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08-20 投稿


evangelizing 发音

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evangelizing 中文意思翻译




evangelizing 短语词组

1、evangelizing tips ─── 传福音小贴士

2、evangelizing amish ─── 传福音阿米什人

3、evangelizing men ─── 传福音的人

4、evangelizing jews ─── 传福音给犹太人

5、evangelizing in the secular world ─── 在世俗世界传福音

evangelizing 词性/词形变化,evangelizing变形


evangelizing 相似词语短语

1、evangelizes ─── vt.传福音;使信基督教;vi.传福音;传道

2、evangelizer ─── 传福音者

3、vandalizing ─── vt.肆意毁坏;摧残(等于vandalise)

4、evangelize ─── vt.传福音;使信基督教;vi.传福音;传道

5、evangelicism ─── 福音主义

6、grangerizing ─── v.用格兰杰式插入法装饰(图书)

7、evangelized ─── v.布讲福音,使皈依(基督教)(evangelize的过去式和过去分词)

8、evangelising ─── vt.传教;宣讲福音(等于evangelize);vi.传教;宣讲福音(等于evangelize)

9、channelizing ─── n.[计]通道化;v.在…开渠道;为…开辟途径(channelize的ing形式)

evangelizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As an evangel to diabetics,the invention of insulin pump has drastically renovated the ways of treatment for diabetes. ─── 长期以来胰岛素泵的出现给糖尿病患者带来了福音,它的出现彻底的改变了糖尿病的治疗手段。

2、Evangelizing typically involves leading a person to conversion and new life in Christ. ─── 而布道一般是要求布道者领人归主,使他们在基督里得到新生命。

3、This includes evangelizing non-Christian students and discipling Christian students. ─── 这包括了向非基督徒学生传福音以及训练基督徒学生成为门徒。

4、The development of the new medicine is an evangel to the mass cardiovascular & cerebrovascular diseases sufferers. ─── 开发此新药是广大心、脑血管病患者的又一福音。

5、evangel, Evangel ─── 福音,《福音书》

6、Keep the equipoise,bruit the evangel。The other power,the system of interior. ─── 维持着平衡,散播着福音。这是另一种力量,一种内政的秩序。

7、Rev.David Lee graduated from Evangel Free College (HK), Denver Seminary and Fuller Seminary. ─── 李伟强牧师毕业于香港播道神学院、美国丹弗神学院及富乐神学院。

8、The distinctives of Reformed theology and practice are useful only to the degree that they undergird and clarify the gospel, the evangel. ─── 改革宗神学与实践的特点是很有用的,但也只在一个程度上,即加强并澄清福音与福音要点。

9、This topic provides an outline for the challenges involved in evangelizing and/or mentoring to international students. ─── 本专题将探讨在传福音和带领留学生时,学生们所面对的挑战。

10、1. Health food supporters are always evangelizing . ─── 喜爱保健食品的人总爱劝别人都吃保健食品.

11、The designer will be involved in evangelizing these efforts among fellow designers and across the company with the aim of creating a dramatically improved Adobe user experience. ─── 设计者在传福音在同伴的设计者之中的这些努力方面将会是积极参与的和横过和创造一种戏剧地改良的烘干砖使用者经验的目标公司。

12、Finally, future plans include evangelizing Scrum and agile principles to the partner teams across the overall project. ─── 最后,未来计划包括,向项目整体中的合作伙伴团队宣传Scrum和敏捷原则。

13、a centralized office responsible for evangelizing, coordinating, enforcing, and measuring SOA efforts across the enterprise. ─── 一个集中式的办公室,负责跨企业的对SOA项目进行传播、协调、执行以及衡量。

14、Finally, future plans include evangelizing Scrum and agile principles to the partner teams across the overall project. ─── 最后,未来计划包括,向项目整体中的合作伙伴团队宣传scrum和敏捷原则。

15、The angel told the evangelist's evangel to a gang of fanged gangling gangsters. ─── 天使把福音传道者的佳音传给一伙有毒牙的瘦长匪徒。

16、evangelizing it as the way just puts you in another pattern. ─── 这样传播这些只会把你放到另外一种模式中。

17、Thompson is particularly happy when she's evangelizing stellar comics work, whether in her own work, on her blog or on Twitter. ─── 汤普森对推广她的漫画感到尤为高兴,无论是在她自己的作品,或是博客和微博上。

18、Wait evangel! ─── 静待佳音!

19、While a lecturer at the Evangel Seminary, she was devoted to teaching and translating religious texts, winning acclaim for her work. ─── 她曾于播道神学院任讲师,醉心教学及翻译宗教书籍之工作,取得卓越成就。

20、This not only is evangel to mankind, but also is great for our nation and people. ─── 这不啻是人类的福音,更是吾国吾民之幸。

21、With the development of civilian nucleus technology, the peaceful use of nuclear energy has become a major human evangel. ─── 随着民用核技术的发展,和平使用核能成为人类的一大福音。

22、We are dedicated to evangelizing more than 1.3 billion Chinese in China and over 63 million overseas Chinese worldwide. ─── 我们委身于向中国13亿以上的华人及全球超过6千3百万的海外华侨传福音。

23、From that day forward, the Seekers, previously shy of the press and indifferent toward evangelizing, began to proselytize. ─── 从那一天之后,那个从前还不愿在舆论上露面,而且不热衷于传道的团体,开始劝导其他人入教了。

24、The gifts given by the Holy Spirit are for service within the Church or in evangelizing the world. ─── 圣灵所赐的恩赐,是为了让信徒服事教会和传福音之用。

25、The folks at Microsoft, for making replication a reality in the first place, and for assiduously evangelizing the benefits of replication. ─── 微软的人,首先是为他们使复制成为事实和为他们勤勤恳恳地宣传复制好处。

26、The EKC Women's Ministries emphasize women ministering to women for the purpose of caring, equipping, supporting and evangelizing women in East King County. ─── 东区证道堂妇女事工,旨在东区开展妇女的心灵关怀、圣经装备、生活扶持和传福音工作,帮助她们认识神、经历神、服事神。

27、.. correct, he should be chistian coz he consult people at evangel hospital too. ─── 另外,他用的药很劲,食到人很易眼瞓,系个只到...

28、Health food supporters are always evangelizing. ─── 喜爱保健食品的人总爱劝别人都吃保健食品。

29、Evangelizing and discipling students in the Christian faith in a loving and nurturing environment. ─── 在充满爱心与教养的环境中,以基督教信仰传播福音和栽培学生成为耶稣基督的门徒。

30、The other side is evangelizing best practices. ─── 第二,是宣传最好的编程方法。

31、Well-known Cantonese opera Mr. Ye Shaode Writers, of liver cancer on April 4 at Evangel Hospital, Kowloon death at the age of 80-year-old. ─── 著名粤剧编剧家叶绍德先生,因肝癌于四月四日在九龙播道医院逝世,享年八十岁。

32、Really not bad design and technic.It's the evangel of long Dao without fittings. ─── 很不错的设计与工艺,是没了刀装长刀们的福音.

33、Jason Fried over at 37signals has been evangelizing the idea. "Big sites take a shotgun approach. You post a job. Anyone can see it. There's no targeting, no like-mindedness. ─── 大型求才网站采用乱枪打鸟的方式:你提供一个工作,任何人都可以看到它.这是没有针对性,相当低能的作法.

34、Evangel For Small Businesses in Las Vegas ─── 拉斯维加斯小企业的福音

35、The tragedy of freedom is the evangel for its enemy. ─── 自由的灾难是自由敌人的莫大喜讯。

36、We could therefore say, Missionary Pollard devoted all his life in practicing his ideal for evangelizing a people. ─── 伯格理以其毕生之力实践了他“引导一个民族的皈依”的理想。

37、I hope our efforts serve the aids patient all of the world as their angle and evangel. ─── 愿我们的努力能成为爱滋病人的天使和福音,为世界各国的爱滋病患者服务。

38、Evangel University Athletics - Official site of the Crusaders with news items, game schedules, past results, coach biographies and season summaries. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

39、I consider this to be the second most valuable among a PM's activities - especially evangelizing to the sales &marketing teams, and the executives to create excitement around the product. ─── 这是除了产品定义和设计之外,对产品经理而言价值第二高的工作,尤其是在向老板、市场同事宣介产品并让他们感到兴奋的时候。

40、Is it possible to have evangelism without the evangel? ─── 难道传福音不需要讲福音吗?

41、We are committed to evangelizing Chinese and to the building of the Church. ─── 我们致力于向中国人传福音并建立教会。

42、They are famous for their door-to-door evangelizing and for refusing blood transfusions; ─── 他们还以挨门传道和反对输血闻名;

43、A significant amount of evangelizing and awareness campaigns will be necessary, and even then, the cultural shift will be slow and arduous. ─── 这需要大量的传播和培训活动,而且即使如此,文化的转变也是缓慢且费劲的。

44、At last, the expanding of cloningman has some rationality.Because it can not only bring evangel to sterilepeople, but also promote the development of science and technology. ─── 再次,本文认为克隆人技术的发展具有一定的合理性,它不仅能给不孕患者带来福音,而且还能促进科学技术的发展。

45、In larger companies, the PM is supported by the Product Marketing, Marketing Communications (MarCom) and/or Press Relations (PR) teams in evangelizing to external audience. ─── 大公司的产品经理通常都有产品市场、市场推广和媒体关系(PR)团队帮忙进行对外的产品宣介。

46、Nothing can stop it moving as evangel! ─── 谁也无法阻挡福音的传播!

47、She is also the decon, Sunday school teacher and principal in the Evangel Free Church. ─── 她亦有志善用自己的信仰资源及辅导经验,促进受辅者及活动参与者的个人成长。

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