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08-20 投稿


dogmatical 发音

英:[[d?g'm?t?k?l]]  美:[[d?g'm?t?k?l]]

英:  美:

dogmatical 中文意思翻译



dogmatical 词性/词形变化,dogmatical变形

副词: dogmatically |

dogmatical 相似词语短语

1、idiomatical ─── 符合语言习惯的;地道的;惯用的;成语的

2、judgmatical ─── adj.明智的;周到的

3、ragmatical ─── 断断续续的

4、pragmatical ─── adj.实用主义的;独断的

5、dogmatically ─── adv.武断地;教条主义地

6、dramatical ─── adj.剧烈的,戏剧的;显著的、巨大的、惊人的

7、dogmatics ─── n.教义学;教理论

8、enigmatical ─── adj.难解的;谜一般的;不可思议的

9、dogmatic ─── adj.教条的;武断的

dogmatical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This judgment was irrational and dogmatical. ─── 这一判断是感性和武断的。

2、In fact, if you wish to instruct others, a positive and dogmatical manner in advancing your sentiments may occasion opposition and prevent a candid attention. ─── 其实你要说给人家听,不论你固执的想法和不可动摇的态度会引起反感而制止人家去注意。

3、Dogmatical denying it or blindly extolling it can't alleviate this contradiction. ─── 另一方面是教师、家长和许多教育研究人员喊打之声不绝于耳。

4、From the two principal parts of our nature, Reason and Passion, have proceeded two kinds of learning, mathematical and dogmatical. ─── 从我们的两个性质,原因和激情的主要部分,已进行两次学习,数学和独断种。

5、In fact, if you wish to instruct others, a positive and dogmatical manner in advancing your sentiments may occasion opposition and prevent a candid attention. ─── 其实你要说给人家听,不论你固执的想法和不可动摇的态度会引起反感而制止人家去注意。

6、She mouthed her words in speaking, her voice was deep, its inflections very pompous, very dogmatical-very intolerable, in short. ─── 她说起话来装腔作势,声音深沉,音调非常夸张,非常专横。总之,非常叫人受不了。

7、Dogmatical denying it or blindly extolling it cant alleviate this contradiction. ─── 简单的否定或一味的颂扬都不能实质性的化解这一矛盾。

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