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08-20 投稿


deducing 发音

英:[d??dju?s??]  美:[d??du?s??]

英:  美:

deducing 中文意思翻译



deducing 反义词


deducing 同义词

think |infer | reason | presume | glean | judge | surmise | hunch | deduct | a | figure | reckon | deem | gather | figure out | conclude | comprehend | determine | realize | derive | understand | have | construe | diagnose | assume | suppose | guess | work out

deducing 词性/词形变化,deducing变形

动词第三人称单数: deduces |动词过去分词: deduced |形容词: deducible |动词现在分词: deducing |动词过去式: deduced |

deducing 短语词组

1、deducing definition ─── 演绎定义

2、deducing words ─── 推演词

3、deducing title ─── 推断产权

4、deducing acceleration ─── 推演加速度

5、deducing game ─── 演绎游戏

6、deducing from word root ─── 从词根推断

7、deducing define ─── 演绎定义

8、deducing meaning ─── 演绎意义

9、deducing meaning from context ─── 从上下文推断意义

10、deducing synonym ─── 演绎同义词

deducing 相似词语短语

1、-ducing ─── ducing

2、reducing ─── n.减低;减轻体重法,减肥法(如节食);v.减少,降低;使(液体)变稠(reduce的现在分词)

3、seducing ─── vt.引诱;诱惑;诱奸;怂恿

4、adducing ─── vt.举出;引证

5、abducing ─── vt.使外展;把…引开

6、beduncing ─── 下床

7、deducting ─── 扣除

8、de-icing ─── v.防止结冰,装以除冰装置(deice的现在分词)

9、educing ─── v.使(潜在的事物)显出,引出,进化;(从数据中)演绎出

deducing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Repairing Electronic Injection Car by Deducing Way ─── 利用推断方法修电喷轿车

2、A Brief Way of Deducing the Formula of Centripetal Acceleration ─── 向心加速度公式的简明推导方法

3、In short, the method deducing tectonic stress field by vitrinite reflectance anisotropy (VRA) is feasible and effective. ─── 总之,利用煤镜质组反射率各向异性推断构造应力场的方法是可行的、是有效的。

4、deducing process ─── 推导过程

5、The ceramic tile nowadays is deducing different style and individual character, go up in colour no longer constrained at black, white, or a few shallow pale blue and yellow. ─── 如今的瓷砖演绎着不同的风格与个性,在色彩上不再拘泥于黑、白,或一些浅淡的蓝色与黄色。

6、As a result, some reasonable methods to resolving and deducing experiment error-differences were suggested. ─── 从而提出了几种能够合理解决或减少实验误差的可行性方法。

7、It does not suffice to grind away, mechanically deducing all the possible consequences of a fixed number of basic principles. ─── 光是埋头苦干,从固定几个基本原理机械性地推导出所有可能的定理,是远远不够的。

8、A Short-cut Method of Deducing Double-scaling Equations of Daubechies Wavelets ─── Daubechies小波双尺度方程的简捷推导

9、And the paper gives a detailed describing to the deducing of BP algorithm and its betterment arithmetic. ─── 并对神经网络理论中的BP算法及其改进算法的推演和相关知识进行了描述。

10、Abstract: In order to research the maglev technique well, the principle of a maglev ball control system is analyzed, including deducing its math model and analyzing its stability. ─── 摘要: 为了更好地研究磁悬浮技术,根据电磁学理论,对磁悬浮球控制系统的原理进行了分析,建立了控制系统的数学模型,进行了控制系统的稳定性分析;

11、The Method of Decomposition-Deduction for Deducing Atomic Spectroscopic Terms in j-j The Method of Decomposition-Deduction for Deducing Atomic Spectroscopic Terms in j-j ─── 分解-递推法推求等价组态j-j耦合原子光谱项

12、introducing the Jacobian of robot, deducing the Jacobian matrix with differential motion of robot; ─── 介绍雅克比矩阵的定义及性质,根据微分变换,求解一般机器人的雅克比矩阵;

13、The accuracy of function approximation and deducing are quite high and the learning speed is quite fast. ─── 它可用来逼近任何连续函数,且逼近精度高,泛化能力强,学习速度快。

14、Liao Hede is the first person in charge, if he is not present, Lin Bingxin should be the first person in charge, deducing the rest from this. ─── 廖和德为第一责任人,如果廖和德不在场,刘炳欣为第一责任人,依此类推。

15、On Some Concepts in Deducing Thomson Equation ─── Thomson方程推导中的某些概念问题

16、deducing by rhetoric ─── 修辞式推论

17、One of the most valuable research fields in logic programs is deducing negative information. There are two basic rules to negation, closed world assumption and negation as failure. ─── 处理否定最基本的两种方法是闭世界假定(closed world assumption)和失败即否定原则(negation as failure)。

18、With the help of the authorization concepts of OODM, this paper proposes the deducing implicit authorization model and introduces its implementation in application domain. ─── 借助于面向对象的数据模型 (OODM)中的授权概念,提出了在关系型数据库模型下的隐式授权推导模型,并介绍了这种模型的具体实现与应用。

19、The production of deducing the inducement has been reduced after a newer introduction. ─── 对说明进行演绎的产量在新的引进之后就减少了。

20、Second, through the deductive proving of the environmental capacity maximum and deducing the limitation conditions wh. . . ─── 通过对环境容量最大值的演绎证明,得出排污点的最优设置方案为等距等量设置。

21、The research on sand dikes is favorable for exploration of hydrocarbon reservoirs and for deducing ancient deposition setting and ancient earthquake grade. ─── 对砂岩脉的研究有助于寻找有工业价值的油气藏以及推断古沉积背景和古地震的震级。

22、A New Method for deducing the Formulas of Transmission Ratio and Efficiency of Complex Epicyclical Gear Trains ─── 复杂周转轮系的传动比与效率公式推导的新方法

23、After deducing the kinematical model of the four-wheeled mobile robot, a fuzzy controller, which can imitate human in driving, is designed to control the mobile robot to track the line. ─── 在详细推导了四轮式移动机器人的运动学模型后,设计了一个能模仿人驾驶汽车行为的模糊控制器来实现直线跟踪控制。

24、Method of Algebra for Deducing Atomic Spectroscopic Terms in j-j Coupling of Equivalent Configuration ─── 代数法推求等价组态j-j耦合原子光谱项

25、The traditional way of document indexing based on subject words and can't work well in the network environment because of the lack of the ability of semantic deducing. ─── 传统的采用主题词和关键词对文档进行标引的方法,由于不能提供语义推理而越来越不适合目前的网络环境。

26、The Proof of Equivalent Principles by Deducing the Equation of the Law of Universal Gravitation from the Theory of Relativity ─── 万有引力定律的理论推导与等效原理的证明

27、Augmented cognition, in contrast, focuses on deducing a cognitive state with the aim of somehow enhancing it. ─── 大不相同的是,基于用某种强化状态的意图,补充识别专注于推断一种可识别的状态。

28、The production of deducing the ibducement has been reduced after a newer introduction. ─── 在一个更新的引言之后推断诱因的结果已经减少.

29、Expatiation on Elasticity Loss Index of Cerebral Vessel in TCD by Means of Deducing Stenosis Index ─── 从TCD的狭窄指数推导出脑动脉弹性丧失指数

30、So, the matrix was constructed with deducing coefficients of least-square method. ─── 为此,通过最小二乘法推定系数,构造其矩阵。

31、The two Death Eaters met in the Time Room are never identified. To deduce who they were, it's best to start by deducing who they weren't. ─── 在时间之屋里见到的两个食死徒的身份从未确定。要推出他们是谁,最好从推断他们不是谁开始。

32、deducing plan ─── 推演预案

33、The next target is deducing the TEC. ─── 下步任务集中在TEC反演方法的研究上。

34、We'll correct your bill by deducing 180 yuan from the total. ─── 我们将把账单改正过来,从总额中减去去180元。

35、Keywords public security;public emergency;emergency response assistant system;emergency plan;deducing plan;emergency plan supporting system; ─── 公共安全;突发公共事件;应急辅助系统;应急预案;推演预案;应急预案支持系统;

36、Deducing and Estimating Nonparametric Signal in Semiparametric Regression Model--Method of Cubic Splines Interpolation ─── 半参数回归模型中非参数信号的推估--三次样条函数插值法

37、Colorful, crystal, mysterious, elegance and ingenuity incrustation, deducing out the unparalleled artistic effect, it was perfection integration by the romance of the free soul and unique manufacture. ─── 凭借JNJ马赛克的多姿多彩、晶莹剔透、神秘典雅,结合别具匠心的镶嵌,演绎出无与伦比的艺术效果,是心灵自由空间的浪漫和精工制作的完善融合。


39、Through calculations and deducing, the collimating characteristic, the intensity distribution, the transfer efficiency of light energy, are analytically showed and discussed in this paper. ─── 因而可以制作用于半导体激光二极管条快轴方向准直的双曲柱面-平面透镜。

40、Furthermore, a deducing method using network representation is developed to help designers converting design guidelines into design process. ─── 并发展一网路表示法和推论技巧,以帮助设计人员将设计提示转化为设计程序。

41、In this paper, we study the influence factors about acid-base titration jump and the stoichiometric point deducing approximate calculation formula of acid-base titration. Some useful results are obtained. ─── 摘要本文推导出了强酸强碱、一元弱酸弱碱、多元弱酸弱碱滴定突跃、化学计量点的近似计算式,用公式说明了影响滴定突跃的因素及化学计量点的位置,并得出了一些重要结论。

42、After deducing the model of BTT UAV, the control system is divided into two subsystems based on time-scale theory. ─── 得到无人机BTT数学模型后,应用时间尺度理论将控制系统分为快变量和慢变量两个子系统。

43、Deducing the Chain Displacement Length Distribution Function for Macromolecules Directly from Maxwell Velocity Distribution Function ─── 从麦克斯韦速度分布函数直接推导高分子链末端距分布函数

44、By analyzing BP training model, a solution named division and assembly by deducing the size of BP neural network to overcome entering the local best points is introduced. ─── BP算法理论依据坚实,通用性强,使得多层前向网络在模式识别、语音处理、智能控制及非线性优化等领域得到了广泛的应用。

45、In deducing the motion we will need to concern ourselves only with the component of angular momentum related to this axis. ─── 在分析这种运动时,我们只需涉及在该轴方向上的角动量分量。

46、deducing purse ─── 扣钱包

47、NOTE 3 When deducing the working voltage, the effect of transient voltages is ignored. ─── 在确定工作电压的时候,不考虑瞬间电压的影响。

48、By deducing past conditions from tree rings, the report concludes that this rate is "unprecedented" in the past millennium. ─── 通过对树的年轮情况的推断,这份报告下结论说:这个上升率在过去的千年中是前所未有的。

49、The latter originates in "linguistic turn" in philosophical investigations and has been concerned mostly with the cognitive process of deducing the speaker's intention on the part of the hearer. ─── 后者源于哲学研究的“语言性转向”,侧重研究接受者推断表达者语用意图的认知研究。

50、The Deducing of Sequentially Censored Statistical Testing Scheme of Success Ratio based on Communication Entropy ─── 基于信息熵的成功率截尾序贯统计试验方案推导

51、Finally, the deducing results are applied to reliability appraisal of a real project;then, this appraisal conclusion is compared with that in term of the extant load code. ─── 将推导结果应用于实际工程的可靠性鉴定中,并将该鉴定结论与按照现行荷载标准取值的鉴定结论进行对比分析。

52、The method of deducing Pythagorean Triples (irreducible and reducible) is explained. ─── 并说明了互素勾股数组的导出方法。

53、Deducing the formula of superconductor's critical temperature Tc by using the principle of least square method ─── 利用最小二乘法原理推导超导体的临界温度Tc公式

54、The drawing of a conclusion by reasoning; the act of deducing. ─── 推论通过推理得出结论;推断

55、Their heartstring cans not get total in the contemporary, but insists still that deducing a song in the material life of the hullabaloo is high with few plain and white snow! ─── 他们的心弦在当世得不到共鸣,但依然坚持在喧嚣的尘世中演绎着曲高和寡的阳春白雪!

56、Based on the multi-rate output theory and time-delayed algorithm, a kind of multi-rate output disturbance observer is presented, the deducing process and stability conditions of which are also given. ─── 摘要基于输出多采样率反馈理论与时滞估计原理,提出一种输出多采样率扰动观测器,给出了推导过程及稳定条件。

57、Method Research for Deducing Palaeoatmosphere Composition from Components of Amber Gaseous Inclusion ─── 利用琥珀气体包裹体判断古大气成分方法研究

58、Repeated deducing to meet the separation from the scene, repeat the tears. ─── 重复地演绎着从相逢到别离的一幕,重复着流泪。

59、Compared with the conventional spatio-temporal data model, this data model has some advantages in managing, querying and deducing spatio-temporal land information. ─── 与传统的时空数据模型,数据模型有一定的优势,管理,查询和推导时空土地信息。

60、Research of the Deducing Manoeuver System of War Situation ─── 作战态势推演系统研究

61、In deducing the stiffness matrix of members,the forming of the equivalent shear module is described in detail. ─── 在推导单元刚度矩阵时,着重阐述了压型钢板等效剪切模量的形成。

62、Two, applies the method being summed up as , deducing to concern a problem to harmonious thought with discriminating thought being in progress combing carefully. ─── 和谐思维不是对辩证思维的替代,而是对辩证思维的回归;

63、Deducing error equation that used vector rotating and transfer of axes theory,Measuring out measurement parameter error on different orthogonality by testing optical-electrical device. ─── 提出误差推导的一种新方法,利用向量旋转及坐标系变换理论推导出误差公式。


65、Mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA)and telomere are the primary DNA markers used in deducing individual age in recent years. ─── 目前用于年龄推断研究的DNA标记主要是线粒体和端粒。

66、deducing fault responsibility ─── 推定过错责任制

67、Deducing Conversational Implicature and Enhancing Listening Comprehension ─── 推导会话含义提高听力理解

68、In the deducing process, no specific flow mode is presupposed, and the conclusion of temperature subtracting by the same side for logarithmic mean temperature difference can be easily drawn. ─── 推导过程无需假定冷热流体的特定流向,并利于得到对数平均温差“同侧相减”的规律。

69、The method for deducing mean stress field from T, B, and P axes parameters of a number of focal mechanism solutions has been verified by inverting data of mean stress fields in . ─── 对使用多个震源机制解的T,B,P轴参数计算平均应力场的方法,以用滑动方向拟合法反演富蕴、唐山地区平均应力场数据进行验证,二者结果一致。

70、Calculation Formula Deducing Hydrogen Ion Concentration in Slutions Using Distribution Coefficients ─── 分布系数法推导溶液氢离子浓度计算公式

71、Keywords electrode potential on chemical measuring point;deducing;general f orm;applying; ─── 化学计量点电势;推导;通式;应用;

72、Deducing the reason, recognizing the key points and simplifying the charts-analysis and soling methods of the difficult points in the "three-line-eight-angular" teaching ─── 剖析成因辨认要点简化图形-"三线八角"教学中的难点分析及对策

73、Using MatLab software for deducing safety factor of point shearing resistance on the arch abutment space ─── 利用MatLab软件推导拱座空间点抗剪安全系数

74、main deducing steps are presented in the core-training algorithm of text categorization. ─── 文本分类的核心训练算法,给出主要步骤的推导过程;

75、The inspiration from the thinking mode of Archimedes in deducing the sphere volume formula ─── 从阿基米德推导球体积公式的思想方法得到的启示

76、Yao Li, deducing a thousand years of indifferent, lightens people's eyes, also illuminates the history of tunnel. ─── 瑶里,演绎着一段千年的淡泊,照亮了人们的眼睛,也照亮了历史的隧道。

77、Two methods for deducing hybrid orbital ─── 两种推求杂化轨道的方法

78、The Deducing and Solving about Control Equation of Transmission Electric Feedback System ─── 变速器电器反馈系统控制方程式的推演和求解

79、deducing regression formula according to M/M/1 queue model; (3) acquiring the path by active measurement. ─── 二是根据M/M/1排队模型采用最小二乘方法获得回归方程,避免了繁琐的计算,只需测量时延即可获得流量;

80、Deducing the Location and Strength of Thermal Source Acting on Sheet-Metal Structure ─── 受热薄壁结构热源定位及热强度识别方法研究

81、Deducing the formula of light-wave Doppler effect ─── 推导光波多普勒效应公式

82、It concludes that the decline of Ming Dynasty could be seen clearly in this period by deducing different kinds of trivial affairs.Why he said this decline was the record on Chinese failures? ─── 它通过这么多不同的、琐碎的事情、案例上推下演,总结出来的就是,明朝的衰亡是从万历这个时候可以看得清清楚楚,而这个衰亡为什么是中国的失败的总记录呢?

83、In TCM the five-element theory, as a theoretical tool, is used to explain and expound different kinds of medical problems by analogizing and deducing their properties and interrelations. ─── 中医的五行理论,作为一种理论工具,通过分析和推理用于详细说明五种不同医学问题的性质和它们之间的关系。

84、the power of exception to deducing ─── 推定的反驳力度

85、To in the evening, the process that I am taken away had upgrade edition, deducing me is lapped rise by cloth. ─── 到晚上,我被带走的过程就有了升级版,演绎成我是被布包裹起走的。


87、Fundamental research includes headstreams,core theory,structure,ways of deducing,chronometer and calendar of the doctrine; ─── 其中基础性研究包括运气学说形成的源流、核心理论、运气构架、推演方式和天文历法;

88、To(avoid) this kind of attack, the authors suggest that the encryption device should be protected to prevent the adversary from deducing faults. ─── 为了避免这类攻击,建议用户对加密设备进行保护,阻止攻击者对其进行故障诱导.

89、The technical route and preconditions deducing the damage evolution law of a rock mass are put up from that of the rock sample. ─── 提出了将此方程用于建立岩体损伤演化方程的技术路线和前提条件。

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