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08-20 投稿


penciled 发音

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英:  美:

penciled 中文意思翻译




penciled 常用词组

blue pencil ─── 蓝铅笔(用于删改书稿或剧本等的)

pencil case ─── 文具盒

pencil box ─── 铅笔盒

penciled 短语词组

1、blue-penciled vt. ─── 删除;修正

2、penciled library ─── 铅笔图书馆

3、penciled meaning ─── 用铅笔写的意思

4、penciled in ─── 暂时安排

5、penciled in def ─── 用铅笔写的def

6、penciled define ─── 铅笔定义

7、penciled art ─── 铅笔画

8、penciled rock ─── 铅笔石头

penciled 相似词语短语

1、penciler ─── n.铅笔;笔状物(pencil的变形)

2、stenciled ─── 用模版印刷(stencil的过去式和过去分词)

3、penciller ─── n.铅笔;笔状物(pencil的变形)

4、ensiled ─── v.在地窖里贮存(青饲料);把……制成青贮饲料(ensile的过去式和过去分词)

5、dentiled ─── 齿饰的

6、pencilled ─── adj.用铅笔写的;v.用笔写(pencil的过去分词)

7、pencil ─── n.铅笔;笔状物;vt.用铅笔写;用眉笔涂;vi.成铅笔状

8、enfiled ─── 穿上

9、pencils ─── n.[轻]铅笔(pencil的复数)

penciled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As he had no pen, he used a pencil instead. ─── 因为他没有钢笔,他用一支铅笔代替。

2、He can't even sharpen a pencil properly. ─── 他甚至连一支铅笔都削不好。

3、The last item on the list is added in pencil. ─── 单子上的最后一项是用铅笔加上去的。

4、You can erase pencil marks with a rubber. ─── 你可以用橡皮擦掉铅笔记号。

5、He pencil down his name on a piece of paper. ─── 他在一张纸上用铅笔写下了自己的名字。

6、Georgos repositioned the pencil stub. ─── 乔戈斯把铅笔头换了个位置。

7、Do you have a pencil to draw the portrait? ─── 你有铅笔画素描吗?

8、it was a superb moonlight night, and the shadows of the graceful china-trees lay minutely penciled on the turf below. ─── 这是一个美丽的月夜,优雅的楝树的树影,密致地洒落在下面的草坪上,如铅笔画的一般;

9、The script was a bit racy until the producer wielded his blue pencil. ─── 在制片人挥动他那蓝色铅笔删改前,剧本有一些逃逗性。

10、Who did you promise to give the pencil to tomorrow? ─── 你答应明天把铅笔给谁?

11、You may write in pencil instead. ─── 你可以用铅笔写。

12、A pencil is chosen from the pencil case. ─── 从铅笔包里拿出一支铅笔。

13、A: Just pencil in the changes and we'll reprint it. ─── 修改的地方请用铅笔,我们会重新打印。

14、He drew a line with his pencil and ruler. ─── 他用钢笔和尺子划了一条线。

15、Can you sharpen pencil like this? ─── 你能把铅笔削成这种水平吗?

16、He gave me his card, with a few words in pencil. ─── 他把名片给我,上面有几个铅笔字。

17、He ran his pencil through his own name on the list. ─── 他用铅笔把名单上的自己的名字划掉了。

18、Shanghai Friendship Pencil Sharpener Co., Ltd. ─── 上海友谊卷笔刀有限公司。

19、We already had a rate hike penciled in for April. ─── 我们已经计划在4月再次进行利率调整。

20、He erased pencil marks form the test paper and handed to the teacher. ─── 他擦去试卷上的铅笔笔迹然后递给了老师。

21、China Standard Home Product Pencil Co., Ltd. ─── 中国第一铅笔股份有限公司。

22、He has a rubber in his pencil case. ─── 他铅笔盒里有块橡皮。

23、He ran his pencil through the offending word. ─── 他用铅笔把无礼的词划掉。

24、The pencil is in the pencil-box. ─── 再把铅笔放在铅笔盒的里面。

25、She hurriedly booked the hotel , penciled the dinner time , bagged the note book and went away . ─── 她匆忙地订好旅馆,用铅笔记下吃饭时间,装好笔记本后离开了。

26、He added the numbers mentally; he did not need a pencil and paper. ─── 他心算数字,不需要纸和笔。

27、He took out the pencil marks from his drawing. ─── 他把面上的铅笔印擦掉。

28、He bore down on the pencil and broke the point. ─── 他用力过重,把铅笔尖压断了。

29、Erase the penciled notes in the margins. ─── 空白处铅笔写的注释擦掉。

30、They plan to make a show with a movie star penciled in as the attraction. ─── 他们计划公演一次,暂定一位电影明星做主要的卖座人物。

31、He scored the board with a pencil and ruler before sawing it. ─── 他在下料之前先用铅笔和尺在木板上划好了线。

32、He penciled the number on a card and handed it to me. ─── 他用铅笔把号码写在一张卡片上交给了我。

33、She toy with her pencil while she listen on the phone. ─── 她一边听电话,一边耍铅笔玩。

34、The pencil felt thick and awkward in his fingers. ─── 他的手指缝里的铅笔使他感到又粗又笨。

35、Do you have a pencil with a sharper point? ─── 你有尖一点的铅笔吗?

36、While she was talking to me, she toyed with a pencil. ─── 她一边和我说话,一边摆弄着一支铅笔。

37、China First Pencil Fang Zheng Co. ─── 包括其附属的中国第一铅笔方正公司。

38、Your pencil is in the pencil-box. ─── 你的铅笔在铅笔盒里。

39、She rubbed out the pencil marks. ─── 她擦去了铅笔记号。

40、You mustn't fill in the form in pencil. ─── 不允许你用铅笔填表。

41、Her eyebrow is well penciled. ─── 她的眉毛画得很好。

42、He erases pencil marks. ─── 他擦去铅笔的痕迹。

43、He kept jabbing at the paper cup with his pencil. ─── 他不断地用铅笔扎着纸杯。

44、He cut his finger while sharpening a pencil. ─── 他削铅笔时把手指割破了。

45、He took a pencil flashlight out of his pocket. ─── 他从口袋中掏出一支笔形电筒。

46、He was rolling a pencil between his fingers. ─── 他用手指捻动着铅笔。

47、That's a lot! Have you bought a new pencil box yet? ─── 买真多!你有没有买新铅笔盒?

48、He couldn't find his pen, so he wrote in pencil. ─── 他找不着钢笔,所以他用铅笔写。

49、An unknown actor was penciled in to play the leading role. ─── 一个不知名的演员被匆忙列入计划,扮演主要角色。

50、She tapped on the table with the pencil. ─── 她用铅笔嗒嗒嗒地敲着桌子。

51、He always cheats on his tests. What a pencil neck. ─── 他考试总作弊。真是个不可救药的人。

52、They had to accept the blue pencil of the censor. ─── 他们不得不接受检查员的修改。

53、She was fiddling about with a pencil. ─── 她无意识地摆弄一支铅笔。

54、Hold on a minute while I get a pencil. ─── 别挂电话,我拿支铅笔。

55、Just pencil in the changes and we'll retype it. ─── 修改的地方请用铅笔,我们会重打。

56、She is picking up pencil on the ground. ─── 她正在捡起地上的一支铅笔。

57、I've penciled you in for the match on Sunday; tell me as soon as you know for certain if you can play. ─── 我暂定你星期六参加比赛,如果你肯定能参加,请尽快告诉我。

58、He was penciled in to play but withdrew before the game. ─── 他在玩这个游戏之前就已经被踢除了。

59、He wants something to sharpen a pencil with. ─── 他想找一个削铅笔的东西。

60、Difficult problems used to take hours of work with pencil and paper. ─── 困难的问题以前总是需要用笔和纸工作数小时。

61、He hurriedly penciled his name on the visitors'book and bicycled away. ─── 他匆匆忙忙地用铅笔在留言簿上写下自己的名字,骑上自行车走了。

62、She always kept a pad and pencil by the phone. ─── 她总在电话机旁准备一本便签簿和一支铅笔。

63、He stuck his pencil behind his ear. ─── 他把铅笔放在耳朵后边。

64、Perhaps it's in his pencil case. ─── 也许在他的笔袋里。

65、In the November2,19- issue of the Japan trade bulletin, you advertise fountain pen, pencil, etc. ─── 从19—年11月2日《日本贸易公报》看到贵公司有关钢笔和铅笔等广告。

66、Is there a pen in the pencil case? ─── 在铅笔盒里有一支钢笔吗?

67、You nearly poked me in the eye with your pencil. ─── 你的铅笔差一点戳到了我的眼睛。

68、She penciled his words in the notebook. ─── 她用铅笔把他的话记在笔记本上。

69、Nobody else has a pencil sharpener. ─── 再没有谁有卷笔刀了。

70、You may write in biro or pencil. ─── 你用圆珠笔或铅笔书写均可。

71、Who did you promise to give the pencil to her tomorrow? ─── 你答应谁明天把铅笔给她?

72、He is drawing a line on the paper with a color pencil. ─── 他正用一支色笔在纸上画线。

73、Taking a book off the shelf he found himself absorbed, not by the words of the book, but by the notes penciled in the margin. ─── 他从书架上取下一本书,很快便被吸引住了,不是被书的内容,而是被空白处铅笔写的批语所吸引。

74、She rummaged about in the drawer for a pencil. ─── 她在抽屉里翻来翻去找铅笔。

75、He hurriedly penciled the time on it. ─── 他匆忙(用铅笔)在上面写下了时间。

76、The Belgian is penciled in for the end of the month while the other two "are still two or three weeks away" . ─── 比利时人可能在一月末回归,而其他两个仍然是“两到三周”。

77、He lined the paper with a blue pencil. ─── 他用蓝铅笔在纸上划了线。

78、She pointed the pencil for her sister. ─── 她给妹妹削铅笔。

79、He stopped me being entered by simply putting a pencil through my name on the list. ─── 他只是在名单上用铅笔将我的名字一划,便阻止了我加入进来。

80、He threw away the scrap of the pencil. ─── 他扔掉了铅笔屑。

81、The authors wish you to read it with a pencil in your hand, for you will often be asked to make certain notations, to write answers to particular questions. ─── 作者们希望你在读这本书的时候手里要拿上一支铅笔,因为我们要求你经常做点笔记,或是将一些具体问题的答案写下来。

82、The pencil with which he was writing broke. ─── 他写字用的铅笔断了。

83、What's in your pencil case? I've got two pens. ─── 在你的笔袋里是什么?我有两只钢笔。

84、He felt so good, in fact, that Joe Torre has penciled him in to start Sunday's series finale in Kansas City. ─── 事实上,他感觉好极了,托瑞将他安排去在先发堪萨斯城对皇家的最终场比赛。

85、He kept jabbing (away) at the paper cup with his pencil. ─── 他用铅笔(不停地)戳著纸杯。

86、Can you balance a pencil on the end of your nose ? ─── 你能将一支铅笔放在鼻尖上使之保持平衡吗?

87、Your had better point your pencil with this knife. ─── 你最好用这把刀子把你的铅笔削一下。

88、Ethel is a pencil pusher at the same company for 25 years. ─── 埃塞尔在同一家公司中做了25年的秘书工作。

89、Have you got a pencil? ─── 你有铅笔吗?

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