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08-20 投稿


vehicle 发音

英:[?vi??kl]  美:[?vi?h?kl]

英:  美:

vehicle 中文意思翻译



vehicle 网络释义

n. [车辆] 车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物

vehicle 短语词组

1、guided space vehicle ─── 制导宇宙飞船

2、excipient (vehicle) ─── [化] 赋形剂

3、armored vehicle ─── 装甲车辆

4、air-cushion vehicle ─── 气垫船

5、class of vehicle ─── [法] 车辆类别

6、escape vehicle ─── 宇宙飞行器

7、armored combat vehicle ─── [网络] 装甲战车

8、automotive vehicle ─── 自动车(一种机动车辆); 机动车

9、goods vehicle ─── [化] 货运汽车

10、armoured vehicle ─── 装甲车辆

11、amphibious vehicle ─── 水陆两用车

12、vehicle exhaust ─── 机动车尾气尘;汽车尾气;汽车尾气排放; ─── 机动车尾气;车辆废气

13、all-terrain vehicle ─── 全地形车辆

14、armoured combat vehicle ─── [网络] 装甲战斗车

15、fixed-tank vehicle ─── [化] 固定式槽车

16、all-service vehicle ─── [化] 万能汽车

17、electric vehicle ─── 电动车辆

18、air vehicle ─── 航空器,飞行器,空中运载工具

19、motor vehicle n. ─── 机动车

vehicle 词性/词形变化,vehicle变形

名词: vehemence |副词: vehemently |

vehicle 相似词语短语

1、reticle ─── n.[光]标线;[光]分划板;[光]十字线

2、vehicular ─── adj.车辆的;作为媒介的;用车辆运载的

3、pedicle ─── n.蒂;[动]肉茎;花梗

4、versicle ─── n.短诗;短句

5、chicle ─── n.一种树胶(用制口香糖等)

6、vehicles ─── n.[车辆]车辆(vehicle的复数形式);交通工具

7、vesicle ─── n.泡,囊;[医]水疱

8、vernicle ─── n.汗帕;印有耶稣圣容的布

9、vesicles ─── n.囊泡;小水泡(vesicle的复数)

vehicle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dalian HengTian Electromotion Vehicle Co., Ltd. ─── 大连恒田电动轿车有限公司。

2、Several of them will think of buy electric vehicle if they have increase range. ─── 如果增加了里程,其中有几个人会考虑购买。

3、Shanghai Fuel Cell Vehicle Powertrain Co., Ltd. ─── 上海燃料电池汽车动力系统有限公司。

4、An immoral act in which a motor vehicle was used. ─── 在不道德行为中使用车辆。

5、A vehicle, such as a boat, that is operated by a small gasoline engine. ─── 小型汽油交通工具由小型汽油发动机牵引的交通工具,例如汽船

6、Lincoln represents the owner's social status in China while it is nothing more than a vehicle in its country of origin. ─── 在中国,林肯轿车象徵车主的社会地位,而在原产国只不过是交通工具罢了。

7、A panel under the windshield of a vehicle, containing indicator dials, compartments, and sometimes control instruments. ─── 仪表板车辆挡风玻璃下的板,包含指示转盘、分隔间,有时也含控制装置

8、She disclaimed ownership of the vehicle. ─── 她放弃了这辆车的所有权。

9、Separate striker and spacer from vehicle. ─── 从车辆上拆下扣击板和垫片。

10、It is time for the yearly check of vehicle safety. ─── 到车辆安全年审的时间了。

11、The truck is a vehicle for carrying goods. ─── 卡车是一种运输货物的交通工具。

12、Lower the canister through bottom of vehicle. ─── 下端的罐穿过车辆的底部。

13、Was the vehicle insured? ─── 那辆车上保险了吗?

14、It is of course then up to you to take control of the vehicle in this Higher gear and find out whsupport it is capbellyle of. ─── 随后,当然会使得你们能够统制这个载具,适应这更高的档位,并且发现它所带来的才干。

15、A lightly armored military motor vehicle, with caterpillar treads in place of wheels. ─── 半履带式车辆一种轻型装甲军用机动车辆,由履带代替轮子驱动

16、Carefully lift the condenser out of the vehicle. ─── 小心地从车上抬起冷凝器。

17、A vertical bolt that joins the body of a wagon or other vehicle to its front axle and usually acts as a pivot. ─── 中心销连接马车或其它车辆的车身和它的前轴的垂直栓销,一般起枢轴作用

18、Operating the steering mechanism of a vehicle; driving. ─── 在驾驶操纵机动车辆的机械装置; 在驾驶

19、Being the animal or vehicle on the left. ─── 在左侧的动物或运输工具的

20、Such a platform as used by one working underneath a motor vehicle. ─── 修车平台使人能够在机动车底下工作或干类似工作的平台

21、Shanghai Dura Vehicle Components Co., Ltd. ─── 上海德韧车用部件有限公司。

22、The car collided with a stationary vehicle. ─── 小汽车撞到一辆停着的车上。

23、The vehicle was engulfed in flames. ─── 汽车被大火吞没。

24、Do not overtake turning vehicle. ─── 不要超车。

25、The act or practice of temporarily leaving a vehicle or maneuvering a vehicle into a certain location. ─── 停车,泊车暂时停车或把车开进某一特定的地方的行为或实践

26、Vehicle recovery drill on a tough road. ─── 复杂路况,拖救训练。

27、He saw the vehicle bearing down on him. ─── 他看到吉普车正冲他开来。

28、After a long wait they saw the lights of a vehicle. ─── 他们等了好久,才看见一辆车上的灯光。

29、The robbers drove off in a stolen vehicle. ─── 劫匪驾驶着一辆偷来的汽车逃跑了。

30、One that holds legal title to something, such as a motor vehicle. ─── 对一个东西,如一辆汽车持有法定拥有权的人

31、Details on this vehicle are in short supply at the moment, but Hyundai may be planning a hybrid version of the Sonata. ─── 详情车辆供应短缺的时刻,但现代可规划的混合动力版本的奏鸣曲。

32、A wheeled vehicle, especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle, often of an elegant design. ─── 四轮马车带轮子的车辆,尤指马拉的四轮客车,常设计得很精巧

33、A space, as in a driveway, permitting the turning around of a vehicle. ─── 回车场,回车道公路上的一块地方,允许车辆回旋

34、A bag, suitcase, or other item that can be carried aboard a commercial transport vehicle. ─── 小件物品可带在商业性的运输车辆上的包、手提箱或者其他物品

35、A gearing mechanism of a motor vehicle engine that reduces the power output required to maintain driving speed in a specific range by lowering the gear ratio. ─── (汽车的)超速档机动车辆的一种齿轮装置,通过降低齿轮比率来减少为将车速保持在一定范围内而需要的输出力

36、Wait for me. I'm going to refuel the vehicle. ─── 你等着,我去加油去。

37、A long motor vehicle for carrying passengers, usually along a fixed route. ─── 公共汽车一种载客的长型机动车辆,通常沿指定路线行驶

38、Do not read in the moving vehicle or in bed. ─── 切勿在行车中或床上阅读。

39、A bumper is a part of a motor vehicle. ─── 保险杆是机动车辆的一部分。

40、A long motor vehicle for passengers; a bus. ─── 公共汽车一种长的载客的机动公共车辆

41、Leave a big enough gap between you and the vehicle in front - big enough for you to stop safely if the vehicle suddenly slows down or stops. ─── 应与前车保持足够行车距离,若前车突然慢驶或停下来时,本身的车辆也能安全停下。

42、Whatever the system or the investment vehicle, all systems and methods can be summed up in the phrase "Buy Low, Sell High" . ─── 不论是哪一种系统或投资工具,所有的系统和方法都可以总结成四个字,那就是「买低卖高」。

43、Blow up refueling vehicle in the market place. ─── 在市场中炸毁补给车辆。

44、Are you the driver of this vehicle? ─── 你是这辆汽车的驾驶员吗?

45、Position front bumper reinforcement on vehicle. ─── 将前保险杆加强组件置于车轮。

46、The robbers drove off in a stolen vehicle. ─── 劫匪驾驶着一辆偷来的汽车逃跑了。

47、The process of or time needed for loading, unloading, and servicing a ship, an airplane, or other vehicle. ─── 周转,停航时间轮船、飞机或其它交通工具装货、卸货及维修的过程成所需时间

48、There was no difference in survival or mean body wts. between the vehicle controls and mice dosed with either THPS or THPC. ─── 被给予THPS或THPC的小鼠的存活量或平均体重与赋形剂控制的没有差别。

49、Beijing Fullstar Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. ─── 北京富新达电动车有限公司。

50、He commandeered idle men and vehicle. ─── 他征用闲着的人手和车辆。

51、Linseed oil is a vehicle for paint. ─── 亚麻籽油是一种颜料展色剂。

52、A felony in which a motor vehicle is used. ─── 在犯罪活动中使用车辆。

53、A follow me vehicle will guide you. ─── 一辆引导车将引导你。

54、And helped to put out the fire inside the vehicle. ─── 一句可知车被烧了。

55、Remove HCU/CAB assembly from the vehicle. ─── 从车辆上拆去HCU/cab组件。

56、A device, especially the gas pedal of a motor vehicle, for increasing speed. ─── 加速装置加速器,如可以用来加速的汽车油门

57、"Is this your vehicle, sir?" asked the policeman. ─── “这是您的车吗,先生?” 警察问道。

58、You need a fairly rugged vehicle to cross the desert. ─── 你需要有一辆相当坚固耐用的车子穿越沙漠。

59、Vehicle of Flight Propel yourself higher! ─── 尽量进入大转盘的内部,碰运气可以上到上一层。

60、Compare to other vehicle, car is really quite convenient. ─── 同其他车辆相比,汽车确实很方便。

61、Disconnect wires from vehicle speed sensor. ─── 从车辆速度感知器断开电线。

62、His assignment was to see whether light might be an alternative to microwaves as a vehicle for transmitting information over long distances. ─── 他的工作任务是探究光是否可能代替微波作为长距离传输信息的工具。

63、A small wheeled vehicle typically pushed by hand. ─── 一种通常用手推动的小型带轮车辆.

64、A very amusing vehicle race game! ─── 一个挺好玩的赛车游戏!

65、To get down, as from a vehicle or horse;dismount. ─── 下马,下车下来,如下车或下马;减少

66、A light automotive transport or delivery vehicle. ─── 小型客车一种轻型交通或运货汽车

67、Change a tyre or wheel, refuel or repair a vehicle. ─── 切勿更换轮胎或车轮,或添加汽油或修理车辆。

68、To get off or down,as from a horse or vehicle. ─── 下马,下车离开或向下,如从马或车辆上。

69、Increases both Squad Cap and Vehicle Cap. ─── 增加班插接帽和车辆插接帽。

70、Including the inertia when vehicle decelerating. ─── 包括汽车在减速时的惯性。

71、His novels are a vehicle for his political views. ─── 他的小说是传达他的政治观点的媒介。

72、P-Thats an official vehicle, only I can drive that. ─── P-那是公家车,只有我能开。

73、A two-wheeled vehicle drawn by an animal and used in farm work and for transporting goods. ─── 农用两轮车一种在农场中使用并用于运送货物的由牲畜拉两轮车

74、If your vehicle dies, stay with it. ─── 如果你的车开不动了,就等在那儿

75、A shallow place in a body of water, such as a river, where one can cross by walking or riding on an animal or in a vehicle. ─── 可涉水而过的地方河等水体的浅处,人们可以在此步行或骑动物或用交通工具淌过

76、It became the first reusable vehicle in space. ─── 它成为第一个能重复使用的宇宙交通工具。

77、To steal(goods)from a vehicle in transit. ─── 从运输途中的交通工具上偷取(货物)

78、BEIJING CHARGEBROAD ELECTRIC VEHICLE CO., LTD. ─── 北京嘉迪华商贸有限公司北京嘉捷博大电动车有限公司。

79、Watch out for vehicle when you get out. ─── 下车的时候,当心来往车辆。

80、Kissing or caressing in a vehicle stopped in a secluded spot. ─── 停车亲热把车停在僻静处并在车里亲吻或爱抚

81、Dongfeng Suizhou Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd. ─── 东风随州专用汽车有限公司。

82、Only suitable for especial parts in the vehicle. ─── 仅适用车辆内特殊使用场合。

83、A one-horse vehicle for public hire. ─── 出租马车用于公开出租的单马力交通工具

84、The launch vehicle lifts the satellite into orbit. ─── 太空火箭将人造卫星送入运行轨道。

85、To unload(a vehicle or container). ─── 卸载,卸(货)(从运载工具或集装箱中)卸下(货)

86、Their vehicle came under fire(= was being shot at). ─── 他们的车遭到射击。

87、Each vehicle is interchangeable. ─── 各个装置都可互换。

88、He let me move the small vehicle. ─── 他让我挪动了车子。

89、Shandong Lufeng Special-Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd. ─── 山东鲁峰专用汽车有限责任公司。

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