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08-20 投稿


deciliter 发音


英:  美:

deciliter 中文意思翻译



deciliter 短语词组

1、deciliter to liter ─── 分升到升

2、deciliter def ─── 分升def

3、deciliter ml ─── 分升毫升

4、deciliter l ─── 分升

5、deciliter wiki ─── 分升维基

6、deciliter to cup ─── 分升到杯

deciliter 相似词语短语

1、dekaliter ─── 德卡利特

2、centiliter ─── n.[计量]厘升,公勺

3、deciliters ─── n.分升(十分之一公升)

4、decimeter ─── n.[计量]分米;公寸

5、decilitres ─── n.分升;十分之一升

6、decaliter ─── n.(主英)[计量]十升

7、decaliters ─── n.(主英)[计量]十升

8、decilitre ─── n.分升;十分之一升

9、delimiter ─── n.[计]定界符

deciliter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Currently, ten microgramme of lead per deciliter of blood is what Federal Health officials in the United States call a level of concern. ─── 现在,美国联邦健康官员将100毫升血液中含铅10微克作为关注量。

2、considered borderline high between 150 and 199 milligrams per deciliter; ─── 150-199毫克/分升视为胆固醇高边缘;

3、Overall, 11 of the children had levels above 126 milligrams per deciliter, the level at which diabetes is diagnosed. ─── 所有儿童中,11例出现可诊断糖尿病的血糖水平——高于126毫克每分升。

4、A fasting-glucose level below 100 milligrams per deciliter is normal.From 100 to 125 mg/dl is considered 'prediabetes,' and above 125 is diabetes. ─── 空腹血糖低于100毫克/分升属正常水平,在100至125毫克/分升属“前驱糖尿病”,超过125毫克/分升属于糖尿病。

5、When the participants exercised for 23 to 74 minutes per session, each 10-minute increase in exercise duration corresponded to a 1.4-milligram per deciliter increase in HDL-C leel. ─── 参与者每次运动23至74分钟时,每延长10分钟,HDL-C水平增加1.4毫克/分升。

6、Currently, 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what federal health officials in the United States call a level of concern. ─── 当前,美国联合卫生官员将每0。1公升的血液中所含有10微克的铅称为“关注基准”。

7、deciliter [dl] ─── 公合

8、The FDA also said the drugs "increase the risk for death and serious cardiovascular risks when administered to a target hemoglobin of greater than 12 grams per deciliter of blood. ─── 在周二的投票中,该小组对于未接受肾透析的病人在什么样血色素水平达到了抗贫血药的治疗目标仍然有诸多疑问。

9、2Currently, ten micrograms of lead per decileader(deciliter) of blood is what Federal Health officials in the United States call a level of concern. ─── 最近,美国联邦健康署公布每十分之一公升血液含有10微克铅为关注含量.

10、Currently, ten micrograms of lead per decileader(deciliter) of blood is what Federal Health officials in the United States call a level of concern. ─── 目前,美国联邦健康部门官员公布每十分之一公升血液含铅量10毫克是一个值得关注的值。

11、It is important to know which Unit of Measure the country in which you live has adopted milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), which is used in the U. ─── 美国雅培糖尿病护理部重要通知2005/7/4:血糖机检测读值单位当您测血糖时,务必养成始终确认您的血糖检测读值单位的习惯,不然您有可能会误读您的血糖值。

12、The partial-thromboplastin time was eleated, at 16.6 seconds (normal range, 10.7 to 15.6), and the serum albumin leel was 2.9 g per deciliter (normal range, 3.5 to 5.2). ─── 部分凝血酶原时间延长至16.6s(正常范围10.7-15.6),血清白蛋白2.9g/dl(正常范围3.5-5.2)。

13、For cancer patients, the label calls for using the lowest possible dose that allows a patient to avoid blood transfusions, with hemoglobin levels not to exceed 12 grams for each deciliter. ─── 标签呼吁肿瘤病人使用最低可能的剂量,使血红蛋白水平不会超过12g/dl,这样可免除输血。

14、The World Health Organization says that lead blood levels of 100 micrograms per liter and above (or 10 micrograms per deciliter, using the measurement standard more common in the U. ─── 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)称,儿童血铅含量超过每升100微克(美国中常用的衡量标准是每分升10微克)就可能带来危害。

15、Age above 68 years and hemoglobin level below 12.5 g per deciliter were the only independent prognostic factors for death. ─── 年龄68岁以上和血红蛋白水平低于12.5克每分升是死亡的唯一独立预后因素。

16、drivers with a blood alcohol concentration of .01 grams per deciliter or higher, 86.5% were involved in ROR crashes during the years 1991 to 2007. ─── 的血液浓度为每公升0.01克或更高的司机在1991-2007年间发生过冲出路外事故。

17、Commonly (Currently), ten micrograms of lead per dislead (deciliter) of blood is what Federal Health officials in the United States called(没有-ed) a level of concern. ─── 目前,血液中每分升含10微克铅的话美国联邦卫生官员已经提请注意了。

18、Currently) ten *(microgramme) program of lead *(per) leader(deciliter) of blood is what *(federal) health officals in United States call a level of concend(concern). ─── 最近,美国联邦健康委员会声明每1/10公升的血液里含有10微克的铅即为危险含量。

19、After each treatment, the patient's cholesterol level drops to around 500 milligrams per deciliter. ─── 经过这样处置一次,病人的胆固醇就下降到每100毫升含有500毫克左右。

20、Currently, ten micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what Federal Health officials in the United States call a level of concern. ─── 一般的,血液里每公合10微观的铅都会被美国联邦健康官员视为被关心的级别.

21、Currently, ten micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what Federal Health officials in the United States call a level of concern. ─── 最近,美国联邦健康组织官员称,人体内每十分之一升血液里的含铅量达到十毫克的铅含量就要引起人们重视了。

22、In 1991, the Centers for Disease Control set a federal standard of 10 microgrammes of lead per deciliter of blood. ─── 1991年,疾病控制中心规定了每十分一公升血液中允许有10微克铅的一个国家标准。

23、Currently, 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what federal health officials in the United States call a level of concern. ─── 最近,联邦健康官员所称的警戒浓度是血液中每十分之一升中含10毫克。

24、milligrams per deciliter ─── 毫克/分升

25、Almost everybody has very low levels of cholesterol at birth, with LDL measuring around 50 mg per deciliter of blood. ─── 但是当人们成年后,这个数量至少增加了两倍。

26、Currently, ten micrograms of lead per decileader (deciliter) of blood is what Federal Health officials in the United States call a level of concern. ─── 最近,美国联邦健康署公布每十分之一公升血液含有10微克铅就是危险含量。

27、The researchers from the Bristol Center for Child and Adolescent Health concluded that the current standard of 10 micrograms per deciliter should be halved. ─── 英国科学家的新研究颠覆了儿童血液最高安全铅含量为10毫克/分升的国际标准,他们指出安全铅含量标准起码要降低一半。

28、Nonetheless, the National Cholesterol Education Program offers a list of recommendations about blood triglyceride levels: that they are best kept under 150 milligrams per deciliter; ─── 尽管如此,国家胆固醇教育计划为血液甘油三酸酯水平提供了一个推荐清单:最好保持在150毫克/分升;

29、deciliter 1/ ─── 10公升

30、After each treatment, the patient's cholesterol level drops to around 500 milligrams per deciliter ─── 经过这样处置一次,病人的胆固醇就下降到每100毫升含有500毫克左右。

31、2、Currently, ten micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what Federal Health officials in the United States call a level of concern. ─── 高级别的铅会在成长的身体里产生学习性障碍,行为性问题,肾脏失调等其他伤害.

32、IFG is a condition in which the fasting blood glucose level is 100 to 125 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) after an overnight fast. ─── 糖尿病前期是指在发展为第二型糖尿病、心脏病以及中风的过程中风险升高的一种情况。

33、Currently, ten micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what Federal Health officials in the United States called a level of concern . ─── 近期,美国健康部门的官员指出,血液中含铅量达到10毫克/升就要提高警惕。

34、The elaborate, ten-year program recruited 3,806 men between the ages of 35 and 59, all of whom had cholesterol levels above 265 mg per deciliter of blood (the average for U.S. adults is 215 to 220). ─── 这个详尽的长达十年的计划招募了3806名男子为志愿者,他们的年龄在35到59之间,其每分升血液里面的胆固醇含量都高于265毫克(美国成年人的平均水平是215到220之间)。

35、Currently, ten micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what federal health officals in the United States call a level of concerned (concern). ─── 最近,美国联邦卫生官员提出(体内含铅的)“关注水平”,即每0.1公升血液中含有10微克铅。

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