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08-20 投稿


excavating 发音

英:[?eksk?ve?t??]  美:[?eksk?ve?t??]

英:  美:

excavating 中文意思翻译



excavating 反义词

bury |inter

excavating 词性/词形变化,excavating变形

动词第三人称单数: excavates |动词现在分词: excavating |动词过去分词: excavated |动词过去式: excavated |

excavating 同义词

up | gouge | hollow | exhume | scoop out | pull | turn up | dredge | hollow out | shovel | scoop | quarry | mine | deepen | ditch | unearth | pull up | burrow | grub |dig | dig up | dig out

excavating 短语词组

1、excavating cortland ny ─── 挖掘cortland ny

2、excavating chute ─── 开挖溜槽

3、excavating pump ─── 排出泵

4、excavating fossils ─── 挖掘化石

5、excavating insurance ─── 挖掘保险

6、excavating plow ─── 挖掘犁

7、excavating shaft ─── 挖掘竖井

8、excavating equipment ─── 挖掘设备;掘进设备

9、excavating meaning ─── 挖掘意义

10、excavating plant ─── 露天采场

11、excavating loader ─── 挖掘装载机

12、excavating work ─── 挖掘工程

13、excavating bur ─── [医] 挖钻

14、excavating engineering ─── 开挖工程

15、excavating ithaca ny ─── 挖掘食物或食物

16、excavating machine ─── 挖掘机;电铲

17、excavating the gold mines ─── 挖掘金矿

18、excavating wheel ─── 挖掘轮

19、excavating objects ─── 挖掘对象

excavating 常用词组

excavating machine ─── 挖掘机;电铲

excavating 相似词语短语

1、excavations ─── n.挖掘,发掘

2、elevating ─── adj.发人深省的,有启发的;v.举起,抬起;提拔;(牧师)高举(圣饼或者圣餐杯);增加……的含量;抬高(地位);加大(炮)的仰角;(使)精神振奋(elevate的现在分词)

3、excarnating ─── vi.剥除肉质;免去肉体

4、cavatine ─── n.短曲;短抒情调(cavatina的变形)

5、cavatina ─── n.短曲;短抒情调

6、excoriating ─── vt.严厉的责难;擦破……的皮肤

7、excavational ─── 挖掘

8、excavation ─── n.挖掘,发掘

9、exculpating ─── vt.开脱;使无罪

excavating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Finite element analysis of structural static strength under the highest excavating load is carried out and the dangerous structural strength positions on the boom are obtained. ─── 在结构静强度分析的基础上,对液压挖掘机动臂上关键部位板件的厚度进行了基于静强度响应的灵敏度分析。

2、It"s especially important to enhance drainage so that to keep the construction of the station under anhydrous state when excavating in Beijing"s silty clay environment. ─── 在北京粉质粘性土层中施工暗挖车站,加强降水,保证车站在无水情况下施工尤为重要。

3、Construction Control of Artificially Excavating Holed Piles ─── 人工挖孔桩的施工控制探讨

4、The results show that the wall horizontal displacement increases with the increasing of the excavating depth and d... ─── 冻土帷幕水平变形的主要影响因素是基坑半径和开挖深度.

5、A trademark used for an excavatIng machIne with a large scoop In front for movIng and liftIng earth, rocks, and rubble. ─── 挖掘机商标名一种挖掘机的商标名字,前面有一大斗用来移动和搬起土块、岩石和碎石

6、The technical measures and structure,applied principles of blastproof of ventilation shaft at excavating face,specific operational method and prospective effect are described. ─── 介绍了掘进工作面防炮崩风筒的主要技术措施及技术结构、应用原理、采用这项技术的具体操作方法及达到的预期效果。

7、Whilst excavating the hole to tap the gas, thedrilling rig collapsed leaving a massive hole.To prevent poisonous gasses from escaping, the hole was allowed to burn. ─── 为了防止有毒气体溢出,土库曼斯坦政府允许对坑洞中的天然气进行燃烧,这个坑洞从白天到晚上一直处于熊熊烈火燃烧状态。

8、EPB Excavating Technology in Watered Sandy Stratum ─── 富水砂层中土压平衡盾构施工的技术措施

9、They are excavating a tunnel. ─── 他们正在挖掘隧道。

10、The sediment supplement decrease,artifical excavating sand gravel aggregate and the scouring near dam area had caused the water level declines at Yichang station during dry season. ─── 宜昌枯水位的降低主要是由于泥沙补给减少、人工采挖沙石骨料以及近坝段河床明显冲刷造成的。

11、In the teaching of primary school Chinese reading the teacher holds the blanks in the teaching material and through artistic excavating,lets the students explore,discover and supplement. ─── 小学语文阅读教学中教师抓住教材的"空白",再通过富有艺术的发掘,让学生去探索、发现、补充,能创造性地建构文本的意义,使教学充满魅力。

12、This paper makes a general introdution to the artificial excavating pile ,expounds its ten features and four points for attention while making choice. ─── 对人工挖孔桩作了概述;阐述了人工挖孔桩的十个特点和选择时四个注意事项;

13、excavating & bricklaying under frozen condition ─── 冻结掘砌

14、As a foundation pit excavating support technology which is easy and celerity toimplement, safe and less cost, soil nailing is getting more and more application todeep excavation construction. ─── 土钉支护作为一种经济可靠,快速简便的挡土技术,已在深基坑开挖施工得到愈来愈多的应用。

15、It has important guidance effect and actual meanings in determining the strip mining method for excavating deep coals under buildings. ─── 对确定建筑物下深部压煤是否采用条带法开采,具有重要的指导作用和实际意义。

16、Excavating Traditional Chinese Painting's Color Latent Energy ─── 中国画:挖掘自身的色彩潜质

17、Bilateral high cutting and unilateralism high cutting cannot be dug, excavating gradually. ─── 双边坡路堑和不能横向开挖的单边坡路堑,采取分梯段纵向开挖。

18、Flinders Petrie spent from 1880 - 1883 studying and excavating the Great Pyramid of Giza. ─── 从1880年到1883年,弗兰德斯.皮特里致力于研究和发掘吉萨大金字塔。

19、C. Brand Resources Reorganization DELVE : We excavate the product value, more persists in excavating the brand value, and maximizes the value of resources reorganization. ─── 叁.品牌资源整合delve:发掘产品价值,更坚持发掘品牌价值,将资源整合价值最大化。

20、Chinese media said cranes were excavating the sites as children cried for help from beneath the detritus and as ambulances waited together with frantic parents. ─── 中国媒体说起重机正在该地点挖掘,儿童们在瓦砾下哭喊救命,救护车和发狂的父母们在一旁等待。

21、Not starting excavations is the same as having nothing. Only by excavating will we find value capable of contributing to society. ─── 不一样的是开始挖掘无聊。只有挖掘才能找到能够促成商品社会。

22、On another one, many men was excavating the canalage under the kurbash. ─── 另一个大陆上,很多人在皮鞭驱使下开挖运河。

23、Analysis of the market prospect of excavating loader inland ─── 国内挖掘装载机市场前景浅析

24、By dint of excavating graves for other people, one hollows out one's own. ─── 人在不断替别人挖掘坟坑时,也逐渐掘开了自己的坟坑。

25、Explained the problem of applied wind and water management in mine excavating process, proposed some improving measures put forward and remarkable economic benefits obtained. ─── 分析了某铜矿采掘工序在用风用水管理上存在的问题,提出了相应的整改措施,通过分步实施,取得了明显的效益。

26、Essential construction jobs such as excavating, stone-work carpentry, masonry, plastering, plumbing, and roofing could be investigated in detail for their traditional elements. ─── 对主要的建造工作如挖土、凿石、砖工、泥工、管道和上梁等进行详细的考查,以了解其中所蕴含的传统要素。

27、We are excavating near the lecture hall to see what types of artifacts we find—things people used in the past that got buried when the campus was constructed. ─── 我们在演讲大厅附近挖掘,看看能发现什么类型的手工艺品——就是人们之前用过的,在建造校园时被埋掉的东西。

28、All in all, only by fully excavating and allocating present political resource scientifically and rationally, the sustainable development of the political community can be achieved better. ─── 只有充分挖掘并优化配置现有政治资源,才能更好地实现政治共同体的可持续发展。

29、The white sandstones we were excavating had formed from the sand carried by the rivers that poured into lowlands as Madagascar unhinged from Africa. ─── 在这些史前河谷中,喙龙与横齿龙也许一齐觅食,就像今日非洲草原上的斑马与牛羚一样。

30、Excavating the place characteristic, making culture brand is one of main mentalities which a television station develops at present. ─── 发掘地方特色,打造文化品牌是目前电视台发展的主要思路之一。

31、Archaeologists, who have only just begun excavating the site, say they do not yet know who the bones might belong to. ─── 刚刚开始发掘这个遗址的考古学家说,他们还不知道这些尸骨可能属于谁。

32、Simulation based on excavation of Shanghai M8 runnel Huaihai Road station used finite difference method to calculate and analyze the space and time effect of part divided excavating. ─── (2)考虑轨道正上方土体分段开挖的时空综合效应,对土体的开挖应该在保证空间效应变化不大的情况下尽量缩短开挖及坑底暴露时间,有利于减少基坑变形及基坑下方隧道的纵向变形。

33、strategy of excavating affection ─── 发掘情感策略

34、robot of excavating tree stump ─── 伐根清理机器人

35、They are excavating a tunnel through the hill. ─── 他们在挖一条穿山隧道。

36、After the initial period of excavating material, when circulation is inconvenient and progress not easy, rubbings are indeed the easily disseminated reproduction of the relics' images. ─── 在早期出土材料流通不便、取得不易的情况下,拓片乃是方便传播的文物影像复制品。

37、The comments show the connotations of the emotion and the philosophy of Li Yu's poetry, excavating their deep and broad lyrical realm, the artistic charm, the root, and the origin. ─── 他紧紧把握住李煜词情感底蕴与哲理内涵,挖掘其深广的抒情境界、术魅力、源、因。

38、In excavating the foundation pit of Shanghai Science and Technology Building,the unloading plan for original water conduit of Shanghai water providing system was adopted. ─── 在上海科技城基坑开挖中,对上海市供水原水管渠采用卸载方案保护。

39、In 1977 a group of marine archaeologists excavating a 900-year-old wreck recovered engraved glassware. ─── 人们曾在海底发现过保存异常完好的古船。

40、excavating in different seam ─── 分层开采

41、A good instructor should be an expert on excavating students' latent and training them in many ways. ─── 一位优秀的教师应该善于挖掘学生的潜能,并从多方面培养他们。

42、Baziling Forked Tunnel Excavating Method ─── 八字岭分岔隧道开挖方法

43、The effect on the tunnel due to excavating the upper pit are analyzed and some measures are given to reduce the displacement. ─── 从施工工艺的角度分析了开挖卸载对下卧隧道的影响,提出了减小隧道位移的施工措施。

44、half excavating construction ─── 半幅开挖施工

45、Stewing x-raying mainly used for chair block and excavating marching. Construction machine, port reaching ate. ─── 回转支承轴承,应用于起重机械、采掘机械、建筑机械、港口机械等。

46、The depth of coal mining in Yanshitai mine is over 600 m,dynamics phenomena have been occurred of ter during mining ahd excavating. ─── 南桐矿务局砚石台煤矿采深已达600多米,该矿在采掘过程中,多次发生强度不一的矿山动力现象。

47、File photo dated 31/3/2008 of Professor Tim Darvill (right) and Professor Geoff Wain-wright of the Society of Antiquaries begin excavating the stone circle of Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England. ─── 9月22日,英国两位考古学家称,英国史前巨石阵曾是一个具有治疗作用的康复中心,吸引着史前欧洲的病人,最早的石头源自公元前2300年。

48、When excavating with parallel association rules, the two data distribution characters, data skewness and workload balance,will affect the validity of pruning. ─── 在进行并行关联规则挖掘时,数据偏斜和工作量平衡这两个数据分布特征影响着剪枝的有效性。

49、The construction of society of faith depends on fully excavating and absorbing in the thought resource of the honesty and sincerity in Chinese traditional ethical doctrines. ─── 信赖社会的构建有赖于充分挖掘和吸收中国传统伦理道德学说中的诚信思想资源。

50、The paper places its emphasis on the expatiation of the matching principle and calculation method for the drilling equipment,excavating and loading equipment and transportation equipment. ─── 主要论述了钻孔设备、挖装机械、运输设备的配套原则和计算方法,并结合现行公路和市政预算定额,对配套方案的生产能力进行了对比分析。

51、excavating the intersection part ─── 双洞交叉开挖

52、"Not starting excavations is the same as having nothing.Only by excavating will we find value capable of contributing to society. ─── ""不一样的是开始挖掘无聊.只有挖掘才能找到能够促成商品社会.

53、A minor setback at the mine. A drill golem ruined one of the excavating machines. ─── 一个矿工从矿场回报。一个钻头巨人毁坏了一个臺挖掘机。

54、excavating by double-side-wall drift ─── 双侧壁导坑

55、The sales increasing speed for Chinese excavating equipment in international market is faster than the requirement increasing speed in international market. ─── 中国挖掘机在国际市场上的销量增长速度将快于国际市场需求的增长速度。

56、In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for mine. ─── 在那山谷里,在那山洞中,挖掘着矿井,

57、the works should have solemn thinking and deep excavating; ─── 作品中应有严肃冷静的思想探索和深度挖掘;

58、In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for a mine, lived a miner, forty-niner, and his daughter Clementine. ─── 在那峡谷的一个山洞里,住着一位挖掘着矿井的淘金人,和他女儿,克莱门泰。

59、Dr Kuijt and Dr Finlayson have been excavating a site called Dhra, in Jordan, near the Dead Sea. ─── Kuijt博士和Finlayson博士正在约旦的Dhra地区进行挖掘,这个地区临近死海。

60、In combination loading-unloading method and the stress release with excavating soil method,the inclination of an office building was corrected. ─── 卸堆载法和掏土应力解除法相结合对武汉市某办公楼进行纠偏,随之用锚杆静压桩对原基础进行加固以满足建筑物加层的需要。

61、Archaeologists in Egypt are next week to begin excavating three sites which they believe could conceal the tombs of the doomed lovers, Cleopatra and Mark Antony, who committed suicide in 30 BC. ─── 下周,埃及考古学者将开始对三处遗址进行挖掘,他们认为这是克莱奥帕特拉和马克.安东尼的墓穴所在地。这对情侣在公元前30年殉情而死。

62、On the Internet "The Event Steamed Bun" initiates a succession of "gambling" from the beginning of the year,has the theory value in the legal science domain which is worth thoroughly excavating. ─── 从年初至今互联网上的“馒头”事件引发出的一连串“博弈”效应,在法学领域具有值得深入发掘的理论价值。

63、Did you know how important what you were excavating really was? Not until we got those dates. But, yeah. Amazing, stunning. ─── 你知道这里的挖掘到底有多重要吗?直到我们追溯到时间才知道,是的,太不可思议了。

64、One of their largest settlements was at Palaikastro on the eastern edge of the island, one of the sites where Canadian archaeologist Sandy MacGillivray has been excavating for 25 years. ─── 他们其中一座最大的聚落就建在岛上东边的Palaikastro,加拿大的考古学家SandyMacGillivray在其中一个遗址从事挖掘工作已经有25年了。

65、It might be the childhood photo of me and my sister above, but I won't know for sure until I start excavating. ─── 或许是我和妹妹童年时的照片,但是只有等到开始清理的时候我才能确认究竟是不是。

66、He then proceeded to teach himself geology, and when he was twenty-four, he went to work for the company that was excavating the Somerset Coal Canal in the south of England. ─── 后来,他又自学了地质学;24岁的时候,他开始为那家挖掘英格兰南部的萨默塞特煤炭运河的公司工作。

67、Web applied model excavating ─── Web使用模式挖掘

68、We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter. ─── 我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰,几乎有六米厚,这说明他们可能整个冬季都在烧火。

69、human excavating cast-in-place pile ─── 人工挖孔灌注桩

70、filling and excavating balance ─── 填挖平衡

71、PENG Ding-chao, YUAN Yong,ZHANG Yong-wu.Spatial analysis on the influence of excavating means on midwall of double-arch tunnel[J].Modem Technique of Tunnel, 2002, (1) :47-53. ─── [3]彭定超,袁勇,章勇武.开挖施工方式对连拱隧道中墙影响的空间分析[J]现代隧道技术,2002,(1):47-53.

72、Excavating is to confirm the result of detection to buried pipeline coating, and to evaluate the tools of each kind of indirect detection. ─── 埋地管道开挖是为了验证外防腐层检测结果的准确性,是对各种间接检测工具的最好评价。

73、In excavating these objects, they sometimes also unearth lethal viruses, and its impossible to predict such things. ─── 因为挖那些东西出来,有时候也会把致命的病毒一起挖出来,这种情况没办法事先预料。

74、On a green hilltop in Wales -- despite huge opposition from local people -- diggers have begun excavating what will be the largest opencast coal mine in Britain. ─── 在威尔士一座青翠的山顶上,尽管当地居民强烈反对,挖掘机还是开始对英国最大的露天煤矿进行开采。

75、A Frame Based on the Web Applied Model Excavating Tool ─── 一种基于Web使用模式挖掘工具的架构

76、Whilst excavating the hole to tap the gas, thedrilling rig collapsed leaving a massive hole. ─── 同时挖掘一个洞口去开发天然气,钻机崩塌并留下一个大洞。

77、both-side head excavating method ─── 双侧壁导坑法

78、From the Qing dynasty to now, with the increase of population, overgrazing, cultivating and excavating became more and more seri-ous, so environment has deteriorated further. ─── 从清代开始我国人口开始膨胀,从外地迁往该地的人口较多,新中国成立以来,人口迅速增长,繁重的人口承载加重了该地区的垦殖、过牧和樵采,进而促进了该区的沙化。

79、Excavating is to confirm the result of detection to buried pipeline coating,and to evaluate the tools of each kind of indirect detection. ─── 埋地管道开挖是为了验证外防腐层检测结果的准确性,是对各种间接检测工具的最好评价。

80、Making and Excavating Oral Tradition ─── 口述历史的制作与口述传统的发掘

81、His half-sister, Maya, called his memoirs "part of the process of excavating his father. ─── "奥巴马同母异父的妹妹玛雅称他的回忆录是他挖掘生父的部分成果。

82、protecting wall while excavating ─── 半开挖半护壁施工

83、caterpillar excavating machine ─── 履带挖掘机

84、Only paltry sums are available for excavating and even less is available for publishing the results and preserving the sites once excavated. ─── 只有很少的钱可以支持挖掘工作,而可以用来公布结果和保存曾经被挖掘的遗址的钱就更少了。

85、An Excavating Technique for Digging Shrimp and Prawn Pool ─── 一项虾池挖掘技术

86、The region has thus long intrigued archaeologists, who have been excavating the crumbling ruins of a medieval citadel there since the 1930s. ─── 因此,考古学家很早就对这个地区发生兴趣,自1930年代以来,一直在挖掘一座中世纪堡垒的废墟。

87、Optimizing the Party's ruling environment is the foundation of excavating the Party's potential and enhancing the Party's ruling ability. ─── 优化党的执政环境,是挖掘政党潜力,增强党的执政能力的基石。


89、With the increase of the depth of excavating, the great thick gravelstone layer aquifer of Tertiary system threatens the fourth coal seam of Shanxi group more and more. ─── 华丰井田第三系巨厚砾岩含水层对山西组4煤安全开采的威胁程度随开采深度的增加而日益严重。

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