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08-20 投稿


colloquially 发音

英:[k??lo?kwi?li]  美:[k??l??kwi?li]

英:  美:

colloquially 中文意思翻译



colloquially 短语词组

1、colloquially fish ─── 俗称鱼

2、colloquially cows ─── 俗称牛

3、colloquially etymology ─── 口语语源学

4、colloquially named ─── 俗称

5、soundly defeats colloquially ─── 口头上彻底失败

6、colloquially known as ─── 俗称为

7、colloquially speaking ─── 通俗地说

8、colloquially r ─── 通俗地说

9、colloquially known ─── 俗称的

10、colloquially defined ─── 通俗地定义

colloquially 相似词语短语

1、colloquia ─── n.座谈会(colloquium的复数);学术研讨会

2、colloquialist ─── n.白话,口语;口语体;方言用语(colloquialism的变形)

3、colonially ─── 殖民地化地,殖民地地(colonial的副词形式)

4、colloidally ─── 胶状地;胶质地

5、colloquialisms ─── 口语

6、colloquial ─── adj.白话的;通俗的;口语体的

7、colloquiality ─── n.会话体,口语风格

8、colloquialism ─── n.白话,口语;口语体;方言用语

9、collegially ─── 共同掌权地(collegial的副词形式)

colloquially 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The law also made it illegal to provide prisoners' organs to foreigners, colloquially known as "organ tourists" or "transplant tourists. " ─── 法律还规定,向俗称“器官游客”或“移植游客”的外国人提供死刑犯的器官是非法的。

2、used colloquially of one who is overly conceited or arrogant ─── 口语中用来指一个人过度自以为是和自大

3、For some little time the Jurymen hang about the Sol 's Ams colloquially. ─── 那些陪审员在太阳徽酒店里呆着,东拉西扯地谈了一会儿。

4、and in some women, it even produces female ejaculation, colloquially known as "squirting. ─── 在有一些女性的身上,甚至会体液突然喷出,用俗话说即为"射精".

5、The avocado is colloquially known as the Alligator Pear, reflecting its shape and the leather-like appearance of its skin. ─── 鳄梨也就是俗称“AlligatorPear(鳄梨)”,反映了它的形状和像皮革的外皮。

6、The best deals can be obtained from motivated sellers , sometimes colloquially as “ don't wanters . ─── 最划算的交易也可以被焦急的卖方接受,即口语所谓的“大出血”卖主。

7、Air Jordan, known colloquially Air Jordans, Jordans, jordan shoes. ─── 论至德者不和与俗',2000多年前商鞅就如此说过。

8、Air Jordan, known colloquially Air Jordans, Jordans, nike shoes. ─── 不仅如此,女儿的乳房也明显增大,出现发育征兆。

9、These people, known colloquially as bushmen, traditionally make their livings by hunting and gathering. ─── 这些人俗称布须曼人(即丛林人的意思),祖祖辈辈靠打猎和采集为生。

10、A figure that represents the Communist Party of China, colloquially termed the Party chief or the Party Secretary, acts as the policy maker.This figure is appointed by their superiors. ─── 一位代表中国***,通俗称为党领导或党委书记,由上级任命为决策者。

11、Colloquially, anyone has made mistakes, someone also says, mistake itself isn't horrible, it's fearful to admit the mistake, admitting it means you think you are a failure. ─── 俗话说,人谁无过?也有人说,错误本身并不可怕,可怕的是要承认错误,承认了错误就等于承认自己是个失败者。

12、Colloquially, people nicknamed his new flag the "Union Jack".The term therefore perpetuates the name of a specific king and one of the great moments of British history. ─── 于是,联合王国国旗上的特殊标志和颜色从此讲述着三位圣人激动人心的故事,寓意着三个古老民族一步一步合并成不列颠联合王国的进程。

13、They together are known, colloquially, as the Schoenberg "trinity" or the Second Viennese School. ─── 因而他们三位被称为荀白克三人组,或第二维也纳乐派。

14、It is sometimes referred to colloquially as "popcorn tea" because a few grains of the rice pop during the roasting process and resemble popcorn . ─── 有时也被通俗的叫做爆米花茶,因为在烘培过程中个别米粒炸开了,跟爆米花一样,因此得名。

15、Photovoltaic cells (or solar cells, as they are known colloquially) convert sunlight directly into electricity. ─── 光伏电池(俗称太阳能电池)直接将太阳光线转换成电能,但不是利用太阳能发电的唯一方法。

16、Please read “chemical” in this post as it is colloquially used. ─── 但请把帖子里的这个词理解为我们通俗上讲的化学物质。

17、Beijing National Stadium,also known as the National Stadium,or colloquially as the "Bird's Nest", is a stadium in Beijing, China. ─── 北京国家体育场,也作为国家体育场,或俗称为“鸟巢”,是在北京,中国著名体育场。

18、(usually used colloquially) causing or accompanied by misfortune. ─── (通常用于白话的)引起或伴有不幸的。

19、In table shuffleboard, the play area is most commonly a wooden or laminated surface covered with silicone beads (colloquially called ‘shuffleboard wax’) to reduce friction. ─── 学校开运动会,我常为没有擅长的项目可报而抱憾。

20、"54 " later, although our colloquially civil writing, but the worth that classical Chinese article circulates is very much, for instance thousands of idiom, everybody listens to understand. ─── “五四”以后,虽然我们用白话文写作,但文言文流下来的财产很多,比如几千个成语,大家一听就懂。

21、Because many of these movements were directly supported by the Soviet Union, obtaining AK-47s (or, more colloquially, “Kalashnikovs”) in bulk was not difficult. ─── 由于这些运动多数都直接得到苏联支持,所以获得大批AK-47(或者,通俗一点说,“卡拉什尼科夫步枪”)并非难事。

22、” Trickery associated with Dr Mann was catnip to the sceptics.But Dr Jones has clarified that “The word trick was used here colloquially as in a clever thing to do. ─── 关系到马恩博士的花招对怀疑论者来说太简单了,但是琼斯博士却阐明“trick一词在这里被通俗地用来表示一项聪明的事情。

23、(used colloquially) having the relationship of friends or pals. ─── (口语使用)具有朋友或者伙伴的关系。

24、Colloquially,kung fu(or gong fu)alludes to any individual accomplishment or cultivated skill.colloquially。In contrast,wushu is amore precise term that refers to general martial activities. ─── 功夫一般指个人修炼的技艺或技能,而"武术"是指代搏击术时更实用的一个词。

25、Limestone is colloquially called cyan stone. ─── 石灰岩的俗称是青石。

26、Colloquially, beside the truth that the issue will come show profundity. learning rigorous was united in wedlock to rise with vivid and organic ground of expression. ─── 用通俗语、身边事来说明深刻的道理。把学术的严谨与表达的生动有机地结合了起来。

27、Photovoltaic cells (or solar cells, as they are known colloquially) convert sunlight directly into electricity.But that is not the only way to use the sun to make electrical power. ─── 光伏电池俗称太阳能电池,是直接将阳光转化为电能的,但这不是利用阳光发电的唯一方式。

28、This remote island at the top of the world is home to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (colloquially known as "The Doomsday Vault" ). ─── 这个在地球顶部的偏远小岛正是斯瓦尔巴全球种子库(通俗来说就是世界末日时的诺亚方舟)。

29、Their place is partly filled by what are colloquially known aspubs, public houses. ─── 部分取而代之的是“pubs”,在口语中人们称之为小酒店。

30、In the 1950s, it was not uncommon for a band to make money off an ancient bit of technology known colloquially as an "album. " ─── 20世纪50年代,乐队通过售卖一种被称为“专辑”的古老技术物事来挣钱的方式还不常见。

31、Madison Square Garden, often abbreviated as MSG, known colloquially simply as The Garden or The World‘s Most Famous Arena, has been the name of four arenas in New York City, United States. ─── 麦迪逊广场花园,通常缩写为MSG,简单称为花园或俗称为世界最著名的体育场,在美国纽约一直是四个地区的统称。

32、A few lonely pillars, colloquially known as "Edinburgh's Disgrace" , have stood there since 1830 when the money ran out. ─── 几根孤零零的柱子(俗称“爱丁堡之辱”),自1830年资金耗尽之时起,就一直矗立在那里。

33、TheDetroitPistons.Detroit has long been the center of the American automobile industry and for that reason it has earned the nickname the "Motor City" or, more colloquially, "Motown". ─── 底特律活塞队(Pistons)底特律长期以来就是美国汽车工业的中心,并由此获得了“汽车城”的美誉,更口语话一点儿,则被称为“摩托”。

34、2.used colloquially of one who is overly conceited or arrogant. ─── 口语中用来指一个人过度自以为是和自大。

35、Football ( or “soccer” as it is colloquially called ), the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe, has its traditional home in England where it was developed in the 19th century. ─── 英国人很重视休闲时光,许多国际体育项目是由他们推广开来的,在英国,人们广泛参与体育活动。

36、The Ford Model T (colloquially known as the Tin Lizzie and Flivver) is an automobile that was produced by Henry Ford's Ford Motor Company from 1908 through 1927. ─── 福特T型车 ( 俗称罐式小汽车 )是1908年至1927年期间由亨利福特的福特汽车公司生产的。

37、This building is colloquially referred to as The Barn. ─── 这个建筑,用通俗的话说就是一个谷仓。

38、Colloquially, people nicknamed his new flag the "Union Jack". ─── 因此人们口头上给新国旗取了一个昵称“Union Jack”。

39、It would be nice to believe that the doctrine of a "responsibility to protect" , known colloquially as R2P, now has real bite. ─── “保护的责任”原则(简称R2P)如今发挥了切实作用——若能这么想该多好。

40、This course is an introduction to modern standard Chinese, colloquially called Mandarin. ─── 此课程介绍现代汉语,一般称之为“华语”。

41、This phrase is used very colloquially here. ─── 这个短语此处非常口语化。

42、African tribes and ancient Egyptians described and depicted a bizarre creature for centuries, colloquially dubbed the "African unicorn" by Europeans. ─── 几个世纪以来中非部落和古埃及一直在描述一种奇怪的生物,欧洲人把它通俗地称为“非洲独角兽”。

43、Nonetheless, those alternative tokens that aren't lexical keywords are colloquially known as "digraphs". ─── 虽然如此,这些不是要害字词汇的候选标记仍被通俗地称为“双连符”。

44、Someone who takes one or more levels of metamind is sometimes colloquially referred to as a “head” by other psionic characters. ─── 有时那些拥有一个或多个超念者级别的灵能人物会被其他同行称为“头脑”。

45、These people, known colloquially as bushmen, traditionally make their livings by hunting and gathering. ─── 他们通常被称作布须曼人,传统上群居并以打猎为生。

46、1.often used colloquially for any yellow daffodil. ─── 通常被用作一种黄水仙的口语形式。

47、or, colloquially, "the three", is one of the five positions in a regulation basketball game. ─── 小前锋,口头上称作三号,是正规篮球中的一个位置。

48、Someone who takes one or more levels of pyrokineticist sometimes colloquially referred to as a “pyro. ─── 拥有操焰者职业等级的灵能人物常被称为“火焰”。

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