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08-20 投稿


soothsaying 发音

英:[['su:θ?se???]]  美:[['su:θ?se??]]

英:  美:

soothsaying 中文意思翻译



soothsaying 短语词组

1、soothsaying ravens ─── 安慰乌鸦

2、soothsaying for dummies ─── 傻瓜的安慰语

soothsaying 词性/词形变化,soothsaying变形

动词过去分词: soothsaid |动词现在分词: soothsaying |动词第三人称单数: soothsays |动词过去式: soothsaid |

soothsaying 相似词语短语

1、soothsaid ─── vi.预言(soothsay的变形)

2、soothing ─── adj.抚慰的;使人宽心的;v.安慰;减轻痛苦(soothe的现在分词)

3、soothsays ─── v.预言

4、soothsayings ─── n.预言;占卜;v.预言(soothsay的ing形式)

5、soothsay ─── v.预言

6、soothsayers ─── n.算命者;预言者

7、doomsaying ─── 末世预言(doomsayer的变形)

8、soothsayer ─── n.算命者;预言者

9、outsaying ─── 出海

soothsaying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、23There is no soothsaying in Jacob, nor divination in Israel. ─── 其实雅各伯不需要巫术,以色列不需要占卜;

2、divination, foretelling, fortune telling, soothsaying. ─── 算命先生,预言者,预言者。

3、You shall not eat anything with blood, nor shall you practice divination or soothsaying. ─── 26你们不可吃带血的物;不可占卜,也不可观兆。

4、South is the benchmark of soothsaying thought, which is displayed in the direction order of south, west, north and east. ─── 占卜思维以南方为基准,按照南西北东的顺序展开。

5、SOOTHSAYING is not a very respectable profession. ─── 预言并不是什么受人尊敬的职业。

6、6 He immolated his son by fire.He practiced soothsaying and divination, and reintroduced the consulting of ghosts and spirits.He did much evil in the LORD'S sight and provoked him to anger. ─── 使自己的儿子经火献神,行占卜邪术,立招魂师和术士,不断行上主视为恶的事,惹上主发怒。

7、'You shall not eat anything with the blood, nor practice divination or soothsaying. ─── 你们不可吃带血的物.不可用法术、也不可观兆。

8、As the number and variety of these soothsaying techniques suggest, we have a deep, probably intrinsic desire to know the future. ─── 正如这些占卜预言技术的数量和种类所表明的,人类具有一个强烈而固有的欲望:预知未来。

9、python python A soothsaying spirit or demon. ─── 能够预言将来的精灵或魔鬼

10、And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying ─── 后来,我们往那祷告的地方去。有一个使女迎着面来,他被巫鬼所附,用法术,叫他主人得大财利。

11、Do not eat meat with the blood still in it. Do not practice divination or soothsaying . ─── 你们不可吃任何带血的食物,不可占卜,不可念咒;

12、South is the benchmark of soothsaying thought, which is displayed in the direction order of south, west, north and east. ─── 占卜思维以南方为基准,按照南西北东的顺序展开。

13、It takes a brave creature to disagree with Paul, Germany's soothsaying octopus, who has an impeccable track record on World Cup predictions to date. ─── 德国的神算章鱼“保罗”对本届世界杯的赛果预测至今未出差错,看来谁要想向它发起挑战还需要点勇气。

14、You shall not eat anything with the blood, nor practice divination or soothsaying. ─── 你们不可吃带血的物,不可用法术,也不可观兆。

15、For these nations whom you are dispossessing listen to those who practice soothsaying and to those who perform divination, but Jehovah your God has not allowed you to do so. ─── 14因你所要赶出的那些国民,都听信观兆的和占卜的;但耶和华你的神从来不许你这样行。

16、A soothsaying spirit or demon. ─── 巫能够预言将来的精灵或魔鬼

17、A soothsaying spirit or demon. ─── 巫能够预言将来的精灵或魔鬼

18、Do not eat meat with the blood still in it. Do not practice divination or soothsaying. ─── 你们不可吃任何带血的食物,不可占卜,不可念咒;

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