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08-20 投稿


bricky 中文意思翻译



bricky 短语词组

1、bricky water filter ─── 砖砌滤水器

2、bricky 40k ─── 砖砌40k

3、bricky girl tea room ─── 砖砌女茶室

4、bricky boi ─── 砖头

5、bricky jig ─── 砖块夹具

6、bricky brick ─── 砖块, ─── 砖块

bricky 词性/词形变化,bricky变形

名词复数形式:brickies 第三人称单数:brickies

bricky 相似词语短语

1、bricken ─── adj.砖砌的

2、bricked ─── n.砖,砖块;砖形物;心肠好的人;vt.用砖砌;adj.用砖做的;似砖的;n.(Brick)人名;(英、法、瑞典)布里克

3、pricky ─── adj.多刺的

4、brick ─── n.砖,砖块;砖形物;心肠好的人;vt.用砖砌;adj.用砖做的;似砖的;n.(Brick)人名;(英、法、瑞典)布里克

5、tricky ─── adj.狡猾的;机警的;棘手的

6、brickie ─── n.砖瓦匠

7、bricks ─── n.砖块(brick的复数);v.用砖砌(brick的第三人称单数)

8、briskly ─── adv.迅速地;活泼地;尖刻地

9、brickle ─── adj.硬脆易碎的;脆弱的;(声音)刺耳的;(人或行为)外强中干的;冷淡的

bricky 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They fronted the building with red brick . ─── 他们用红砖做这个建筑的正面。

2、Fly ash of our country agglomeration bricky production only then 1964, come for years all with will.. ─── 我国烧结粉煤灰砖的生产始于1964年,多年来均以将...

3、I put up a brick,because that guy was blocking me. ─── 我投了一个重击篮框的球,因为那个家伙要想盖我帽。

4、You never listen to me---I might as well talk to a brick wall. ─── 你从来不听我的话--我还不如对着砖墙说话呢。

5、It's rightopposite the red brick house. ─── 就在红砖房的正对面。

6、As I was waiting for a bus a brick fell on my head. ─── 当我在等公共汽车时,一块砖头落到了我的头上。

7、He found a brick and propped the gate open with it. ─── 他见到一块砖头,然后用它把大门撑开。

8、She went to sleep with her head resting on a brick. ─── 她枕着一块砖头睡着了。

9、We want to brick up this entrance way. ─── 我们想用砖将那入口堵住。

10、She is such a brick! She helped me so many times. ─── 她真是个好心人,帮过我很多忙。

11、He banged the chair against the brick wall . ─── 他用椅子猛劲儿地撞砖墙。

12、Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! ─── 取而代之的,是一块砖头砸到了他的“美洲豹”侧门。

13、You're knocking your head against a brick wall. ─── 你在做徒劳无益的事。

14、It could guarantee the quality of each brick. ─── 但是呢可以保证每一块砖的质量。

15、He hurled a brick through the window. ─── 他用力把砖头扔进窗口。

16、A brick hit him in the head and he was out cold for half an hour. ─── 一块砖砸到了他的头,他昏迷了半小时。

17、A gray brick tunnel, dimly lighted, led to the elevator shaft. ─── 一条点着昏暗灯光的灰色砖砌通道通往电梯的并道。

18、It was built of red brick and had fine art-deco decoration. ─── 主要材料是红砖,并配以精美的艺术装修。

19、It was very handsomely built of red brick with a lead roof. ─── 它是用红砖建成的,非常漂亮,屋顶铺着铅板。

20、Keep on go till you come to a red brick building. ─── 一直往前走直到一座红砖楼为止。

21、Do you see the red brick building over there? ─── 你看到那边那一栋红砖建筑吗?

22、I turned and saw a brick rolling away. ─── 我回头一看,只见一块砖头滚开了。

23、They fronted the building with red brick. ─── 他们用红砖装饰建筑物的正面。

24、The outside walls are brick. ─── 外墙是砖砌的。

25、One can't see through a brick wall. ─── 不可能的事情就是不可能。

26、It is filled with earth and faced with brick and stone. ─── 它里面填着土,外面用砖和石头彻起来。

27、Daniel, look at the brick carvings over there. ─── 大牛,你看那边墙上的砖雕。

28、The family of four slept on one big brick bed. ─── 全家四口人睡在一铺炕上。

29、If have scratch, indicate the difference that apply glair, after exterior glair burnishs, once bricky face is flyblown will clean very hard clean. ─── 如有刮痕,表明施釉差,表面的釉磨光后,砖面一旦弄脏将很难清洗干净。

30、He came within an inch of being struck by the falling brick. ─── 他差一点被掉下来的砖头打中。

31、An old large brick dining hall. ─── 一个旧的红砖砌的大餐厅。

32、They prop up the gate open with a brick. ─── 他们用砖挡住门,防止门被关上。

33、You've behaved like a brick. ─── 你的行为表现得象个好心的人。

34、Use your creativity to help Bricky collect all the batteries. ─── 使用你的创造力,帮助砖收集所有的电池。

35、They' ve decided to make the house of brick. ─── 他们决定盖砖房。

36、Shandong University is a red brick. ─── 山东大学是一所名牌大学。

37、Cement pointing is harder than soft brick or stone. ─── 在混凝土上勾缝比在软性砖或石头上更难。

38、She has worked like a brick. ─── 她一直拼命地工作。

39、In rob, hit them with the brick, be revenged. ─── 在抢劫中,用砖打了他们,算是报仇了。

40、His body is as hard as brick. ─── 他的身体很结实。

41、Hit a brick all the games, 360-degree maneuver! ─── 一个全方位的撞砖游戏,360度大回旋!

42、The children have just heaved a brick through my window. ─── 孩子们刚刚把一块砖头扔进我的窗口。

43、I think our friend over there is with a brick in this hat. ─── 我想那边那位朋友喝醉了。

44、Tami is built like a brick house. ─── 塔米的胸部很丰满。

45、If you run your head against a brick wall, of course it will hurt! ─── 如果你用头去撞砖墙,当然会觉得痛。

46、Bait a piece of jade with a brick. ─── 拋砖引玉。

47、He was hurt by a falling brick. ─── 他被一块掉下来的砖头打伤了。

48、The ancient cloister was a structure of red brick picked out with white stone. ─── 古老的修道院是一座白石衬托着的红砖建筑物。

49、He is like a cat on hot brick before his driving test. ─── 他面临驾驶考试,紧张得像热锅上的蚂蚁。

50、It's right opposite the red brick house. ─── 就在红砖房的正对面

51、Her husband is a brick layer. ─── 她丈夫是个砌砖匠。

52、An old ivy vine climbed halfway up the brick wall. ─── 一棵常春藤爬到砖墙的一半。

53、He could see through a brick wall as well as most men. ─── 他目光锐利,不比任何人差。

54、He hurled the brick through the window. ─── 他用力把砖头从窗户投进去。

55、You've been a perfect brick to me. ─── 你待我太好了。

56、His new house was built by himself, brick by brick. ─── 他的新房子是他自己一块砖一块砖砌起来的。

57、He chipped away the old brick and replaced it with a new one. ─── 他把旧砖一点一点地凿掉,再换上块新砖。

58、The bricky surface much manifestation of brick restoring ancient ways skins texture to contain the effect or inferior smooth simple sense. ─── 复古砖的砖面多表现为带有肌理效果或亚光的质感。

59、Main Street with its two-story brick shops. ─── 大街的两旁立着一些两层楼高的砖砌的商店。

60、The fireplace is usually made of brick or stone. ─── 壁炉通常是用砖或石头做成。

61、Keep on going till you come to a red brick building. ─── 一直往前走直到一座红砖楼为止

62、Bang one's head against a brick wall? ─── 以头撞墙,徒劳无获?

63、Light can't penetrate a brick wall. ─── 光无法穿过砖墙。

64、Fire gutted the building and left only the brick wall standing. ─── 大火烧毁了建筑物的内部,只留下断壁残墙。

65、Discover the bricky carve grave at Xing in relief Du Changcun, meantime generation belongs to Jin Daizao metaphase. ─── 发现于荥阳杜常村的砖雕墓,其时代属金代早中期。

66、He built his own house, brick by brick. ─── 他一块砖块接著一块砖块建造自己的房子。

67、I think our friend over there has a brick in his hat. ─── 我想我们的那位朋友有点醉了。

68、The students ran into a brick wall when they ask the principal to put off the examination. ─── 学生们要求校长延期考试,却遇到困难—校长不改变他的决定。

69、It is like banging your head against a brick wall to try to make him change his mind. ─── 想让他改变主意,好像就是以头撞墙,枉费心机。

70、He said the program has to be rebuilt, one brick at a time. ─── 他说篮球运动必须重建,一步一个脚印地重建。

71、He is nothing but a gold brick. ─── 他不过是个敷衍塞责的懒人罢了。

72、Her feet firmly planted on the tepid rough brick of the floor. ─── 她一双脚稳固地立在微温而粗糙的砖地上。

73、North American brick or rusty red bat with hairs tipped with white. ─── 北美洲砖红或铁锈红色的蝙蝠,毛发的尖部为白色。

74、We tied this letter to a brick and threw it over the railing. ─── 我们把信系在砖上,然后抛过栏杆去。

75、Did you see how heavy that brick was? ─── 你看到那个重击篮框的球投得有多用力吗?

76、More water towers, more brick houses. ─── 又是一些水塔,又是一些砖屋。

77、He bought a brick of cheese and a bottle of wine. ─── 他买了一块乳酪和一瓶葡萄酒。

78、A structure built with this type of brick. ─── 土砖建筑物由风干土坯烧制的砖建成的建筑物

79、He went to sleep with his head resting on a brick. ─── 他枕着一块砖头睡着了。

80、A piece of brick caught him above his right eye. ─── 一块砖头打中了他的右眼上方。

81、The brick walls are not there to keep us out. ─── 但请记住,砖墙在那里是有原因的。

82、Wait to lesser room, wall act the role ofing and adornment of bricky stone ground. ─── 对于较小的房间、墙饰与砖石地面装饰等。

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