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08-20 投稿


procurer 发音


英:  美:

procurer 中文意思翻译



procurer 短语词组

1、procurer buyer ─── 购电方买方

2、procurer eve ─── 采购商eve

3、procurer means ─── 购电方是指

4、procurer fit procurer ─── 配合

5、procurer definition ─── 购电方定义

procurer 词性/词形变化,procurer变形


procurer 相似词语短语

1、procures ─── vt.获得,取得;导致;vi.取得

2、pourer ─── n.浇注工;倒茶水的人

3、procuress ─── n.老鸨

4、procurers ─── n.拉皮条者

5、procure ─── vt.获得,取得;导致;vi.取得

6、precurrer ─── 前辈

7、procureur ─── 检察官

8、procureurs ─── 检察官

9、procured ─── adj.获得的;采购了的;v.获得;促成(procure的过去分词)

procurer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、between or liaison in sexual intrigues; function as a procurer. ─── 拉皮条在性交易中充当中间人或联系人;

2、"An increase in grain prices impacts us because we are a major procurer of grain for food, " she said. ─── “粮食价格的增长对我们造成了冲击,因为我们是粮食的主要生产者,”她说。

3、Supplier" in these regulations refers to the provider or the contractor who may conclude or have concluded a procuring contract with the procurer. ─── 本条例所称供应人,是指与采购人可能或者已经签订采购合同的供应商或者承包商。

4、..Money is the procurer between man's need and the object, between his life and his means of life. ─── 货币是需要和对象之间、人的生活和生活数据之间的牵线人。

5、In centralized procurements, the government procurement organ is the procurer. ─── 集中采购的,政府采购机构是采购人。

6、A sexual procurer. ─── 拉皮条者

7、“Supplier” in these regulations refers to the provider or the contractor who may conclude or have concluded a procuring contract with the procurer. ─── 本条例所称供应人,是指与采购人可能或者已经签订采购合同的供应商或者承包商。

8、of fining or imprisoning the procurer, but not the fornicator, the gambling-house keeper, but not the gambler. ─── 几乎每一件买进卖出的物品都可以使用逾分,而售卖者正是在鼓励这种逾分使用上有其金钱的利益;

9、one who finds customers for a prostitute; a procurer ─── 拉皮条的人为妓女拉客的人,拉皮条的人

10、Have you ever unlawfully distributed or sold a controlled substance(drug), or been a prostitute or procurer for prostitutes? ─── 是否曾非法分发或出售过受控物品(毒品)?是否曾从事卖淫活动或曾为卖淫者拉客?

11、She is friendly with Sun Jie, a 37-year-old procurer who employs the other male prostitutes here. ─── 她跟37岁的中间人孙杰(音)关系很好,孙杰还雇佣了一些男性性工作者。

12、a procurer of free tickets to concerts. ─── 音乐会赠票的获得者

13、She is friendly with Sun Jie, a 37-year-old procurer who employs the other male prostitutes here. ─── 她跟37岁的中间人孙杰(音)关系很好,孙杰还雇佣了一些男性性工作者。

14、Quelles applications utilisez-vous pour vous procurer des informations sur Internet? ─── (你用什么应用软件在英特网上得到信息?)

15、Regardless of which method of procurement is used, the Procurement Law requires that the procurer (or procurement agency) and selected supplier enter into a written procurement contract. ─── 无论采用何种采购方式,采购法规定采购人(或采购代理机构)及中标、成交供应商需签订书面采购合同。

16、Article 7 “Procurer” in these regulations refers to the national authorities, institutions or other social organizations procuring the materials or services with financial capital. ─── 第七条 本条例所称采购人,是指使用财政性资金采购物资或者服务的国家机关、事业单位或者其他社会组织。

17、If procurement is made through invited tender, the procurer must identify at least three qualified suppliers and invite them to submit bids. ─── 若以邀请招标方式进行采购,采购人必须选出最少三家合资格的供应商并邀请其投标。

18、The procurer takes care of public property rights in the course of government procurement, especially while administrative organizations act as a procurer. ─── 政府采购的采购方一般是以公有产权代理人身份来行使职权的,特别是国家机关作为采购人。

19、increase in grain prices impacts us because we are a major procurer of grain for food," she said. ─── 粮食价格的增长对我们造成了冲击,因为我们是粮食的主要生产者,”她说。

20、“An increase in grain prices impacts us because we are a major procurer of grain for food,” she said. ─── “粮食价格的增长对我们造成了冲击,因为我们是粮食的主要生产者,”她说。

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