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08-20 投稿


redroot 发音

英:[['redru:t]]  美:[['red?ru:t]]

英:  美:

redroot 中文意思翻译



redroot 短语词组

1、redroot amaranth ─── [医]西风古

2、redroot blades ─── 红根叶

3、redroot vitamins ─── 红根维生素

4、redroot benefits ─── 红根优势

5、redroot florida ─── 佛罗里达红杉

6、redroot sedge ─── 红根莎草

7、redroot pics ─── 红根图片

redroot 相似词语短语

1、bedroom ─── n.卧室;adj.两性关系的;城郊住宅区的

2、enroot ─── vt.深植,使根深蒂固

3、redfoot ─── 红足症;红脚病

4、netroot ─── n.网根(以网络组织的政治性行动主义者)

5、breadroot ─── n.食用补骨脂(根)

6、redout ─── n.红雾视症

7、redcoat ─── n.英国士兵;度假营地招待员

8、redroots ─── n.美洲茶;西风古;红根

9、red-hot ─── 赤热的,猛烈的

redroot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、difference among shandong main ginger production areas, the main weeds are: Common crabgrass, Goosegrass, Redroot amaranth, Purslane, Rice galingale. ─── 山东省生姜主要产区杂草差异性不大,主要为马唐、牛筋草、反枝苋、马齿苋、香附子。

2、Radix Lithospermi Root of Sinkiang Arnebia,Root of Redroot Gromwell,Sinkiang Arne... ─── 硬紫草、大紫草、红条紫草藐,茈草,紫丹,地血,紫草茸,鸦衔草,紫草根,山紫草,红石根。

3、Alfalfa leaf extract effeced the fresh weight of showy chloris, stolon-bearing bent grass, bahia grass, redroot amaranth and crown vetch, they were lighter than control (P

4、Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of Redroot gromwell compound oil (RGCO) in treating the infant diaper dermatitis and scald, then to observe the effects. ─── 目的:研究三黄紫草油治疗婴儿尿布皮炎及中小面积烫伤的临床疗效。

5、shortbract redroot amaranthus ─── n. 反枝苋

6、Effect of Xanthomonas L4 Phytotoxin on Mitochondrial Stoma and Cell Wall of Amaranthus Retroflex(Redroot Amarant) ─── 黄单胞菌L4毒素对反枝苋线粒体及细胞壁和表皮气孔的影响

7、redroot amaranth ─── 西风古

8、Alfalfa leaf extract effeced the fresh weight of showy chloris,stolon-bearing bent grass,bahia grass,redroot amaranth and crown vetch,they were lighter than control(P

9、Redroot gromwell Compound oil ─── 三黄紫草油

10、Clinical study on treatment of infant diaper dermatitis and scald with redroot gromwell compound oil ─── 三黄紫草油治疗婴儿尿布皮炎、烫伤的临床观察

11、Within three years, 10% of the green bristlegrass seeds in the soil still had the ability of germination while no seeds of the redroot amaranth survived. ─── 反枝苋种子埋藏三年半时间基本失去发芽能力,狗尾草埋藏五年后仍有10%的种子具有发芽能力。

12、Clinical study on treatment of infant diaper dermatitis and scald with redroot gromwell compound oil ─── 三黄紫草油治疗婴儿尿布皮炎、烫伤的临床观察

13、Redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) is an annual species of weeds which is widely distributed and important in cultivated field and other land all over the world. ─── 摘要反枝苋是世界性分布的一种恶性杂草,瞭解其生物学特性将有助于对其进行有效防治。

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