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08-20 投稿


defenseless 发音

[ d?'f?nsl?s]

英:  美:

defenseless 中文意思翻译



defenseless 网络释义

adj. 无防备的

defenseless 词性/词形变化,defenseless变形

动词现在分词: defensing |形容词: defenseless |副词: defenselessly |动词过去式: defensed |名词: defense-lessness |动词过去分词: defensed |动词第三人称单数: defenses |

defenseless 同义词

screen | vindication | defense mechanism | fort | excuse | defence | defending team | demurrer | shield | palladium | aegis | excuss | armour | safeguard | support | refutation | cover | armament | denial | custody | stand | defence mechanism | bulwark | barricade | alibi | stronghold | defense team | fortification | redoubt | buckler | apologia | defensive measure | shelter | defense reaction | palliation | plea | resistance | argument |justification | ward | story | DoD | protection | explanation | security | defence reaction | safekeeping | Department of Defense | care | apology | rampart | Defense Department | guard

defenseless 短语词组

1、defenseless creature ─── 无防御生物

2、defenseless against failure ─── 无法抵御失败

3、defenseless against ─── 无力抵抗

4、defenseless hearts ─── 手无寸铁的心

5、defenseless receiver rule ─── 无防御接受者规则

6、defenseless person ─── 手无寸铁的人

7、defenseless vs defenceless ─── 无防御与 ─── 无防御

8、defenseless hearts meagan brandy ─── 手无寸铁的心米甘白兰地

9、defenseless dvd ─── 无防御dvd

defenseless 反义词

assault |offense | prosecution | attack

defenseless 相似词语短语

1、defencelessly ─── 无防御地

2、defensiveness ─── n.防御;防御性

3、offenseless ─── adj.无攻击力的;不惹人的

4、defenses ─── vt.[军]防御;辩护(defense的第三人称单数);n.[军]防御(defense的复数)

5、defenceless ─── adj.(英)无防御的;无保护的

6、defenselessly ─── 毫无防备地

7、defenselessness ─── n.无防御

8、pretenseless ─── 无先见的

9、defensemen ─── n.防守队员(尤指冰上曲棍球中的)

defenseless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So what your association is backing is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenseless with just handguns. ─── 所以你的协会支持的是一个允许中上层阶级持有炸弹,而穷人除了手枪则手无寸铁的项目。

2、Epic Units start off with no anti-air capabilities and are defenseless against air units unless upgraded or escorted. ─── 史诗单位一开始是不具有防空能力的,除非进行升级或有部队护送,否则它们对与空军是不设防的。

3、a feeling of concern for the welfare of someone (especially someone defenseless). ─── 对某人的幸福关心的感情(尤其是无防备的某人)。

4、defenseless (adj. ─── ) 无防备的;

5、The bandits descended on the defenseless village ─── 匪徒突袭无防御的村庄。

6、Yu Defen,Gu Leguan,Sun Caixin,et al.The research to token on flashover characteristics of insulator in the acid wet precipitation [J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2001,21(4):15-19(in Chinese). ─── [9]余德芬,顾乐观,孙才新,等.酸性湿沉降对绝缘子闪络特性的表征量研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2001,21(4):15-19.

7、You mean a poor little teensy-weensy, itsy-bitsy defenseless bird? -Yes! ─── 你是说那个可怜的无助的小不点鸟?-是!

8、Some 250 commercial and military satellites now orbit in the lowest altitudes, according to the Satellite Industry Association, and most of them are defenseless against the radiation that would be released by a high-altitude atomic burst. ─── 数目不断增加的人造卫星为我们提供通讯、导航、无线与有线电视,以及地面摄影与天气预报等服务。

9、According to the plan, the bandits entered the unprotected village.They stole everything of value they could find.They also killed all the defenseless village cows, and cooked and ate the meat. ─── 强盗按原计划进入毫无防范的村子,东翻西寻,掠取全部财物,还宰杀所有母牛,煮熟食肉。

10、He bit like a playground runt to protect the defenseless little person he thought himself to be. ─── 就像操场上某个调皮小鬼为了保护心目中那个手无寸铁的”小孩子“一样,于是他去咬人。

11、Sand Island He's defenseless while he's taxiing. Keep the enemy off him. ─── 他在滑行的时候是无防备的。做他掩护。

12、We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love,never so forlornly unhappy as when we have lost our love object or its love. ─── 当我们相爱时,我们从没有如此的脆弱;当我们失去爱或者爱人时,又是从没如此的孤独与无助。

13、A city without gun or water is defenseless before an army. ─── 无枪炮或缺水的城市在大军围攻时是无法自卫的。

14、With a kiss you can strip me defenseless,With a touch I completely lose control,til all that's left of my strength is a memory, woo... ─── 一个吻就让我弃甲投降,一靠近你就丧失自制力,自制矜持面对你如烟云。

15、Did not let me down when I was defenseless ─── 在我无依无靠时没有将我抛在一起

16、Advertisers delight in an audience that believes ads to be harmless nonsense,for such an audience is rendered defenseless by its belief that there is no attack taking place. ─── 广告商最喜欢那些认为广告是一派胡言的人,因为他们没有意识到广告商在鼓动而毫无防范之心。

17、The defense of individual rights has reached such extremes as to make society as a whole defenseless against certain individuals. ─── 对个体权利的保护已经走向极端,导致社会整体在某些个人面前不堪一击。

18、defenseless villages ─── 无防守的村庄

19、They are utterly devoid of conscience, they even humiliated these defenseless civilians. ─── 欺辱这些手无寸铁的平民,这些人真是丧尽天良。

20、But in his book or his picture the real man delivers himself defenseless . ─── 但是在他写的书、画的画里面,他却毫无防范地把自己显露出来。

21、CS : introducing similar games, the fixed angle firing gun wielding masked criminals, but t those who launched the good citizens defenseless. ─── 游戏介绍:类似CS,固定视角射击蒙面的持抢歹徒,但是不要射那些手无寸铁的良好市民。

22、"Mimicry is the trick by which a moth or other defenseless insect comes to look like a wasp" (Marston Bates) ─── “拟态是飞蛾或其他无防御手段的昆虫具有的使自己看上去象一只黄蜂的特点”(马斯顿·贝茨)

23、With this first seizure, Mike's life was beginning to fade.His immune system was defenseless. ─── 他完全失去了免疫力,发病一次比一次厉害,越来越频繁。

24、Unwilling to be caught defenseless, Fett laid low for a while, which prompted a concerted search by Solo's friends. ─── 费特不想在无法反击的情况下被抓,于是耽搁了一阵,却促使索洛的朋友们筹划了一次联合搜捕。

25、The enemy preyed on the defenseless people . ─── 敌人劫掠没有防御能力的人们。

26、Mimicry is the trick By which a moth or other defenseless insect comes to look like a wasp ─── 拟态是飞蛾或其他无防御手段的昆虫具有的使自己看上去象一只黄蜂的特点

27、He voiced his solidarity with the weak and defenseless. ─── 他表示自己站在弱势无助群体一边。

28、What she did witness was a confrontation between the ship, which was defenseless, and an American submarine. ─── 她所见到的是毫无自卫能力的船只和一艘美国潜水艇的冲突。

29、It has left Russians feeling more unsafe and defenseless than ever. ─── 它使俄罗斯人前所未有地感到更加不安和身处险境。

30、One that is defenseless, especially in the face of attack; a victim. ─── 牺牲品没有防卫能力,尤指在面对攻击时的生物;牺牲

31、He seemed to me very independent, sure of himself and at the same time defenseless so to speak, an innocent boy and a very nice little boy," Putin said. ─── 在我看来,他非常独立、自信,而且,对人没什么防备,换句话说,他非常天真,是个很可爱的小男孩。”

32、The bandits descended upon the defenseless village ─── 匪徒袭击无防御的村庄。

33、nuclear, biological and chemical warfare defens ─── 原子、生物、化学战防护, 三防

34、The surviving Zerg forces attack the defenseless Terran expansion, but a massive band of reinforcements arrives to chase off the Zerg. ─── 幸存的虫族捉住机会袭击毫无防御能力的人类扩张区,却被立刻抵达的一群重大声援部队给驱逐行了。

35、one that is defenseless,especially in the face of attack; a victim ─── 没有防卫能力,尤指在面对攻击时的生物;牺牲

36、Transport Captain Don't worry about that. We need your escort. We're completely defenseless. ─── 别管他。我们需要你们来护航。现在我们已经无路可退了。

37、Fucking Chinese beating defenseless Uygurs. ─── 中国这个派出所的民警非常人道。

38、Yu Defen,Sun Caixin,Gu Leguan,et al.The research to token on flash over characteristics of insulator in the acid wet precipitation[J].Proceedings oftheCSEE,2001,21(4):16-19. ─── [4]余德芬,孙才新,顾乐观,等.酸性湿沉降对绝缘子闪络特性影响的表征量研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2001,21(4):16-19.

39、He was hesitant to join in the slaughter of largely defenseless Autobots,but did not want to take up arms against someone he'd considered a friend . ─── 他犹豫着要不要加入手无寸铁,损失惨重的博派,但又不想与他一直认为是好友的红蜘蛛针锋相对。

40、Truth has a way of rearing its ugly head, and, in some defenseless moment, you feel what was there the entire time, discomfort.If you feel uncomfortable, that's what you will feel. ─── 事实有它自己的方式扬长而来,让你无法视若无睹,某些无法设防的时刻你好像从头到尾都处在痛苦当中。

41、Don't turn your back on us, we are so defenseless. ─── 拜讬让这种事停止吧!我们的社会中,不该存在这种原始的行为。

42、Defenseless women are being preyed upon and the authorities must act. ─── 毫无反抗之力的女性正在被侵害,权利必须介入。

43、It is an emotion which is defenseless against passion. ─── 在冲动的热情前面,这种感情是毫无防卫能力的。

44、Sometimes, you have the opportunity to attack a foe who is completely defenseless. ─── 有时候你有机会攻击一个完全无防备的敌人。

45、FIVB will have issued new volleyeall rules form 1st January 1995. The new rule hasfeen mede on Service area, holding and doufle hit so as to encourage defen ce for a more interestingcompetition. ─── 从1995年1月1日起,国际排联开始执行新的排球竞赛规则。 新规则为鼓励防守,使比赛更加有趣,对发球区、持球和连击等作了新的规定。

46、defenseless person ─── 无防御人

47、A human being without self-control is equally defenseless. ─── 同样地,一个缺乏自制能力的人,也是缺乏自卫能力的人。

48、A city without guns or water is defenseless before an army ─── 无枪炮或缺水的城市在大军围攻时是无法自卫的

49、Balian of Ibelin: This army will be destroyed, and the city left defenseless. ─── 巴里安:这支军队将全军覆没,这座城市将失去防卫。

50、Mimicry is the trick by which a moth or other defenseless insect comes to look like a wasp(Marston Bates) ─── 拟态是飞蛾或其他无防御手段的昆虫具有的使自己看上去象一只黄蜂的特点(马斯顿 贝茨)

51、More important, it would leave the Germans defenseless in the west, because Patton could cut the German divisions in northern France, Belgium, and Holland as he drove for the Rhine. ─── 更重要者在于,如此一来,德军无法在西线建立防御,因为,如果巴顿能如其计划一般奔赴莱因河,就可隔开德军位于法国北部、比利,时、荷兰之各个师。

52、May I defend the defenseless, and help the helpless. ─── 愿我能够保护那些没有防护能力的,帮助那些无助的。

53、With a powerful leave hook he knock his challenger defenseless. ─── 他用一记重重的左钩拳将对手打得失去了防卫能力。

54、In hindsight, perhaps it is understood that this was a mistake, for as a group of Pleiadian and blue tinted humans that had "white skin" invaded Earth, the red man was defenseless. ─── 在事后,了解到这或许是一个错误,因为当昂宿星的一个具有“白色皮肤”的浅蓝色性质的人类团队侵入地球,红族人民毫无防备。

55、He especiwhichley loved to dominate defenseless creature. ─── 他尤其喜爱控制无助的动物。

56、Cases such as this demonstrate that even diseases that are not normally fatal can have devastating consequences when they strike an immunologically defenseless community. ─── 这样的案例表明,即使是通常不致命的疾病,当它们袭击一个免疫防御能力不强的社区时,也会造成毁灭性的后果。

57、Researchers believe that HIV attack fast, there was no time even to the immune system defenseless Huanshou. ─── 研究人员认为,艾滋病毒发动攻势之快,甚至让免疫系统来不及招架还手。

58、all of Dad's teaching about our responsibility to defenseless creatures,fair play,right and wrong,welled within me. ─── 涌上心头的是平时爸爸对我的教诲--我们对无助的生命的责任,做人要光明磊落,是非标准。

59、Lo and behold, during the night the demons came in their true frightening forms and gobbled up all the weak defenseless beings. ─── 当夜,恶魔以骇人的原型前来,贪婪地吞下这群毫无防备的虚弱的生物。

60、He bit like a playground runt to protect the defenseless little person he thought himself to be. ─── 就像操场上某个调皮小鬼为了保护心目中那个手无寸铁的”小孩子“一样,于是他去咬人。

61、Resurrecting another player takes a few seconds, during which you're defenseless. ─── 另一个牌手预示了几秒,期间你无助。

62、When we lie defenseless, Jehovah Himself will cover our head. ─── 当我们手无寸铁地席地而眠,上帝要亲自做我们的守护者看顾我们。

63、My tears fall, bewildered at the thought of her, defenseless. ─── 泪如雨下,全不知羞愧,只因想到她。

64、"I told you already," the curator stammered, kneeling defenseless on the floor of the gallery. "I have no idea what you are talking about!" ─── “我告诉过你了,”馆长无助的跪在画廊的地板上,嚅嗫道,“我不知道你在说些什么。”

65、Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of Thy wing. ─── 可怜我身无荫庇,愿主思翼常遮盖。

66、The bandits descend on the defenseless village ─── 匪徒们突袭了未设防的村庄。

67、Mrs. Bird, seeing the defenseless condition of the enemy's territory, had no more conscience than to push her advantage. ─── 柏德太太看见敌方抵挡不住,岂肯放过,于是马上就乘胜追击。

68、Ralph stood up, feeling curiously defenseless with the darkness pressing in. ─── 拉尔夫站了起来,随着暮色逐渐深沉,他产生了一种奇怪的失去防护的感觉。

69、adj. lacking weapons or armor; defenseless ─── 徒手的,非武装的

70、This clan wishes to return to its roots;that clan is tired of killing defenseless infants. ─── 有的氏族想回归原来的生活,有的则厌倦了屠杀无助的婴儿。”

71、Yuke G We're defenseless in the air. Guess we better start praying. ─── 在空中,我们就像待宰的羔羊。我们最好祈祷。

72、Thus, when Chairman Mao died, depriving Chiang Ch'ing of her main source of support, she was left defenseless against her enemies. ─── 因此,在毛主席死后,她也便失去了最主要的后台,树敌过多的江青根本无法自保。

73、Understandably, some parents can feel a little apprehensive at seeing their defenseless baby being immersed into a swimming pool. ─── 当一些父母亲看到自己的宝宝无助地被浸到水里的时候,感到很恐惧,这是可以理解的。

74、Should you find yourself in the middle of the ring, you are in the path of the bulls who can move much faster than you and you are in a totally defenseless situation, as well as being a disturbance to the drovers in their work. ─── 你该发现到自己是在场子中央的,你是在可以跑得比你还快的牛群行径路上,以及你是在完全无防御的状态之下,就好像是对驾驶人的任务是一项阻碍一样。

75、Czechoslovakia mobilized, realizing that most of their fortifications and their natural barriers were on their borders and losing these would leave them defenseless. ─── 捷克斯诺伐克动员,意识到加强大部分防御工事,边境民族障碍,失去这些就不能防御。

76、Unfortunately the malignant spirit of Sargeras, which had been hiding inside her, had possessed the defenseless child while it was still in her womb. ─── 然而不幸的是,萨格拉斯恶毒的灵魂隐藏在她的体内,并且早在她怀孕的时候就占据了她的孩子的躯体。

77、Roy:I cannot believe you sent all of our equipment away, leaving us defenseless! ─── 我不敢相信你竟然把我们所有的装备都送走了,让我们毫无防备!

78、6.a timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon. ─── 容易被伤害的胆小的无防备的傻子。

79、Jordan is a better shooter. He has better defens. ─── 乔丹是一个更好的射手.他的防守更好.

80、He said regulators should have required price protection to shield consumers from a “double header corporate gouge, where the defenseless customer is paying twice for the same power plants. ─── 他说制定规则者本应进行价格保护以免让消费者遭受“双头合作欺骗,让无防备的消费者为同一电厂支付双倍代价。”

81、INFJs may fantasize about getting revenge on those who victimize the defenseless. ─── 对于那些欺压手无寸铁的弱者的人,Infj型的人幻想着施之以报复。

82、At the same time the German Air Force began to use its might upon a defenseless country. ─── 同时,德国空军开始进攻一个没有设防的国家。

83、I love defenseless animals, especially in a good soup. ─── 我热爱没有攻击性的动物,特别是在浓香的汤里。

84、a timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon ─── 容易被伤害的胆小的无防备的傻子

85、Leung is so quiet and soft-spoken, in fact, that he seems utterly defenseless -- like a frightened schoolboy forced out of voluntary seclusion. ─── 梁是那么安静,说话那么温柔,他看上去是完全不设防的,就像一个从自由自在与世隔绝的地方被赶出来的受惊的小男孩。

86、Lacking weapons or armor; defenseless. ─── 徒手的没有武器或盔甲的;无防备的

87、Deeply infatuated with such a handbag, which has the darkest color, the most low-key gentle, but let me indulge in coffee time in most defenseless way. ─── 深深迷恋上这样一款手袋,有着最深浓的色泽,最低调的温柔,却以最无从设防的方式,让我沉醉于咖啡时光。

88、They're just defenseless dolls we set up to knock down at our leisure. ─── 他们只是一些不需要防备的,我们一高兴就可以把他们打倒的娃娃。

89、Cabot is taken care of by his local Sheriff, Carey, who guns him down before he can kill a defenseless Wayne. ─── 然而凯伯特仍然企图对手无寸铁的韦恩开枪时, 警长卡利适时开枪打死了他。

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