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08-20 投稿


peculiar 发音

英:[p??kju?li?r]  美:[p??kju?li?(r)]

英:  美:

peculiar 中文意思翻译




peculiar 反义词


peculiar 词性/词形变化,peculiar变形

复数--peculiars;比较级--more peculiar;最高级--most peculiar。

peculiar 常用词组

peculiar institution ─── n. 旧时美国南部的黑奴制度

peculiar 短语词组

peculiar to

1. 是……特有的

Language is peculiar to mankind.


1、peculiar people ─── 上帝的特选子民

2、Peculiar star ─── 特殊恒星

3、the peculiar institution ─── 特殊制度,黑奴制度

4、peculiar property ─── [法] 特有财产

5、peculiar velocity ─── 本动速度

6、peculiar prescription ─── 偏方

7、peculiar notion ─── 奇特的概念

8、be peculiar to sb ─── 为某人所特有

9、Cock's peculiar tumor ─── [医] 柯克工特殊性瘤(头部皮脂腺囊肿破裂后形成的肉芽肿样组织)

10、Peculiar Facility Change ─── 设备更换

11、peculiar institution n. ─── 旧时美国南部的黑奴制度

12、Peculiar Support Equipment ─── 特种支撑设备

13、be peculiar to ─── 是...所特有的

14、most peculiar peculiar( ─── 奇怪的,古怪的)的最高级形式

15、peculiar to ─── 特有的; ─── 特有的,独具的;为…所 ─── 特有; ─── 特有

16、Launch Vehicle Mission PeculiarPeculiar ─── 号运载火箭

17、more peculiar peculiar( ─── 奇怪的,古怪的)的比较级形式

18、Peculiar Ground Support Equipment ─── 地下支撑设备

peculiar 同义词

local | crazy | representative | atypical | quaint | particular | mental | queer | irregular | unusual | rum | differential | specific | uncharacteristic | rummy | idiosyncratic | rare | unique | weird | outlandish | typical | eccentric | bizarre | distinctive | characteristic | funny | exceptional | curious | discriminative | especial | singular | inimitable | extraordinary | aberrant | special | odd |strange | unearthly | off | abnormal | individual

peculiar 相似词语短语

1、peculiarity ─── n.特性;特质;怪癖;奇特

2、pecuniary ─── adj.金钱的;应罚款的

3、peculium ─── n.私产

4、secular ─── adj.世俗的;非宗教的;在俗的;约百年一次的;长期的;现世的;不朽的;n.修道院外的教士,(对宗教家而言的)俗人

5、peculiarly ─── adv.特别;尤其;古怪地;奇怪地

6、peculiars ─── adj.特殊的;独特的;奇怪的;罕见的;n.特权;特有财产

7、peculiarise ─── 特有的

8、peculiarize ─── vt.使变得特别;使与众不同;使变得怪异

9、specular ─── adj.镜子的;会反射的;镜子一般的

peculiar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Any outlaw peculiar is forbit. ─── 不允许任何人有超越法律的特权。

2、I had a peculiar feeling we'd met before. ─── 我有一种奇怪的感觉,觉得我们以前见过面。

3、Well. Hasn't the weather been awfully peculiar this year? ─── 嘿。今年天气不是太特殊了吗?

4、Present-day man is in a peculiar and probably temporary stage. ─── 今天的人类正处于一个特殊而或许又短暂的阶段。

5、A peculiar feeling came over Feliks. ─── 一种特殊的情感传遍费利克斯全身。

6、He acted in a very peculiar manner once or twice. ─── 一两次他举止十分古怪。

7、She slept with that slumber of absolute confidence peculiar to her age. ─── 她睡得多甜呀,只有在她那种小小年纪才能那样绝无顾虑地睡着。

8、Yet we know that life came out of the sea, as the first peculiar living forms flopped out, and gasped in air, on such a beach as this. ─── 但我们知道,生命最初始于海洋,从第一个奇特的生命体从海洋中冒出来,在空气中呼吸,在类似这里的海滨上呼吸。

9、Oo Long Tea is peculiar to Fujian province. ─── 乌龙茶是福建地区特有的。

10、He has his own peculiar style which you'll soon get used to. ─── 他有自己独特的风格,你会很快习惯的。

11、I was most impressed with is this attitude peculiar cactus plants. ─── 令我印象最深刻的还是这株姿态奇特的仙人掌。

12、A peculiar or eccentric idea or action. ─── 奇特想法,古怪的行为

13、He is a very peculiar fellow. ─── 他是个非常古玩的家伙。

14、Now and again, he caught a whiff of a peculiar smell. ─── 他不时闻到一股怪味。

15、They kept the peculiar modes of their thought. ─── 他们保持着自己独特的思维方式。

16、Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people. ─── 古董店对很多人有特别的魅力。

17、The Silvershade Lynx :A story of the most peculiar of lynxes. ─── 如果能有一个词可以形容这张专辑,这个词本身就一定是十分优美的.

18、They are animated with a spirit peculiar to the Chinese . ─── 他们生气勃勃,富有中国人特有的民族精神。

19、Beep-pager was peculiar ten years ago but discarded nowadays. ─── 十年前,寻呼机挺少见的,现在太不稀罕了。

20、The children goggled in amazement at the peculiar old man. ─── 孩子们惊讶的睁视著那个奇怪的老人。

21、He's a peculiar person. I simply can't make him out. ─── 他是一个古怪的人,我们不能理解。

22、His words came home with peculiar force. ─── 他的话特别动人心弦。

23、For some peculiar reason , she refused to come inside. ─── 出于某种奇怪的原因,她拒绝到里面来。

24、Her peculiar manner to him persisted. ─── 她对他的态度一直很特别。

25、His peculiar custom died with him. ─── 他的古怪做法已经同他一起寿终正寝了。

26、It was this operation which had caused him to execute the peculiar movements observed from the shed by Jean Valjean. ─── 冉阿让先头在棚子里注意到的那种特殊动作,正是他干这活的动作。

27、Their visage, too, is peculiar. ─── 他们的面貌也很奇特。

28、He looked at me with a very peculiar expression. ─── 他用一种奇特的眼神看着我。

29、Noticed some really peculiar match results, is something wrong ? ─── 下面是一个比较奇怪的比赛结果,参考。

30、The Mid-Autumn Festival is peculiar to China. ─── 中秋节是中国所独有的。


32、Do you think it's proper for me to shampoo at this peculiar moment? ─── 你认为我在这个特别的时刻洗头合适吗?

33、Slavery was regarded as a peculiar institution. ─── 奴隶制被视为一种奇特的制度。

34、He says this change is not peculiar to this small village. ─── 他说这个变化不是这个小村子所独有的。

35、His own peculiar way of doing things surprised all of us. ─── 他做事情的特殊方法使我们都感到吃惊。

36、Charlotte would assuage him with some peculiar triumph of her culinary art. ─── 夏洛特会用烹饪术的某种独特的“成就”使他平息下去。

37、D. Slavery was regarded as a peculiar institution. ─── 奴隶制被认为是一种独特的制度。

38、The quality or state of being peculiar. ─── 奇特,古怪具有特别的性质或状态

39、Local colour lends peculiar interest to the novel. ─── 地方色彩给这部小说增加了兴味。

40、The people he has to do with are all a rather peculiar lot. ─── 他来往的人都是有些阴阳怪气的。

41、The neutrino is rather peculiar and unique in the evolution of the universe. ─── 中微子在宇宙演化过程中具有十分特殊的地位。

42、Her attention was attracted by his peculiar attire. ─── 他那奇特的服装引起了她的注意。

43、She showed her sympathy in her own peculiar way. ─── 她以他特有的方式表达了她的同情。

44、Did you notice anything peculiar? ─── 你注意到有什么异常的事吗?

45、There is something peculiar about him. ─── 他有点古怪。

46、Some time ago, however, a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar. ─── 但是不久前,在马达加斯加附近捕到了一条怪鱼。

47、Did you notice anything else peculiar? ─── 你有没有注意到任何特别的东西?

48、His physiognomy had never been more peculiar and startling. ─── 他的神情从来没有比当时那样更奇特的了。

49、She's actually very friendly in her own peculiar way. ─── 她有她自己独特的表达友好的方式。

50、She expressed her gratitude to him in her own peculiar way. ─── 她用自己独特的方式对他表达谢意。

51、The peculiar nature of Cistanche are very different from other plants, its growth and distribution depend on its host plant completely. ─── 其特异性很强,它的生长发育及分布完全是由寄主植物所决定。

52、She recognized, she said, that he was in a peculiar state. ─── 她说,她能体谅他目前的特殊心境。

53、The artificial Earth Satellites occupy a peculiar intermediate position between science and technology. ─── 人造地球卫星在科学和技术之间占有一个独特的中介地位。

54、"Zhu ni" is a type of red clay peculiar to Chaozhou. ─── “朱泥”就是潮州特有的一种红色泥土。

55、Capricious or peculiar behavior. ─── 任性任性的或怪僻的行为

56、She quirked her head in a peculiar way. ─── 她以奇怪的方式急转她的头。

57、A peculiar austerity marked his judgments of modern life. ─── 他对现代生活的批评带著一种特殊的苛刻。

58、Each project, be it a sound track, a video, a drawing, or a performance, is a peculiar expedition in a new context, person, tool, and place. ─── 因此她的每一个项目,无论是声音、影像、绘画,还是行为表演,都是一次对新的背景、人物、工具、场所的独特考察和探险。

59、His peculiar dress arrested attention. ─── 他的奇装异服引人注意。

60、He is very peculiar in his behavior. ─── 他的举止很古怪。

61、He's always been a little peculiar. ─── 他为人总是有点儿古怪。

62、They became aware of a peculiar smell in the room. ─── 他们开始意识到房间里有一股奇怪的气味。

63、As soon as I get out of the plane, I smelled something peculiar. ─── 刚一下子飞机,我就闻到一种奇怪的味道。

64、Because he talked so little, his words had a peculiar force. ─── 他很少说话,所以他的话语有一种特殊的力量。

65、It is a folk art peculiar to. ─── 一种特有的民间工艺。

66、He was very peculiar in his ways. ─── 他作风很古怪。

67、He didn't know what it was that affected him with this peculiar uneasiness. ─── 他不明白究竟是什么东西使他这样不安。

68、He simply stared at her with that peculiar expression on his face. ─── 他只是带着那种奇特的神情死死地盯着她看。

69、Caroline had a peculiar antipathy to Donne. ─── 卡罗琳特别讨厌唐。

70、The kitchen was redolent with the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves. ─── 厨房充满了特殊的丁香气味

71、There is a peculiar man sit opposite to me in the train. ─── 在火车上有个挺特别的男人坐在我对面。

72、Old World woodpecker with a peculiar habit of twisting the neck. ─── 东半球有特殊的扭脖子习惯的啄木鸟。

73、When I was visiting him at his home, during the vacation I talked to his mother about his peculiar problem. ─── 当我去他家拜访时,我跟他母亲谈论他的这个奇怪的问题。

74、There's something peculiar about him. ─── 他这个人有点特别。

75、My attention was attracted by his peculiar attire . ─── 他那奇特的服装引起了我的注意。

76、About ten days before the marriage, a peculiar ornament made of jade, or red lacquer, was sent to the home of the bride. ─── 大约在婚礼前的十几天,一件玉或红亮漆做的装饰品送到了新娘家。

77、It's the manager's peculiar to use this meeting room. ─── 使用这间会议室是经理的特权。

78、Then, as you'll happily and unavoidably discover, all that "focus" business has a peculiar way of taking care of itself. ─── 然后你就会开心并且自然而然的发现,你需要的“关注”再也不是个问题了。

79、He walks in a peculiar fashion. ─── 他走路的样子很怪。

80、There was something peculiar in the way he smiled. ─── 他笑起来有点怪。

81、Can understand our peculiar words. ─── 听懂我们的言语。

82、Among them with place's peculiar hemp hot maigre market is best. ─── 其中以当地特有的麻辣素食销路最好。

83、He has always been a little peculiar. ─── 他总是有点儿古怪。

84、Affecting or peculiar to animals of a specific geographic area. Used of a disease. ─── 地方性的影响或特别作用于某一特定地区的动物的,用于疾病

85、Xilinhot in the 30 km southwest of the mountain has a peculiar. ─── 在锡林浩特西南30公里的地方有一座奇特的山。

86、Common benefits, are to be communicated with all; but peculiar benefits, with choice. ─── 一般的福利应该人人均沾。而特殊的荣耀就必须有所选择。

87、His peculiar style strongly individualizes his work. ─── 他的特殊文体使他的作品带有显著的个性。

88、Could you perceive that something is peculiar? ─── 你能觉察出事情有些不对头吗?

89、The wilderness campsite had its own peculiar enchantment. ─── 此野营地有其自身独特的魅力。


shì jiā zhī pǐ嗜:喜爱;痂:疮口结的硬壳;癖:积久的嗜好。原指爱吃疮痂的癖性。后形容怪癖的嗜好。《南史·刘穆之传》:“邕性嗜食疮痂,以为味似鳆鱼。”典故出处





a depraved taste


成语解释:嗜:喜爱;痂:疮口结的硬壳;癖:积久的嗜好。原指爱吃疮痂的癖性。后形容怪癖的嗜好。成语举例:但他却可以有几条希望,就是望吃菜的没有“嗜痂之癖”。(鲁迅《热风 对于批评家的希望》)常用程度:生僻感情色彩:褒义词语法用法:作宾语;形容怪癖的嗜好成语结构:偏正式产生年代:近代

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