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granulating 发音

英:[?ɡr?njule?t??]  美:[?ɡr?nj?le?t??]

英:  美:

granulating 中文意思翻译



granulating 短语词组

1、granulating press ─── 制粒压力机

2、granulating spray ─── 造粒喷雾器

3、granulating disc ─── 圆盘造粒机

4、granulating grading ─── 颗粒分布,粒度组成

5、granulating hammer ─── 麻面锤

6、granulating crusher ─── 造粒破碎机

7、granulating launder ─── 造粒流槽

8、granulating system ─── 制粒系统

9、granulating machine ─── [化] 造粒机

10、granulating pan ─── 制粒盘

11、granulating drum ─── 制粒滚筒

12、granulating wounds ─── 肉芽伤口

13、granulating plant ─── 粒化装置

14、granulating agent ─── 制粒剂

15、granulating pit ─── 炉渣粒化池

16、granulating mill ─── 制粒机

17、granulating paints ─── 制粒涂料

18、granulating colour ─── 制粒颜色

19、granulating head ─── 造粒头

granulating 常用词组

granulating machine ─── 造粒机;成粒机

granulating 词性/词形变化,granulating变形

动词过去分词: granulated |形容词: granulative |动词第三人称单数: granulates |动词现在分词: granulating |动词过去式: granulated |名词: granulator |

granulating 相似词语短语

1、gratulating ─── 涂鸦

2、triangulating ─── vt.把…分成三角形;使…成三角形;对…作三角测量;adj.由三角形组成的;有三角斑纹的

3、granulations ─── n.粗糙;使成粒状

4、graduating ─── v.毕业(graduate的现在分词形式);刻度;n.毕业情怀

5、canulating ─── 溃疡

6、adulating ─── v.奉承,谄媚;过分称赞(adulate的现在分词)

7、granulation ─── n.粗糙;使成粒状

8、strangulating ─── v.勒死,使窒息;绞窄(身体某部位,尤其是疝);(使)哽咽(strangulate的现在分词)

9、granulative ─── adj.成粒状的

granulating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The operation and control of equipments had influence on the formation of fisheye in extrusion and granulating. ─── 在挤压造粒过程中,设备的操作控制对晶点的形成也有一定的影响。

2、Review on the Devel opment of Moisture Measuring Instrument tot Powder and Granul ar Molding Material at Home and Abroad ─── 国内外粉粒状造型材料水分测量仪的发展概况

3、Effect factors and countermeasures on the granulating qualities of horizontal granulator ─── 卧式切粒机切粒质量的影响因素及对策

4、The research of the softening charac teristics,DTA(differential thermal analysis)and granulating for waste plastics was described. ─── 对废塑料的软化特性、差热分析及热态造粒工艺进行了系统的研究。

5、pneumatic granulating ─── 气流式造粒

6、granulating disc ─── 圆盘造粒机

7、Keywords extrusion-spheronization;pellet;nanometer Chinese medicine;granulating technique; ─── 挤出-滚圆;微丸;纳米中药;造粒工艺;

8、Changzhou Jiafa Granulating Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. ─── 常州市佳发制粒干燥设备有限公司。

9、First part, which includes mixing, solidifying, and curing three sections, is for powder TSP,Second part, which includes granulating, drying, screening and cooling four sections, is for granular TSP. ─── 一部分是酸矿混合、化成和熟化生产 粉状重钙,即粉肥生产线,另一部分是熟化料的造粒、干燥、筛分、冷却,即粒肥生产线。

10、Keywords granulating through rotation drum of fluidized bed;prill swelling;big sized prills; ─── 关键词流化床转鼓造粒;丸粒长大;大颗粒;

11、Nourishing blood and clean brain granul ─── 养血清脑颗粒

12、Granulating and shapping technique is an resonable and effective manner to process hard asphalt.This paper introduces relative patents and analyses its technicalities, and comb... ─── 本文介绍了有关专利,分析了其技术特点,并结合沥青一水浆燃烧技术的应用,提出了开展喷散法硬沥青造粒成型技术研究的建设。

13、granulating machine ─── 成粒机制粒机

14、Flow-chart of MDP three-stage low-temperature high-pressure atomizing granulating dryer. ─── MDP低温高压喷雾造粒三级干燥装置工艺流程图。

15、The granulating mechanism of nitrophosphate melt coming from concentrating section of neutralized slurry in two - axle granulator is approached. ─── 探讨从中和料浆浓缩工序来的熔体在硝酸磷肥双轴造粒机中的造粒机理;

16、The traditional solid drink powder manufacturing method needs processing of mixing, granulating and drying respectively. ─── 传统的固体饮料是分别经过混合、挤压制粒、干燥等多道工序制成的。

17、This paper describes the granulating principle of the microspheric granula granulator from the view point of structure. ─── 本文从结构上阐述了球形微丸造粒机的造粒原理,并简要介绍了球丸造粒方法。

18、Keywords power platform;granulating platform;sintering platform;proportioning platform;achievement calculation; ─── 动力平台;制粒平台;烧结平台;配料平台;效益计算;

19、Research on boiling granulating process for spraying desiccated Chinese medicine powder ─── 中药喷雾干燥粉末的沸腾制粒工艺

20、The PLC and Frequency Converter Control in Granulating Machine ─── 切粒机的PLC和变频器控制

21、Design for gas suspension dry - granulating machine and preliminary experiment ─── 气体悬浮干燥-造粒装置设计及初步实验研究

22、Granulating system ─── 制粒系统

23、Zhangiagang City Qiangsheng plastic mechanical factory produces each kind of model the extruding machine, the plastic tubing, the plastic different molding, recycling and granulating extrusion production line and the auxiliary equipment. ─── 张家港市强生塑机有限公司,生产各种型号的挤出机、塑料管材、塑料异型材、造粒、塑料回收设备等成套挤出生产线及辅机设备。

24、In this paper, the principle and characters of CRT two stages granulating system, which consists of one CRT twin screw extruder and one single serely extruder, are introduced. ─── 本文介绍了由CRT双螺杆挤出机和单螺杆挤出机组成的CRT二阶造粒挤出机组的工作原理及特性。

25、granulating agent ─── 成粒剂

26、facility for granulating ─── 制粒设备

27、PE cold cutting granulating machine group ─── PE冷切造粒机组

28、gradual,levity,commingle,taper,supper taper,granulating etc. ─── 普通型、多变型、混合型、锥型、超锥型、造粒型等。

29、This paper introduces the advantages and principal procedures of One-step-granulating method and mainly discusses the 9 major factors and control methods that affect One-step granulating. ─── 本文介绍了一步制粒法的优点,重点探讨了影响一步制粒的9项主要因素及控制方法。

30、It is wide used for pharmaceutical industry, foodstuff industry, chemical industry, powder metallurgy industry, dyestuff industry, industry, etc. For powder mixing, wet mixing and granulating. ─── 广泛适用于医药、食品、化工、冶金、染料等行业,进行粉体混合及湿法制粒。

31、Keywords Tulafa grain dreg disposal technology;granulating wheel;dehydrator;transducer; ─── 图拉法粒化渣工艺;粒化轮;脱水器;变频器;

32、Keywords Converter's steel slag;granulating technique;resource;comprehensive utilization; ─── 关键词转炉钢渣;粒化技术;资源;综合利用;

33、Keywords large granule urea;pilot plant;domestic;granulating rotating drum;rotating drum of fluidized bed; ─── 大颗粒尿素;中试装置;国产化;造粒转鼓;转鼓流化床;

34、And have multiple plastic granulating machine and related equipment. ─── 并拥有多台塑料造粒机及周边设备。

35、Applications:This unit is composed of cone twin screw stem extruder,granulating moulds,pelletizer,wind supplying ,material storage etc.It is used in hot-cutting PVC resin powder and granulating. ─── 本机组由锥形双螺杆挤出机、造粒模具、切粒机、风送储料等部分组成。主要用于PVC树脂粉的热切造成粒。

36、Keywords Principal Component Analysis;Local-wave Decomposition;Extrusion Granulating Machine;Fault Diagnosis; ─── 关键词主分量分析;局域波分解;挤压机;故障诊断;

37、Keywords L-apartate wastewater;Granulating process;Compound fertilizer; ─── 天门冬氨酸废水;浓缩干燥制粒;复合肥;


39、granulating screen ─── 水帘管

40、Discussion on Granulating Effect of Mixed Ore of Tanggang 1# Sintering Machine ─── 唐钢1#烧结机混合料制粒效果

41、Second part, which includes granulating, drying, screening and cooling four sections, is for granular TSP. ─── 另一部分是熟化料的造粒、干燥、筛分、冷却,即粒肥生产线。

42、granulating property ─── 制粒性能

43、Separate designed hopper and granulating chamber can be dismantled easily for cleaning. ─── 分离设计,落料斗,粉碎室过滤网,便于拆洗。

44、It is widely used kin the filelds of harmaceutical, foodstuff, chemical, light industries, etc and is one of the granulating drier adoped extensively in the world at present. ─── 广泛应用在制药,食品、工·工等领域,是目前国际上广泛采用的制粒干燥设备。

45、Keywords disk hot air dryer;vacuum belt drying;vacuum granulating drying; ─── 料盘式热风干燥箱;真空带式干燥;真空制粒干燥;

46、A new approach is introduced on the basis of the theory of information granulation,which includes two phases: the phase of granulating agents and tasks and the phase of allocating tasks in granular. ─── 基于信息粒化理论提出了一种新的解决方法,任务分配过程包括两个阶段:主体和任务粒化阶段和粒内规划阶段。

47、Keywords bell-less BF top;slag granulating process;external-bay precipitator;pebble stove; ─── 无料钟炉顶;图拉法高炉渣处理工艺;外滤式布袋除尘器;球式热风炉;

48、The equipments for the Milling,granulating,isopressing and super-high tempereture sintering are quite complete . ─── 制粉、造粒、等静压成型及超高温烧成设备一应俱全。

49、The influence of granulating method of WP and dechlorination on environment and resource recycle was analyzed and compared. ─── 分析比较了废塑料造粒方法及脱氯对环境及资源回收的影响。

50、Keywords Friction material;Granulating technology;Friction and wear;Contrast test; ─── 摩擦材料;造粒技术;摩擦磨损;对比试验;

51、Chairborne Machinery has successfully applications of these Pellet equipment in the feed,marigold,marigold flower,organic manure,litter and other industries granulating production. ─── 创德机械已经成功将这些颗粒设备应用在饲料、万寿菊花、有机肥、垃圾等行业的制粒生产中;

52、Keywords nonsugar granules;granulating process;excipient;sweeting agent; ─── 无糖颗粒剂;制粒技术;辅料;甜味剂;

53、10.Abstract: Rotary mixer is used in mixing and granulating si nter for ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy. ─── 文摘:圆筒混合机主要用于钢铁和有色金属冶炼烧结物料的混合和制粒作业。

54、SRJ series plastic wind-cooling hot-cutting pelletizer is used in the granulating of PVC resin, recycled plastic, thermoplastic, coloration materials, and filling material, etc. ─── SRJ系列塑料风冷热切割造粒用于造粒PVC树脂,再生塑料,热塑性塑料,着色材料,充填材料等

55、KinShuaiKang Granul ─── 心衰康颗粒

56、Study on Mixing Principle and Optimum Combination of the Structure and Operation Parameter by Rotating Double Impeller in Mixing and Granulating Cylinder ─── 抛射式双轴混合制粒机混合机理及参数优化

57、The process consists of two programs including mixing and granulating. ─── 整个过程由混合、制粒两个工序组成。

58、4. Separate designed hopper and granulating chamber can be dismantled easily for cleaning. ─── 分离设计,落料斗,粉碎室过滤网,便于拆洗。收藏指正

59、This paper describes the principle and structure of the multifunctional forming machine for catalyst, with integrating the kneading, extruding and granulating. ─── 本文阐述了集捏和、挤条、整形造粒为一体的催化剂多功能成型机的原理和结构。

60、strengthen granulating ─── 强化制粒

61、Granula can be used as functional particle for making tablet.Inclined rotator is used in centrifugal granulating machine. ─── 微丸作为功能粒子可用做时控片,口腔速崩片等片剂用颗粒。

62、form granulating tissue, as of wounds and ulcers. ─── 伤口腐烂处形成粒化的组织。

63、Dyes are always thermosensitive materials and the key technology of dyes spray granulating is to get bigger granulars and more narrow distribution of granularities on the precondition of good quality. ─── 染料是热敏性物料,在不破坏产品质量的前提下获得较大的颗粒和较窄的粒度分布是染料喷雾造粒的技术关键。

64、Granulating for waste plastics by light heating plasticization and environment protection ─── 废塑料微热塑化造粒和环境保护

65、Study of granulating Methods for pesticide WG ─── 农药水分散粒剂造粒方法研究

66、Granulating curve and its application are also presented so as to make granulating point into the range of granulating curve. ─── 介绍成粒曲线及其应用(即生产中如何通过改变一些操作条件使成粒点处于成粒曲线范围内);

67、The basic property study of the vibrated mixing - granulating - drying machine ─── 振动式混合造粒干燥机基础特性的研究

68、one - step - granulating ─── 一步制粒

69、Rotary mixer is used in mixing and granulating si nter for ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy. ─── 圆筒混合机主要用于钢铁和有色金属冶炼烧结物料的混合和制粒作业。

70、In the process of granulating, the even distribution of sizes of the final granules should be guaranteed. ─── 在制粒过程中,为了保证最终颗粒的粒度分布均一,喷枪的喷液范围要符合物料流化时的最大范围。

71、Calculation of Overhaul Period for Bearings in Variable Speed Gearbox of Extruding and Granulating Machine Group ─── 挤压造粒机组变速齿轮箱轴承的检修周期计算

72、Melting Granulating Technology and its Application in Chemical Products ─── 化工产品熔融造粒技术及其应用

73、The productive process is sealed and no dead corner, granulating uniform, easy to clean. It conforms to the requirements of GMP. ─── 生产过程密闭无死角,制粒均匀、清洗方便,完全符合GMP要求。

74、Keywords Cefuroxime axetil tablets;Dry granulating;Granule size;Mobility;Yield;Stability; ─── 头孢呋辛酯片;干法制粒;颗粒粒度;流动性;成品率;稳定性;

75、The inventive method is especially suitable for granulating polyethylene or polypropylene. ─── 本发明的方法特别适用于聚乙烯和聚丙烯的造粒。

76、The antibacterial zeolite was modified by the titanate coupling agent blent with Polypropylene(PP), followed by granulating, and spinning. ─── 采用钛酸酯偶联剂对抗菌沸石进行表面修饰,然后将其与聚丙烯共混造粒并纺丝。

77、granulating method ─── 团粒法

78、Preparation of organic binding agent in granulation of organic compound fertilizer and study on its granulating behavior ─── 有机复混肥造粒用有机粘结剂的研制及其造粒性能的研究

79、Granulating curve and its application are also presented so as to make granulating point into the range of granulating curve. ─── 介绍成粒曲线及其应用(即生产中如何通过改变一些操作条件使成粒点处于成粒曲线范围内);

80、The experience to equipments choice in designing was put forward,hope supply help in technology choice of solid preparation and granulating. ─── 提出了在以往设计中对设备选型的体会,希望本文对固体制剂在制粒工艺选择方面有所帮助。

81、ZS type shaking sieve is mainly used for screening granulated and sliced matters in the trades of medicine,food,chemicals and plastics,and cooperated with granulating accessaries made by this factory. ─── ZS振动筛主要用于医药,食品,化工,塑料等行业的颗粒片状等物过筛,主要和本厂造粒辅机配套使用。


83、dry granulating ─── 干法制粒

84、The antibacterial zeolite was modified by the titanate coupling agent blent with Polypropylene (PP), followed by granulating, and spinning. ─── 摘要采用钛酸酯偶联剂对抗菌沸石进行表面修饰,然后将其与聚丙烯共混造粒并纺丝。

85、Conclusion: with one-step-granulating we could get the granules with much larger porosity to raise the rate of dissolution. ─── 结论:采用一步制粒技术可形成孔隙率大的颗粒,大大提高了药物的溶出速率。

86、The experiment is successfully obtained a new processing procedure of effervescent tablet by using technology combined non-water granulating process with effervescent technology. ─── 本实验将非水造粒技术与泡腾技术相结合,成功地研制出泡腾饮片生产新工艺,解决了无重压设备一次压片成型的技术问题。

87、A new way can improve granulating efficiency of the sintering drum mixer by placing electromagnetic liner in mixer to directly magnetize mix and make the rolling distance of granular longer. ─── 介绍了在烧结圆筒混合机内内置电磁衬板,通过直接磁化混合料和延长混合料运动轨迹来实现强化制粒的技术。

88、The method comprises: ball-milling the raw materials, drying, pre-sintering, ball-milling, granulating, molding, and sintering. ─── 本发明方法,包括球磨、干燥、预烧、再球磨、造粒成型和烧结步骤。

89、Taking water as adhesive, boiling granulating technological process is simple, manipulation easily and suitable for industrial producting. ─── 以水为黏合剂沸腾制粒工艺简单,易于操作,适合工业大生产的要求。

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