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08-20 投稿


spiked 发音

[ 'spa?kt]

英:  美:

spiked 中文意思翻译



spiked 网络释义

adj. 尖的;有穗的;加入标准的

spiked 短语词组

1、spiked math games ─── 尖峰数学游戏

2、spiked collar ─── 尖领

3、spiked beer ─── 加有酒■的啤酒

4、spiked eggnog ─── 含少量烈酒的蛋酒

5、spiked body ─── 钉状车身

6、spiked goomba ─── 带刺的贡巴

7、spiked bottom ─── 钉状底部

8、spiked with ─── 掺有(spiked是spike的过去分词)

9、spiked beater ─── 钉齿式逐篙轮

10、spiked club ─── 狼牙棒

11、spiked loosestrife ─── [植物]千屈菜(Lythrum salicaria)

12、spiked cider ─── 加料苹果酒

spiked 词性/词形变化,spiked变形

原型:spike 过去分词:spiked 过去式:spiked

spiked 相似词语短语

1、spined ─── adj.有刺的;有背骨的;有脊柱的;v.纺;使旋转(spin的过去分词)

2、spiled ─── n.插管;木栓;vt.打小孔;插上插管;用塞子塞住

3、spike ─── n.长钉,道钉;钉鞋;细高跟;vt.阻止;以大钉钉牢;用尖物刺穿;n.(Spike)人名;(瑞典)斯皮克

4、spiker ─── n.排球队的扣杀员;针齿式圆盘耙

5、spiced ─── adj.五香的;调过味的;含香料的

6、spied ─── v.侦探,找出(spy的过去式)

7、-piked ─── adj.尖的;v.用矛刺穿(pike的过去分词和过去式形式)

8、spikes ─── n.钉鞋(spike的复数);v.把…钉牢(spike的第三人称单数);n.(Spikes)人名;(英)斯派克斯

9、piked ─── adj.尖的;v.用矛刺穿(pike的过去分词和过去式形式)

spiked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A tapering spike of ice formed by the freezing of dripping or falling water. ─── 冰柱,冰锥锥状冰,由滴水凝固形成

2、Susie has some radical tastes in fashion. For instance, she likes neon yellow and her hair is usually SPIKED. ─── 但是当我看到以下这句话时,觉得上面的解释都不适用,所以想请教大家一下:"spike"在下面这句话里究竟是什么意思呢?

3、What a good quick spike from a flat short set! ─── 好一个短平快扣球!

4、CLEE-SAN: Wait! The module's gone active. I'm getting an energy spike! ─── 克利-桑号:等待中。这个舱失去了活动能力。我收到一个能量信号!

5、When he heard the Simpsons were planning go buy the house to extend their shop,he spiked their guns by buying the house himself. ─── 听说辛普森家打算买下那栋房子扩大铺面,他便抢先买了那栋房子,使他们的打算成了泡影。

6、An old man was sitting on a bench in the mall when a young man with spiked hair came over and sat down beside him. ─── 一位老人坐在商场里的一个长椅上,这时一个留着刺猬头的年轻人走过来坐在他旁边。

7、Sam 'Spike' Witwicky: I'm not going to leave you! ─── 威特维奇:我不会离开你!

8、An astral dreadnought is as large as a strom giant,covered from head to tail in layers of thick,spiked plates. ─── 一只星界巨舰兽看起来象是一个巨大的风暴巨人,它全身上下都覆盖着带有尖刺的厚实皮层。

9、North American orchid having a spike of violet-purple flowers mixed with white; sepals and petals form a hood. ─── 产于北美的一种兰花,花紫色适有白色,萼片和花瓣在和蕊柱后面形成盔瓣。

10、They'll do anything to spike the guns of the opposition. ─── 他们会使出各种手段来挫败对手。

11、We were also tying at fourteen-all until I spiked the next two advantage points that we needed. ─── 后来也以14比14打成平手,一直到我扣球后赢得比赛所需要的两分。

12、A cigarette spiked with heroin can prove too tempting for many, eventually breaking up a family and ruining a person's future. ─── 一根海洛英香烟的诱惑,害人沦落深渊,妻离子散。

13、It was so like smith's work, so much more like the top of a strongly spiked wall than a head of hair. ─── 它如此像铁匠的工作,如此更多同类超过一个头发的头强烈地以大钉钉牢的墙壁的顶端。

14、Sam 'Spike' Witwicky: Stop! He's not going to hurt you! ─── 威特维奇:别动!他不会伤害你的!

15、Within 18 months, infection of the snails by the parasites had spiked around the lake. ─── 18个月内,湖泊四周的许多蜗牛都感染了寄生虫。

16、Spike: Well, I never had a proper one. ─── 哦,对了,我还没有一个合适的(葬礼)呢。

17、His story was spiked by the chief editor. ─── 主编没用他那篇新闻稿。

18、They'll do anything to spike the guns of the opposition, even at the risk of underpricing themselves out of business. ─── 他们要尽一切努力挫败对手的计划,哪怕是因为压价弄垮了自己的生意也在所不惜。

19、Therefore the operator we seek is the differential of a spike . ─── 因此,我们欲求的因子是一个单位脉冲的微分。

20、Sorting is a basilic task of MEA signal spike research. ─── 分类是MEA信号锋电位研究的重要任务。

21、A warm, August breeze blew through his turquoise hair which, for once, wasn't spiked into a mohawk. ─── 一阵温暖的、八月的清风拂过他那青绿色的头发,这头发头一次没有变得如同尖钉一般的莫霍克发式[这句话很没有把握]。

22、"I don't think this is just a temporary spike in enrollments . ─── “我不认为入学人数只是暂时的现象。

23、In the past 6 months, unemployment rate spiked. ─── 在过去6个月中,失业率大幅度陡升。

24、As you can probably imagine, this spiked tail was a very important part of its defense. ─── 你可以想象出,这条尾巴可是他对付敌人的有力武器。

25、The spike pressure increases with the size of the vehicle. ─── 减荷器的压力随“车辆”的体积增大而增大。

26、If you lob it right, I'll be able to spike it. ─── 你把高吊球打好,我就可以扣球。

27、An influence on a post-synaptic neuron which enhances the probability that the neuron emits a spike. ─── 对突触后神经元的一种影响,它增强神经元发放冲动的概率。

28、Don't take any drink from strangers. It could be spiked. ─── 别喝陌生人给你的饮料,它可能被下了药。

29、A group of punk rockers walked by with orange spiked hair and tattoos covering much of their bodies. ─── 他们的头发是桔黄色的,一撮一撮地竖立‘,身上刺满了文身。

30、The orcs throw Spike into a cage. ─── 兽人们把他丢进了一个笼子里。

31、A spike is quicker than a slam. ─── Spike比slam速度快。

32、Freezing Arrow is similar to the Sorceress' Glacier Spike. ─── 冻结之箭就像女巫的冰钉。

33、Everybody dislikes Spike, the porcupine. Will they ask him to leave? ─── 大家都不喜欢豪猪刺小弟,他们会不会叫他走呢?

34、She wore toeless shoes with spiked heels, carried smart handbags, and decorated her ears with diamond clips. ─── 她足蹬脚尖镂空的高跟皮鞋,手提讲究的拎包,耳朵上还挂着钻石耳坠。

35、The seismograph showed a sharp spike in response to the trembler. ─── 地震仪显示,震动器的反应突然大增。

36、She's hoping to develop a small strip or stick that would turn a certain color if dipped into a drink that had been spiked with roofies. ─── 她希望研发一种小纸条或是小棒,如果把它浸入已经加入迷奸药的饮品中就能变成某种颜色。

37、But the repo men anticipate a spike in calls once that time is up. ─── 但回购公司的人却期待着还款限期一到,业务量陡增。狼烟四起,有人迫不及待地要趁火打劫。

38、You spike the ball and put us in the lead. ─── 你扣了这球,使我们居于领先的局势。

39、He brought the hammer flashing down, banging the spike squarely on the head. ─── 他闪电似地用锤猛砸下去,不偏不倚,正好击中道钉。

40、Henchman Spike [Chs. 5-6] / Henchman Leach [Ch. ─── 9] (亨穗[社区会堂。5月6日] /亨利奇[社区会堂。

41、It might play a regulatory role on rice spike development. ─── 它对稻穗的生长有调整作用。

42、It was so like smith’s work, so much more like the top of a strongly spiked wall than a head of hair. ─── 它如此像铁匠的工作, 如此更多同类超过一个头发的头强烈地以大钉钉牢的墙壁的顶端。

43、In Yersa I noticed a spike on the peak of the pyramid-shaped roof of a church. ─── 在叶拉萨村,我发现一座教堂的金字塔屋顶的尖端有一颗尖钉。

44、In Yersa I noticed a spike on the peak of the pyramid-sharped roof of a church. ─── 在叶拉萨村,我发现一座教堂的金字塔屋顶的尖端有一颗尖钉。

45、A walking stick tipped with a metal spike. ─── 尖头杖装有金属尖的手杖

46、But between now and then, its analysts warn, that spike may yet get sharper. ─── 但分析家警告说,此间油价还会涨得更高。

47、At this point, I define my Version 2.0 Iteration lengths around the maintenance spike for Version 1.0. ─── 在这点上,在1.0版本的期望维护高峰周围,我确定了2.0版本的迭代时间。

48、Unlike other weapons, The spiked gauntlet occupies your magic item hands slot while enchanted. ─── 与其它武器不同,带刺铁手套在附魔后佔用你的手部魔法物品栏。

49、They spiked his drink by putting a vodka in his lager. ─── 他们在他的啤酒中掺加伏特加酒。

50、If you lob it right,I'll be able to spike it. ─── 你把高吊球打好,我就可以扣球。

51、She also tells Spike that his amnesia seems to be caused by dark magic. ─── 她还告诉狼牙他的失意症似乎是由黑暗魔法造成的。

52、Airports in Southern California saw a spike in bookings. ─── 南加利福尼来机场机票预订达到高峰。

53、An old man was sitting on a bench in the mall when a young man with spiked hair came over and sat down beside him. ─── 一个老人坐在商场外的长椅上,一个留着锥形头式的年轻人坐到他旁边。

54、The 2 Riflemen should protect your Tiberium Spike from Buzzer attacks. ─── 两队机枪兵应该保护你的矿柱免受蜂群的袭击。

55、The LOD and LOQ of diazepam in spiked hair samples were 0.09 and 0.14 ng/mg, respectiely. ─── 在添加的头发样品中地西泮检测限和定量限分别为0.09和0.14纳克/毫克。

56、With its spiked shell, beak like jaws, and thick, scaled tail, this species is often referred to as the "dinosaur of the turtle world. " ─── 它刺状的龟甲,鸟喙状的爪,和粗大有鳞的尾巴,使这个品种常被称作“龟中的恐龙”。

57、Her words were spiked with malice. ─── 她的话暗含恶意。

58、Spike work like the first generation! ─── 与一代一样有钉钉扣!!

59、His promotional chances were spiked. ─── 他被提升的所有机会全都错过了。

60、The article was spiked for fear of legal action against the newspaper. ─── 因担心被提起诉讼,报社未发表那篇文章。

61、Quietus Spike causes the team to lose 5 life (10 divided by 2). ─── 封喉刺使该队伍失去5点生命(10除以2)。

62、In that case, the price spike would be something like a dead-cat bounce. ─── 在那种情况下,股价峰值可能会像死猫诈尸一样反弹。

63、The probability curve would have collapsed to a narrow spike. ─── 几率线则会缩成一条狭窄的峰。

64、Will the sharp increase in Chinese bank lending result in a spike in NPLs? ─── 中国各银行放贷额的大量增加是否会导致不良贷款激增?

65、More scary is if there is a sudden spike in prices. ─── 如果油价出现了突然的大波动的话,那将更令人担心。

66、They spiked, blocked and served confidently and made just a few mistakes. ─── 她们进攻、防守和发球信心十足,仅仅出现一些小的失误。

67、He jumped and blocked the spike. ─── 他跳起拦对方扣球。

68、He said that now can be a little jogging, but would like to wear spiked shoes also can not run it. ─── 他说,现在已经稍微能慢跑了,但想穿钉鞋快跑那还不可能。

69、The player on second base was spiked by the runner on base. ─── 在第二垒的运动员被跑垒人的钉鞋踩伤了。

70、Intrerest rates spiked up last week. ─── 上个星期的利率迅速上涨。

71、Spiked Carapace- The Crypt Lord forms barbed layers of chitinous armor that increase its defense and return damage to enemy melee attackers. ─── 尖刺外壳-地穴领主用一层有刺的外壳覆盖自己,提高自己的防御力,并且反弹敌人的近身伤害.

72、Roy:Wow, what have we got here? An ogre with a spiked chain? ─── 哇哦,看看这是谁?一个拿着刺链的食人魔?

73、At night, Spike, Broll and Valeera huddle around a fire in a dungeon cell. ─── 夜晚,地牢里狼牙,布罗尔和瓦蕾拉围坐在篝火边。

74、You spiked the ball and put us in the lead. ─── 你的扣球使我们居于领先地位。

75、The seismograph showed a sharp spike in response to the temblor. ─── 地震仪对震动显示一个对应的锐波。

76、Her words were spiked with malice. ─── 她的话暗含恶意。

77、Eurasian orchid with showy pink or purple flowers in a loose spike. ─── 一种生于欧亚的兰花,花呈粉红色或紫色,成疏穗状花序。

78、Little Mike left his bike like Tike at the Spike's. ─── 小迈克像泰克一样把自行车扔在思柏德家。

79、Bubba Ray & Spike Dudley def. ─── Eddie Guerrero & Chris Benoit 的桌子赛!

80、Razorlisk pierces an enemy unit with its spiked tendril. Deals 50 damage and stuns the target for 1 second. ─── 剃刀兽以他的针刺触须刺穿一个敌人。造成50点伤害并击晕1秒。

81、If no. 6 had set up better, Louis would have made a terrific spike. ─── 如果6号队员的二传更好些,路易斯就会扣个好球。

82、The US dollar spiked to a three-month high. ─── 美元猛然升值到三个月来的最高价。

83、He gave her a drink spiked with tranquillizers. ─── 他给了她一杯偷偷放了镇静剂的饮料。

84、This is then spiked upwards, often to impressive heights. ─── 之后,把这些头发向上竖起,而竖起的幅度之大往往是惊人的。

85、His hair slightly spiked, the singer has thick eyebrows, large eyes and perfectly groomed skin, making for a classic metrosexual look. ─── 他的头发做得有些往上翘,长着一副浓眉大眼,皮肤很好,表情中有一种古典的性感。

86、If you look closely at the server, you see a small spike in disk activity. ─── 如果仔细观察服务器,会看见磁盘活动出现小峰值。

87、Regular like spike wave and polyspike wave were found in mastication. ─── 在咀嚼时可见有规律性类似棘波、多棘波。

88、Oil prices spiked at more than $147 in July, but fell by more than two-thirds as the world economy drooped. ─── 七月份油价一度超过147美元一桶,但是随着世界经济衰退,又跌了三分之二强。

89、KW: You were at NYU at the same time as Spike Lee. ─── 威廉斯:您与史派克李就读纽约大学的时间一样。

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