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08-20 投稿


levorotatory 发音

英:[?li?v??ro?t??t??ri]  美:[?li?v???r??t?t?r?]

英:  美:

levorotatory 中文意思翻译



levorotatory 反义词


levorotatory 短语词组

1、levorotatory ephedrine ─── [医] 左旋麻黄硷

2、levorotatory nicotine ─── 左旋尼古丁

3、levorotatory scoliosis ─── 左旋脊柱侧凸

4、levorotatory definition ─── 左旋定义

5、levorotatory isomer ─── 左旋异构体

6、levorotatory meaning ─── 左旋意义

7、levorotatory designation ─── 左旋标示

levorotatory 词性/词形变化,levorotatory变形

异体字: levorotary |

levorotatory 同义词

counterclockwise rotation

levorotatory 相似词语短语

1、laevorotatory ─── 左旋物;左旋的

2、dehortatory ─── 脱体的

3、laevorotation ─── 左旋

4、levorotary ─── adj.左旋的

5、laevorotary ─── adj.左旋的

6、derogatory ─── adj.贬低的,不敬的,持批评态度的

7、dextrorotatory ─── adj.右旋的;右旋性的

8、levorotation ─── n.反时钟旋转;左旋转

9、laevorotations ─── 左旋

levorotatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The levorotatory form of dopa, used to treat Parkinson's disease. ─── 左旋多巴左旋形式的多巴,用于治疗帕金森综合症

2、levorotatory ephedrine ─── [医] 左旋麻黄碱

3、advancing the levorotatory polylactic acid solution in the glass syringe; ─── 推进玻璃注射器中的左旋聚乳酸溶液;

4、Since this mixture has a different optical rotation ( levorotatory ) from the original sucrose, the mixture is called invert sugar. ─── 此混合物和蔗糖具有不同的旋光度,因此被称为转化糖。

5、levorotatory, levo- ─── 左旋性

6、levorotatory compound ─── 左旋化合物

7、Ingredients: olive leaves extract, levorotatory VC, wild yam extract, aloe essence, mulberry essence. ─── 成份:橄榄叶萃取精华、旋vc、山药提炼精华、荟因子、树精华。

8、Of or relating to a chemical compound that contains equal quantities of dextrorotatory and levorotatory forms and therefore does not rotate the plane of incident polarized light. ─── 外消旋的属于或关于一种化合物的,该化合物由等量的左旋和右旋形式组成,因而对偏振光平面不旋光。

9、Main Ingredients: levorotatory VC essence, VE, collagen, lecithin, hyaluronic acid, kojic acid, vegetal extract etc. ─── 主要成分:左旋维生素C精华、生素E精华、胶原蛋白、卵磷脂、醣醛酸、曲酸、植物提取素等。

10、levorotatory alkaloids of belladonna ─── 左旋颠茄生物碱

11、Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, red ginseng, saffron, chamomile, vitamin E, levorotatory VC, collagen etc. ─── 成份:清纯橄榄精油、红参、藏红花、洋甘菊、维他命E、左旋VC、胶原蛋白等。

12、Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, misaiya purete, vitamin E, levorotatory VC, honeysuckle etc. ─── 成份:清纯橄榄精油、红参精华、维生素E、左旋VC、金银花等草本萃取精华。

13、Conversion of a substance in which the direction of optical rotation is reversed,from the dextrorotatory to the levorotatory or from the levorotatory to the dextrorotatory form. ─── 转化旋光度方向被反向,即以右旋形式到左旋形式或以左旋形式到右旅形式的变化过程中物质的变化。

14、Since this mixture has a different optical rotation (levorotatory) from the original sucrose, the mixture is called invert sugar. ─── 此混合物和蔗糖具有不同的旋光度,因此被称为转化糖。

15、ephedrine levorotatory ─── 左旋麻黄碱

16、6. Main Ingredients: levorotatory VC essence, VE, collagen, lecithin, hyaluronic acid, kojic acid, vegetal extract etc. ─── 包括:清洁面部,植物性去死皮,针清,修眉,抗敏感精华素,肩颈及面部按摩,抗敏面膜及软膜。收藏指正

17、levorotatory designation ─── 左旋标示

18、levorotatory crystal ─── 左旋结晶体

19、Ingredients: olive leaves extract, levorotatory VC, wild yam extract, aloe essence, mulberry essence. ─── 成份:橄榄叶萃取精华、旋vc、山药提炼精华、荟因子、树精华。

20、Conversion of a substance in which the direction of optical rotation is reversed, from the dextrorotatory to the levorotatory or from the levorotatory to the dextrorotatory form. ─── 转化旋光度方向被反向,即以右旋形式到左旋形式或以左旋形式到右旅形式的变化过程中物质的变化

21、The optical rotation detector was a perfect supplemental tool for chiral chromatography,which could provide the right information about dextrorotatory and levorotatory enantiomers. ─── 与单纯的紫外检测器相比,旋光检测器可方便地得到手性对映体的左旋或右旋特性。

22、levorotatory form ─── 左旋体

23、Influence of the enteral feeding of levorotatory arginine on severely burned patients during shock stage ─── 胃肠道左旋精氨酸营养干预对严重烧伤患者休克期复苏的影响

24、levorotatory substance ─── 左旋物质

25、Influence of the enteral feeding of levorotatory arginine on severely burned patients during shock stage ─── 胃肠道左旋精氨酸营养干预对严重烧伤患者休克期复苏的影响

26、levorotatory sugar ─── 左旋糖

27、Also can use "worm dextral left hand to hold the right hands, levorotatory worm, four thumbs" refers to will judge. ─── 也可用“右旋蜗杆左手握,左旋蜗杆右手握,四指拇指”来判定。

28、The levorotatory form of dopa,used to treat Parkinson's disease. ─── 左旋多巴左旋形式的多巴,用于治疗帕金森综合症。

29、The invention relates to a method for preparing a nanofiber bracket material using levorotatory polylactic acid as matrix. ─── 本发明涉及以左旋聚乳酸为基质的纳米纤维支架材料的制备方法。

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