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08-20 投稿


pr 发音

英:[?pi? ?ɑ?r]  美:[?pi? ?ɑ?(r)]

英:  美:

pr 中文意思翻译



pr 常用词组

pr china ─── 中国

pr 词性/词形变化,pr变形

现在分词:pring 名词复数形式:prs 形容词最高级:prest

pr 短语词组

1、imp pr imp pr

2、Pr. ─── [医] 老视, 棱晶, 棱镜, 镨(59号元素)

3、PR man ─── [网络] 公关先生;男公关;仔仔

4、ae pr c ae pr c

5、Material Management Optimization Pr ─── 物料管理优化Pr

6、pr ae pr ae

7、ae pr ps ae pr ps

8、au pr ─── 澳大利亚公共关系

9、er pr er pr

10、china pr ─── 中国

11、a handsome little pr ─── 漂亮的小公关

12、ae pr ae ─── 公关

13、Quadripartite Standing Operating Pr ─── 四方常备操作PR

14、eye dropper pr ─── 滴管pr

15、hydrocarbon resin pr ─── 烃类树脂pr

16、Zhuhai Gorlde Kitchen & Bathroom Pr ─── 珠海高尔德厨房及浴室Pr

17、man pr ─── 曼恩公关公司

18、Tripartite Technical Cooperation Pr ─── 三方技术合作Pr

19、Man. pr. ─── [医] 清晨

pr 相似词语短语

1、ppr ─── abbr.现在分词(presentparticiple)

2、ipr ─── abbr.太平洋学会(InstituteofPacificRelations)

3、Tpr ─── abbr.温度廓线记录仪(TemperatureProfileRecorder)

4、prn ─── abbr.(拉)万一(prorenata);伪随机噪声(Pseudo-RandomNoise);脉冲测距导航(PulseRangingNavigation)

5、pir ─── n.(穆斯林)圣人,圣徒;苏菲派大师的头衔;n.(Pir)(乌克兰、俄、英、美、土)毕尔(人名)

6、Apr ─── abbr.四月(April)

7、phr ─── abbr.个人健康管理系统(PersonalHealthRecord);学分学时比率;人力资源专业人员证书

8、per ─── prep.每,每一;经;按照;(纹章)依……的方向;adv.每,每个;abbr.时期(period);人(person);n.(Per)(挪、瑞、丹)佩尔(人名)

9、par ─── n.标准;票面价值;平均数量;adj.标准的;票面的;n.(Par)人名;(土)帕尔;(柬)巴

pr 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Take a PR flight to MNL.Transfer to Puerto Galera by Car and Boat. ─── 到达马尼拉后 , 由专车及专船接送前往PG。

2、A beautiful young English woman learns that she has been fired from her PR job. ─── 一个年轻漂亮的英国女子刚刚获知自己从公关的位子上被炒了鱿鱼。

3、Canadian poet noted for his ebullient nature poems,including the collection Low Tide on Grand Pr?1893. ─── 卡曼,(威廉)布利斯1861-1929加拿大诗人,以洋溢奔放的歌颂大自然的诗著称。作品有诗集大普瑞湖的低潮(1893年)

4、While in the case that individual benefits can be compatible with each other and no conflict occurs,this pr... ─── 在人们利益不发生冲突而可以两全情况下表现为"帕累托标准":无害一人地增加利益总量。

5、Within a few years, T.B. had set up the PR, Ogilvy One, EIG and Activation disciplines. ─── 他是台湾4A协会的创始人之一,也担任第一任的会长。

6、But we still have a PR nightmare to contend with. ─── 可是我们还是有个公关噩梦要应付。

7、Both ER and PR positive rates were 77.1% by DCC assay and 83.3% by IHC method. ─── DCC法检测ER及PR的阳性率均为77.1%,免疫组化法均为83.3%。

8、"It will come through a showcase arch with a bit of fanfare, " said the company's PR manager, Doug Wallace. ─── 公司的公关经理道格华莱士说:“在一片鼓乐声中,汽车将通过一个拱形展示台。”

9、Human vision like that of other pr mates has evolved in an arboreal environment. ─── 人类的视觉,和灵长目动物的一样,是在丛林环境中进化出来的。

10、MMPs take part in these pr ocesses on various mechanisms. ─── 临床上,基质金属蛋白酶对乳腺癌的治疗及预后的判断也有重要的价值。

11、you remember that PR strategy I alluded to the other day? ─── 你还记得我前几天间接提到的公关策略吗?

12、He waited inside the car while the PR man went out to meet Tom Hagen's plane. ─── 他的对外联系人下车去接汤姆 - 黑根,他坐在汽车里面等着;

13、In comparing with the DCC method, the consistent rates were 92.5% for ER and 95.8%for PR. ─── 与DCC法对照,总符合率达92.5%和95.8%,且特异性检测发现酶标法是一种专一性较强的检测技术。

14、CR was obtained in 6 of 8 patients with adenocarcinoma, 1 PR and 1 NR. ─── 8例腺癌病人,完全缓解6例,1例部分缓解,1例无效。

15、Immunohistochemistry,all cases expressed Vim,AAT,AACT,and PR. ─── 2例Vim、AAT、AACT及PR阳性;

16、We have received your illustrated PR brochure. ─── 刘:我们已收到贵公司附有插图的宣传手册。

17、ER,PR and C-erbB-2 of IDC were determined in 28 cases with IDC. ─── 28例IDC标本进行雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)、C-erbB-2癌基因蛋白免疫组织化学染色分析。

18、Yet in today's highly competitive environment, the need for effective PR programmes cannot be overlooked. ─── 但在今天高度竞争的环境里,有效的公关 计划,却是忽略不得的。

19、PR series high-precision resistor arrays feature pre-tinned terminations over a nickel barrier. ─── PR系列高精度电阻阵列的镍隔板上使用预镀锡的端子。

20、Before buying any the company has to make one PR form and to get the approval from MD. ─── 在购买任何东西之前公司必须制定一个购买申请表并得到MD的批准。

21、With immunohistochemistry,the vim,CD10,PR and ER was positive,but the EMA,S-100 and LCA was negative in tumors. ─── 免疫组化:肿瘤细胞Vim、CD10、PR、ER均(+),EMA、S-100、LCA均(-)。

22、There's been a lot of nonsense put out by PR firms," he said. ─── 公共关系部门制造出许多谣言,"他说。

23、The PR Division at RI will provide a broadcast quality tape at no charge if a television station has agreed to air it. ─── 如果电视台同意播放的话,国际扶轮的公共关系部门会提供广播品质用的免费录影带。

24、Google updates in a bit of a mess, PR also can't really reflect the situation of the site. ─── 谷歌更新的有点乱了,PR也不能真实反映站点的情况了。

25、More than one item can be requested in one PR Form. ─── 可以在一份申请表中申请多个内容。

26、For the newly diagnosed 25 cases,15 obtained complete remission(CR),5 partial remission(PR) and 5 improvement(I). ─── 初治MM 25例中15例完全缓解(CR),5例部分缓解(PR),5例进步(I)。

27、Managers: PR More Than Tix and Plugs? ─── 作者:佚名文章来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2007-7-6

28、The overall response rate was62%(CR,12%;PR,50%). ─── [结果]有效率62%,其中cr12%,PR50%;

29、If you encountered anything issues with it, it is because of your own implementation / pr ... ─── 如果您遇到任何问题,有了它,那是因为你自己的执行情况/问题。

30、MOU Zong-san's viewpoints on culture and cultural development are of certain realistic significance to the pr... ─── 他的关于文化和文化发展的观点在一定程度上对我国当前文化和民主建设具有现实的指导意义。

31、PR :I did my job well that day! ─── 公关:我没有我的工作,以及这一天!

32、This paper,based on the constituents of the social mechanism for environmental pr... ─── 从其程度的由浅入深看,应由宣教机制、行动机制、参与决策和监督机制组成。

33、"There's been a lot of nonsense put out by PR firms," he said. ─── “公共关系部门制造出许多谣言,”他说。

34、Video &Audio news ditributed by Xinga PR Newswire, the biggest commercial wire service in China. ─── 中国最大商业新闻专线新华美通的视频新闻主页。

35、PR has especial diagnosis value for mandibular fractures. ─── :PR优点是对下颌骨骨折诊断准确率高 ;

36、Address:ZhenZhong Rd,KanDun Industrial District,CiXi City,ZheJiang PR,China. ─── 地址:中国.浙江省.慈溪市.坎墩工业区.镇中路195号

37、The Global Association of Risk Pr. ─── 全球风险协会。

38、PRs have to be redundant in order to avoid a PR to become a Single Point of Failure (SPoF). ─── 为了避免一个PR成为一个失败的单点(Single Point of Failure-SPoF),PRs必须由多个PR组成。

39、CR 3 cases,PR 17 cases,SD 10 cases,PD 5 cases,the total response tate was 57%. ─── CR 3例,PR 17例,SD 10例,PD 5例,总有效率为57%。

40、Good knowledge in marketing &brand, familiar with PR campaign and events operation, has media resources. ─── 具有良好的市场与品牌知识,熟悉公关活动运作,有广泛的媒体资源;

41、Shanghai PR Beginning Consulting Co., Ltd. ─── 上海比今公关咨询有限公司。

42、Address: 2. Ying Kou RD. He Ping District Tianjin PR. ─── 地址:天津市和平区营口道2号。

43、Activate advertising and PR campaign from the FDS and other FDS publications as appropriate. ─── 出版物上策划大规模的广告和公关活动。

44、The deficiency of ER or PR was seen in the area of CgA positive cells abundant. ─── CgA阳性细胞密集的区域ER或PR减少明显。

45、Personality Investigation and Analysis on Patients with Unknown-cause Pr uritus Vulvae. ─── 不明原因外阴瘙痒患者的人格测查分析。

46、NEX PLAZA is a new PR facility of Nagoya Expressway. ─── 名古屋高速道路上的新型宣传设施。

47、Total clinical effective rate was 95.7%,included cCR 19 cases,PR 25 cases,without progressed cases. ─── 全组cCR19例,PR25例,无疾病进展病例,临床总有效率为95.7%。

48、Landy International PR Consultant Co., Ltd. ─── 兰帝国际公关顾问有限公司。

49、Results: In all 35 patients, 5 CR and 23 PR, 80%of response rate were achieved. ─── 以上方案每3周重复,连用2周期。 结果:全组35例,完全缓解(CR)5例,部分缓解(PR)23例,总有效率80.0%。

50、Arrangements had been made by his PR man and aide. At his house a chauffeured car was waiting, a rented car. ─── 准备工作已经由他的对外联系人和助手安排好了,在他的家里有一辆租来的汽车等着,司机就在里面。

51、No expected fragments were obtained for PR 1 a and Cht 1. ─── PR1a和Cht1没检测到期望的扩增片段.

52、For the pst three years, I have served as a pr ivate secretary to Mr. ─── 在过去三年,本人一直担任唐悌先生的秘书。

53、Write and send out press releases using a PR service. ─── 写一些文章并在媒体上发表。

54、Among 56 pulmonary metastases in 20 patients, 32 obtained CR, 19 PR, 5 NC. ─── 20例56个病灶,完全缓解(CR)32个; 部分缓解(PR) 19个;

55、Material: Super quality low carbon steel wire. Weaving: Plain or twill woven wire cloth. Can be pr... ─── 发布者:辛美化所在地:河北衡水市行业:五金、工具职位:经理工作年限:请选择

56、A PR film is handling all our publicity . ─── 一家公共关系公司正在处理我们全部的广告宣传。

57、Ogilvy PR is our predecessors, Bo appear on the ad is an example of our study. ─── 奥美公关是我们的前辈,博报堂广告是我们学习的榜样。

58、PR is more than blitzing the media with your press releases. ─── 公关不仅是让媒体帮你发布新闻而已。

59、No PR in group BSC and SD 5/25(20.8%). ─── BSC组24例中,5例(20.8%)SD,无CR和PR者。

60、Non, je pr f re boire du th . ─── 不,我想喝点茶。

61、It will be good PR. ─── 这将是很好的公关。

62、PR ashing process with pure O2 were investigated in this article. ─── 光刻胶灰化是薄膜晶体管四次光刻工艺的核心工艺之一。

63、Yet in today's highly competitive environment,the need for effective PR programmes cannot be overlooked. ─── 但在今天高度竞争的环境里,有效的公关计划,却是忽略不得的。

64、In CR,PR and NR group,CD34 and Ki-67 index were not different(P>0.05 for each). ─── 不同干扰素治疗组CD34、Ki-67指数均数差异无显著性(均P>0.05)。

65、In fact, it is very difficult to determine the relationship between any increase in sales to that of PR activities. ─── 事实上,你很难确定销售量上涨了,和公关活动究竟有什么关系。

66、Corporations use various PR devices to get and maintain good employee morale and commitment. ─── 公司应用各种公共关系的策略来实现和维持雇员高涨的士气和高度的责任心。

67、The corresponding rate of determination for ER and PR status between IHC and DCC were 85% and 91.4%, respectively. ─── 免疫组化与DCC法一一对应比较,符合率分别为85.0%、91.4%。

68、Hui'an comercial area, Hui'an county, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, PR China. ─── 中国 福建省泉州市惠安县惠南工业区 英语怎样写?

69、Title: Studies on Liquid Fermentation Conditions of Russula puellaris Pr. ─── 关键词:红菇;菌丝体;培养条件;液体发酵

70、The analysis of these problems can provide some suggestions as to how to help the university teachers get out of the pr. . . ─── 对这些问题进行分析,可以有针对性地提出解除高校教师隐性知识共享困境的实施对策。

71、Enterprises image is composed of AD,CI and PR etc. ─── 因此 ,企业形象是由企业广告、 CI战略、 PR活动等各方面组成的。

72、The most difficult task of a PR specialist is probably crisis management. ─── 处理公共关系的专家最困难的任务就是处理危机。

73、She handles the company's PR. ─── 她负责处理公司的公共关系。

74、Verschiedene EU-Politiker versuchen zu vermitteln, allen voran Frankreichs Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy. ─── 不少欧盟政客都试图从中斡旋,冲在最前的便是法国总统萨科奇。

75、Unable to garner much support from their elected representatives, TIs have started their own PR campaign. ─── 因为无法从议员中获得支持,受害者们已经开始了自己的运动。

76、In the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), PR remains soluble in water when its solution is neutralized. ─── 在十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)存在下PR可溶解在中性甚至酸性的水溶液中。

77、If any company should just give up the ghost and get out of China before making any more PR (and human rights) gaffes, maybe it's Yahoo. ─── 如果一家公司能够轻易得放弃自己的道德准则,并且因此在退出中国市场前制造出更多公关(和人权)丑闻的话,那也许只有Yahoo才能办的到。

78、Majority of CgA positive cells in endometrial carcinoma did not express ER or PR. ─── 大多数CgA阳性细胞不表达ER或PR。

79、PR is a means of getting attention and shaping public opinion. ─── 公共关系是获得注意,以及影响公众观点的方法。

80、CR was 1(4.8%), PR 8(38.1%), SD 9(42.9%), PD 3(14.3%). The total response rate (CR+PR) was 42.9% (9/21). ─── 21例晚期乳腺癌(均为复治病例),完全缓解(CR)1例,占4.8%,部分缓解(PR)8例,占38.1%,稳定(SD)9例,占42.9%,进展(PD)3例,占14.3%,总有效率(CR+PR)42.9%(9/21)。

81、People who work in PR need to understand what the media thinks is newsworthy. ─── 公关人员要清楚哪些对于媒体是具有新闻价值的。

82、If you want to send a new message, use PR. ─── 如果你想要送一个新的信息,使用公关。

83、Canadian poet noted for his ebullient nature poems,including the collection Low Tide on Grand Pr?1893). ─── 卡曼,(威廉)布利斯1861-1929加拿大诗人,以洋溢奔放的歌颂大自然的诗著称。作品有诗集大普瑞湖的低潮(1893年)

84、I got a degree in entertainment PR. ─── 我取得了一个娱乐公关的学位。

85、Memories of a Computer Pioneer, MIT Pr. ─── 一个计算机先驱的回忆。

86、The overall response rate was 60.87% including CR 3 cases and PR 11 cases,NC 5 cases,PD 4 cases. MST is 5.5 months. ─── 23例患者近期治疗总有效率为60.87%,其中完全缓解(CR)3例,部分缓解(PR)11例,稳定(NC)5例,无效(PD)4例,中位生存时间(MST)为5.5月。

87、When a person apply for PR fill in marital statu... ─── [其他] 询问如何在新加坡做卖吃的摊位的生意?

88、Third, the fact that you are writing on your daughter's behalf suggests that she lacks the extrovert personality required for PR. ─── 第三,你替你女儿写信,说明她缺乏公关工作所要求的外向性格。

89、During the first meeting, we were finally able to come up with a couple of brilliant PR ideas for our client's product launch in the U. ─── 开第一次会议时,我们为美国客户找到了绝佳的公关方案。

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