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08-20 投稿


cliffy 发音

英:[?kl?fi]  美:[?kl?fi]

英:  美:

cliffy 中文意思翻译



cliffy 词性/词形变化,cliffy变形


cliffy 短语词组

1、cliffy cast ─── 悬崖峭壁

2、cliffy 2013 ─── 克利夫2013

3、cliffy barz ─── 悬崖酒吧

4、cliffy run ─── 悬崖勒马

5、cliffy b ─── 克利夫b

6、cliffy hams ─── 毛茸茸的火腿

7、cliffy biro ─── 悬崖峭壁的桌面

8、cliffy passion for pinball ─── 对弹球的狂热

cliffy 相似词语短语

1、chaffy ─── adj.无用的,空洞的;粗糠多的;谷皮子状的

2、scliffs ─── 斯克里夫

3、cliff ─── n.悬崖;绝壁;n.(Cliff)人名;(英)克利夫

4、cli-fi ─── 客户端fi

5、cheffy ─── 切菲。

6、biffy ─── 户外洗手间;户外厕所;室内洗手间

7、cliffs ─── n.[地理]悬崖,峭壁;陡岸(cliff的复数形式)

8、chuffy ─── adj.像农夫的;不高兴的

9、clifty ─── n.克利夫蒂(美国地名)

cliffy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There may be a deep cliff in the bed of a stream. ─── 在一条河床上可能有一个陡峭的悬崖。

2、Hey Cliffy boy, you know where we are going? ─── 喂岩壁男孩你知道我们向何处去?

3、Your mother is Barbara. Your father is Cliff. ─── 你妈妈叫芭芭拉,你爸爸叫克里夫。

4、On our right we can see a rocky cliff over 400 feet high. ─── 在我们的右边能看到一座超过400英尺高的陡峭悬崖。

5、She stood on the cliff and gazed away out to sea. ─── 她站在悬崖上,遥望着大海。

6、From his position on the cliff top, he had a good view of the harbour. ─── 他位於悬崖顶上,海湾看得清清楚楚。

7、The mountains are sheer and cliffy , with the mountain bases connected Thus , the grand peak cluster came into being. ─── 一座座山峰陡峭险峻,山座紧紧相连,形成峰林,壮观秀丽。

8、He climbed the steep cliff by getting footholds in cracks in the rock. ─── 他在岩石缝中找踏脚的地方,慢慢爬上峭壁。

9、He walked to the utmost edge of the cliff. ─── 他走到悬崖的最边缘的地方。

10、There was no footing on the steep cliff. ─── 在那陡峭的悬崖上没有立脚处。

11、Do you think you can climb that steep cliff? ─── 你以为你能爬上那座悬崖峭壁吗?

12、He stepped backward and fell over the cliff. ─── 他向后退了一步就从悬崖上掉下去了。

13、Stay away from the edge of cliff. ─── 不要靠近悬崖边。

14、They found him dead at the foot of a cliff. ─── 他们发现他在一悬崖的脚下死去了。

15、The cliff drops off suddenly here, be careful. ─── 山崖到此突然十分陡峭,留神点。

16、The cliff face has been steadily eroded by the sea. ─── 峭壁表面逐渐被海水侵蚀。

17、He held on tight to the rope and began inching down the cliff. ─── 他紧紧抓住绳子,开始慢慢地滑下峭壁。

18、They slowly clawed their way up the cliff. ─── 他们缓慢地爬上峭壁。

19、On the way up,you can see a cliff called Jiyu Bei. ─── 往上去,你们会看到一道被称作“鲫鱼背”的悬崖.

20、Don't go too near to the edge of the cliff. ─── 别走到离悬崖边缘太近的地方去。

21、Mountain torrents rush down from the cliff. ─── 山里的湍流从峭壁上直泻而下。

22、The cliff is gradually crumbling away. ─── 峭壁正在逐渐崩坍。

23、Did she fall off the cliff by accident, or was she pushed off? ─── 她是意外地掉下悬崖,还是被推下去的呢?

24、A great mass of rock had fallen from the cliff and now blocked the road. ─── 一大堆岩石从悬崖上掉了下来,堵塞了道路。

25、After conquering some difficulties, Maggie finally succeeded in rappelling down a cliffy mountain. ─── 在克服了一些困难之后,麦琪终于成功地跳下了一座陡峭的山崖。

26、She could be thrown off a cliff. ─── 她将被扔下悬崖。

27、Cliff thinks he knows everything under the sun. ─── 克利夫认为他知晓天下事。

28、Cliff: You don't like to see it firsthand? ─── 克里夫:你不希望亲眼看到它们吗?

29、The workers skirted the edge of the cliff on a geological survey. ─── 工人们沿着崖壁作了一次地质勘察。

30、Cliff and Bonnie have known each other for two years. ─── 克里夫和邦妮彼此相识已有两年了。

31、A loose deposit of rock debris accumulated through the action of gravity at the base of a cliff or slope. ─── 塌积物在峭壁或斜坡底部由于重力作用堆积形成的岩石碎片松散的堆积物

32、Director: Now here is where you jump off the cliff. ─── 导演:好了,这就是你要跳崖的地方。

33、At last the base of the cliff is undermined. ─── 岩壁的下壁终于被掘空。

34、He broke his legs while climbing a cliff. ─── 在攀登悬崖的时候,他的腿摔断了。

35、The cliff edge is dangerous and should be railed. ─── 崖边危险,应该用栏杆围起来。

36、It's a fall of 60 metres to the foot of the cliff. ─── 从这儿到悬崖之底距离60米。

37、Liani had driven to Pacific Palisades, a lovely community near downtown Los Angeles where cliffy fall abruptly into the sea. ─── 莉安妮开车去了太平洋海崖,那是一个美丽的地方,靠近洛杉矶,山崖陡峭,直落大海。

38、Small animals had honeycombed the cliff with caves. ─── 小动物们在悬崖上筑有许多蜂巢似的洞穴。

39、Do you think you can climb that steep cliff ? ─── 你以为你能爬上那座悬崖峭壁吗?

40、A chunk of the cliff had cracked off in a storm. ─── 山崖上的一块石头在暴风雨中崩塌下来。

41、He couldn' t find a hold on the cliff. ─── 他在悬崖上找不到一个可以站住脚的地方。

42、Cliff descending is to descend from this cliff. ─── 崖降就是从这悬崖下去。

43、Jumping from the cliff into the sea was a great feat for us. ─── 从悬崖跳到海里对我们而言是一项勇敢的绝技。

44、They lowered him down the cliff on a rope. ─── 他们用绳索把他放下悬崖。

45、The cliff crumbled away into the sea. ─── 岩崖逐渐风化碎落海中。

46、Some stones slipped down the face of the cliff. ─── 一些石头从悬崖面滑落。

47、Fred misses carpooling with Cliff each day, and I fight back tears each time I see your empty house next door. ─── 天天怀念过去与Cliff合用汽车的日子,而我每次看到隔壁你住过的空房子,都得强忍住眼泪。

48、He fell off a cliff into the sea. ─── 他从悬崖上堕入海中。

49、cliffy of England stand; Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay. ─── 英格兰崖壁陡峭,高高耸立静谧的海湾,一望无际,微光闪闪。

50、It stands on a huge rock, like a great cliff towering over the city. ─── 它屹立在一块巨大的岩石上,像高耸入云的悬崖耸立于这个城市之中。

51、He fell off the edge of the cliff. ─── 他从悬崖边上 了下来.

52、There are very few holds on the cliff face. ─── 峭壁的正面可供手攀或脚踏的地方很少。

53、Don't go too near the edge of the cliff. ─── 别走得太靠近悬崖。

54、Cliff has already decided that Bonnie is the right girl for him. ─── 克里夫已经认定邦妮就是适合他的女孩。

55、He managed to hang on to a piece of rock protruding from the cliff face. ─── 他设法抓住悬崖表面向外伸出的岩石。

56、He climb the steep cliff by get foothold in crack in the rock. ─── 他在岩石缝中找踏脚的地方,慢慢爬上峭壁。

57、How wonderful is the Guilin mountain, just looks like oldman, giant elephant, the camel, with cliffy peak spreading out. ─── 桂林的山真奇啊,像老人,像巨象,像骆驼,奇峰罗列。

58、There are three east cliff traces of frescoes. ─── 东侧石壁上有三处壁画的痕迹。

59、John Cliff is running for the mayor of our town. ─── 克利夫正在竞选我们镇的镇长。

60、A gentle stream slips down the face of the cliff. ─── 一股涓涓流水从悬崖的正面淌下。

61、When he fell from the cliff,he beat his brains out. ─── 他从悬崖上跌了下去,头破血流而死。

62、His car plummeted off the cliff. ─── 他的车子掉下悬崖。

63、He rapidly hent my clothes before I dropped off the cliff. ─── 就在我从悬崖掉下去的一瞬间,他一下子抓住了我的衣服。

64、A ridge with a gentle slope on one side and a cliff on the other. ─── 单面山一边是缓坡而另一边是悬崖的山脊

65、He was hounded to the cliff. ─── 他被追逼到了悬崖边上。

66、A steep slope or cliff; an escarpment. ─── 急坡,峭壁急斜坡或陡坡;悬崖峭壁

67、He stands at the brink of a cliff. ─── 他站在悬崖边上。

68、He scrambled up the side of a cliff. ─── 他爬上峭壁。

69、The cliff edge is dangerous and should be railed . ─── 崖边危险,应该用栏杆围起来。

70、He managed to hang on to a piece of rock protruding from the cliff. ─── 他设法抓住了悬崖上向外伸出的岩石。

71、One wrong step and you fall down the cliff. ─── 你只要走错一步,就会掉到悬崖下面去。

72、On the way up, you can see a cliff called Jiyu Bei. ─── 往上去,你们会看到一道被称作"鲫鱼背"的悬崖。

73、It is dangerous to walk near the edge of a cliff. ─── 在悬崖边行走是危险的。

74、She felt dizzy at the top of the cliff. ─── 在峭壁顶,她感到了头晕。

75、And one quarter sits on a protruding cliff. ─── 四分之一就悬在山崖外。

76、I dare you to jump down this cliff. ─── 你敢不敢从悬崖上跳下去?

77、Do you see the steep cliff of a distant point or place? ─── 你看见远处的悬崖了吗?

78、A year ago, capitalism careered over a cliff. ─── 一年前,资本主义几乎冲出了悬崖。

79、Keep away from the edge of the cliff. ─── 切莫靠近悬崖边。

80、A temple perched on a cliff. ─── 一座庙宇耸峙在悬崖之上。

81、You must take your measure of the cliff before you climb it. ─── 你攀登悬崖前必须摸清情况。

82、A cliff looms up in the distance. ─── 一道峭壁隐隐约约出现在远处。

83、He edged along the cliff. ─── 他沿着峭壁侧身移动。

84、They'd be killed if the car went over the cliff. ─── 如果汽车翻落悬崖,他们就没命了。

85、A doe blind in one eye was accustomed to grazing as far from the edge of the cliff as she possibly could, in the hope of securing her greater safety. ─── 为了更安全,这只独目雌鹿习惯了尽量在远离峭壁的地方吃草。

86、She was frightened by the height of the cliff. ─── 她被悬崖的高度吓住了。

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