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08-20 投稿


furbished 发音

英:[?f??b??t]  美:[?f?rb??t]

英:  美:

furbished 中文意思翻译



furbished 短语词组

1、furbished fashion ─── 复古时装

2、furbished definition ─── 模糊定义

3、re-furbished (re-furbish ─── 的过去分词) vt. 刷新;再磨光

furbished 词性/词形变化,furbished变形

动词过去分词: furbished |动词现在分词: furbishing |动词第三人称单数: furbishes |动词过去式: furbished |名词: furbisher |

furbished 相似词语短语

1、furbishes ─── v.更新,翻新;磨光,擦亮

2、furnishes ─── vt.提供;供应;装备

3、kurbashed ─── 曲率

4、furnished ─── adj.家具,有家具的;v.供应;装备(furnish的过去分词)

5、refurbished ─── v.翻新,刷新(refurbish的过去分词)

6、furnisher ─── n.家具商;供给者

7、furbisher ─── furbisher公司

8、burnished ─── adj.铮亮的;光洁的;v.擦亮;磨光(burnish的过去式和过去分词)

9、furbish ─── v.更新,翻新;磨光,擦亮

furbished 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、to polish; to scrape; to furbish; to burnish ─── 磨光

2、it is furbished that it may glitter: should we then make mirth? it contemneth the rod of my son, as every tree. ─── 我们岂可快乐吗?罚我子的杖藐视各树。

3、to furbish up his half-forgotten French ─── 重温他那已忘得差不多了的法语

4、It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter; it is furbished that it may glitter: should we then make mirth? it contemneth the rod of my son, as every tree. ─── 磨快为要行杀戮,擦亮为要像闪电。我们岂可快乐吗。罚我子的杖藐视各树。

5、And he hath given it to be furbished, that it may be handled: this sword is sharpened, and it is furbished, to give it into the hand of the slayer. ─── 结:21:19人子阿、你要定出两条路、好使巴比伦王的刀来.这两条路必从一地分出来.又要在通城的路口上画出一只手来。

6、1.to repair; to rebuild; to renovate; to recondition; to furbish; to refit; to restore; to do up 2.restoration; renovation; a facelift3.to trim4.trimming ─── 整修


8、And he hath give it to be furbished, that it may be handled: this sword is sharpened, and it is furbished, to give it into the hand of the slayer. ─── 结21:11这刀已经交给人擦亮、为要应手使用.这刀已经磨快擦亮、好交在行杀戮的人手中。

9、Results The symptoms of examination group were ameoliated relative quickly,then the signs and examination indexes were gradually furbished,so as to reduce the complications and sequelae. ─── 结果:静脉注射人血丙种球蛋白可使患儿症状迅速改善,体征及辅助检查改变逐渐恢复,从而减少并发症及后遗症,疗效优于对照组,且未见明显毒副作用;

10、Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith the LORD; say, a sword, a sword is sharpened, and also furbished. ─── 人子阿,你要预言。耶和华吩咐我如此说,有刀,有刀,是磨快擦亮的。

11、After the cata lase coped with high voltage electrostatic field is whisked,its activity can ult imately furbish. ─── 电场强度越大,酶活力达到平衡所需时间越短。

12、4.A married woman returning to teaching needs to furbish up her old skills. ─── 重新拿起教鞭的已婚妇女需要重温过去的教书技能。

13、2.I wish to furbish up the French I learned at collage. ─── 我想重温一下在大学里学过的法语。

14、Harness the horses, and get up, ye horsemen: stand forth with helmets, furbish the spears, put on coats of mail. ─── 骑士,你们应装备战马,快骑上,戴上盔,磨快枪,披甲出阵!

15、1. I wish to furbish up the Russian I learnt at college. ─── 我要重温一下我在大学里学过的俄语。

16、Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith Jehovah: Say, A sword, a sword, it is sharpened, and also furbished; ─── 人子啊,你要预言。耶和华吩咐我如此说:有刀、有刀,是磨快擦亮的;

17、If you furbish up these old chairs, you'll have a better chance of selling them. ─── 你要是把这些旧椅子擦亮,就会更好卖些。

18、furbish up an antique sword ─── 擦亮一把古剑.

19、furbish the spears, and put on the brigandines. ─── 你们套上车、骑上马、顶盔站立、磨枪贯甲。

20、Furbish lousewort ─── 弗比氏马先蒿

21、9 Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith the LORD; Say, A sword, a sword is sharpened, and also furbished: ─── 人子阿,你要预言。耶和华吩咐我如此说,有刀,有刀,是磨快擦亮的。

22、3.You need to furbish up your French before you go to France. ─── 去法国以前你必须把法语温习一下。

23、Buy used or re-furbished products - used books save trees and re-furbished electronics save you money. ─── 买二手的或者翻新的物品——用二手的书可以解救树木,翻新的电器节省你的金钱。

24、To look at the matter in this light simplified his own case and surprisingly furbished up all the dim domestic virtues. ─── 这样一想,就把他个人的问题简化了,同时也令人惊奇地修复了他模糊的家庭观念。

25、furbish up a rusty sword ─── 把生锈的刀擦亮

26、furbish up one's half-forgotten English ─── 重温忘了一半的英语

27、Condition: Newly modern redecorated apartment of 60sqm with vogue furbished finish. ─── 距离国家体育场-鸟巢,水立方步行10分钟。

28、It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter;it is furbished that it may glitter: should we then make mirth? it contemneth the rod of my son, as every tree. ─── 这刀已经交给人擦亮、为要应手使用.这刀已经磨快擦亮、好交在行杀戮的人手中。

29、4 Harness the horses; and get up, ye horsemen, and stand forth with your helmets; furbish the spears, and put on the brigandines. ─── 耶:51:11你们要磨尖了箭头,抓住盾牌。耶和华定意攻击巴比伦,将她毁灭,所以激动了米底亚君王的心。因这是耶和华报仇,就是为自己的殿报仇。

30、9Son of man, prophesy, and say: Thus saith the Lord God: Say: The sword, the sword is sharpened, and furbished. ─── 因为我要铲除你境内的义人和恶人,为此,我的剑从鞘内抽出,攻击由南至北一切有血肉的人;

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