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obsequious 发音

英:[?b?si?kwi?s]  美:[?b?si?kwi?s]

英:  美:

obsequious 中文意思翻译



obsequious 网络释义

adj. 谄媚的;奉承的;顺从的

obsequious 词性/词形变化,obsequious变形

比较级--more obsequious;最高级--most obsequious。

obsequious 短语词组

1、obsequious sentence examples ─── 谄媚句例

2、obsequious smile ─── 媚笑

3、obsequious definition ─── 谄媚的定义

4、obsequious thesaurus ─── 谄媚词库

5、obsequious behavior ─── 谄媚行为

6、obsequious definition crossword ─── 谄媚定义纵横字谜

7、obsequious meaning english ─── 奉承英语

8、obsequious in a sentence ─── 奉承的

9、be obsequious to ─── 奉承

10、obsequious define ─── 谄媚的定义

obsequious 相似词语短语

1、obsequiously ─── adv.谄媚地;奉承地

2、oblivious ─── adj.遗忘的;健忘的;不注意的;不知道的

3、obsequies ─── n.葬礼

4、obsequiousness ─── n.谄媚;奉承

5、nonserious ─── 不严重的

6、obsequial ─── adj.葬礼的

7、abstemious ─── adj.节约的,节省的;有节制的

8、arsenious ─── adj.含砷的;含砒素的

9、obsessions ─── n.癖好;着迷;使人痴迷的的人或物;强迫意念(obsession的复数)

obsequious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was obsequious to his superiors, but he didn't get any favor. ─── 他巴结上司,但没得到任何好处。

2、Schopenhauer has come up with the aesthetics category of "obsequious beauty" between concinnity and magnificence, which is a great contribution to the classification of the pattern of beauty he does. ─── 摘要叔本华在优美和壮美之间又提出“媚美”这一美学范畴,这是他对美的形态分类的一大贡献。

3、an obsequious person who flatters others by his glib tongue in order to gain favors ─── 佞人

4、nothing irritated her more than an excessively obsequious waiter or a fawning salesclerk. ─── 没有激怒她一个多过于卑躬屈膝服务员或讨好店员。

5、he makes obsequious shows of respect. ─── 为表示尊敬甚至有些卑躬屈膝。

6、Thoughts of escape were not only difficult to entertain but periodically discouraged by squads of the now obsequious jailers who glided through sweeps of the area. ─── 想要逃走的想法很难实现,而且随着那些听命的狱卒不断进行的巡逻,逃走的可能性和信心越来越低。

7、122 The obsequious brush curtails truth in deference to the canvas which is narrow. ─── 谄媚的画笔依从狭窄的画布把真理打了折扣。

8、a coaxing and obsequious voice; her manner is quiet and ingratiatory and a little too agreeable. ─── 诱哄顺从的声音;她的样子文静又顺从,有点过于顺从。

9、To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior . ─── "用拍马屁和谄媚的态度来取悦,引起注意."

10、neither haughty nor humble; neither supercilious nor obsequious; neither overbearing nor servile ─── 不亢不卑

11、obsequious shop assistants ─── 阿谀逢迎的店员

12、He was a man of twenty-five or twenty-six years of age, of unprepossessing countenance, obsequious to his superiors, insolent to his subordinates ─── 腾格拉尔现在正向船主走来。他约莫有二十五六岁,天生一副对上谄媚对下轻视无礼,不讨人喜欢的面孔。

13、Don't toady to or be obsequious to rich or powerful people. ─── 不谄媚奉承有钱或权势的人。

14、be obsequious to ─── v. 奉承

15、10.The obsequious brush curtails truth in deference to the canvas which is narrow. ─── 阿谀的画笔顺从目光短浅的画布,真理因而被削弱。

16、2360. obsequious : slavishly attentive; ─── 2360 。低三下四:盲目周到;

17、Do I have to be obsequious since you are above? ─── 你高高在上,我就要卑躬屈膝吗?

18、But I never call him this way, for I've always respected the fat coach who seemed to be always obsequious. ─── 但我从不这么叫他,因为我尊重这个似乎一直唯唯诺诺的胖教练。

19、5. He was a man of twenty-five or twenty-six years of age, of unprepossessing countenance, obsequious to his superiors, insolent to his subordinates; ─── 一个奇怪的现象显示,他虽然表面上不吸引人,不修边幅,实际上却是一位有着超越力量的瑜伽修行者。收藏指正

20、The landladies paid court to her, in the obsequious way landladies have ─── 女店主们以她们特有的谄媚方式向她献殷勤。

21、2. He is a worker who is obsequious to the boss. ─── 他是个对老板卑躬屈膝的人。

22、He looked at the two ladies with an obsequious air ─── 他看着两位太太,满脸谄媚的神情。

23、obsequious flattery ─── 恭维话

24、9 In a group, you detect well that those men of rank and wealth have an experience of ill-got fortune; those men of high position all are obsequious experts. ─── 在一个团体中,那些有钱有势的人,你清楚地了解,他们那些横财至使他们致富的经历。自于那些位居高位者,又有那一个不是吹牛拍马屁的专家。

25、He noticed that they were all whispering together, looking towards him with something like awe and even obsequious deference. ─── 他发现,大家在窃窃私语,用目光向他表示,有如目光中流露出恐惧,甚至是奴颜婢膝的样子。

26、be obsequious to one's superiors ─── 巴结上司

27、But I never call him this way, for I've always respected the fat coach who seemed to be always obsequious . ─── 但我从不这么叫他,因为我尊重这个似乎一直唯唯诺诺的胖教练。

28、He is obsequious to men in power. ─── 他对有权势者谄媚。

29、be obsequious to the great ─── 巴结权贵

30、His obsequious behavior made everyone nervous. He was always rushing to open doors and perform other small tasks, apologizing unnecessarily for any inconvenience that he might have caused. ─── 他总是逢迎的态度使每个人都不安。他经常冲出门去做些小事,为任何他可能造成的不便而进行不必要的道歉。

31、neither humble nor pert; neither obsequious nor arrogant ─── 不卑不亢

32、to seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior ─── 用拍马屁和谄媚的态度来取悦或引起注意

33、for those men are most apt to be obsequious and conciliating abroad who are under the discipline of shrews at home. ─── 因为在老婆的严厉管束下,这种男人即使在外面,也已经习惯了妥协与奉承。

34、He is a worker who is obsequious to the boss. ─── 他是一个对老板卑躬屈膝的人。

35、The secretary is exceedingly obsequious to the manager. ─── 这个秘书对经理极尽阿谀奉承之能事。

36、The servant presented an obsequious cup of coffee and then made a paralytic attempt to stand at attention. ─── 仆人毕恭毕敬地端上一杯咖啡,然后使劲想立正,可是就是站不稳。

37、The standing alone is classic, will not trend blindly, will not go to power obsequious servile behaviorly. ─── 孤独者是高尚的,不会随波逐流,不会奴颜婢膝地去媚势。

38、Her tone changed to one of obsequious solemnity as she turned to the banker: "The parlor is ready, Mr. Phelps. " ─── 她转过身来,声调一下变得毕恭毕敬,对银行家说:“菲利普先生,客厅准备好了。”

39、Our long-term closed-door policy, developed a set of special psychological, or obsequious towards foreigners, or for no reason and arrogance, rather than as their peers and their own view. ─── 我们长期闭关锁国,形成了一种特别的心理定势,对待外国人或者卑躬屈膝,或者无端地傲慢,而不是把他们也作为和自己相等的人来看待。

40、One who seeks favor, especially by insincere flattery or obsequious behavior. ─── 奉承者,谄媚者寻求好感的人,尤指通过不真诚的奉承和殷勤的举止

41、He was a man of twenty-five or twenty-six years of age, of unprepossessing countenance, obsequious to his superiors, insolent to his subordinates; ─── 他约莫有二十五六岁,天生一副对上谄媚对下轻视无礼,不讨人喜欢的面孔。

42、n.An obsequious follower or dependent;a sycophant. ─── 奴才,马屁精一个奴颜卑膝的献媚者;

43、To fawn and be obsequious ─── 摇尾乞怜

44、To behave in a servile or obsequious manner. ─── 巴结或奉承以屈从或奉承的举止来表现

45、Your attitude should be that of an employee who's there to talk about a new project, rather than the more obsequious attitude of a candidate who's hoping to get an offer. ─── 你在面试中的态度应该是把自己作为一名正在探讨项目的员工,而不是作为一名渴求获得工作的谦卑的面试者。

46、1.lowly; mean; humble; 2.servile; obsequious; cringing ─── 低三下四

47、obsequious a. ─── 逢迎的;

48、Chandler 's weasel face screwed into an obsequious smile. ─── 钱德勒黄鼠狼似的脸上现出了谄媚的笑容。

49、The manager's obsequious assistant annoyed the other employees in the department. ─── 谄媚的经理助手惹恼了部门内的其他职员。

50、Flattering in an insincere way; obsequious. ─── 以不真诚的方式奉承的;谄媚的

51、"It was yourself, monsieur, " said the obsequious waiter. ─── “就是你自己,先生。”堂倌奉承道。

52、They were obsequious and servile and did not presume to talk to their masters as if they were their equals. ─── 他们既卑躬屈膝又恭敬顺从,不敢像对待自己的同类一样与自己的主人交谈。

53、No, let me be obsequious in thy heart, ─── 不,请让我在你心里长保忠贞,

54、an obsequious smile ─── 谄媚的微笑

55、To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior. ─── 阿谀奉承用拍马屁和谄媚的态度来取悦,引起注意

56、someone seeking social prominence by obsequious behavior. ─── 通过谄媚奉承、拍马屁的行为来追求在社会上的显著突出的人。

57、He noticed that they were all whispering together, looking towards him with something like awe and even obsequious deference. ─── 他发现,大家在窃窃私语,用目光向他表示,有如目光中流露出恐惧,甚至是奴颜婢膝的样子。

58、Oh, we have some in Huangchenggen and some other tumbledown ones that are under the reinforced concrete construction and paint face-lifting (which are made so obsequious and meretricious). ─── 唔,皇城根里有的,还有一些摇摇欲坠的正在钢筋混泥土油漆翻新(弄得如此之媚俗)。

59、obsequious behavior ─── 谄媚的行为

60、a worker who is obsequious to the boss ─── 对老板卑躬屈膝的人.

61、The servant presented an obsequious cup of coffee and then made a paralytic attempt to stand at attention. ─── 仆人毕恭毕敬地端上一杯咖啡,然后使劲想立正,可是就是站不稳。

62、An obsequious act. ─── 奴颜卑膝的行为

63、an obsequious shop owner ─── 善于讨好顾客的店主

64、those men of high position all are obsequious experts. ─── 而那些身居高位者,又有那一位不是吹牛拍马屁的专家。

65、Though his tone was respectful, sometimes obsequious, he was also canny. ─── 尽管语气中颇有敬意,有时候甚至逢迎,但他很谨慎。

66、Schopenhauer has come up with the aesthetics category of "obsequious beauty" between concinnity and magnificence,which is a great contribution to the classification of the pattern of beauty he does. ─── 叔本华在优美和壮美之间又提出“媚美”这一美学范畴,这是他对美的形态分类的一大贡献。这一范畴的提出是与他的人生观和艺术观紧密相连的。

67、If you think you've got the job, you might think a thank-you note is unnecessary or even obsequious. ─── 如你认为你有把握得到这份工作的话,你可能会觉得一条感谢条没有必要或甚至是奉承。

68、Granted his obsequious manner, I still think he's ambitious enough to do the job. ─── 即使他有奉承之意,我仍然认为去接这份工作,他够有勇气的了。

69、I think most of us have the instinctive ability to discern between the merely obsequious and the purely altruistic. ─── 我想我们大部分人都可以直觉的辨认出逢迎谄媚和纯粹的利他行为。

70、"It was yourself, monsieur," said the obsequious waiter. ─── “就是你自己,先生。”堂倌奉承道。

71、So we needn't have to be obsequious,and nobody will be above in love world.Please love each other deeply. ─── 所以我们没有必要卑躬屈膝,因为在充满爱的世界没有谁高高在上。请深爱彼此。

72、obsequious court ─── 殷勤的求爱

73、Constant personal attention and often obsequious solicitude. ─── 永恒不变的个人恒心和经常顺从的挂念

74、An obsequious follower or dependent; a sycophant. ─── 奴才,马屁精一个奴颜卑膝的献媚者;溜须拍马者

75、obsequious beauty ─── 媚美

76、1. She is an obsequious shop owner. ─── 她是个善于谄媚的店主。

77、a coaxing and obsequious voice;her manner is quiet and ingratiatory and a little too agreeable. ─── 她的声音过分亲切,像是在哄害羞的孩子。

78、Those men are most apt to be obsequious and conciliating abroad, who are under the discipline of shrews at home ─── 一个人在家里受惯了泼妇的教训,到外面是最容易处处随和,事事顺从。

79、an obsequious manner/smile ─── 谄媚的态度/微笑

80、I sat at a table where were rich food and wine in abundance, and obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not;and I went away hungry from the inhospitable board. ─── 我坐在有着丰富食物和充足的酒和奉承拍马的桌子前,,但诚挚和真理却不在,我从不友好的伙食饿着肚子离开。

81、Barrow was positively obsequious to me until he learned that I too was the son of a labouring man. ─── 知道我也出身于工人家庭之前,巴罗一直竭力讨好我。




solicitous s 热切的

Solicitous Parents 焦虑父母

solicitous service 周到的服务



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