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08-20 投稿


carnage 发音

英:['kɑ?n?d?]  美:['kɑrn?d?]

英:  美:

carnage 中文意思翻译



carnage 网络释义

n. 大屠杀;残杀;大量绝灭

carnage 短语词组

1、carnage marvel ─── 大屠杀奇迹

2、venom vs carnage ─── 毒液与屠杀

3、carnage definition ─── 大屠杀定义

4、Freight Insurance Carnage ─── 运费保险

5、dogs bullets carnage ─── 狗子弹大屠杀

6、carnage toys ─── 大屠杀玩具

7、carnage action figure ─── 大屠杀行动图

8、carnage drawings ─── 大屠杀图纸

9、the flower of carnage ─── 大屠杀之花

10、carnage symbiote ─── 大屠杀共生体

11、misanthropic carnage ─── 厌世大屠杀

12、Breech Loader Carnage Breech Loader Carage

13、carnage spider-man ─── 屠杀蜘蛛侠

carnage 相似词语短语

1、carucage ─── 卡鲁奇

2、cartage ─── n.货车运输;运费

3、baronage ─── n.男爵;贵族

4、chainage ─── n.链测长度

5、carbage ─── 车厢地面垃圾

6、carriage ─── n.运输;运费;四轮马车;举止;客车厢

7、cartonage ─── 硬纸板

8、careenage ─── n.倾船;修船费;倾船修理厂

9、cornage ─── n.马喘声

carnage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Tangshan Earthquake registered about 8 on the Richter scale; an aftershock registering 7.1 occurred less than a day later, adding to the carnage. ─── 唐山大地震为8级大地震,之后不到一天的时间里又发生了很多次7.1级的余震,同样造成了很大的伤害。

2、Kyruk stood atop the gate and surveyed the carnage below. ─── 开鲁可站在城门上观察着脚下的战场。

3、an aftershock registering 7.1 occurred less than a day later, adding to the carnage. ─── 在地震发生的第2天,有发生了7.1级的余震,更加重了灾难。

4、I find his answer falls far short of even trying to explain let alone apologize for the carnage they cause. ─── 我发现他的回答远远不够,他甚至想解释,而不是为他们导致的大屠杀而道歉。

5、Even if one assumes that Japanese authorities lost control and their troops went crazy, why was the carnage allowed to continue for so long? ─── 就算人们假定日本官方失控了,他们的军队发疯了,那么,为什么还允许屠杀持续如此之久?

6、Symmetric adjustment, resulting in reduction of bad loan, the bank reduced the profit margin on bank shares unfavorable, resulting in banking stocks Tuesday showed a large area limit the carnage. ─── 对称调整,导致存贷差减少,压缩了银行的利润空间,对银行股不利,造成周二银行股呈现大面积跌停的惨状。

7、It would not be until I opened my eyes once again, that I would see and hear the carnage of the war around me. ─── 直到我再次睁开双眼此情此景才会不见,我看见和听见的只有战争带来的残杀。

8、More recently, Sudan's leaders flatly rejected his effort to persuade them to allow U.N. peacekeepers into Darfur to stop the carnage there. ─── 最近,苏丹领导人断然拒绝他的帮助去说服他们允许联合国维和部队进入达尔福尔阻止那里的流血事件。

9、Our husbands will not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause. ─── 我们的丈夫不会走到你面前,充满残杀,供暖和掌声.

10、Despite the carnage in continental Europe, the sense of crisis among the population is not yet as great as in America or Britain. ─── 尽管欧洲大陆上的大屠杀已经开始,但是欧洲的人民对于危机的意识却没有美国和英国人民那么强烈。

11、characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides. ─── 以双方的流血和残杀为特点。

12、Breech Loader Carnage ─── 后膛炮炮架

13、AFTER their last controversial war, against Lebanon in 2006, Israelis commonly blamed the press for sapping morale by covering the carnage too closely. ─── 2006年,以色列顶着分歧发动了黎巴嫩战争。

14、Take on six levels of carnage, each with a dastardly boss to defeat. ─── Take在六次水平的大屠杀,每一个跟一个怯懦的老板一起打败。

15、Take it as you will: a smorgasbord of vehicular carnage or a condensed physics lesson. ─── 如果你喜欢的话:去吃一次汽车相撞的大餐或是听一次精简的物理课。

16、We do also have some pretty extreme missions, where the carnage meter is pretty high. ─── 我们确实也有一些非常极端的任务,那里的屠杀米则相当高。

17、The public is horrified and fixated at the same time as millions choose to view the carnage. ─── 公众对此惧怕而又迷恋,不约而同的在同一时间选择观看直播屠杀。

18、The ancient Rome battlefield was a scene of great carnage ─── 古罗马战场曾尸横遍地。

19、Thanks to him, everywhere present in the carnage, like a providence, those who fell were picked up, transported to the tap-room, and cared for. ─── 幸而有他,屠杀时他好象神人一样无处不在,把倒下的人扶起来,送到地下室包扎好。

20、"Do not attack me child. If I die within this heart of chaos, then carnage will be unleashed, and your sister will be lost forever." ─── 不要攻击我,孩子。如果我死在混乱派系的心脏地带,就会出现不可避免的大屠杀,你的姐姐就再也不会回来了。

21、One of his investors insisted more carnage loomed.Friends who shared his bullish beliefs were wary of aping his moves amid speculation that the government was about to nationalize the big banks. ─── 他的一位投资者坚称市场还将大幅跳水,而与他持同样乐观看法的朋友们在与他采取统一步调时则忧心忡忡,他们猜测政府可能要将这些银行收归国有。

22、The carnage on Wall Street suggests investors have taken that step -- accepting the reality that the economy is in or headed for a recession, possibly a severe one. ─── 华尔街上的尸横遍野表明投资者已经认识到了这一点,接受这样一个现实:经济已经陷入衰退或是正在朝着衰退迈进,或许还是次严重的衰退。

23、From Legally Blond You know about competition. It's about ferocity, carnage, balancing human intelligence with animal diligence. ─── 竞争就是残杀,流血,结合人类的智慧和动物的孜孜不倦。

24、To Mr. Lorry, the Doctor communicated under an injunction of secrecy on which he had no need to dwell, that the crowd had taken him through a scene of carnage to the prison of La Force. ─── 医生要求罗瑞先生严格保密(其理由他其实不用细讲),然后告诉他说,人群把他带过了一个屠杀的现场,来到了拉福斯监狱。

25、Botched economic policies caused most of the carnage. ─── 拙劣的经济政策是这场大屠杀的主因。

26、As a result, only the foolish or the daring rush in to add tothe carnage. ─── 结果是,只有愚蠢和胆大的人才会贸然去???。

27、The evil of Carnage is matched only by his thirst for power. ─── 虐杀的邪恶只与他渴求权力有关。

28、As a result, only the foolish or the daring rush in to add to the carnage. ─── 结果,只有傻瓜和大胆的人冲进这场战争。

29、One of the first people to arrive at the scene of the car crash which killed Diana, Princess of Wales, has given his first public account of the carnage he witnessed. ─── 一位最先到达戴安娜王妃车祸现场的人首次向公众披露了他所目睹的惨案。

30、7.When Bhaal held sway over my soul, I reveled in the bloody carnage I wrought. ─── 当巴尔操控我的灵魂,我着迷于我杀戮的鲜血。

31、From this denseness the carnage arose. ─── 屠杀便由那样的密度造成的。

32、Nidal Malik Hasan was the lone gunman in the carnage that left 13 people dead and 30 wounded at this base last week. ─── 胡德堡枪击案造成13人死亡,30人受伤。

33、By February 1942, the extent of the carnage was becoming widely known. ─── 到1942年2月,大屠杀已经声名远播。

34、Avowed white supremacist David Duke instantly screamed that Taylor's carnage proves that whites are under assault from lawless blacks and the federal government won't protect them. ─── 公然的白人至上主义者戴维·杜克迫不及待地叫嚣泰勒的大屠杀表明白人受到无法无天的黑人的威胁,而联邦政府却不予保护。

35、Some critics have argued that the war, and all its expense and carnage, might have been avoided. ─── 有些评论家认为,内战及其中的一切花费和杀戮,都是可以避免的。

36、But it was an up week for the markets after last week's carnage. ─── 但是继上周股市狂跌之后,本周股市处于上升阶段。

37、And as the markets calmed in early August, the partners went ahead with their travel plans. Then the real carnage began. ─── 8月初,市场趋于稳定。委员们继续各自的旅行计划。这时,大难真的临头了。

38、Carnage is expected soon as dozens of what were once the safest jobs in journalism are axed, since too few of the staff have accepted a generous offer of voluntary redundancy. ─── 但是现在,鉴于大量补偿的自愿辞职,这几乎是新的,所以许多过去业界最稳定的立场正在减少,预计:残酷新闻“薄”运动并不遥远。

39、If there is any good to come out of the Lahore carnage, it may be the sense of "humiliation" that many Pakistani commentators are voicing. ─── 如果Lahore的血腥事件有任何正面意义的话,是许多巴基斯坦媒体评论员认识到不停的血腥事件是对国家的‘羞辱’。

40、Narrator : But Kratos had no need for the love of petty gods.He had found a new family in the warriors of Sparta.Bringing solace from his past with carnage and battle. ─── 讲述者:但他亦无需得到那些微不足道的众神认可,他在斯巴达子民中寻得新的归宿,而他们也通过征战为奎托斯的过去带来了慰籍。

41、Twelve years ago, Jack worked a serial killer case in which five women were murdered, and he was unable to prevent the carnage. ─── 二十五至三十五岁的女人,已婚,有儿女,这三大条件一直藏于探员积的脑海中足有十二年之久。

42、Imagine the carnage if they ever escaped their cages. ─── 想象一下它们一旦逃出铁笼后会出现的残杀景象!

43、If you wanted, you could create an influence map that penalized squares where lots of carnage is taking place. ─── 如果你愿意,你可以创建一个影响地图,处罚发生大量流血残杀处的那些方块。

44、2.They accepted no responsibility for the carnage that was taking place and they refused to allow the British troops still in India to keep order or protect people. ─── 他们不接受承担在印度发生的大屠杀事件的责任,并且拒绝让英国军队撤离印度,据说是要在印度进行维护秩序或保护人民。

45、。February 9 anti-tank from wingman to divert the anti-aircraft fire,Rudelartillery birds began wantonly carnage, the same day he changed four's airplane, destroyed 12 tanks. ─── 2月9日反坦克,由僚机引开高射炮火后,鲁德尔的大炮鸟开始大肆屠戮,当天他换了4架座机,共击毁12辆坦克。

46、Flesh and Blood flying in all directions-descriptive of a fierce Battle or carnage ─── 血肉横飞

47、Amidst all the carnage, true poignancy arrived last season when Frank Lampard converted a penalty days after his beloved mother passed away. ─── 在所有的激战中,真正令人心酸的是上赛季兰帕德的母亲过世后,他用一记漂亮的点球献给了逝者。

48、There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods. ─── 繁星间,和平无存,唯有永恒争战屠戮,和饥渴众神的狂笑。

49、After the chaos and carnage of September the 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers. ─── 11大劫难之后,仅用法律手段对付我们的敌人是不够的。

50、Failing precise instructions from the buyer, the seller may deliver the goods for carnage m such a manner as the transport mode and/or the quantity and/or nature of the goods may require. ─── 若买方没有明确指示,则卖方可以根据运输方式和/或货物的数量和/或性质将货物交付运输。

51、Characterized by great carnage. ─── 以大屠杀为特征的

52、Not, long from now, in June or July, Americans will get to take stock of a year's worth of economic carnage and a half-a-year of government effort to revive a moribund credit and financial system. ─── 不久,到了六七月份,美国人将不得不认真思考一年多的经济危机,以及政府为了振兴垂死的信贷金融体系而做的半年工作。

53、From Legally Blond You know about competition. It's about ferocity , carnage , balancing human intelligence with animal diligence . ─── 竞争就是残杀,流血,结合人类的智慧和动物的孜孜不倦。

54、It's funny how some races see nearly everyone finishing, and others witness carnage. ─── 有趣的是一些比赛几乎所有的人都完赛了,而别的却是连环的退赛。

55、of the carnage came two hours later, in a different building filled with classrooms. ─── 两小时后在一所教学楼内,更大的悲剧发生了。

56、to harness a horse to a carnage . ─── 把马套到车上

57、When was the last time you heard an anti-nuclear campaigner drawing attention to this daily carnage? ─── 你什么时候听说过那些反核主义者提到过这些日常惨剧?

58、It would not be until I opened my eyes once again, that I would see and hear the carnage of the war around me. ─── 直到我再次睁开双眼此情此景才会不见,我看见和听见的只有战争带来的残杀。

59、And I felt they looked silly too, but they would look a whole lot sillier a few days later when financial carnage was spread from this act. ─── 而我觉得他们原来看起来就挺愚蠢的,而过上几天,当此举导致的金融灾难蔓延开来,他们看起来会愚蠢透顶。

60、Even so, the outsize drops could dim the luster of the quant approach -- especially since quants themselves still don't know for certain what triggered the carnage. ─── 即使这样,定量交易策略在风暴里的亏损可能会减少它们对投资人的吸引力,特别是对那些还不知道到底是什么原因导致大损的交易员。

61、Since I knew I would be slow I had seeded myself toward the back to minimize the carnage. ─── 因为我准备好了游的很慢,所以我紧紧的跟在最后面,最小化与前面的距离。

62、When each hits the floor, he says, matter-of-factly, "Boom." How 25)absurd is it that it makes me nervous to see this kind of 26)carnage going down in 27)proximity to him, even though he is the one pushing the cars over the edge? ─── 我在一边可是看得胆战心惊,老是担心这样的惨剧会发生在自己儿子的身上,虽然如今把车子一辆辆往下推的是我的宝贝儿子。

63、He fell away from the carnage. ─── 他从屠杀中脱身了。

64、The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage. ─── 战场完全是一片大屠杀的惨象。

65、It took 277 trials and errors to produce Doily the sheep, creating a cellular body count that would look like sheer carnage if the cells were human. ─── 研制绵羊多利,进行了277个实验,出了277个错误,才造出了一个单细胞个体。如果这些是人类细胞,则无异于大屠杀。

66、Death? Destruction? Meaningless carnage? Sounds like my kind of party! ─── 死亡?毁灭?随性的大屠杀?听上去有点儿像是我喜欢的那种盛会!

67、4.Blackbird goo, draping my arms over their shoulders and bodily dragging me away from the carnage. ─── 山鸟类黏剂,覆盖在他们的肩上我手臂而且亲自拖拉我远离大屠杀。

68、"I am really at a loss to explain or understand the carnage that has visited our campus," university President Charles Steger said. ─── 弗吉尼亚科技大学校长查尔斯说,我真的很难解释,也很难理解为什么他来我校游玩会有如此举动.

69、Though poaching is still a problem, strict laws have reduced this senseless carnage. ─── 虽然偷猎仍是个问题,但严格的法律已使滥杀减少。

70、A spokesman for the movement said the carnage in Kabul was just the beginning. ─── 这场袭击运动的发言人称喀布尔的大屠杀只是个开始。

71、That was the unappealing choice facing UBS, a Swiss bank which has been badly hurt by the carnage in America's mortgage market. ─── 作者将一系列的措施比喻为"烙铁",而这些措施又是为UBS提供资金,是一些好的措施,这个比喻让人费解。

72、Sal Guatieri, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets, said Canada was in for more carnage in the labor market in coming months. ─── BMO基金市场部高级经济师塞尔瓜提里说,未来的几个月加拿大的劳务市场会遭到更大的“杀戮”。

73、Watching the unspeakable carnage,you wonder how any of the soldiers could possibly have survived the battle,let alone triumphed. ─── 看着这难以表述的屠杀场面,你不禁会想,能有多少士兵能从战场上生还,更不用说打胜仗。

74、carnage table ─── 卡诺图

75、The policy of denigrating India picked up steam after the 26/11 terrorist carnage in Mumbai. ─── 在去年11月26日孟买袭击后,诋毁印度的政策就加速推进。

76、Then there is the carnage and heroism of the war and the wartime hopes of a better life, soon extinguished by yet more famine and repressions. ─── 然后,战争爆发了,随之而来的是无数血染战场的英雄事迹,人们满怀对美好生活的希望。然而,这种希望很快便因为更加严重的饥荒和更加残酷的镇压而破灭了。

77、Even as the carnage at Lehman Brothers left thousands of employees stranded, the next generation of Wall Street hopefuls began filing back to class this month at business schools across the country. ─── 尽管雷曼兄弟投行的大屠杀让数以千计的员工无依无靠,但全国各地的商业学院的新一代华尔街未来成功人士本月开始回到课室。

78、Others say he is a man, just a man, but driven mad by the endless carnage he has witnessed. ─── 也有人说他只是个人类,一个见证了无止境的大屠杀而变疯的男人。”

79、Massive infernals revel in carnage as much as their smaller cousins,but they reserve the wanton slaughter until after they have eliminated major threats. ─── 巨型地狱火和他们的小型同胞一般醉心于纯粹的杀戮,但是他们懂得在消灭了对自己最大的威胁后再来享受。

80、After Heidfeld's early retirement amidst the carnage of Turn One, BMW Sauber's chances were ruined when Villeneuve exited the fight for fourth place thanks to engine failure. ─── 在海德菲尔德因为第一弯道的事件退赛之后,在维伦纽夫因为引擎故障也退出了第四名的战争时,宝马-索伯车队的机会也被弄砸了。

81、Then he left the carnage behind him, and wandered out into the night, pausing only to wash his blades in one of the many fountains in the courtyards. ─── 然后他拂袖而去,消失在夜幕中,只在花园中的一个喷泉旁停了一会儿,洗了洗他那满是血污的刀锋。

82、She patiently explained to me that, no, it would be very bad because of all the carnage and chaos. ─── 妈妈耐心地跟我解释说:不,要是没有这些暂停标志,肯定会交通大乱的。

83、The seller must contract at his own expense for the carnage of the goods to the named Place Of destination. ─── 卖方必须自付费用订立运输合同,将货物运至指定目的地。

84、As the city devolved into a maelstrom of carnage, Zhukov began building up his forces on the city's flanks. ─── 当城市中在进行残酷的巷战时,朱可夫开始在城市两翼布置自己的军队。

85、Construction technique of concrete lining steel mold carnage for diversion tunnel of Sangang water power station ─── 三港电站引水隧洞混凝土衬砌钢模台车施工工艺

86、a scene of carnage ─── 大屠杀的场面

87、but I felt for the rest of that day as if I had had my feelings excited and harrowed by witnessing the struggle, the ferocity and carnage, of a human battle before my door. ─── 可是后来这一整天里我的感情就仿佛因为目击了这一场战争而激动和痛苦,仿佛就在我的门口发生过一场人类的血淋淋的恶战一样。

88、However, O'Shaughnessy says that carnage is not the point of his stories. ─── 然而,欧沙纳西说杀戮并非他作品的重点。

89、Europe's leaders on the eve of World War I can perhaps be forgiven for not understanding the carnage they were about to unleash. ─── 也许我们可以宽恕一战前夕欧洲领袖对于他们即将发动的大屠杀的一无所知。

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