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08-20 投稿


chalazion 发音

英:[k??lezi?n; k??lez?ɑn]  美:[k??le?z??n]

英:  美:

chalazion 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 睑板腺囊肿


chalazion 网络释义

n. [眼科] 睑板腺囊肿

chalazion 词性/词形变化,chalazion变形


chalazion 短语词组

1、chalazion def ─── 浊点定义

2、chalazion treatment ─── 霰粒剂治疗

3、chalazion versus hordeolum ─── 沙拉秦与麦地龙

4、chalazion vs hordeolum ─── 沙拉津与霍迪奥姆

5、chalazion eye ─── 霰粒肿眼

6、chalazion symptoms ─── 杂音

7、chalazion surgery ─── 鼓膜手术

chalazion 相似词语短语

1、inhalation ─── n.吸入;吸入药剂

2、exhalation ─── n.蒸发,呼气;散发物

3、chalaning ─── 查拉宁

4、chalan ─── n.收据,发票;通行证;运货单

5、chalazae ─── 系带;卵带

6、chalazions ─── n.[眼科]睑板腺囊肿

7、chalaza ─── n.(植物)合点;卵带;(细胞)卵黄系带

8、halation ─── n.[光]晕光;白色模糊影像;照相底片上显现的光轮状晕

9、chabazite ─── n.[矿物]菱沸石

chalazion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、chalazion knife ─── 睑板腺囊肿刀, 霰粒肿刀

2、Spencer's chalazion forceps ─── 斯潘塞(氏)睑板腺囊肿镊, 斯潘塞(氏)霰粒肿镊

3、Keywords chalazion;surgery;complication;medical dispute; ─── 睑板腺囊肿;手术;并发症;医疗纠纷;

4、Here flowers, sunny, I huddled in the shadows, the chewing of inner Chalazion cream. ─── 这里鸟语花香,阳光明媚,我却蜷缩在阴影里,咀嚼着内心的霜霰。

5、Chalazion is a granuloma that forms in the eyelid due to blocked secretions from the Meibomian gland. Inflammation of the eyelid may result. ─── 霰粒肿,又称睑板腺囊肿,是睑板腺分泌阻塞而在眼睑上形成的囊肿。该疾病导致眼睑炎症。

6、"Chalazion" is a chronic inflammation caused mass, less pain, a site further away from the eyelid margin. ─── “霰粒肿”是慢性炎症引起之肿块,较不痛,发生部位距离眼睑缘较远。

7、The cytologic findings were compared to chalazion, pilomatrixoma and eyelid basal cell carcinoma. ─── 霰粒肿、眼睑毛母质瘤和基底细胞癌与细胞学上的发现进行对比。

8、Ayer's chalazion forceps ─── 艾尔(氏)睑板腺囊肿镊

9、If Chalazion great, you can make eyes deformation caused blurred vision. ─── 若霰粒肿很大,则可能使眼睛变形引起视力模糊。

10、Peri-operative nursing intervention of infants with chalazion ─── 婴幼儿睑板腺囊肿围手术期的护理干预

11、giant chalazion ─── 巨霰粒肿

12、6)Here flowers, sunny, I huddled in the shadows, the chewing of inner Chalazion cream. ─── 6.这里鸟语花香,阳光明媚,我却蜷缩在阴影里,咀嚼着内心的霜霰.

13、chalazion curettage ─── 睑板腺囊肿刮除术

14、Methods The patient complaints and intra and post-operative complications underlying hidden trouble of medical safety were analyzed in 417 cases of chalazion. ─── 方法分析417例睑板腺囊肿手术中部分术后患者投诉的情况,并分析术中术后可能出现医疗安全隐患的并发症。结果15位患者因对术后疗效不满意,向上级医生求诊或投诉。

15、marginal chalazion ─── 睑缘霰粒肿

16、However, Chalazion is Mak's gland caused by chronic inflammation of the masses. ─── 不过,霰粒肿是麦氏腺体慢性炎症所引起的肿块。

17、Boucheron's chalazion forceps ─── 布谢龙(氏)睑板腺囊肿镊

18、Spencer chalazion forceps ─── 斯潘塞睑板腺囊肿镊, 斯潘塞霰粒肿镊

19、chalazion meibomian cyst ─── 目疣

20、Known as a chalazion, this hard, painless mass typically comes up quickly over a few days. It's most common in people with oily skin. ─── 通常称为睑板腺囊肿,这个硬硬的、不痛的块状物通常会在几天内迅速长出,在油性皮肤的人身上最常见。

21、Chalazion is a granuloma that forms in the eyelid due to blocked secretions from the Meibomian gland. Inflammation of the eyelid may result. ─── 霰粒肿,又称睑板腺囊肿,是睑板腺分泌阻塞而在眼睑上形成的囊肿。该疾病导致眼睑炎症。

22、chalazion terreum ─── 泥状霰粒肿

23、Boucheron's chalazion forceps speculum ─── 布谢龙(氏)耳镜

24、chalazion (chalazia) Meibom's cyst ─── 睑板腺囊肿

25、Denis' chalazion forceps ─── 丹尼斯(氏)睑板腺囊肿镊

26、chalazion forceps ─── 睑板腺囊肿镊霰粒肿镊

27、Objective To investigate the complications, ensued medical disputes and corresponding countermeasures in chalazion operation. ─── 目的分析睑板腺囊肿(霰粒肿)手术的并发症、引发的医疗纠纷及应对措施。

28、Incision of chalazion ─── 睑板腺囊肿切开术

29、Keywords chalazion;capsule walls;carbol; ─── 睑板腺囊肿;囊壁;石碳酸;

30、Comparative Study of Efficacy of Two Kinds of Local Anesthetic Injection in Chalazion Operation ─── 霰粒肿手术两种局麻注射法的效果比较

31、Axenfeld's sharp spoon for chalazion ─── 阿克森费尔德(氏)睑板腺囊肿锐匙

32、sharp chalazion curet ─── 霰粒肿锐匙

33、Cauterization of chalazion of eyelid ─── 睑霰粒肿烧灼术

34、chalazion curet ─── 睑板腺囊肿刮匙

35、Stevenson's chalazion knife ─── 史蒂文森(氏)睑板囊肿刀

36、Desmarres chalazion forceps ─── 代马尔(氏)睑板腺囊肿镊

37、incision and curettage of chalazion ─── 睑板腺囊肿切开刮除术

38、Hunt's articulator chalazion forceps ─── 亨特(氏)睑板腺囊肿镊

39、Objective To investigate the complications, ensued medical disputes and corresponding countermeasures in chalazion operation. ─── 目的分析睑板腺囊肿(霰粒肿)手术的并发症、引发的医疗纠纷及应对措施。

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