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08-20 投稿


separable 发音

英:['sep(?)r?b(?)l]  美:['s?p?r?bl]

英:  美:

separable 中文意思翻译



separable 短语词组

1、separable degree ─── 可分次数

2、separable function ─── [计] 可分函数

3、separable problem ─── 可分离的问题

4、separable library ─── [计] 可分离程序库

5、separable game ─── 可分对策

6、separable rim ─── 可分开轮辋

7、separable obligation ─── [法] 可分的债务

8、separable sequence ─── [计] 可分序列

9、separable programming ─── [计] 可分离规划 ─── [经] 可分规划

10、separable algebra ─── 可分代数

11、separable filter ─── 可分离的过滤器

12、separable transition diagram ─── [计] 可分传递图, 可分转换图

13、separable ring ─── 可分离的环

14、separable program ─── [经] 各别的规划, 单独的计划表, 单独的方案

15、linear separable function ─── [计] 线性可分函数

16、separable kernel ─── [计] 可分离内核

17、separable code ─── [计] 可分码

18、separable cost ─── [经] 可分成本

19、minimal separable acuity ─── [医] 最小可分度(分辨二点的最小视角)

separable 词性/词形变化,separable变形

名词: separability |副词: separably |

separable 相似词语短语

1、separably ─── adv.可区分地;可分离地

2、unseparable ─── 不可言喻的

3、bearable ─── adj.可忍受的;支持得住的

4、parable ─── n.(尤指《圣经》中耶稣所讲的的)(道德或宗教)寓言

5、sparable ─── n.无头小钉子

6、inseparable ─── adj.不可分的;不愿分开的;(前缀)不可单独成词的;(德语动词)屈折变化时前缀和词根不可分的;n.不能分开的人(或事物)

7、reparable ─── adj.可修缮的;可补偿的;可挽回的

8、hearable ─── adj.听得见的;中听的

9、repairable ─── adj.可修理的;可挽回的;可补偿的

separable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Separable concave programming ─── 可分离凹规划

2、Character is not separable from physical form but is governed by it. ─── 性格和外表是分不开的,而且性格决定外表。

3、Unfortunately, there is no rule that will help you to look at a phrasal verb and always know whether it is separable or nonseparable. ─── 可惜的是,并没有规则可以帮助读者分辨一个片语动词可分离与否。

4、Arbitration Clause is Separable and Enforceable in Contract that is Void Ab Initio, World Arbitration &Mediation Report, October, 1995. ─── 参见王生长“仲裁协议及其效力确定”,载《仲裁与法律》2001年第5期。

5、separable type sintered glass filter ─── 分离型烧结玻璃滤器

6、transferable and separable letter of credit ─── 可转让与可分割信用证

7、a joint between two separable parts,as a leaf and a stem ─── 两个可分部分的连接,如叶与茎连接处

8、.. neither separ ation to make it up. ─── 也不要,等汾开了,材来挽回 .

9、The phrasal verb 'tear up' is separable because you can say 'She tore the letter up' or 'She tore up the letter'. ─── up 是可以分开的短语动词,因为既可以说 She tore the letter up ,又可以说 She tore up the letter。

10、TS30000Tapered roller pyro-bearings Single-row conic roller , with the cage ,and separable . ─── 产品简介:TS30000型圆锥滚子高温轴承 单列圆锥滚子,有保持架。可分离。

11、Four pionts angle contact ball bearing is separable bearing,it can be subject to bi-directional load and have the function of both single row and double rows bearings. ─── 四点接触球轴承为可分离型轴承,可承受双向轴向载荷,并有单列和双列角接触球轴承的功能。

12、Separable Extensions and Finitistic Flat Dimensions of Algebras ─── 代数的分离扩张和有限平坦维数

13、Control method for a class of systems with separable static non-linearities ─── 一类具有分离静态非线性系统的控制方法

14、Wells with weak formation in a certain section is required to be cemented from the bottom to the surface, and a two-stage cementing, separable setting cement slurry technology should be used. ─── 但由于用于低密度水泥浆中的漂珠生产量降低,价格上升,研究应用替代产品是固井技术发展的方向。

15、An Infeasible-Interior-Point Algorithms for Separable Convex Quadratic Programming ─── 可分凸二次规划的不可行内点算法

16、A scored card including at least one separable part that can be processed after separation. ─── 一种卡片,至少包括一个可分离部分,分离后可交付处理。

17、The separable probe/pre-amp assembly (HI-2623) means that daily ellipticity checks and periodic calibration checks can be made without removing the instrument from service. ─── 可分开的探针或前置放大器汇编(HI-2623)意味着每日椭率检查和周期性定标检查可以被做,无需去除仪器从服务。

18、Discussion on Lindel?ff space and separable space ─── Lindel?ff空间和可分空间的讨论

19、Separable Quasi - Full Steriner Tree ─── 可分拟满Steiner树

20、Human's whole lives cannot separable from these three points: struggle produce the all,moral goodness comes from blooding, a leader is the first of all and crushing. ─── 人类的整个生命离不开三个论点:斗争产生一切,美德寓于流血之中,领袖是首要的、决定性的。

21、Some Chinese Separable Verbs and Their Application in The Recognition of Homophone Words for Chinese Keyboard Input ─── 可分隔动词及其在拼音-汉字输入中同音词识别的应用

22、single-row separable ball bearing ─── 分离型向心推力球轴承

23、functional separable solution ─── 函数分离变量解

24、Follow-up experiments revealed that conceptual knowledge and knowledge of the name of the emotion draw on neuroanatomically separable systems. ─── 后续的实验显示了概念上的认识和情绪名称的认识,利用了神经解剖学上的可分离系统。

25、Generalized Predictive Control of A Separable Nonlinear System ─── 一种可分非线性系统的自校正广义预测

26、Separable verb in a subclause ? ─── 可分复合动词的字首 ?

27、Explanatory of Separable Function Derivability on Demarcation Point ─── 关于分段函数在分界点处可导性的注解

28、This type of bearings is separable , which can only carry axial load . ─── 单向推力球轴承是可分离型轴承,只能承受轴向载荷。

29、Separable variables function ─── 变元可分离函数

30、The YC series hub bearings is a double row angular contact ball bearing composed of an integral outer ring and two separable inner rings, which is available either with seals or without seals. ─── YC公司生产的系列轮毂轴承是由一个整体外圈和两个可分离内圈组成的双列角接触球轴承,有带密封圈和不带密封圈两种结构。

31、Finite Convergence of On-line BP Neural Networks with Linearly Separable Training Patterns ─── 具线性可分训练样本时在线BP神经网络的有限收敛性

32、In this paper, a new precision forming technology is put forward, which combines pre-forging by separable cavity die extrusion-belt type obliterated extrusion with post-forging. ─── 以捷达轿车转向节为研究对象,制定了挤压带式可分凹模闭塞挤压精密预制坯和开式终锻成形相结合的“一火两锻”成形工艺。

33、On the one hand,it indicates that the men of letters at that time viewed “handwriting” as an aesthetic activity which was separ... ─── 书法创作以文学作品作为书写内容从而与文学相互交融的现象,在书法发展史以及整个艺术发展史上,是有重要意义的。

34、The separable bearings of series NKXR, on the other hand, should preferably be lubricated with oil, as an adequate oil supply is relatively easy to arrange. ─── 另一方面,NKXR系列的可分离型轴承最好应用油来润滑,因为比较容易供应足够的油。

35、The Hamiltonian is separable in normal coordinates ─── 哈密顿在筒子坐标中是可分离的。

36、separable ration probability ─── 分比概率

37、separable stochastic process ─── 可分随机过程

38、separable algebraic extension ─── 可分代数扩张

39、separable generated affine ring ─── 可分生成仿射环

40、One major theme to emerge from work at this level is that memory is composed of multiple, separable components that can be identified with specific anatomical structures and connections. ─── 从工作出现下这水准的一主要的主题是记忆由倍数组成, 可以被认为是具体的解剖的架构和连接的可分开的组成部分。

41、A newli separ father ha to learn how to date again with help from hi teenag son who himself dream of conquer on girl" heart. ─── 一个刚刚离婚的父亲要跟儿子学习如何再次约会,同时这位儿子也正在梦想征服一个女孩的心。

42、chromatographically separable ─── 可用色谱法分离的

43、To be separable or classifiable into categories, as data. ─── 可分开归入各种类别,如数据

44、The features of sets of medical order are that it emphasizes procedure, standardization, and integration, and is dynamically separable and easily modifiable. ─── 医嘱套餐的特点在于强调程序化和标准化,突出集成性和动态性特征,同时可动态分离和易于改动;

45、We have showed that the Radon transform of the cross Wigner distribution function is a separable multiplication of fractional Fourier transform of these functions. ─── 分析了交叉魏格纳分布函数中的拉冬变换是这些函数中分数傅里叶变换的可分乘法。

46、Besides, social theory is not separable from the research method in LIS and is helpful in problem-solving of LIS practices. ─── 因为社会理论不只是抽象性的思考,更与其研究方法不可截然划分,且有助于实务工作上的问题解决。

47、Large Separable Combination Moving Electromagnetism Centerless Fixture ─── 分体组合移动式大型电磁无心夹具

48、separable transcendental extension ─── 可分超越扩张

49、The features of sets of medical order are that it emphasizes procedure,standardization, and integration, and is dynamically separable and easily modifiable. ─── 医嘱套餐的特点在于强调程序化和标准化,突出集成性和动态性特征,同时可动态分离和易于改动;

50、Unfortunately, there is no rule that will help you to look at a phrasal verb and always know whether it is separable or nonseparable. ─── 可惜的是,并没有规则可以帮助读者分辨一个片语动词可分离与否。

51、neither separ ation to make it up. ─── 也不要,等分开了,才来挽回 ...

52、Learning algorithm for separable complex-valued functional networks ─── 一种复值可分离的泛函网络学习算法

53、The cuticle exists as the separable outer boundary and consists of a layer of wax and pectin materials that appears to be structureless. ─── 可以区分开来的外部周界是表皮层,由无定形组织的蜡质和果胶构成。

54、functional separable solutions ─── 分离变量解

55、The two essays describe two disturbing trends that, while logically separable, seem to be related. ─── 这两篇文章阐述了两个令人不安的趋势,它们虽然在逻辑上可相互分隔,但看上去却彼此相关。

56、The moral question is not entirely separable from the financial one. ─── 道德问题和财政问题不能截然分开。

57、This paper presented a new algorithm that is capable of solving network flow problem with convex separable costs. ─── 为求解非线性可分凸费用网络流问题,提出了一种原始对偶算法,并证明了算法的收敛性。


59、The bearings are separable so that mounting is simple as the washers and the ball and cage assembly can be mounted separately . ─── 轴承为可分离结构,所以安装简单,因为垫圈和球与保持架组件可以分开安装。

60、canonical representation of separable game ─── 可分对策的典式

61、The needle roller bearings without flanges are separable, i. E. The outer ring, the needle roller and cage assembly and the inner ring can all be mounted separately. ─── 不带法兰的滚针轴承是可分离的,即外圈、滚针和保持架组件以及内圈都可分别安装。

62、separable electric connector ─── 分离式电连接器

63、Some Results on the Properties of Simply Separable Function Set in Partial K-valued Logic ─── 关于部分K值逻辑中的单纯可离函数集性质的一些结果

64、die forging with separable concave die ─── 可分凹模模锻

65、Using the workshop and the part of equipment of the oil factory.we construct the production line of soybean separable protein(annual production is 2500 tons ) . ─── 利用浸出油厂现有厂地和部分设备,建设年产2500吨大豆分离蛋白生产线。本项目符合国家产业政策,发展前景广阔。

66、separable convex programming ─── 可分的凸规划

67、separable optimization problem ─── 可分最优问题

68、Retaining the rolling elements, where bearings are of a separable design and one bearing ring is removed during mounting or dismounting. ─── 分离型轴承在安装或拆卸过程中一个轴承套圈被取下的情况下,保持滚动体。

69、Hommization handgrip, Separable design, convenient to handle, Easy to operation. ─── 人性化手柄,分离式机身设计,搬运方便,操作简单!

70、Several methods for certain rate of error separable non-linear function ─── 可分离非线性函数率定的几种方法

71、On Separable Extensions and Representation Type of Algebras ─── 关于代数的分离扩张和表示型

72、The distributor plate can be separable from the system or openable to provide access for removal of obstructions and for maintenance. ─── 分布器板可以是与该系统可分离的或者能够操作以提供用于除去堵塞和用于维护的通路。

73、Beginning from the ordinary differential equations of separable variables,several ordinary differential equations of how to apply variable substitution to seek solution were generalized. ─── 从可分离变量微分方程出发,介绍了几类如何用变量代换求解的常微分方程.

74、Application of separable connected furnace in the production of oxygen-free cooper wire rod ─── 分连体炉在无氧铜杆生产线上的应用

75、The separable vibration tapping ─── 分离式振动攻丝

76、2D separable wavelet transform ─── 二维可分离小波变换

77、separable transition diagram ─── [计] 可分传递图, 可分转换图

78、holomorph separable manifold ─── 全形可分廖

79、Some results on decision for minimal covering of regular separable function sets in partial K-valued logic ─── 关于部分K值逻辑中正则可离函数集的极大封闭集之最小覆盖判定的一些结果

80、Grammatik: Verbs with Separable, Insep. ─── Prefixes 在实验室:我们练习吧!

81、ECC off-line separable e-cash payment protocol ─── ECC离线可分电子现金支付协议

82、Built-in insulation materials, folding, non-square; can sit people; can pull objects, when us as a trolley, trolley and bag are separable. ─── 内置保温材料,可折叠,不占地;可坐人,可拉物,当推车,车包可分离。

83、The cuticle exists as the separable outer boundary and consists of a layer of wax and pectin materials that appears to be structureless. ─── 可以区分开来的外部周界是表皮层,由无定形组织的蜡质和果胶构成。

84、minimum separable visual acuity ─── 分辨视敏度, 最低分辨视力, 最小分辨视敏度

85、A cofactor bound loosely to the apoenzyme and readily separable from it is a coenzyme. ─── 与脱辅基蛋白结合松弛、易于与之分离的辅基因子称为辅。

86、Influence to Nonlinear Classification Support Vector Machines by Separable Variables Kernel Function ─── 变元可分离核函数对非线性支持向量分类机的影响

87、Separable Branches BcI-algebras ─── 可分支BCI-代数

88、Patented separable -type transmission pulley that will run 5 idle turns and cut off power when encountering any obstacles in operation. ─── 专利分离式传动机构,遇任何阻碍先空转5圈并自动切断电源。

89、In this part, we talk about three questions: lexicalization, grammaticalization and separable word. ─── 主要探索了三个方面的问题:词汇化;

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