息。

50、Use the following steps to configure the authenticated and anonymous cache profiles that will be used in each page layout. ─── 使用下列步骤配置将在每个页面布局中使用的已验证和匿名缓存配置文件。

51、DCE provides a secure communication channel between a client and a server through an authenticated RPC mechanism. ─── DCE通过一个认证RPC机制在客户机和服务器之间提供了一个安全的通信通道。

52、Future requests by the same browser session will be authenticated when the module inspects the cookie. ─── 同一浏览器会话的以后的请求将在模块检查该Cookie时进行身份验证。

53、Assignable (assign when needed by trusted authority after properly authenticated request). ─── 可分配(在经过适当的鉴别请求后可通过被信任的权利进行分配)

54、Formerly, after a user was authenticated, access to external files was based on the security profile of the SQL Server process. ─── 以前,用户经过身份验证后,对外部文件的访问权限是基于SQL Server进程的安全配置文件的。

55、If security account delegation is available and the linked server supports Windows Authentication, self-mapping for the Windows authenticated logins is supported. ─── 如果安全帐户委托可用且链接服务器支持Windows身份验证,则支持经过Windows身份验证的登录名的自映射。

56、Based on the elliptic curve cryptosystem, this paper proposes an authenticated encryption scheme with message recovery and message linkage recovery. ─── 分别提出了基于椭圆曲线的具有消息恢复和消息链接恢复的认证加密方案。

57、The auth-constraint element is used to specify constraints for an authenticated user account that must be met prior to accessing protected pages. ─── auth-constraint元素用于指定对通过认证的用户帐户的约束,这些约束必须在访问受保护页面之前得到满足。

58、Please note that payment to be effected to beneficiary upon receipt of our authenticated message authorizing you to release payment. ─── 请注意向受益人付款仅在收到我行可证实的信函授权你方付款的情况下方可进行。

59、A juridical precedent is nothing but "authenticated custom". ─── 司法惯例只不过是“权威的惯例”罢了。

60、Within a short amount of time, we began to see several other users significantly increase their volume of authenticated calls. ─── 在很短的时间内,我们开始发现其他用户的身份验证请求数量也在显著增长。

61、True. If specified, make sure that this name maps to only one authenticated user. ─── 如果已指定,请确保该名称仅映射到一个经过身份验证的用户。

62、WCF - TCP+Cert "The caller was not authenticated by the service. ─── " 但是没什么帮助,类似的问题很多都是没有解决。

63、Therefore, the Edge Transport server stamps each message with metadata that indicates the message is anonymous before it sends to a Hub Transport server over an authenticated connection. ─── 因此,边缘传输服务器在经由已通过身份验证的连接将邮件发送到集线器传输服务器之前,使用指明邮件为匿名的元数据标记每个邮件。

64、Authenticated access is required to use the publishers API. ─── 使用发布API必须通过授权访问。

65、Use this restriction to specify that recipients receive messages only from internal senders that have been successfully authenticated. ─── 使用此限制可以指定收件人仅接收来自已成功通过身份验证的内部发件人的邮件。

66、So, I am assuming that the test is comprehensive and authenticated. ─── 到底拿刀的是左手呢,还是拿灯笼的是右手呢?

67、The RPC proxy server Internet Server API (ISAPI) does not accept anonymously authenticated connections. ─── RPC代理服务器Internet服务器API(ISAPI)不接受匿名身份验证的连接。

68、You can accept messages from all or a specified set of recipients, reject messages from a specified set of recipients, and require senders to be authenticated. ─── 可以接受来自所有收件人或指定收件人组的邮件,拒绝来自指定收件人组的邮件,以及要求发件人进行身份验证。

69、How do I manage the access rights of authenticated users? ─── 如何管理用户的访问权限?

70、Today, to win FDA approval, a new medication must beat placebo in at least two authenticated trials. ─── 如今新药要得到FDA的批准,必须在至少两项可信试验中表现优于安慰剂。

71、English: Only allow authenticated users. Anonymous logins are prohibited. ─── 只允许授权的使用者,匿名使用者无法连线。

72、We are the Chinese Electron Academy purification Technology branch member,Shenzhen famous brand enterprise,ISO9000 Quality Management System authenticated enterprise. ─── 中国电子学会洁净技术分会成员,深圳品牌企业,ISO9000质量管理体系认证企业。

73、Some improvements to the TAE mode are also given in this paper, resulting in a MTAE (modified tweakable authenticated encryption) mode with security proof. ─── 同时,还给出了TAE模式的一些改进,得到模式MTAE(modified tweakable authenticat edencryption),并且证明了其安全性.

74、The museum made the mistake of accepting the painting before it had been authenticated. ─── 博物馆在还未确认这幅画的真实性之前就错误地把它接受了。

75、All the production is authenticated by the ISO9001 and CE authentication. ─── 产品通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证、CE认证。

76、Info:These leather biker jackets are developed using super grade leather, procured from authenticated ven ...... ─── 主要材质:真皮次要材质:金属尺码:均码适用季节:冬

77、To dispatch authenticated warranty cards to customers. ─── 分发已鉴定的保证书给客户;

78、Call also needs to get the identity of the authenticated user. ─── 也需要提到认证用户的身份。

79、The components we saw previously assumed that there are only two access levels, unauthenticated and authenticated. ─── 前面提到的那个组件仅仅假设只有两种访问级别,未通过验证和已通过验证。

80、The PAD stores at least one public key associated with a certificate authority( CA) and receives one or more digital certificates, which may be authenticated based on the stored CA public keys. ─── 个人身份确认装置储存有与凭证管理中心相关之公开金钥、可接收数位凭证,并使用凭证管理中心公开金钥对数位凭证加以确认,最后输出服务金钥。

81、Your registration details have now been authenticated. ─── 你的注册信息已经被受理。

82、He also prepared and checked meticulously the outstanding market positions and passed them, through the usual authenticated message, to London, and copied it to New York and to internal audit. ─── 他又准备好未平仓合约的资料,并仔细核对,然后以认证讯息的形式传给伦敦,又抄送纽约办事处与内部审计组。

83、Chinese or English translation of highest degree transcript (memos) authenticated by an overseas Embassy or Mission of Republic of China (Taiwan). ─── 全部成绩单英译本或中译本各一份(应经原毕业学校加盖章戳或钢印,并应经我国驻外馆处验证。)

84、This will allow the pages in the Employees folder to be accessible to any authenticated user on the system. ─── 这将允许系统中所有授权的用户都可以访问Employees文件夹中的页面。

85、For security, remote users could be authenticated at the network edge, then moved into the VLAN that gives them the appropriate freedom based on their authentication data. ─── 为安全起见,远地的用户可以被认定在网络的边缘,然后移进VLAN中,VLAN依据认定的数据给予这些用户相应的自由度。

86、They appears on its face to have been stamped or otherwise authenticated and dated in the place from which the Credit stipulates the goods are to be shipped or dispatched and such date will be deemed to be the date of shipment or dispatch. ─── 其正面有信用证规定的装运地或发运地戳记或以其它方式证实并加注日期者,该日期即视为装运日期或发运日期。

87、This field indicates whether or not the threat will attempt to replicate itself through mapped drives or other server volumes to which the user might be authenticated. ─── 共享驱动器这指出是否该恶意程序会尝试通过映射驱动器或其他的可能能鉴别用户的服务器卷标来复制它自己。

88、Occurs when the user logs in to the Web site and has been authenticated. ─── 在用户登录到网站并进行身份验证后出现。

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