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08-20 投稿


caparisoned 发音

英:[k??p?r?snd]  美:[k??p?r?snd]

英:  美:

caparisoned 中文意思翻译




caparisoned 短语词组

1、caparisoned horse def ─── 马蹄铁

2、caparisoned steed ─── 马匹

3、caparisoned def ─── 带帽def

4、caparisoned define caparisoned ─── 定义

5、caparisoned horses ─── 马匹

6、caparisoned meaning caparisoned ─── 意思

7、caparisoned boot ─── 马鞍靴

caparisoned 词性/词形变化,caparisoned变形

动词过去分词: caparisoned |动词现在分词: caparisoning |动词过去式: caparisoned |动词第三人称单数: caparisons |

caparisoned 相似词语短语

1、coprisoner ─── 共济失调

2、captioned ─── adj.标题下的;标题所说的

3、garrisoned ─── n.要塞;卫戍部队;vt.驻防;守卫;n.(Garrison)人名;(英)加里森

4、caparisons ─── n.(装饰性的)马衣;装饰品;v.给(马)披挂马饰;盛装打扮

5、imprisoned ─── adj.被封印,被囚禁的

6、unprisoned ─── 未受惩罚

7、caparisoning ─── n.(装饰性的)马衣;装饰品;v.给(马)披挂马饰;盛装打扮

8、caparison ─── n.(装饰性的)马衣;装饰品;v.给(马)披挂马饰;盛装打扮

9、clarioned ─── n.号角;adj.清澈响亮的;n.(Clarion)人名;(法)克拉里翁

caparisoned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Caparison and improvement of three wax pattern investing methods ─── 蜡型包埋方法的改进及三种方法比较

2、A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed. ─── 一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。

3、The Caparison and its Enlightens between Traditional and Modern Natural Monopoly Theory ─── 传统自然垄断理论与现代自然垄断理论的比较及其启示

4、Comparison research of Zhejian and Qidao's industry gathering mode caparison ─── 浙江与青岛的产业集群模式比较研究

5、An ornamental covering or harness for a horse; a caparison. ─── 马饰马的装饰性覆盖物或马具;马衣

6、ladies in gay caparison ─── 穿着华丽衣服的女士们

7、The third part is caparison of IASs and Chinese accounting standards, including comparisons of relative accounting standards of fixed assets, goodwill, investment and government subsidy. ─── 第三部分分析比较我国会计准则和国际财务报告准则的主要差异,这一部分对固定资产、商誉、投资和政府补助相关准则进行了比较。

8、were there with the rest - some mounted on spirited horses richly caparisoned, some driving gay chariots. ─── 尼俄柏很快地就明白出了什么事。她简直难以相信。她的丈夫安菲翁承受不了打击,自杀了。

9、The caparison of disinfectant with aseptic chlorine dioxide is made, and some advice about the supervision is put forward in this article. ─── 对二氧化氯消毒剂和二氧化氯食品添加剂进行了分析。就二氧化氯在食品行业中的应用如何监督管理提出了建议。

10、An ornamental covering or harness for a horse;a caparison. ─── 马饰马的装饰性覆盖物或马具;

11、caparison n. ─── 装饰用马衣;

12、caParison the horses for the festive occasion ─── 为节日庆典装饰马匹

13、A Caparison Between New and Old Filing Ways ─── 新旧归档方法比较

14、25 There appeared to them a richly caparisoned horse, mounted by a dreadful rider.Charging furiously, the horse attacked Heliodorus with its front hoofs.The rider was seen to be wearing golden armor. ─── 因为在他们眼前出现了一匹配备华丽的骏马,上面骑着一位威严可怕的骑士,疾驰冲来,前蹄乱踏赫略多洛,骑马的人身穿金黄的铠甲;

15、The colourful outfit caparison on her body also is compared inferior. ─── 她身上的艳装美服也相比逊色。

16、A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed. ─── 一个骑士骑在他装饰华丽的马上。

17、1.put a caparison on; of horses. ─── 装上华丽衣饰;给马等。

18、And in the grand meeting that blends in such caparison and beautiful skin, the skin of shining Bai Xi more appear additional and important. ─── 而在如此美服与美肤交融的盛会中,光亮白皙的肌肤更显得额外重要。

19、A Caparison Between Home and Abroad in Recognizing the Concept of Electronic Documents ─── 中外对文件概念认识的比较研究

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