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08-20 投稿


cucurbitaceous 发音

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cucurbitaceous 中文意思翻译



cucurbitaceous 短语词组

1、cucurbitaceous vegetables ─── 葫芦科蔬菜

2、cucurbitaceous plant ─── 葫芦科植物

cucurbitaceous 相似词语短语

1、cactaceous ─── adj.仙人掌科的

2、cucurbital ─── 葫芦

3、coriaceous ─── adj.皮质的;像皮革的;强韧的

4、carbonaceous ─── adj.[植]碳质的;碳的,含碳的

5、chartaceous ─── adj.纸制的;如纸的

6、cucurbit wilts ─── 瓜枯萎病

7、cretaceous ─── adj.白垩纪的;似白垩的;n.白垩纪;白垩系

8、crustaceous ─── adj.外壳的;硬皮的

9、cucurbits ─── n.葫芦

cucurbitaceous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、4. any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines including: muskmelons; watermelons; cantaloupes; cucumbers. ─── 任何葫芦科藤蔓植物结的果实;甜瓜;西瓜;罗马甜瓜;黄瓜。收藏指正

2、Research Progress of Anther Culture in Cucurbitaceous Vegetable Crops ─── 瓜类蔬菜作物花药组织培养研究进展

3、Cucurbitaceous vegetable ─── 瓜菜

4、any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines including: muskmelons; watermelons; cantaloupes; cucumbers. ─── 任何葫芦科藤蔓植物结的果实;甜瓜;西瓜;罗马甜瓜;黄瓜。

5、cucurbitaceous plant ─── 葫芦科植物

6、any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines ─── 任何葫芦科藤蔓植物结的果实

7、Occurrence of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in cucurbitaceous crops in Guangxi ─── 小西葫芦黄花叶病毒在广西瓜类作物上的发生情况初报

8、Research Progress of Anther Culture in Cucurbitaceous Vegetable Crops ─── 瓜类蔬菜作物花药组织培养研究进展

9、any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines including: muskmelons; ─── 任何葫芦科藤蔓植物结的果实;甜瓜;

10、cucurbitaceous crops ─── 瓜类

11、Preliminary studies of chromosome band patterns and karyotypes of cucurbitaceous vegetables. ─── 葫芦科蔬菜染色体 Giemsa C-带带型和组型研究初报.

12、Cucurbitaceous plants ─── 瓜类作物

13、cucurbitaceous melon ─── 葫芦科瓜类蔬菜

14、The progress in studies on Fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. Cucurbitaceous ─── 瓜类枯萎病发生机理研究进展

15、Preliminary studies of chromosome band patterns and karyotypes of cucurbitaceous vegetables. ─── 葫芦科蔬菜染色体GiemsaC-带带型和组型研究初报。

16、Cantaloup is belonged to cucurbitaceous, a year of rampant herb. ─── 香瓜属葫芦科,一年蔓生草本植物。

17、Occurrence of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in cucurbitaceous crops in Guangxi ─── 小西葫芦黄花叶病毒在广西瓜类作物上的发生情况初报

18、Cantaloup is belonged to cucurbitaceous, a year of rampant herb. ─── 香瓜属葫芦科,一年蔓生草本植物。

19、Balsam pear belongs to cucurbitaceous plant, call cool melon again, n/med leprosy melon, bright and beautiful litchi, n/med leprosy grape, red sheep. ─── 苦瓜属葫芦科植物,又叫凉瓜,癞瓜,锦荔枝,癞葡萄,红羊。

20、any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines including: muskmelons; ─── 任何葫芦科藤蔓植物结的果实;甜瓜;

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