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08-20 投稿


christology 发音


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christology 中文意思翻译



christology 网络释义

n. (神学中的)基督论;基督学

christology 词性/词形变化,christology变形

名词复数: Christologies |形容词: Christological |

christology 短语词组

1、christology definition ─── 基督论定义

2、adoptionist christology definition ─── 领养基督论定义

3、christology meaning ─── 基督论意义

4、adoptionist christology ─── 领养基督论

5、christology 101 ─── 基督学101

6、christology from below ─── 基督论

7、christology pc ─── 基督学pc

christology 相似词语短语

1、histology ─── n.组织学

2、cartology ─── n.地图学;海图学;图志学

3、aristology ─── 亚里士多德

4、chromatology ─── n.色彩学;色彩论

5、chronology ─── n.年表;年代学

6、Christology ─── n.(神学中的)基督论;基督学

7、chirology ─── n.手语术;手相学;手的研究

8、cryptology ─── n.[军][通信]密码学;密码术;隐语

9、agrostology ─── n.草本学

christology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The question of Christology formed the basis for Luther and Zwingli's fierce debate on the Lord's Supper. ─── 基督论的问题构成了路德和慈运理在主的晚餐上激烈辩论的基础。

2、A lot of orthodox Christology was set at least, at one of the main periods, at the Council of Nicaea. ─── 许多正统基督论都是在,至少在一开始,都是在尼西亚公会议确定的。

3、It is precisely because of the statement that Christianity has been included in the statement that Jesus, the reason, the real task of Christology is to accurately rumors. ─── 正因为基督信仰的言说,已经包含在耶稣的言说里,所以,基督论的真正任务在于准确地传言。

4、To assist the students to deepen the development of Christology in the Patristic period, and to do theological research. ─── 辅助学员深化教父时代的基督学发展的基础,练习神学专题研究,并将之写成文章。

5、He tried to construct a system of Chinese Christology through the combination between his belief of Christianity and Chinese cultural concept. ─── 他以文学的形式努力构建汉语基督神学思想,这是他的基督教信仰与他的中国文化观念相遇的产物。

6、It is a lesson in Christology. ─── 它所教导的正是基督的特质及使命。

7、All those elements that would end up becoming orthodox Christianity, orthodox Christology, those can be found in the Gospel of John. ─── 所有这些最后,将成为正统基督教,正统基督论的元素,都可以在约翰福音中找到。

8、What does Christology mean? Anybody? ─── 基督论是什么意思,有人知道吗?

9、Matthew's Christology is not too much different from Mark's. ─── 马太的基督论和马可的并没有太大的区别。

10、Further, I criticise Agamben's focus on Christology, since this has a host of problems. ─── 然后,我批判阿冈本对基督论的聚焦,因为这有许多的问题。

11、Christology is, is what do you believe about the nature of Jesus Christ? ─── 基督论就是,你认为耶稣基督的本质是什么?

12、The impact of the Modem Revolution of Science on Christology ─── 近代科学革命对基督教神学的冲击

13、Paul seems to give the idea in other places that he had a Christology that Jesus was preexistence as divine. ─── 保罗似乎在其它地方暗示,他的基督论是耶稣前世就是神。

14、The purpose of this article is to uncover this Christology, focusing its attention on another book by Otto written some 17 years after the publication of The Idea of Holy. ─── 本文的目的,就是要找回这个被隐蔽的基督论。

15、gospel christology and contemporary faith. ─── 书名 who is this christ?

16、The doctrine of the Trinity and Christology, which contains the theory of "Love" in Christianity, reveals man"s social relationship. ─── “三一论”、“基督论”的教义以“爱”为核心揭示了基督教神学有关人作为三重关系的存在的理论,用神学语言表达出人“内在而超越”的本性;

17、The beginning of the Gospel of John ends up having the Christology that now has become orthodox Christianity. ─── 《约翰福音》的开始,提倡的基督论,现在成为了东正教的基督论。

18、In other words, we can map out all these differences, and of course, what was the Christology of the Gospel of John? ─── 换言之,我们可以划分出这些区别,当然还少不了,《约翰福音》的基督论是什么?

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