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08-20 投稿


residual 发音

英:[r??z?d?u?l]  美:[r??z?dju?l]

英:  美:

residual 中文意思翻译





residual 短语词组

1、residual alveolar ridge ─── [医] 剩余牙槽嵴

2、heavy residual stocks ─── [化] 重质残油

3、functional residual capacity ─── [医] 有效余气量

4、residual activity ─── [化] 残效

5、estimated residual value ─── [经] 估计残值(剩余价值)

6、functional residual air ─── [医] 功能性余气

7、cracking of residual fractions ─── [建] 残余馏份的裂化

8、residual albuminuria ─── [医] 残留蛋白尿

9、naphthenic residual oil ─── [化] 环烷基渣油

10、residual air ─── [医] 余气

11、residual abscess ─── [医] 残余脓肿

12、residual acid ─── [医] 剩余酸 ─── [量]

13、minimum residual method ─── [化] 最小残差法

14、filter leaf for residual ─── [化] 残液过滤叶片

15、erase residual ─── [计] 清洗残余

16、ignorance residual value ─── [经] 不计残值

17、petroleum residual oil ─── [化] 石油渣油

18、coking of heavy residual oils ─── [建] 重残油的焦化

19、residual affinity ─── [化] 剩余亲合势 ─── [医] 剩余亲 ─── [和]力

residual 词性/词形变化,residual变形


residual 常用词组

residual stress ─── 剩余应力

residual oil ─── 渣油,残油

residual strength ─── 残余强度,剩余强度

residual 相似词语短语

1、residuals ─── n.[数]残差(residual的复数);剩余误差;残留物

2、residuum ─── n.残留物;剩余;残渣;剩余遗产;社会渣滓

3、decidual ─── adj.蜕膜的

4、presidial ─── adj.驻防军的;省区的;总统的;主宰的

5、residue ─── n.残渣;剩余;滤渣

6、residually ─── adv.剩下地;残余地

7、residua ─── n.残渣;残留物(residuum的复数)

8、residues ─── n.[冶]剩余物;余数;筛留物(residue的复数)

9、residuary ─── adj.剩余的,残余的;n.残余;偏差

residual 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the scramble to swap gas-guzzlers for smaller vehicles, residual values collapsed, leaving GM's finance arm with huge losses on cars returned after lease. ─── 在将耗油量大的汽车换成小型车的争夺中,剩余价值大幅缩水,使得通用汽车的金融部门在汽车租赁后的退货上蒙受巨大损失。

2、The IDB-2 type residual current operated protection tester was introduced. ─── 介绍了IDB-2型剩余电流动作保护测试仪。

3、The opposing magnetic intensity that must be applied to a magnetized material to remove the residual magnetism. ─── 作用于磁化材料以去除剩磁的反向磁通强度。

4、Wheat starch gels are weak; their slight flavor may be due to residual flour components. ─── 小麦的淀粉凝胶很脆弱,由于残余面粉成分,它有一点香味。

5、The contents of residual monomer in the polymers produced are determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography. ─── 并用高压液体色谱法测定了聚合物中残余单体含量。

6、Considerable residual stresses exist in the normal direction. ─── 在其厚度方向存在着可观的残余应力。

7、Stress tempering the operating die casting die will reduce the level of accumulate residual stress. ─── 压铸模具经因长期使用而累积之应力可用回火处理消减。

8、Residual pressure opposing the free flow of a gas or liquid, as in a pipe or an exhaust system. ─── 余压阻止气体或液体自由流动的剩余压力,如在管道或废气排放系统中。

9、Approximately 40% of the applied insecticide in each orchard was residual in the soil profiles. ─── 大约每一果园施用的40%杀虫剂残留在土壤剖面中。

10、Please check the contents of residual gas and nitrogen before entering the tank. ─── 入罐前请检查好罐内残留气体和氮气的浓度。

11、A couple of seconds.No residual discomfort. ─── 几秒钟时间,之后不适感不会有所遗留

12、The dolostone includes sparry dolostone, residual-grained dolostone, residual limy dolostone and algae dolostone. ─── 其中的白云岩主要包括结晶白云岩、残余颗粒白云岩、残余灰质白云岩和隐藻白云岩等类型。

13、Calculation of residual nonuniformity for infrared focal plane array[J]. ─── 引用该论文 刘会通,易新建.

14、Two eases died at periopration (1.6%) and 6 eases had residual stones (4.8%). ─── 围手术期死亡2例,病死率1.6%。

15、As an alternative to ROI measure, organizations adopt the residual income concept. ─── 企业选择剩余收益作为ROI的替代方法。

16、Residual chlorine must be virtually nonexistent since it adversely affects the flavor of the drink. ─── 事实上不允许残留氯存在,它会负面影响饮料的风味。

17、To develop headspace gas chromatography for the determination of residual solvent in Amodiaquine Hydrochloride. ─── 建立顶空气相色谱法分析盐酸阿莫地喹中溶剂残留。

18、It is thus clear that the residual influences of clannishness must not be underestimated. ─── 可见宗法观念的余毒决不能轻视。

19、It was decided to start with the AGLOCO Monthly Residual Payments . ─── 它决定开始与agloco每月剩余金额。

20、still a few residual problems with the computer program. ─── 电脑程序还有一些残留问题。

21、The residual nucleus will, in general, undergo a radioactive transformation. ─── 剩余核一般说来将发生一次放射性衰变。

22、Since the cope is usually made by flamed cutting, a high residual tensile stress exists along the burned edge. ─── 由于修割工作通常用火焰烧割,沿着烧切边缘就存着较高的残余拉应力。

23、A major portion of the soil organic matter is derived from the added and residual vegetative material. ─── 加进去的和残留下来的植物物质则是土壤有机质的主要来源。

24、The goods are rinsed with hot and cold water to remove residual alkali. ─── 产品用热水和冷水漂洗,以除去残留的碱。

25、Getter-ion pumps decrease chamber pressure by chemical reaction of residual gases with an evaporated metal. ─── 吸气离子泵通过剩余气体与蒸发的金属之间的化学反应减少了内腔的压力。

26、The resulting residual chromatism is known as secondary spectrum . ─── 所得到的剩余色差叫做二次光谱。

27、Upon cooling, the thermal mismatch between residual silicon and quartz usually results in the fracture of the crucible. ─── 当冷却时,残余的硅和石英间的热失配往往导致坩埚破裂。

28、Have enough experience after the analysis of how much reduced residual early to avoid crashed tool. ─── 有足够的经验分析粗加工后残留的多少减少避免撞坏刀具工件。

29、A common method of creating a beneficial residual stress pattern is by peening the surface. ─── 一个产生有盖的残余应力模型的常用方法是向材料表面喷丸。

30、Valuation Based on Residual Income Model--A Case Analysis on China Vanke Corporation, Ltd. ─── 基于剩余收益模型的公司价值评估--万科公司案例分析。

31、The ratio in which residual profits and losses will be shared by the partners. ─── 剩余利润或损失在合伙人之间的分割比例。

32、In fact, the experiment could have revealed a residual charge as small as ??e per atom, and none was observed. ─── 事实上,这个实验是能够测出小至每个原子??e的剩余电荷的,然而并未观察到任何变化。

33、At the same time, calculate corrosion velocity by actual thickness data and residual lifetime. ─── 同时,根据实测的省煤器管壁数据得到腐蚀速率,计算省煤器管的剩余寿命。

34、Regress our first independent variable x1 on our second independent variable x2 , and then obtain the residual . ─── 将第一个自变量向第二个自变量进行回归,然后得到残差。

35、Residual sync results from incomplete removal of the sync information from a video processing channel. ─── 剩下的同步信息均是来源于视频处理通道的不完整的同步信息。

36、Measurement of residual stress in multitrack laser-clad coating[J]. ─── 引用该论文 胡木林,谢长生,黄开金.

37、Catalyst addition not only reduces the residual ozone content by 60. ─── 加入臭氧催化剂能使剩余臭氧含量降低60。

38、The residual levels of DDTs, HCHs in soil were different with different utilization types. ─── 土壤中DDTs、HCHs残留在不同土壤利用方式下有所不同.

39、It should be disposable or consumable - providing you with residual income. ─── 应该用完或消耗品-提供你残余的收入.

40、The model of Residual Income Valuation (RIV) has drawn substantial attention. ─── 摘要剩余收益模型作为近年来新兴的公司价值评估方法受到了广泛关注。

41、Most treatments entail high costs or residual environmental concerns. ─── 大部份之处理法涉及高成本或残留之环保影响。

42、Genesis of reservoir is the geologic setting of influencing the residual oil distribution. ─── 储层成因是开发中后期形成剩余油分布的地质基础。

43、It can also take care of some plate girder defections, such as residual stresses and initial bending. ─── 它还可以考虑梁的初始缺陷,如残余应力和初弯曲。

44、All structure is made by stssl. Substantial and durable, it won't affect by uncrushed residual piastic keep afficiency. ─── 全机钢制之机体结构紧凑,坚固耐用,长期使用不因粉碎物质影响机械性能。

45、Compressive residual stress are the main factor in the increase of torsion fatigue limit. ─── 喷丸后扭转疲劳极限提高的主要原因是残余压应力的作用。

46、In DDTs the residual level of p,p? ─── DDTs中p,p?

47、Even so, regulators have to have some sort of control on the incentives of management, as long as taxpayers bear residual risk. ─── 即便如此,只要纳税人还需承担残余风险,监管机构就应对管理层的激励机制施加某种控制。

48、In practice, residual values are ignored if they are not expected to be material in amount. ─── 在实践中,如果残值金额预计不大,通常被忽略。

49、Finishes crisply without any cloying residual sugar. ─── 回味佳,并无讨厌的糖分影响。

50、The micro residual disease (MRD) of case 2 and 3 disappeared after DLI. ─── 例2、3经过DLI后消除了微小残留病,除例5仍然为混合性嵌合体和进步状态外,4例均达血液学完全缓解。

51、There is residual adrenal at the right, and an adrenal cortical carcinoma is at the left. ─── 右侧是残余肾上腺,左边是肾上腺皮质癌。

52、Drier and residual ozone eliminator (option) start up. ─── 干燥器和尾气破坏器开始运行。

53、The collapsed hills mainly take place in residual depos its of granite parents. ─── 主要在花岗岩类母质残积物上发生。

54、Existing residual air pressure after disconnecting the air compressor from the machine has to be expelled. ─── 如有残留压缩空气时,应放掉压缩空气。

55、The residual value is the observed value at the center minus this average. ─── 从圆心上的观测值减掉这个平均值,就得到剩余值。

56、Additional settling overnight reduced the residual iron to essentially zero. ─── 再经一夜的沉降可使残余的铁降到近乎没有。

57、At this stage, as a result of plate temperature, residual water and not easy to gasification temperature rise faster, so products. ─── 在这一阶段初期,由于板温升高,残余水分少又不易气化,因此制品温度上升较快。

58、You want to go with a company that has at least a two tier program because this will allow you to earn residual income. ─── 你要去同一家公司,至少有两层,因为这会让你计画剩余赚取收入.

59、By the amount of residual sugar: dry, off-dry, sweet, and fruity. ─── 干型葡萄酒、半干型葡萄酒、甜型葡萄酒、半甜型葡萄酒。

60、Laser in situ Keratomileusis Retreatment for Residual Myopia[J]. ─── 引用该论文 沈政伟,尹禾,梅军,吴金桃,李丽,黄震晞.

61、Furthermore, the residual analysis was made to test the model outputs. The results verify that this model is acceptable and valid. ─── 并对模型输出与测量数据的拟合程度进行了残差分析,验证了模型的合理性和有效性。

62、Further, residual peanut products may be left in aisles, common areas or on seats from one flight to the next. ─── 所以飞机和贵宾室的走道上,公用地方或座位上有可能会有残留的花生食品。

63、PD can preserve residual renal function better than HD. ─── PD能相对较好地保存患者的残存肾功能。

64、We can also imagine state contingent claims that are true residual claims. ─── 我们也能够想象出,状态依存索取权是真的剩余索取权。

65、Even on an erased hard drive there are residual artifacts. ─── 即便是删除过的硬碟,里面总还有残存的痕迹。

66、Scattering effects of residual gas and RMS emittance growth in Dragon-I LIA[J]. ─── 引用该论文 代志勇,高峰,章林文,邓建军,丁伯南.

67、During the course of the seventies we would lose our residual counterforce capability. ─── 在七十年代,我们将失去残存的反击能力。

68、The specification of this residual element is still a matter of controversy. ─── 关于这种遗留下来的要素的说明仍是一个争论的问题。

69、The intrauterine device,residual fetal bone and gestational sac in 13 patients were removed after TCRA. ─── 13例分解粘连组织后取出宫内避孕器、残留胎骨及妊娠囊 ;

70、Do not rinse off the dip to provide residual anti-tick activity. ─── 后面几段是各种杀蜱的方式,如喷洒,润湿等。。

71、Residual smile. Clearly Encirclement cigarette flavor. Ice-cold finger. ─── [残留的微笑.清晰地余绕的香烟味道.冰冷的手指.

72、It decreases chamber pressure by chemical reaction of residual gases with an evaporated metal. ─── 它通过剩余气体与蒸发的金属之间的化学反应减小了内腔的压力。

73、Residual hopes of simply reverting to previous consumption patterns in the U. ─── 单纯回到美国以往消费模式上的残存希望是错误的。

74、An in situ residual gas analyzer (RGA) was used to monitor the residual gas composition in the vacuum chamber. ─── 利用残余气体分析仪在线监测了真空室内的残余气氛组成。

75、Phoropter was used to check the accommodation response and the residual accommodation respectively by " pushup" method. ─── 在综合验光仪上使用调节尺及调节卡,采用移近法测量调节力及剩余调节力。

76、It's as if hand-washing in any form "wipes the slate clean" and removes the residual feelings and rationalizations associated with the choice, Lee said. ─── 李说,这就好像任何形式的洗手都能“一笔勾销”,消除与选择有关的残留感觉和合理化。

77、Winding finger. Body. Without the residual heat bosom. ─── [缠绕的手指.身体.没有馀温的怀抱.

78、How Does Residual Income Affect Investment? The Role of Prior Performance Measures By: Balachandran, Sudhakar V. ─── 剩余收益如何影响投资?绩效评量指标。

79、Only 15% of the patients were residual symptoms free. ─── 仅有15%的病人无残馀症状。

80、The measures of control welding residual deformation. ─── 控制焊接残余变形的措施。

81、The method of residual normal moveout analysis for multiple is based no NMO correction of CMP gather. ─── 多次波的剩余时差分析法是在CMP道集动校正基础上进行的.

82、Parts which are oil wetted should also require Level 2 residual magnetism. ─── 同样,被机油浸润过的零部件也需进行二级剩磁检测。

83、But he might leave a residual force of up to 50, 000 there longer, to help train Iraqis and to engage in "counterterrorism" , if need be. ─── 但同时,他表示若出于需要,美军可以留下50,000左右的军队帮助训练伊军以及继续从事反恐行动。

84、RT PCR for EWS FLI 1 is sensitive enough to detect minimal residual Ewing's sarcoma cells in the bone marrow. ─── 以EWS FLI 1融合基因为标志的反向PCR测定骨髓Ewing肉瘤细胞的灵敏度为 10 -6,它是测定骨髓Ewing肉瘤细胞高度敏感的方法 ;

85、Xiangzi exploited this residual reputation of integrity to borrow with impunity, and spent every penny right away. ─── 他利用着这点人格的残余到处去借,借着如白捡,借到手便顺手儿花去。

86、Residual income is a measure of the centre's profits after deducting a notional or imputed interest cost. ─── 剩余收益是对投资中心扣除名义或应计利息后的利润的考核度量.

87、Water treatment plant for residual concrete recycling. ─── 剩余混凝土回收用水处理工厂。

88、The Study of Residual Thickness and Fracture Strength in Maxillary Premolars after Post Space Preparation. ─── 上颌前磨牙桩道预备后剩余根管壁厚度和抗折强度的研究

89、The distribution of residual stress of weld joints is analyzed. ─── 并分析了焊接接头残余应力的分布规律。

other waste 和residual的区别?

"Other waste"通常指的是除了可回收物、有害垃圾和厨余垃圾之外的其他废弃物。这些废弃物通常是不能被回收或再利用的,例如破旧衣服、废旧家具、陶瓷碎片等。这些废弃物通常需要被妥善处理,以避免对环境和人类健康造成负面影响。


因此,"other waste"和"residual"的区别在于前者是指日常生活中产生的废弃物,而后者则是指工业生产或加工过程中产生的剩余物质。

other waste 和residual的区别?


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