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08-20 投稿


dairywoman 中文意思翻译



dairywoman 词性/词形变化,dairywoman变形


dairywoman 相似词语短语

1、chairwoman ─── n.女主席;女议长

2、Everywoman ─── n.普通女人;曲型女人

3、dairyman ─── n.挤奶工人,乳牛场工人;乳牛场主,乳品商

4、dairymen ─── n.乳制品厂男工人;乳制品厂主人;乳制品销售商(dairyman的复数)

5、handywoman ─── 手工女工

6、airwoman ─── n.女飞行员;女飞行家

7、jurywoman ─── n.女陪审员

8、doorwoman ─── 女人

9、firewoman ─── 女消防员

dairywoman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But my companion is impatient,and proposes that we should appropriate the dairywoman's cloak,and have a scamper on the moors,under its shelter. ─── 可是我的同伴不耐烦了,他建议我们可以披上挤牛奶女人的外套,到旷野上跑一跑。

2、Self-sacrificing as her mood might be Tess could not well go further and cry, 'Marry one of them, if you really do want a dairywoman and not a lady; and don't think of marrying me!' ─── 苔丝心里也许是一种自我牺牲的精神,但是她做不到再进一步而大声对他说,“如果你真的不想娶一个小姐而只想娶一个奶牛场里的女工做妻子,就在她们中间挑选一个吧;千万不要想到娶我!”

3、If you really do want a dairywoman for a wife, choose one of them. ─── 如果你只想娶一个奶牛场里的女工做妻子,就在她们中间挑选一个吧。

4、but my companion is impatient, and proposes that we should appropriate the dairywoman's cloak, and have a scamper on the moors, under its shelter. ─── 他建议我们偷走牛奶场女工的斗篷,并在它的庇护下在荒地上狂奔。

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