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avaricious 发音

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avaricious 中文意思翻译



avaricious 网络释义

adj. 贪婪的;贪得无厌的

avaricious 词性/词形变化,avaricious变形

副词: avariciously |名词: avariciousness |

avaricious 短语词组

1、be avaricious of ─── 贪念…

avaricious 相似词语短语

1、malicious ─── adj.恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的

2、ovarious ─── 子房

3、avariciously ─── adv.贪婪地

4、atrocious ─── adj.凶恶的,残暴的

5、parecious ─── 帕累斯的

6、auspicious ─── adj.有助于成功的,有利的;吉祥的,吉利的;富裕的

7、lubricious ─── adj.光滑的;淫荡的;不稳定的

8、capricious ─── adj.反复无常的;任性的

9、avariciousness ─── 贪婪

avaricious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wolf, avaricious and malevolent; ─── 狼,贪婪、凶狠;

2、22 The avaricious man is perturbed about his wealth, and he knows not when want will come upon him. ─── 眼睛贪婪的人,匆匆急于致富;岂知贫乏穷困,即将临于其身!

3、i have many ideals cause i'm an avaricious people. ─── 我有很多理想因为我是个贪心的人。

4、Understood that I the person knew I am not the avaricious person, I will not want any compensatory payment. ─── 了解我的人知道我不是爱财的人,我不会要任何补偿金。”

5、Enormously stout, endlessly avaricious, pseudo-creative, intensely selfish, ─── 我非常肥胖结实,贪婪无比,装作富有创意,而且极端自私,

6、Of, relating to, or characteristic of a miser; avaricious, grasping, and penurious. ─── 守财奴似的与守财奴有关的,具有守财奴特性的;贪婪的、吝啬的且一毛不拔的

7、These priests are all thus, greedy and avaricious. ─── 所有的神甫全一样,又贪又吝。

8、Exceedingly eager for material gain; avaricious. ─── 贪婪的过分渴求物质攫取的;贪财的

9、The old peasant was an avaricious and close-fisted fellow ─── 那个老农是个贪婪而又吝啬的家伙。

10、What reason be? 3 brother are so medium, the old has an insatiable desire for benefit, the second is avaricious, old 3 corrupt money, 3 people are selfish and greedy. ─── 是什么原因呢?原来三兄弟中,老大贪利,老二贪财,老三贪钱,三个人都自私贪婪。

11、There are a lot of d different images of Huizhou merchants in the novels of Ming and Qing, among which the two images of being avaricious and accommodating are typical. ─── 摘要明清小说中有众多不同的徽商形象描写,其中以“贪财吝啬”和“乐施助人”两种形象最为典型。

12、To save money for avaricious purposes is altogether different from saving it for economical purposes. ─── 出于贪欲与吝啬而存钱与节俭是截然不同的概念。

13、"Ah, how strange it seems that such a young and beautiful woman should be so avaricious." ─── “啊!真不可思议,一个这样年轻美丽的女人竟会这样贪心。”

14、As compared with their opposite numbers in past ages, they were less avaricious, less tempted by luxury, hungrier for pure power, and, above all, more conscious of what they were doing and more intent on crushing opposition. ─── 同过去时代的对手相比,他们在贪婪和奢侈方面稍逊,但权力欲更强,尤其是对于他们自己的所作所为更有自觉,更是一心一意要打垮反对派。

15、He was insatiably avaricious the more he got, the more he wanted to have. ─── 他贪得无厌,得寸进尺。

16、9 see joke: An immortal arrives the world, touch a stone and turn it into gold, experiment popular feeling, want to search avaricious little, spend him to become celestial being. ─── 9看笑话: 有个神仙到人间,点石成金,试验人心,想找个贪财少的,就度他成仙。

17、Beholders are hateful, aggressive, and avaricious, attacking or dominating others whenever they can get away with it. ─── 眼魔令人生厌、斗且贪得无厌,只要一有机会就会攻击或支配其他生物。

18、Tormented our science and technology now develops very quickly , our human being's avaricious is more and more big and! ─── 苦恼我们现在的科技发展太快了,和我们人类的贪婪又越来越大了!

19、3.To an avaricious father, a prodigal son. ─── 有吝啬的父亲必有败家的儿子。

20、She is an avaricious person and seldom helps others. ─── 她是个贪婪的人,很少帮助别人。

21、priests are all thus, greedy and avaricious. ─── 所有的神甫全一样,又贪又吝。

22、You are so avaricious that you look the pot when you're eating. ─── 你真贪心,吃着碗里的还看着锅里的。

23、The gentleman is also avaricious, much less pass student. ─── 君子还爱财呢,何况普通学生。

24、The man is very avaricious. ─── 他这个人非常贪心。

25、He is so avaricious that we call him a blood sucker. ─── 他如此贪婪, 我们都叫他吸血鬼。

26、“understood that I the person knew I am not the avaricious person. I will not want any compensatory payment,” he said. ─── “了解我的人知道我不是爱财的人。我不会要任何补偿金,”他说。

27、"understood that I the person knew I am not the avaricious person. I will not want any compensatory payment, " he said. ─── “了解我的人知道我不是爱财的人。我不会要任何补偿金,”他说。

28、Happy indeed we live, free from avarice amidst the avaricious. Amidst the avaricious men we dwell free from avarice. ─── 我们的确很安乐地活着。在众贪欲之中,我们无贪无欲;在众贪欲者之中,我们住于无贪无欲。

29、Lose this money after, avaricious not sufficient, go up empty-handed sea only place. ─── 后把此钱失去,贪心未足,只将空手海上去摆。

30、2.She is an avaricious person and seldom helps others. ─── 她是个贪婪的人,很少帮助别人。

31、Have I given any symptoms of an avaricious disposition? ─── 我出现过任何具有贪婪倾向的症状吗?

32、The gentleman is avaricious, takes it to be correct! Much less court? ! ─── 君子爱财,取之有道!何况法院乎?!

33、My will, my avaricious desires, or my wild fantasies, even if they were impossible to be carried out, would be carried out by my subjects with the greatest efforts they could ever make. ─── 我的意欲,我的贪念,乃至每一个幻想,都可竭尽全体臣民的力量去实现,即使是无法实现的。

34、demand greedily; be insatiably avaricious ─── 诛求无厌

35、Corrupt and avaricious officials ─── 污吏贪官

36、Why? are you avaricious also? ─── 为什么?难道你也财迷?

37、In 1994,he made his directorial debut with the environmentally conscious but critically panned On Deadly Ground,in which he single handedly attempts to save Alaska and the Eskimos from an avaricious oil tycoon. ─── 1994年,他首次导演了一部具有环境意识、却惨遭非议的影片《死亡地带》,其中他单枪匹马,企图从一位贪婪的石油大亨手里拯救阿拉斯加和爱斯基摩人。

38、An avaricious or otherwise unpleasant person. ─── 贪得无厌的人贪婪,否则便不愉快的人

39、meanly avaricious and mercenary. ─── 卑鄙的贪婪、唯利是图。

40、The ambitious and the avaricious will no doubt seek more ex- citing hunting grounds with hedge funds and private equity groups. ─── 雄心勃勃及贪婪的人士,无疑将到对冲基金和私人股本集团那里寻找更为刺激的狩猎场。

41、there was present the Marquis de Champtercier, a wealthy and avaricious old man, who contrived to be, at one and the same time, an ultra-royalist and an ultra-Voltairian. ─── 在座的有一个商特西侯爵,年老,有钱,吝啬,他有方法同时做极端保王党和极端伏尔泰派。

42、" China has an adage " avaricious and insufficient snake swallows an elephant " , can make probably " avaricious " footnote. ─── 良心,作为一种道德现象,是人 们在行为过程中的社会责任感和自 我约束能力。

43、6.Why? are you avaricious also? ─── 为什么?难道你也财迷?

44、Culturally, the bourgeoisie has been regarded, from Moliere to Balzac, as mean, avaricious, tasteless, reactionary and rapacious. ─── 在文化方面,从莫里哀到巴尔扎克都认为资产阶级是卑鄙,贪婪,庸俗,反动和好掠夺的。

45、What's worse, environmental pollution plus a gang of avaricious food manufacturers' unsafe products, greatly threaten people's health. ─── 另外环境污染以及少部分生产商唯利是图,造成的食品安全问题,也对人的健康构成了威胁。

46、When depicted as the avaricious images, they are usually protagonists in the stories, and their avarice and miserliness are described incisively and vividly. ─── 小说中同是塑造徽商“贪财吝啬的形象时,往往将徽商作为故事的主角,详细描述其吝啬之态,贪财之形;

47、If you are too avaricious,kernel is not available for you,for the very delicious food you can not eat. ─── 我只是有点孤独.我仅仅在回忆那些我始终珍藏的记忆.

48、He knew that this elder brotherin-law of his was at once suspicious and avaricious and that he could never be straightforward and commit himself to anything. ─── 他知道这位老姊夫的脾气是贪利而多疑,并且无论什么事情不能爽爽快快地就答应下来。

49、Midas is a legendary king of Phrygia who was insatiably avaricious. ─── 迈达斯是传说中弗律癸亚国的国王,他是一个贪得无厌的人。

50、Nose and eyes of a hawk-an avaricious look ─── 鹰鼻鹞眼

51、9 see joke: Northen Song Dynasty opens treasure year, divine spring county piece prefectural officer, the surface is clean-fingered, actually avaricious. ─── 9看笑话: 北宋开宝年间,神泉县张县官,表面廉洁,其实贪财。

52、of,relating to,or characteristic of a miser; avaricious,grasping,and penurious ─── 与守财奴有关的,具有守财奴特性的;贪婪的、吝啬的且一毛不拔的

53、Avaricious savers known as “rate tarts” shifted their money into such accounts with the help of comparison websites. ─── 因此,贪婪的以“利率至上”闻名的储户们会通过互联网的比较,将他们的储蓄转到此类高利率的账户上。

54、He suggested that people should hold a good psychology, not worry, to be magnanimous and strive to be quiet but not avaricious. ─── 事实上王栋是反对“恶欲”的。他要人们时刻保持良好的心态,少忧戚,多坦荡。努力做到“淡而不厌”。

55、7. An avaricious man is always needy. ─── 贪婪的人总是贫困的。

56、He sacrificed his own career so that his avaricious brother could succeed. ─── 他牺牲了自己的事业,其目的是让他贪婪的弟弟成功。

57、be insatiably avaricious ─── 贪得无厌

58、He is avaricious of power . ─── 他贪婪权势。

59、10.They are wicked, full of anger, sinful, false, and avaricious. ─── 他们邪恶,充满愤怒,有罪,欺诈和贪婪。

60、THEY were the Macbeths of information technology (IT): a wicked couple who seized power and abused it in bloody and avaricious ways. ─── 他们是信息产业中(IT)的麦克白夫妇:一对争夺权力的邪恶夫妇,滥用血腥而贪婪的竞争手段。

61、avaricious adj. ─── 贪财的;贪婪的

62、avaricious algorithm ─── 贪婪算法

63、Angry say: "Oppidan is really avaricious, want even have a bowel movement!Want even have a bowel movement!! ─── 生气地说道:“城里人真贪心,连大便都要!”

64、A greedy or avaricious person. ─── 财迷一个非常贪婪的人

65、With such avaricious and undisciplined men in power, in recent years, financial income and revenue of enterprises of bureaucrats and their pricellings increased more than 10 times farcically. ─── 经济的建设性严重不足,而且官僚权贵和大众二元割裂。经济失去控制的发展,中国超越美国成为世界第一污染排放国。

66、How much money can fill, a be insatiably avaricious man's desire! ─── 有多少钱能填满,一个贪得无厌的人的欲望啊!

67、I call on your own memory as witness: remember we have avaricious hearts. ─── 假使你想要保证和证明,你可以回忆一下我们贪婪的心。

68、He fights against evil sorcerers, punish avaricious men, teases officials but protects the poor and weaker people. ─── 张鸾是一个孤儿,曾因染病快要死了而被抛弃。

69、avaricious of wealth ─── 贪财

70、Avaricious bosses like Angelo Mozilo, who pocketed more than $550m during his inglorious reign at Countrywide, are exceptions. ─── 再是一些公司老板一面拿着高薪一面却对员工危言耸听。

71、Ancient cloud: The gentleman is avaricious, takes it to be correct. ─── 古人云:君子爱财,取之有道。

72、Culturally, the bourgeoisie has been regarded, from Moliere to Balzac, as mean, avaricious, tasteless, reactionary and rapacious ─── 在文化方面,从莫里哀到巴尔扎克都认为资产阶级是卑鄙,贪婪,庸俗,反动和好掠夺的。

73、Tis the counsel of an avaricious man to beggars. ─── 那种说法是吝啬鬼对穷鬼的劝告。

74、I feel I am not avaricious and I hope I am not spoony.But I am easy to angry. ─── 我自问没有贪,但愿也没有痴,唯有嗔是我的最大劣根。

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