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08-20 投稿


batty 发音

英:[?b?ti]  美:[?b?ti]

英:  美:

batty 中文意思翻译





batty 网络释义

adj. 古怪的;疯狂的n. (Batty)人名;(英、法、斯里)巴蒂;(阿拉伯)巴提

batty 短语词组

1、batty elsa ─── 巴蒂·艾尔莎

2、batty bat ─── 电池

3、batty meaning ─── 巴蒂的意思

4、batty qin ─── 巴蒂·秦

5、batty boy ─── 蝙蝠男孩

6、batty from ferngully ─── 来自费恩格利的巴蒂

7、batty winkle ─── 蝙蝠纹

8、go batty ─── 打起精神来

batty 词性/词形变化,batty变形


batty 相似词语短语

1、Matty ─── n.马蒂(女子名,姓氏)

2、Hatty ─── n.海蒂(女子名,Harriet,Harriot的昵称)

3、banty ─── 小的;矮小而好斗的

4、batta ─── n.战时津贴;出差费

5、atty ─── abbr.律诗(attorney)

6、bratty ─── adj.讨厌的

7、batt ─── n.棉絮;油页;n.(Batt)人名;(英、法、德、瑞典)巴特

8、Patty ─── n.帕蒂(女子名)

9、batt. ─── n.棉絮;油页;n.(Batt)人名;(英、法、德、瑞典)巴特

batty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、16.Then i raced down town to the newspaper and called Aunt Batty. Aunt Batty had been telephoning all her old friends all day. ─── 我一下班就赶到市中心区的报馆,打电话给贝蒂姨。她整天都在和她的老朋友们通电话。

2、'Europe's markets are more reliant on exports, which are slowing,' Mr. Batty says. 'That's a key reason European shares are doing worse.' ─── 拜迪说,欧洲市场更倚重于出口,而出口业的表现每况愈下,这是欧洲股市表现更显糟糕的主要原因之一。

3、If a squeaky door is driving you batty, take it off its hinges and rub a candle over the hinge surfaces that touch each other. ─── 如果吱吱作响的门让你快要发疯的话,你可以取下铰链,在相互接触的铰链面上涂些蜡烛。

4、Blood group antigen Batty ─── Batty血型抗原

5、DIDIER DROGBA wants Chelsea's Lions to send Valencia batty and take their place in history. ─── 迪迪尔.德罗巴希望切尔西的狮子推翻像蝙蝠的瓦伦西亚,然后取代他们在历史上的位置。

6、The 3rd priest says: "I am all batty ablution over there me, let them become churchly......Also had not come back again only from now on. ─── 第三个牧师说:“我为我那里的所有蝙蝠洗礼,让它们成为教会的一员......从此一只也没有再回来过。”

7、But there are deeper reasons why investors are punishing European shares more than their peers, ' says Mr. Batty. ─── 但在拜迪看来,投资者更猛烈地打压欧洲股市自有其深层原因。

8、Luke: It's not a scam. Barney is New York's only 3 cards Monty player. He's got faster hands than warren batty. ─── 路克:这不是诡计,巴尼是全纽约唯一诚实的街头玩牌人,他手上的动作比闪电还快。

9、there is a lot of indirection using this structure, it can drive you batty trying to write code to properly reference and de-reference these elements. macros to simplify this task will be defined. ─── 使用这个结构其中有很多间接,如果你尝试着写代码来恰当的引用(reference)和取消引用(de-reference)这些元素,它会使你抓狂。将定义一些宏来简化这样的工作。

10、The scientist expresses, the inspiration that designs this kind of shoe comes from function of batty echo fixed position. ─── 科学家表示,设计这种鞋的灵感来自蝙蝠的回声定位功能。

11、“Electricity was a batty idea, but now it's universal,” he says. ─── 比如,“以前大家觉得用电是个很古怪的想法,但现在电无处不在。”

12、Dr David Batty and colleagues, found that a lower IQ was strongly associated with a higher risk of death from causes such as accidents, coronary heart disease and suicide. ─── 大卫博士和他的同事们发现低智商和高死亡率有很大的关联,比如意外事故,冠状型心脏病和自杀的死亡率。

13、Wait like bug of maggot of bee, fly, yellow pink, batty moth, cockroach, mole cricket. ─── 如蜜蜂、蝇蛆、黄粉虫、蝙蝠蛾、蟑螂、蝼蛄等。

14、Aunt Batty loved life as no other human being I ever knew loved life. ─── 蓓蒂姨热爱生活,我从未见过第二个像她这样热爱生活的人。

15、large batty wings ─── 象蝙蝠的大翅膀

16、One of the researchers, Dr David Batty, said the statistics showed "a strong link between cognitive ability and the risk of death. " ─── 其中一名研究者,大卫·巴蒂博士说,统计数据表明“认知能力和死亡风险之间有着很强的联系”。

17、I do all right at it, but it can really start to drive me batty, especially if I’m proofreading a longer piece. ─── 又或许是不得不就房间打扫这个题目写上150页纸的内容。我们都要工作,应付客户,赚钱生活。

18、The misfortune before batty bear the palm encounters; ─── 蝙蝠获奖前的不幸遭遇;

19、Movie: Blade Runner. Batty: "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..." ─── "机器人见过你们人类绝对无法置信的事物。

20、That batty lady who picks the winners based on the cuteness of the mascots will crush you in your office pool. ─── 比如在办公室里举办的抽奖活动中,那个根据各队吉祥物的可爱程度来选择胜者的三八,总会比你挑的胜利者准确。

21、Batty and Helen shot breath very late last night. ─── 贝蒂和海伦昨天聊天聊到很晚。

22、Then i raced down town to the newspaper and called Aunt Batty . Aunt Batty had been telephoning all her old friends all day. ─── 我一下班就赶到市中心区的报馆,打电话给贝蒂姨。她整天都在和她的老朋友们通电话。

23、Batman catches bad guys in his “wings”, but he does not use teeth to defeat prey like some real bats do. He uses Batarangs or other batty devices. ─── 蝙蝠侠用他的“翅膀”抓住了坏蛋,可是它却没有像真蝙蝠那样用牙齿打败自己的猎物。他用的是蝙蝠飞镖或其它蝙蝠式装备。

24、Racing a Chinese robot to the Sea of Tranquility might be batty, but it is a neat way to milk additional funds for NASA from the American public. ─── 同一个中国探测器比赛登陆“静海”的举动也许是疯狂的,但这却是NASA从美国公众攫取更多资金的捷径。

25、In Batti, you can set up the value of low and critical level of your battery. Those two levels could be indicated with different colors (also configurable). ─── 您可以为电源的电量等级设置您需要的低/临界参数,这两个等级可以使用不同的颜色来显示(当然可以自定义颜色).

26、This renewed interest in energy is bringing forth a raft of ideas, some bright, some batty, that is indeed reminiscent of the dotcom boom. ─── 对能源重新兴起的巨大兴趣催生了许许多多设想,有高明的,也有荒诞的,跟互联网兴起时的情景非常想象。

27、Keynote speech by Prof. Michael Batty, Director Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London, UK The Virtual City: Progress in Software, Data, Media, and Participation ─── 演讲题目:《视觉化城市:在软件、数据、媒介和参与中的进步》

28、Dr Batty suggests there may also be benefits from simplifying health information for the public. ─── 博士说这一研究也对简化对公众的健康信息有好处。

29、Batman catches bad guys in his "wings", but he doesn't use teeth to defeat prey like some real bats do. He uses Batarangs or other batty devices. ─── 蝙蝠侠用他的“翅膀”抓住了坏蛋,可是它却没有像真蝙蝠那样用牙齿打败自己的猎物。他用的是蝙蝠飞镖或其它蝙蝠式装备。

30、Batty antigen ─── 贝蒂[血型]抗原

31、Yet even in a country as batty as North Korea, it would be odd to throw a lavish get-together of the main party hacks for no reason. ─── 然而,即使在朝鲜这样一个古怪的国家里,毫无理由地把党的主要仆从聚在一起开一场盛大会议也是颇为奇怪的。

32、Blood group antibody Batty ─── Batty血型抗体

33、You're batty! ─── 你真是疯了!

34、The batty fatty has a fat chance to marry the slim girl. ─── 那个怪胖子几乎不可能娶到这个苗条女孩。

35、Laura's going a bit batty. ─── 劳拉开始变得有点古怪。

36、Batty, M. and Yeh,T.,“The promise of Expert Systems for Urban Planning”, ─── 张有恒、徐村和、赖瑞昌(1992),“大众捷运系统路网规划专家系统”,第六

37、Dr Batty suggests there may also be benefits from simplifying health information for the public. ─── 贝蒂博士说这一研究也对简化对公众的健康信息有好处。

38、Roy Batty说:I want more life,father. ─── 中文翻译:我要更多的生命,混蛋。

39、Batty Betty is a witch. ─── 疯狂的贝蒂是一个女巫。

40、If you love your mom and dad but they drive you batty, your resentment can eat away at your relationship. ─── 如果你爱父母,但他们让你抓狂,你的忿怒会破坏你们的关系。

41、There is a lot of indirection using this structure, it can drive you batty trying to write code to properly reference and de-reference these elements. ─── 使用这个结构其中有很多间接,如果你尝试着写代码来恰当的引用(reference)和取消引用(de-reference)这些元素,它会使你抓狂。

42、Dr Batty suggests there may also be benefits from simplifying health information for the public. ─── 贝蒂博士说这一研究也对简化对公众的健康信息有好处。

43、You might not know it, but your controlling behaviors are making people around you batty. Here are a few ways to ease up already. ─── 你的控制狂行为已经让你身边的人抓狂了,而你很可能毫不自知!这篇文章将告诉你如何减轻症状。

44、Batty had x-rays a couple of weeks ago and hip dysplasia was not evident. ─── 弹琴伴奏的男人是一个很出色的音乐家。

45、The idea that the regime needs to let bombs off in order to have an excuse for a reshuffle sounds batty. ─── 为改组找一个借口而安排炸弹袭击案,这样的想法听起来近似疯狂。

46、So they have a range of better behaviours that may partly explain their lower mortality risk," says Dr Batty. ─── 因此他们有一系列更好的行为,也许这可以解释为什么他们的死亡率较低。”贝蒂博士这样说。

47、Many might think the idea batty in present circumstances. ─── 许多人可能认为这一想法在当前情况下颇为古怪。

48、Batty M,Longley P A.The Morphology of Urban Land Use[J].Environment and Planing B:Planning and Design,1998(25):1 175-1 199 ─── 刘湘南,许红梅,黄方.土地利用空间格局及其变化的图形信息特征分析[J].地理科学,2002,22(1):79-84

49、Effect of aerobic exercise and mineral spring bath on body mass index lipids and hemorrheology in pilots with batty liver ─── 有氧体育训练配合矿泉浴对飞行人员脂肪肝体质指数血脂及血流变的影响

50、Batty M.,1997, "Virtual Geography", Futures, Vol. 29, No. 4/5, pages 337-352. ─── 龚建华,林珲.虚拟地理环境:在线虚拟现实的地理学透视.北京:高等教育出版社.2001.

51、On close inspection, the characteristics of IEM traders would drive a statistician batty. ─── 仔细探讨IEM交易者的特质,可能会让统计学家抓狂。

52、The Magic School Bus Going Batty ─── 神奇校车系列:探寻蝙蝠

53、His affinity for shooting 3-pointers and avoiding contact at all costs drives coaches batty. ─── 他对三分球非常“执著”,而且害怕逃避身体接触,这让教练们头大。

54、14“You mean,” said James, even deeper in disgust now, “one of those flying saucers people think they see? That's out. Don't be batty. ─── 原译:“你指的是,”詹姆士越发厌恶地说,“那种人们认为他们看得见的飞碟吗?那已经是过时的说法了,别疯狂。”

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