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08-20 投稿


brickbat 发音

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英:  美:

brickbat 中文意思翻译



brickbat 网络释义

n. 碎砖;批评的话;不逊之言vt. 向…投掷碎砖;谴责

brickbat 词性/词形变化,brickbat变形

名词复数形式:brickbats 第三人称单数:brickbats

brickbat 短语词组

1、brickbat books ─── 砖头书

2、brickbat definition ─── 砖块定义

3、brickbat crossword ─── 砖头纵横填字游戏

4、brickbat crossword clue ─── 砖头纵横字谜线索

5、brickbat battle ─── 砖头战

brickbat 相似词语短语

1、clickbait ─── 标题诱饵;点击诱饵

2、brickclay ─── 砌砖

3、brick-built ─── 砖砌

4、brickyard ─── n.砖厂

5、brickiest ─── adj.砖的(bricky的变形)

6、brickearths ─── n.制砖粘土

7、brick it ─── 砖块

8、brickearth ─── n.制砖粘土

9、brickbats ─── n.碎砖;批评的话;不逊之言;vt.向……投掷碎砖;谴责

brickbat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wall of one side blue bricks is after outdoors sofa, it is to use common brick to green brickbat is affixed in the surface again after step is good and be become. ─── 户外沙发后是一面青砖墙,是用普通砖砌好后再在表面贴上青砖片而成。

2、it’s that thing which she calls a switch,and which resembles a switch as much as it resembles a brickbat or a shotgun,or any other thing which you correct people with. ─── 那种东西她管它叫做长假发,它像一根软鞭子,也像一个碎砖或一只猎枪,或任何其它用来纠正或惩戒别人的东西。

3、The incline of self-hobbling, which meals debasing his or other people" moral expectation through brickbat, is a dissimilation to the function of impulsing an individual take action. ─── 通过自贬性自我道德预言,放低他人、自己对自身的道德要求的自我阻碍倾向,是行为动力功能异化的反映。

4、Broken brick road use, are relying on people to pick up or to break his own house after house, smashing the above banla brickbat, the drag on the road. ─── 修路用的碎砖头,都是老百姓依靠捡拾或者自己家里破房子上面的半拉碎砖经过砸碎后,拉到公路上的。

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