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08-20 投稿


amaze 发音

英:[??me?z]  美:[??me?z]

英:  美:

amaze 中文意思翻译




amaze 短语词组

1、amaze app ─── 惊奇应用程序

2、amaze me ─── 让我惊讶

3、amaze heater ─── 惊奇加热器

4、amaze ui amaze ─── 用户界面

5、amaze file manager amaze ─── 文件管理器

6、amaze crossword ─── 令人惊奇的纵横字谜

7、amaze technology amaze ─── 技术

8、amaze game ─── 令人惊奇的游戏

9、amaze grace ─── 令人惊奇的优雅

amaze 词性/词形变化,amaze变形


amaze 相似词语短语

1、ablaze ─── adj.着火的,猛火燃烧;闪耀的,光亮的;激昂的,愤怒的;adv.着火;闪耀

2、amazes ─── vt.使吃惊

3、Lamaze ─── adj.拉马兹心理助产法的

4、maze ─── n.迷宫;迷惑;糊涂;vt.迷失;使混乱;使困惑;n.(Maze)人名;(英)梅兹;(法)马兹

5、T-maze ─── T迷宫

6、amazed ─── v.(使)大为惊奇,惊愕;(使)糊涂(amaze的过去式及过去分词);adj.大为惊奇的,惊讶的

7、amate ─── v.使懊恼,使挫折;n.(Amate)(西)阿马特(人名)

8、smaze ─── n.烟霾

9、agaze ─── adj.凝视的;注视着的;adv.注视着;瞪视着

amaze 习惯用语

1、be amazed to see ─── 看到[听到, 发现]...感到吃惊

2、be amazed to hear ─── 看到[听到, 发现]...感到吃惊

3、be amazed to find ─── 看到[听到, 发现]...感到吃惊

4、be amazed at (by) ─── 对...大为惊奇

amaze 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You know , sometimes I amaze even myself. ─── 有时连我自己也感惊奇.

2、The arrogance and selfishness of different interest groups never ceases to amaze me. ─── 不同利益集团的傲慢和自私总是会让我大吃一惊。

3、His magic act will amaze and astonish you. ─── 他的神奇表现将会令你惊叹不止.

4、To amaze and reassure at the same time! ─── 令人惊讶的同时,让人打消疑虑!

5、The silk's elegance and palace's mightiness amaze the guests. ─── 丝绸的华丽与典雅,宫廷的大气与尊贵,令与会的嘉宾心醉神迷.

6、Second, there's a lot of action. The fast pace will amaze you. Then, it's over before you know it. ─── 其次,动作场面不少。节奏之快令人惊讶。然后,你还未察觉,电影就已经结束了。

7、It never ceases to amaze me how the business world continues to trivialize the world's environmental problems. ─── 商界一直不重视世界环境问题,总让我惊讶不已。

8、I amaze myself how incredible actually I use my talent to win. ─── 我对自己充分利用自己的天赋来赢球这点感到很满意.

9、Well done! It never ceases to amaze me how persuasive a volley of arcane missiles can be. ─── 干得好!秘法飞弹的说服力总能让我感到惊讶。

10、Easy as pie,and the results will amaze you. ─── 大宗客户在邮资上可享受一定的优惠。

11、This campaign strikes amaze into men. ─── 这一次战役使人震骇.

12、Q . Do you sometimes amaze yourself at some of the shots you get back? ─── 问: 比赛的时候,你是否有时都为自己的回球感到惊讶?

13、You'll amaze your friends by drawing a keyboard or drums on paper and then actually playing them! ─── 你可以在纸上画一台电子琴或者是鼓,然后真的开始弹奏这些乐器,保证让你的朋友大为吃惊!

14、Are there any shots that you actually amaze yourself by playing? ─── 是不是有些球让你自己都为之陶醉?

15、Dozens of magicians, acrobats, snake charmers, henna artists, performing Barbary apes, and traditional medicine sellers amaze visitors. ─── 大量的魔术师,杂技演员,耍弄蛇者,指甲艺人,耍猴人(巴巴里猿猴表演)以及令游客着迷的北非传统卖药人等等。

16、Take someone's breath away If you take someone's breath away, it means that you amaze them or surprise them so much that they gasp! ─── 令人大吃一惊,令人激动得喘不过气来,令人惊叹,叹为观止。

17、That such a small and simple structure combined all these functions continues to amaze Zettl. ─── 如此细小简洁的构造竟兼具所有功能,塞特尔的震惊久久无法平息。

18、In ancient China, there was a teenager that made up his mind to do sth to amaze the world. ─── 我国古代有一个少年,立志长大后要干一番令世人惊叹的事业.

19、You amaze me, ladies. ─── 小姐们,你们把我弄糊涂了。

20、Overcome sb with surprise or shock; amaze ─── 使震惊,使大吃一惊;使惊奇

21、What happens next, as the ship leaves port will utterly amaze you. ─── 接下来发生的事情,船,港将彻底离开你惊奇。

22、The Sydney Garden &Flower Show - This annual horticultural show will educate, impress and amaze. ─── 悉尼花园与花表演-这年度园艺的表演将教育,打动并且惊奇。

23、CHRIST, IT NEVER CEASES TO AMAZE ME. ─── 天啊,他一直都在干扰我的生活。

24、I'll tell you, Sir Lucentio: when the priest Should ask if Katherine should be his wife, 'Ay, by gogs-wouns' quoth he, and swore so loud That, all amaz'd, the priest let fall the book; ─── 我告诉你,路森修先生,当那牧师正要问他愿不愿意娶凯瑟丽娜为妻的时候,他就说,“是啊,他妈的!”

25、Built as an eternal symbol of love, the magnificent Taj Mahal never ceases to amaze. ─── 作为永恒爱情的象征,壮美的泰姬陵永远令人惊叹。

26、Consult v. Amaze vt. Fill with great surprise or wonder ─── 使大为惊讶,使惊愕

27、Karen: The legislature never ceases to amaze me. ─── 凯伦:州议院总是让我瞠目结舌。

28、The SIGGRAPH 2007 Computer Animation Festival invites submissions in all categories that will continue to innovate and amaze. ─── 2007年SIGGRAPH电脑动画影展欢迎各个类别中能够继续带来创新和惊奇的作品送件参赛。

29、Christ,you amaze me sometimes.Your brain! ─── |天啊,你有时真让我吃惊 你的大脑!

30、You amaze me, ladies. ─── 小姐们,你们把我弄糊涂了.

31、It is easy to forget what Kobe Bryant has already accomplished in the last decade. Newer, younger, more exciting stars will always amaze us, and we are quickly forgetful. ─── 忘记科比在过去十年中所取得的成就是很容易的。现在有新的,更年轻的,更多令人兴奋的球星总是让我们感到惊讶,不过我们很快就忘掉的。

32、Its sword is heavy and sharp, and its spells amaze imagination. ─── 他的剑重而锋利,他的魔法力量超乎你的想象。

33、He never ceases to amaze me. ─── 他总能给我惊喜。

34、Wherever he plays he injects his inovative touch and personal music selection that doesnt amaze only the crowds,but djs as well from all over the board! ─── 无论在世界哪一个领域,他都倾尽个人卓越音乐才华,运用个人独特的风格,展示令世人惊讶的震撼音乐。

35、Dazzle: to amaze, overwhelm, or bewilder with spectacular display ─── 使惊奇;对壮观的场面不知所措

36、I know that that sounds obvious, but it never ceases to amaze me how often people keep repeating unsuccessful patterns. ─── 我知道这听上去是显而易见的,但我一直都觉得很奇怪,人们怎么能不断重复徒劳的事情呢。

37、To overwhelm or amaze. ─── 使不知所措,使吃惊

38、Just master one breath English. Just ingrain it in your brain. The results will amaze you. ─── 只要掌握一口气英语牢牢把他们记住效果是很惊人的。

39、In the Middle Ages, a magician was called a juggler. Modern magicians use high-tech tools to create their illusions and amaze the audience. ─── 中世纪时,魔术师被称为杂耍者。现代的魔术师借助高科技手段营造视觉效果来满足观众对惊奇和娱乐的需求。

40、In a few short weeks you should have a whole host of new titles to impress your friends with and new emotes to amaze the unwashed masses! ─── 只需短短数周,你就可以尽数拥有这些新奇的称号并用获得的新表情和新动作展现给你的朋友们,绝对有意想不到的惊喜!

41、you as much as possible.In a few short weeks you should have a whole host of new titles to impress your friends with and new emotes to amaze the unwashed masses! ─── 把以上列表放在电脑旁然后鼓励你的队友、好友、会友尽力地对你使用以上表情吧!

42、Perusual, Liu's action direction is mind-boggling and never ceases to amaze. ─── 时奸人提督(白彪)乘势诱方邀同房九杰离寺,暗图一网打尽。

43、ceases to amaze me what some people will do for money. ─── 有些人为了钱什么都干得出来,这一直使我惊愕不已。

44、You appreciate creativity and imagination that has the power to inspire , uplift, or amaze. ─── 你欣赏具有精神鼓舞 、 提升力量的或让人惊奇的创造性和想象力.

45、Next time you have a Coca-Cola, amaze your friends with historical trivia about the popular soft drink. ─── 下一次你和你朋友在喝可口可乐的时候,可以告诉他们可口可乐的历史故事,让他们大吃一惊。

46、You never cease to amaze me, Louie. ─── 你没有停止给我惊喜, 路易.

47、After immigrating to United States, Qian Hao continues to use his talents to amaze his audiences, and has been a regular performer in many performing events in the east coast. ─── 中国广播说唱团是唯一的一家国家级曲艺表演团体,成立于1953年,聚集了一大批殿堂级的中国曲艺表演艺术家,在国内外享有盛誉。

48、Its success as a symbol of achievement in filmmaking would doubtless amaze those who attended that dinner74 years ago, as well as its creators, Cedric Gibbons and George Stanley. ─── 它成功地代表了电影制作的盛衰,这无疑将令74年前参加那次宴会的人们感到震惊,这些人中包括它的谛造者--卡迪拉克·本斯和乔治·坦利。

49、However,it might amaze you to discover how many next actions for how many projects and commitments remain undetermined by most people. ─── 不过,你也许很惊讶发现,不知还有多少人对接下来需要实行的计划和承诺还耽搁下来,悬而未决。

50、A trip to the Beijing Zoo will amaze your children. ─── 到北京动物园会使你的孩子们感到惊奇.

51、Even after all these years, running continues to amaze me. ─── 即使在多年后的今天, 跑步仍然让我不断的惊喜.

52、An absolute KILLER that will fool the best of them and utterly amaze the rest! ─── 将唬弄最好他们,并且的一个绝对凶手完全地使休息惊奇!

53、Romantically, this month will be so strong it may amaze you, even if you are single. ─── 太浪漫了,这个月会让你大吃一惊,哪怕你是挂单的。

54、In the midst of vivacious discourse, her eyes still wandered to Caroline; there spoke in its light a deep solicitude, some trouble and some amaze. ─── 在兴高采烈的谈话中,她的眼睛仍然瞟着卡罗琳,在那目光里,透露出一种深切的关怀,有点忧虑,又有点惊愕。

55、be - fied with terror [ amaze ment ] ─── 因恐惧[惊异]而发呆

56、Try not to screw up. This will satisfy a few people and amaze everybody else. ─── 尽量别把事情搞砸,因为会让亲者痛仇者快。

57、If you can't amaze poeple with your intelligence, confuse them with your *beep*. ─── 如无法以智慧服人,则以*消音*扰人。

58、"To amaze, overwhelm, or bewilder with spectacular display" ─── 对壮观的表演表示惊奇、不知所措或迷惑.

59、He stood in amaze at the sight. ─── 他看到那种景象,惊愕得呆呆地站在那里。

60、In reality, this was their first and the incredible amount of loose rock and gravel continued to amaze them. ─── 事实上,这是他们第一次的攀登,那些难以置信的松散的岩石和砂砾更是一直让他们惊讶。

61、Through exclusive access to training missions, CGI and recreation, we'll show how today's submarines defy the imagination: they dive deeper, are quieter( and deadlier) and are capable of feats that would amaze even science fiction writers. ─── 《超级巨制:潜水艇》透过实地拍摄和cgi,向观众展示现今的潜水艇如何挑战想像力,变得更快更静;以及配备甚麽功能,令科幻小说作家也可能要拍案叫绝。

62、The woman has strengths amaze the man. ─── 女人的力量令男人吃惊.

63、He never ceases to amaze me. ─── 他总让我惊喜不断。

64、I have to amaze that how small the world is, for i met 3 person during this trip.At Clark Quay, at shopping mall and PVG airport, who took the same flight as ours. ─── 五一长假又到,不过不太喜欢这个时候在国内出游,因为太多的人挤来挤去、排队,把本来很好的心情会弄得很糟。

65、the city offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums, discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls that will amaze and delight you. ─── 北京拥有无数的戏院、博物馆,各种各样的餐厅和歌舞场所,这一切的一切都会令您感到惊奇和高兴。

66、The Well-Lived Life surveys the landscape of our lawns and gardens, from rigid formality to wild, blowsy beauty, and takes a close look at blooms and their ability to charm, seduce, amaze and inspire. ─── 书中引入了一些科学常识,从心理和生理学的角度讲述肥胖的定义、成因,肥胖带给女性精神的精神压力和心理阴影,以及容易对孕产妇这一特殊人群造成的健康危害。

67、A stunning work of art with intricate graphics that both amaze and dazzle the visitor. ─── 包含复杂图片的精美艺术作品,既让访问者感到惊奇,又让他们眼花缭乱.

68、Are there any shots that you actually amaze yourself by playing? ─── 是不是有些球让你自己都为之陶醉?

69、She laughed long and loud. " You foolish humans never cease to amaze me! " ─── 女巫放声大笑, “ 你们愚蠢的人类,总会做些稀奇古怪的事情. ”

70、There is not one of those women, Egyptian, Turkish, or Greek, whom here you call 'good women,' who do not know how, by means of chemistry, to stupefy a doctor, and in psychology to amaze a confessor. ─── 埃及,土耳其,希腊的女人,就是你们在此称之为‘好女人’的那些人,她们都知道该如何在药物学上使医生们吓得目瞪口呆或在心理学上惊倒忏悔师们。”

71、You never cease to amaze me, Louie. ─── 你没有停止给我惊喜,路易。

72、If you are fast enough to spot one, the world's tiniest bird is sure to amaze you! ─── 如果你能把握时机一瞥这种世界上最小的鸟,它绝对会令你惊叹不已!

73、His magic act will amaze and astonish you. ─── 他的神奇表现将会令你惊叹不止。

74、It never ceased to amaze him, and he never attempted to explain it. ─── 他一直感到很惊奇,但从未试图解释它。

75、See virtual amaze may not be unique. ─── 目前这个名称可能不是独一无二的.

76、Its success as a symbol of achievement in filmmaking would doubtless amaze those who attended that dinner 74 years ago, as well as its creators, Cedric Gibbons and George Stanley. ─── 它成功地代表了电影制作的盛衰,这无疑将令74年前参加那次宴会的人们感到震惊,这些人中包括它的谛造者--卡迪拉克·杰本斯和乔治·斯坦利。

77、My students continue to amaze me daily with their wit, maturity, independent thinking and leadership. ─── 我的学生每天都在以他们的聪慧 、 成熟 、 独立思考和领导潜能让我惊叹.

78、Newcomers strike amaze. ─── 新来者令人惊诧。

79、It never ceases to amaze me how many first time capital seekers waste money couriering business plans overnight to a party on the opposite coast after the briefest of telephone or email conversations. ─── 它从不停止使吃惊我首都搜索者浪费在电话的最简短的或电子邮件交谈之后在前一夜送快信的生意计划到在相反的海岸上的一个宴会的钱多少第一时间。

80、My students continue to amaze me daily with their wit, maturity, independent thinking and leadership. ─── 我的学生每天都在以他们的聪慧、成熟、独立思考和领导潜能让我惊叹。

81、he never ceases to amaze me ─── 他不停地使我惊讶

82、When I was come down the hill, to the shore, as I said above, being the S.W. Point of the island, I was perfectly confounded and amaz'd ─── 再说我从山岗上下来,走到岛的西南角,我马上就吓得惊惶失措,目瞪口呆了。

83、Apprentice: (Psst...! Guildmaster Wigglytuff never ceases to amaze me! ─── 学徒:(嘘...!胖可丁会长总是那么让我吃惊呢!

84、So sad she didn't go any further and turned,heart broken as she remounted her bike...... as she glanced up she saw a sight to amaze her... ─── 他跳下车子,把它放在门前的柱旁,注意力集中在通往房子的小路上,目光沿着小路继续向前,最终落到小房子上。。。。。。

85、The thing that is perplexing is that he never ceases to amaze. ─── 复杂的事情是他从来没有停止过制造惊奇。”

86、She continues to amaze us with art that is different. ─── 她继续用与众不同的艺术带给我们惊喜.

87、You never cease to amaze me! ─── 你总能让我感到惊奇!

88、Graduates have reported being able to accelerate healing and amaze their doctors. ─── 毕业生有报告说,能够加速愈合和惊奇他们的医生.

89、overcome(sb)with astonishment;amaze ─── 使(某人)大为惊奇;使目瞪口呆

90、If you take someone's breath away, it means that you amaze them or surprise them so much that they gasp! ─── 令人大吃一惊,令人激动得喘不过气来,令人惊叹,叹为观止。

91、If you have some tricks up your own sleeve -- and are ready to introduce your slightly older children to some that truly amaze -- start with a few basic illusions. ─── 如果你已胸有成竹,并想让稍大点的孩子学习一些真正的本领,那么就开始学习一些基础的魔术吧。

92、What amaze us most is ─── 使我们吃惊的大部分是

93、Great for parties, decorations, science fair projects, photography or as a magical demonstration to amaze your friends! ─── 伟大为党, 装饰, 科学市场项目, 摄影或作为一次魔术的示范使您的朋友惊奇!

94、He stood in amaze at the sight . ─── 他看到那种景象,惊愕得呆呆地站在那里。

95、He stood in amaze at the sight. ─── 他看到那种景象,惊愕得呆呆地站在那里.

96、Neil's ability to utter banalities never ceased to amaze me. ─── 每次我都很惊讶,尼尔怎么能讲出这么索然无味的东西。

97、You will soon amaze the world with your brilliant feat. ─── 你会一鸣惊人的.

98、Women have strengths that amaze men. ─── 女人有着今男人惊叹的力量。

99、The Winter and Summer movements from Vivaldi's Four Seasons are excellent renditions and sure to amaze you with it's unconventional take. ─── 在冬季和夏季从维瓦尔第的四季是优秀的演唱,一定要让你大吃一惊的非传统的花。

100、The honor, strength, and dedication of my companions never cease to amaze me. ─── 我的伙伴们的勇气 、 力量和决心从未有所退缩,这让我十分吃惊.

101、Chanel No.5 is timeless and will shock and amaze people with its lasting scent. ─── 香奈尔5号是永恒的,它持久的香味不断地给人们带来激动和惊喜.

102、Great potenial lies behind your weakness. It may amaze the world once released. ─── 你最大的弱点背后,隐藏着巨大的潜能,一旦爆发会成为撼动世界的优点!

103、You amaze me. ─── 你吓我一跳。

104、A stunning work of art with intricate graphics that both amaze and dazzle the visitor. ─── 包含复杂图片的精美作品,既让访问者感到惊讶,又让他们眼花缭乱。

105、You never cease to amaze me! ─── 你总能让我感到惊奇!

106、She laughed long and loud. "You foolish humans never cease to amaze me!" ─── 女巫放声大笑,“你们愚蠢的人类,总会做些稀奇古怪的事情。”

107、Texas Fool'em is a presentation that allows you to re-create the historic moment behind that poker wisdom, in a manner that will amaze and delight your audience. ─── 得克萨斯唬弄他们是允许你再创造历史的片刻在那啤牌智慧之后的介绍,那有些使并且使你的观众高兴惊奇。

108、Our magnetic sticky stones will amaze your child as he builds structures, and creates little stone sculptures. ─── 当孩子们建造模型或雕刻小型石头雕刻时,我们的粘性磁石,会让他们大吃一惊。

109、The silk's elegance and palace's mightiness amaze the guests. ─── 丝绸的华丽与典雅,宫廷的大气与尊贵,令与会的嘉宾心醉神迷。

110、You appreciate creativity and imagination that has the power to inspire, uplift, or amaze. ─── 你欣赏具有精神鼓舞、提升力量的或让人惊奇的创造性和想象力。


惊喜的英文翻译是surprise,音标是英 [s?'pra?z] 美 [s?'pra?z] 。词汇分析音标:英 [s?'pra?z] 美 [s?'pra?z] 释义:n. 惊奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然vt. 使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现短语big surprise 大惊喜;大吃一惊surprise attack 奇袭,突然袭击;突袭(make a) surprise attack 袭击take by surprise 使吃惊;撞见;奇袭1、To my surprise,she stooped to come among us. 令我惊奇的是,她竟然屈尊来到了我们中间。2、To his surprise,he swept through the exit easily. 令他惊奇的是,他竟然轻易地出境了。3、They were constantly on the alert not to be taken by surprise. 他们一直处于常备不懈状态以防突然袭击。4、But to my surprise, I got the OK. 但是,令我惊奇的是我得到了批准。5、It might surprise you. 它会使您感到惊奇。


惊喜的英语单词是surprise,其读音为英 [s??pra?z] 美 [s?r?pra?z] 。具体释义如下:surprise 英 [s??pra?z] 美 [s?r?pra?z]

1、动词 vt.使惊奇;突袭;意外发现2、名词 n.惊喜,惊奇;意外的事常用句型1、用作及物动词S+surpris+ n./


may surprise us all yet.他总有一天会让我们大家惊奇。It surpriss/ed+ n./pron. +to- vIt surprised me to see so many people there.在那里看到那么多人使我感到意外。It surpriss/ed+ n./pron. +that-clauseIt surprised them that she was such a fine swimmer.她游得这么好,使他们都很惊奇。

2、用作宾补动词S+surpris+ n./pron. +(as) v -ingWe returned early and surprised the burglars searching through the cupboards.我们回来得早,没想到正好撞见有贼在偷柜子里的东西。扩展资料同义词区分surprise,amaze,astonish,astound,startle,stun这些动词均含“使惊愕,使惊讶,使惊奇”之意。1、surprise普通用词,多指因未预料或意外的事而引起的惊奇之感。2、amaze语气较强,指因认为不可能或极少可能发生情况的出现而感到惊讶或迷惑不解。





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