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08-20 投稿


embolden 发音

英:[?m?bo?ld?n]  美:[?m?b??ld?n]

英:  美:

embolden 中文意思翻译



embolden 网络释义

vt. 使有胆量,使大胆

embolden 短语词组

1、embolden definition ─── 大胆定义

2、embolden defined ─── 壮胆

3、embolden 1 ─── 胆子1

4、embolden app ─── 壮胆app

5、embolden 2 ─── 胆子2

6、embolden sb to do sth ─── 鼓励(某人)去做(某事)

7、embolden media ─── 鼓励媒体

embolden 词性/词形变化,embolden变形


embolden 相似词语短语

1、embolies ─── n.[胚]内陷

2、to embolden ─── 鼓起勇气

3、emboldener ─── 壮胆剂

4、emboldeners ─── 壮胆剂

5、emboldening ─── 加深;加强;使大胆(embolden的ing形式)

6、imbolden ─── v.使…壮胆;鼓励(等于embolden)

7、emborder ─── vt.镶边;加边

8、emboldened ─── v.(使)有胆量,更勇敢;鼓励;(使)有信心;将文本变成粗体

9、emboldens ─── v.(使)有胆量,更勇敢;鼓励;(使)有信心;将文本变成粗体

embolden 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He rejects a timetable for a troop withdrawal because he says that would embolden the enemy and make America appear weak. ─── 他拒绝了撤军时间表,因为他表示这将使敌人气焰嚣张,而使美国显得软弱。

2、Whether the calamities signaled the end of a government or helped embolden their usurpers is open to interpretation. ─── 但事实上,这些灾难,究竟是真的预示天意还是只是让起义者师出有名,仍然不得而知。

3、President Bush says opposition demands to pull U.S. Troops out of Iraqby October would embolden the enemy. ─── 布什总统称让美军在十月前撤离伊拉克的反动要求会助长敌人的气焰。

4、However, they acknowledged that such a forum could embolden supporters of political reform within the Communist party. ─── 不过,它们承认,有这样一个论坛,可能鼓励共产党内支持政治改革的人士。

5、That might embolden American efforts to shelter its extravagantly subsidised sugar industry. ─── 那样可能加大美国对其资助过分的制糖工业的努力庇护。

6、In fact, knowing that you'll never do everything right may embolden you to try things just for the heck of it. ─── 事实上,知道自己不可能把件件事情都做成功能为你壮胆去只为了好玩而尝试事物。

7、Boehner referred to Democrats as Defeatocrats, going on to accuse the minority of helping embolden terrorists. ─── 提到民主党是失败党,进一步指责他们帮助恐怖分子鼓起勇气。

8、More political instability would likely embolden Islamic militants to try to expand. ─── 政坛的进一步动荡可能会加剧伊斯兰武装分子扩张的野心。

9、"If one state recognizes gold as a valid currency, I think it would embolden people not just in other states but in Washington, " he said. ─── “如果一个国家承认为有效的货币黄金,我想会助长人们不仅在其他国家,但在华盛顿,”他说。

10、President Bush says opposition demands to pull U. S. troops out of Iraq by October would embolden the enemy. ─── 布什总统说反对者在十月份之前美军从伊拉克撤军的要求将会助长敌人的气焰。

11、But at those schools that were having second thoughts about the test, Atkinson's stance will embolden anti- SAT forces. ─── 但在那些已经对SAT 三思的学校中,艾特金森的表态将使反SAT 的力量增强了信心。

12、If we fail to pass this agreement, we will embolden the purveyors of false populism in our hemisphere. ─── 如果我们不能批准这项协定,我们就将使本半球兜售虚假民粹主义的人更加肆无忌惮。

13、There is a local profit,Would embolden the capital is up. ─── 恩格斯说:商业的本质是逐利的,一旦有适当的利润,资本就胆大起来。

14、President Bush says opposition demands to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq by October would embolden the enemy. ─── 布什总统说反对者在十月份之前美军从伊拉克撤军的要求将会助长敌人的气焰。

15、And, above all, the rising level of fatalities may tilt sentiment, and embolden politicians, against the war. ─── 最重要的是,死亡水平的上升可能使态度改变,使政治家有胆量反对战争。

16、And they will embolden the Taliban into thinking that, after eight years of flea-bites, the American dog is about to roll over. ─── 同时上述这些不良后果会使塔利班变得更加大胆,以至于他们会认为,经过8年的跳蚤般啃咬,美国这只大狗即将要倒下了。

17、But it is clear that the settlements will embolden America's Armada of class-action lawyers to redouble their efforts. ─── 不过显而易见的是这样的赔偿方案将会鼓励美国的集体诉讼律师队伍倍加努力。

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